Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1367688-Reality-Aint-Pretty-Sora
Rated: 13+ · Other · Fanfiction · #1367688
Sora makes stupid decisions in his life that cost him dearly.
My First Kingdom Hearts fanfic!! Well, i have decided to make this story into 6-7 books. Book 1 - 2 will be about Sora. Book 3 - 4 will be about Kairi, and Book 5 - 6 will be about Riku :D Please review and tell me what you think about my story so far. Thanks!

Reality Ain’t Pretty, Sora!

Book One

Chapter 1: Caught in Despair

Oh God, how do I do this? This doesn’t even make any sense! Why the heck didn’t I study? Stupid test, what’s the point in taking it anyways?

Taking tests wasn’t what 17-year-old Sora did best. It was a make up day for final exams at Destiny High. These were very important tests since they were worth one third of their grade. Everyone had been on time to take their tests yesterday, except for Sora. He had woken up late and came to the testing room tardy, therefore, he was required to make it up the next day. The seniors were out of school and were getting ready for college. Unfortunately for Sora, he was behind. And even worse, math was his weakest subject! He was all alone, by himself in the quiet room. Did he study for this very important test? No, no he didn’t…but he should have!

OK, calm down. I might be able to do this!

Sora took a deep breath and exhaled tensely. Small drops of perspiration slithered down his soft face and slipping onto his chest. He felt hotter and his cheeks were red as tomatoes. Usually, he was never this tense on taking any test. Realizing this, it worried him greatly.

Tick, tick, tick!!!

The sound of the clock tormented his ears and each second accumulated pressure on the frustrated boy. An hour past by and poor Sora was still struggling. He was only on question number three! Sora’s nervous face expression had not altered. He could barely grasp his no. 2 pencil or keep focus because he was too busy glaring at the devilish clock that hung sturdily above the classroom door; with each second disturbing him. When he finally decided to look at the fearsome test that lay uselessly before him, he was too late.

Ding, ding, ding!!!

The school bell rang loudly in the empty school and echoed in Sora’s mind. He was doomed…

His teacher, Mrs. Dang walked rapidly to the small desk he sat in. Each step he took made him uneasy! She was a petite, slim women with dark brown eyes and long black hair.

“Time’s up, Sora!” she exclaimed.

“No! I need more time! Can I have twenty more minutes, please?” pleaded Sora with a worried expression on his tired face.

Mrs. Dang wasn’t the nicest teacher in the world, getting even a thirty second extension on any test was quite impossible.

“NO!” was her harsh reply.

“Pleeeassseee????” begged Sora with his sweaty hands folded and trying to come up with more ways to get more time for himself.

“Sorry, Sora. You need to do the test within the time limit.” She said with much impatience.

“Five minutes?” Sora questioned.

“Sora! Must I repeat myself?” she yelled, reaching for his test.

Before she was able to take his test away, he grabbed onto it and held it firmly. His test was in the hands between his teacher and himself. After holding on, he replied, “Not if you give me more time!”

Getting upset and angry, she pulled the test and exclaimed, “Let go! Now!”

Not giving up, Sora tugged harder in order to get the test out of her hands and back into his possession. The force between the two was too much for the test and it tore in two, unbearable pieces.

Mrs. Dang’s blood boiled and her face had turned dreadful. She held the two pieces and looked at Sora’s regretful face.

“LOSS OF CREDIT! I WILL BE GIVING YOU A ZERO! OUT!” she yelled, pointing to the door.

“What!? But, I didn’t do anything!” he cried.

“I SAID GO!AND I WILL BE CALLING YOUR PARENTS YOUNG MAN!!!” she had lost patience completely and wanted Sora out of her sight.

Unenthusiastically, he hoisted his black and navy blue back pack on his right shoulder and dragged his sorry self out of the room.

The hallways were empty and all he heard were his loud footsteps.

“What am I going to tell Kairi now?” he muttered to himself as he continued walking towards the front entrance, passing by many lockers.

“This was my last chance to impress Kairi that I am good in school, and I took that chance and threw it right out the window…No! Wait, I took that chance and crumpled it into a ball and flushed it down the damn toilet right out into the sewers!”

Sora had a crush on Kairi, a long time best friend, since he was little. He wanted to prove himself and try to win Kairi’s heart by impressing her.

He was upset at his goofy mistake. He felt like going back in time and take that silly test all over. It was too late, and he couldn’t do anything.

Finally getting to the door, he opened it, allowing the cool breeze to blow against his warm face. He began walking when he heard a familiar voice nearby.

“Sora!” he heard a innocent, sweet voice calling out to him.

Turning around, he saw Kairi and Riku in the distance. They were his two best friends and they had been waiting forever for Sora to be done with that test. Hurriedly, he caught up to them.

“Hey guys! Thanks for waiting!” he greeted.

Kairi giggled and asked eagerly, “So, how was your test?”

Sora gulped. Staring at her engaging face, he thought about all the time and effort that she had willingly sacrificed for him so that he was well prepared for that exam. He didn’t know what to say. He didn’t want to tell her the truth, that he ended up getting a forced failure. Thinking of a quick answer, he replied, “It was easy! I’m sure that I passed it!”

Excitedly, she gave him a sudden, friendly hug. “I’m so happy for you! All those hours of helping you study paid off!” She rustled his spiky, brunet hair.

Forcing a chuckle, he answered, “It sure did!”

However, Riku suspected that something was wide of the mark. Since when was any test easy for Sora? The last time he checked, Sora never thought that any test was easy. He gave his best friend a skeptic look, and in return he received a taunting look from Sora. He didn’t want anything to make Kairi think that he was lying to her.

The trio began walking through neighborhoods to get to their homes. It had been a long day, and they all needed some time to chill.

“So, what do you guys wanna do?” asked Kairi as they walked in a steady pace.

They were interrupted by a deafening honking noise. Sora glanced at the road and rolled his blue eyes after noticing who it was. Kairi gazed in disgust.

Riding slowly next to them was Axel in his new yellow convertible. He snickered and laughed loudly.

“Look! It’s the young and car-less!” saying that, he drove away blowing dust in their confused faces and honked his annoying horn continuously.


Calming down, Sora faced his two friends and said, “ I hate that jerk!”

“Maybe, you should just let it go…” suggested Kairi.

Halfheartedly, he agreed and did not say anything about Axel or his bad behavior. Everyone knew that whenever Sora got caught up in the moment, he couldn’t be stopped. Turing 17 was a big change for Sora. He was excited that his birthday was around the corner and he wanted to show how much more “mature” he had become.

Focusing back on Kairi’s question, Sora responded, “Let’s go to the skateboard park!”

Disliking the idea, Kairi suggested to do something that they all were willing to do. Sora couldn’t think of anything better, and Riku didn’t mind what they did.

Kairi stopped where she was and stomped her foot.

“Darn!” she exclaimed suddenly, “I forgot that I had to do some important errands for my mother! I’m sorry, but I have to leave you guys. I know, since summer vacation just started, we can spend some time together tomorrow! I promise!”

Saying that, she bid them good bye and turned the other direction. Sora sighed and continued walking with Riku. Out of hearing distance, Riku began talking to Sora.

“You were lying through your sorry ass mouth! Ah, Sora, when will you learn to tell the truth? I know that you totally flunked that test!” Riku started nagging his friend.

Sora looked forward and folded his arms behind his hair. “Yeah…I’m good at that aren’t I? Besides, what did you want me to tell her? That I ended up failing that thing, upsetting the dumb foolish teacher, and ended up getting the test ripped?”

Riku stared at Sora in disbelief. “You did what?”

Sora told him everything and what happened.

“Yep, that’s totally Sora. You try to impress a girl, but it ends up in total chaos!” Riku laughed at Sora’s mishaps.

The two took a turn at the corner and saw Riku’s house in the distance. It was a pretty, elegant home with red and white rose bushes around the house. Riku took the keys out of this pocket and unlocked the door to his house. They both set off to Riku’s bedroom. It was a clean room, and everything was in it’s place. Riku was a clean and organized person and took good care of his belongings.

“You want to play video games?” Riku suggested, taking out his game system from his closet.

“Sure!” agreed Sora, plopping himself onto Riku’s neatly made bed.

The two friends played until dinner time. Glancing at his black watch, Sora decided it was time for him to go.

“Well, I have to go now. I don’t want my parents getting mad at me for not being home before dark” Sora chuckled and departed from his friends house.

The warm evening breeze brushed against Sora’s spikes, making them wave. He walked past large homes and playful children.

Whistling to himself, Sora thought about the stressful day he had. Reaching his cozy home, he observed that the house was dark and the drive way was empty.

He walked to his modern home and lazily turned the front door.

“Shoot! I left my house key in my bathroom!” Sora grunted at him clumsy mistake as he reached into his pockets searching for the key he needed.

Carelessly, he dropped his bag and sat down on the front porch. He glanced at his watch which read 6:25.

“AH! Mom and Dad don’t come home until 7:30!” Sora groaned and hung his head.

He knew what was coming for him. He knew that his parents would get very upset about Sora’s irresponsibility. He was supposed to clean up his messy room and do some small chores everyday before his parents came home. However, for the past few months, Sora had not been successful in granting his parent’s wishes.

Right now, his room was not clean and he hadn’t started on those chores. If he couldn’t get into his house, how was he supposed to do everything? Frightening images exploded into his mind. His parents were very strict and they weren’t going to buy any excuse that he would tell them.

What was he to do? Frantically, Sora was thinking of every excuse to tell his parents, not to mention his failure of his test. He knew that his parents’ heads would burst right off and they would probably send him to military school or do something bizarre.

Let’s not think the worst!!!
What will Sora do? lolz. Hope you liked the 1st chapter,tell me what you think! Thanks!

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