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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1373362
A battle of a man of beliefs and a teen changed by the harsh reality of the world.
The town roared with the noise of trains, buses, people, music, and more. On the distant sea flared the bright yellow sun in all it’s dominance over the waves, black on white. The people of the city moved in various directions oblivious to the people around them; silence creeped from their mouths as their feet clicked on the pavements. A train loudly blazed across a bridge and the chandeliers of the city twinkled glamorously in unison.

It seemed like another petal of the flower as the fragrance could grip one, and yet, it was everything but the same. On the distant sea flew a figure, rushing in the direction of Evad, city of the angels. It’s speed repelled the very water and air it dominated. Slowly and slowly it began to grow and grow, until finally at least, the distinguishable features of hair and clothes became apparent. The face was a complexion of fury and redemption; for all the morals that person held within himself, he seemed as impassionate as compassionate. His arms were gripped onto a long blade which shone sleekly atop the river with a glint of malice.

His eyes pierced through the foggy skies; his very figure gave a presence of anger. Several bystanders had now gathered as the man grew more and more into a field of vision. Cries of panic broke the awestruck audience as people began to rush to safety, pushing and shoving frantically; there was no concern for anyone else, just the survival of the fittest.

The man floating above the bridge now stood clearly in the sunlight with his flickering black tuxedo, his drenched black boots, and ivory black ridden pants embossed with the insignia of a cult unknown. His shirt, as uniform as it was, resembled more of a business man then anything else, as such only the red bow tie and striped white shirt could suggest, and which the black tuxedo could only contrast. He was well shaven, except for the rough features of hair he had left on his mustache and beard, giving the masculine appeal. For one to glance at this man, you would not know anything more then that he was a business man, and perhaps the ladies would give slight chuckles as he walked past, his hair cleanly cut on the sides and the handsome looks all men would desire.

He was there, floating above a particle of substance of some sort; magic in the finest form, so well tamed it’s true form becomes lost within, developing and divulging into the forms of physics, bent to the user’s will. His hand gave a quick swipe and his blade was drawn, quick as a sprint into his hand’s, gleaming with malice, vicious as one could be his thoughts thundered loudly upon the people with no verbal instigation. His thoughts of pure hate, loathing, and sinister rebellion were an intoxicating fume surrounding him, and the first step that he took, not a person was left in sight as his foot touched the ground; papers blew around, coffee cups stood on the sidewalk lofting side to side in frail attempts, and the wind stood silent, waiting for the man.

His calm blue eyes scanned the landscape as birds fluttered away. The tiles of the sidewalk glittered in unison, and a single car passed above the highway in desolation. A city brimming with the jewels of man stood before him, all within reach. He could have it all right now, watch the destruction, make more suffer and suffer for everything he had been subject to, but he came to this city for a reason.
Calmly he walked towards a building with a single glass window and door. It’s shabby features  were of no importance as he swung the door open with a violent jerk. The inside was gloomy and a set of stairs led upstairs, to which the man followed. His eyes never wandered for a second; his goal was set, and his task was clear. At the top of the dark stairs sat a locked wooden door. He crushed the doorknob with his hands and kicked the door ajar.

“Eugemus! Get out here you whimpering coward!” he shouted with quivering fury.  A man lumped out of the engulfing darkness. He was dressed in a murky toxic green coat with black dress pants, and had a long wrenched white mustache. His face had nothing but fear; he swallowed twice before the first sound came out of his mouth.

“Dear Ragnarok, what brings you here today?” Eugemus asked in the most unenthusiastic tone. “What is this Eugemus? I never knew you were so informal. Here I walked in expecting a cup of tea to brew upon as we talked business, and instead you treat me with such mockery? I get the feeling I’m not worth your time,” Ragnarok spoke in a sinister voice.

“Well, it would help if you hadn’t crushed my doorknob…” Eugemus broke off as he saw the rage in Ragnarok’s eyes. “Yes, this way…” he rambled and the two men walked into the abyss that lay before them lit only by the flickering of a lamp.
The man hustled to the kitchen as Ragnarok stared at the furniture around him. Such lavish beauty, just where had Eugemus gotten the money to purchase these sofas? And the carpet? Of such detail and invigorative design, surely it must’ve cost money not even he could afford.

Eugemus returned shortly setting two small cups upon the table with the utmost care. Ragnarok looked at it and tossed both cups on the floor with one shove of his hand. “Forget the drinks. We need to talk business. You know what I am looking for Eugemus…you’ve felt it calling, just like I have…” Ragnarok spoke now in the most demanding voice. His eyes searched his companion and he ate the lies like a snake, poised to strike.

“To be honest, I lost the ability,” Eugemus said, now casting his head down in shame. “The effects have worn off?” Ragnarok inquired now with heavy interest, his eyebrows making crease marks.

Eugemus now stood motionless, not daring to provoke the serpent’s rage. “And the government? I’ve been away from society for a good while now, seeing what tidbits I can figure out about the operation. Have there been any mishaps lately?”

Eugemus’ sweat broke out as he muttered the word “No”, and the calm look upon Ragnarok’s face was one he was not used to seeing.

“Do you know why I made such a dramatic entrance here?”, Ragnarok turned and asked with no anger. “Obviously to create such a flair of entrance” the reply tumbled forward prancing.

“The federals have been recently been scouring this city with helicopters and airplanes, looking for something. I believe the orb’s in this city, and I’m going to look for clues right now in this large place,” Ragnarok said and swiftly he walked out the broken door to which Eugemus let out a large sigh.

However, the voice came ringing, “I expect you at the Tarfein Plaza at midnight today, there are important plans I wish to speak to you about, and be sure to bring the spirit orb.”

The sounds of footsteps slowly disintegrated upon the darkness, lashing out in a cool whip of silence. The sun stood still as Ragnarok slowly walked into its’ glorifying light. His feet strolled, asking, wondering, and searching for answers. At long last, the shadow of a cathedral lay planted before him, basked in grace.

The cathedral perfectly stood there, guarded by the rows of trees on either side and the fountain spurting the very essence of life. The pavement was made of a tiled marble material, only emphasizing the size of the cathedral which lay ahead.

Ragnarok briskly walked up the elevated walking ground and began walking
towards the cathedral. He could almost taste it, the sweet lust of what had been desired by him for so long. The energy of the water orb seemed to be calling him forth in a mystic ambience of beauty and serenity. His heart rate increased as he took a step forward.
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