Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1368404-Escaping-the-Predictable
Rated: 18+ · Other · Romance/Love · #1368404
Short Story - about the not so desperate housewife
Nikkis Diary:

I got up early at six am the same time I get up every morning except on Sundays when I’ll sleep in until 7:30 a.m. I made Alex his coffee and breakfast 3 egg whites 1 slice of whole-wheat toast.

To say my life in predictable would be an understatement.
He wakes and sits down at the table, the same spot as normal folding his paper to the finance section. He mumbles to himself about the stocks then closes it taking a sip from his plain black coffee he glances at his watch, puts his coffee down. He rambles around in the living room searching for his briefcase and keys. He finds them and then gives me a peck on the cheek and a curt goodbye.

I clean up from breakfast and get ready for the gym making sure to grab the grocery list before I go. I lock the door and drive ten minutes away to the local gym.

There I do a grueling workout cardio, weights then cardio again. I shower quickly but careful not to wet my hair. I put my change of clothes on khaki shorts and white tank top. I look at my reflection. I decide to put a thin layer of lip-gloss on and a bit of mascara. I turn sideways then forward again. I sigh; I look like an advertisement for the Gap. I shrug to myself, grab my gym bag then throw it into my car and drive across the street to the market. List in hand I enter the store.

I read the list to myself skinless chicken boneless breast, lettuce, tomato, cucumber and Frozen Yogurt mmm, my one indulgence. Vanilla or Chocolate while I stood there contemplating I see Drew from the corner of my eye. I check my reflection in the frosted glass door as I close it. Smoothing down any loose flyaway I pat my hair down. I bite my lip in preparation for the inevitable small talk.

I stare at his subtle lips as they move pink and smooth. He smirks; I look up and see his eyes smiling at me. Just one wink from those deep brown eyes and I melt. My mouth bows up and I smile back.

As he leaves I decide definitely chocolate.

I load the groceries onto the conveyer belt noticing that my wedding ring caught the reflection of the light making miniature rainbows appear. I fidget with it. As I grab the latest fashion magazine. I browse through it while I wait for the person in front of me to finish up. I managed to skim thru half the magazine before my items are done being scanned I put back the magazine another catches my eye “101 Things to do in bed that he’ll love”. I swallow then pick it then throw it on the conveyer belt. The cashier tells me the balance in a loud annoyed voice. I give her a small closed mouth smile and reach for a twenty. I hand her the money, she gives me back my change I note it’s not even enough for bottled water. I pack the groceries in my environmentally friendly bag and exit the store.

I wonder if Drew has left yet while I search the parking lot and spot his motorcycle. I smile in remembrance of it. It was the same bike he had taken from his father and insisted I go on a joyride with. Then I was adventurous. I practically jumped on with the offer. I was scared but I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of knowing it. I run my fingers along the seat. It’s warm to the touch, the leather baking in the sun. I shake my head I can feel my ponytail bob with the movement; I cup my eyes from the beam of light and search for my car. I spot my car and rummage through my purse searching for the keys as I do I hear my cell phone ring.

“ Hello” I say as I hold it between my ear and head while I place the items in the seat next to me as I get in the car. It’s Alex he says the same thing he’s been saying every night for the last four months that he will be working late and not to wait up. I place my phone back in my purse then take my face in my hands looking down I try not to think about what I’ve been wondering for the last three months. I push it out of my mind when I hear the loud sounds of a motorcycle. I contemplate does two wrongs make a right?

I glance through thru my blackberry for my to do list carefully checking each item
8:00 Gym, 9:30 Grocery shop, 10:15 Shop for a gift for moms birthday, 12:00 Salon appointment. I glimpse down at my watch as I pull my Mercedes into the parking garage of Lakeside Mall. I wonder aimlessly up and down the aisles of a home décor store. I have no idea what to get. I pick a few things up then back down. Fashion, I know about home furnishing not so much. I browse the store for a good twenty minutes. Still nothing is catching my eye that is until I look outside the store window and see that Victoria secrets was having one of their 40% off sales. I exit the store without purchasing anything.

I walk into the lingerie section. I look over the normal displays of chemises and robes summer pastels, and floral overfill the racks. I grab one and put it back down as I think about the run in with Drew. I see a black corset with matching garter. I picture myself not with Alex but with Drew. A smile forms on my face as I picture his reaction. I move the hangers around looking for my size. “Perfect… one left.” I bit down on my bottom lip as the saleswoman rings up my purchase. “Will this be all for you today?” she asks in a super friendly voice that screams she’s working for commission.

I think about it as I hand her my credit card. “101 things to do in bed that he’ll love,” I say to myself. I shake my head and utter the word “NO” I put my credit card back in my wallet. “ I think I have some more shopping to do” before I knew it I maxed out my credit card. So here I am carrying six very large pink bags with a receipt inside for just under two thousand dollars. They tug at my already sore shoulders as I make my way to the Salon for my usual manicure and pedicure.

“ Hey Myra, I’m here for my 12:00 o’clock appointment” I walk over and browse through the endless supply of nail polish. I pick up my usual for a French manicure, and then place it back down. I sit down with my color and Myra gives me this “ Are you sure” eye. As I hand her the Cherry red bottle of paint. I arch my eyebrow and smirk.

“ Myra I couldn’t be more sure”

She looks down at my bags, the advertisement in Bold Silver letters written across them and winks at me. “ It’s about time Veronica” this coming from the same woman who’s been doing my nails for the past three years. I smile at her then confidently tell her

“ Please call me Nikki, Veronica is so formal” I sit back in my chair as she completes my manicure then onto my feet. We chat idly about the usual stuff but as she is talking I can’t help but get my mind off of the one thing that has been driving me crazy all day. Andrew De Luca.

© Copyright 2007 Rikkilynn (rikkilynn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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