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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1360374
Starfall, an epic fantasy adventure. The time for rebels, war and love has arrived.
Deep in the realms of Starfall, a young queen strolled about her
palace. Her blonde hair flickered in the howling midnight wind.
A terrible storm was arising, and the city, Savmas, was  unusually
quiet. Usually, entertainers stalked the streets with their singing,
tricks and revelling. It was too dangerous to be outside now. Far too
dangerous. What fate wiuld befall the country, indeed a whole world,
during the storm, Elamon did not know. Dangerous looking clouds loomed
ahead, and a dangerous looking expression crossed Elamon's face.

Forked lightening hit a building somewhere, causing fire and commotion.
Death. The ruler of the south of Starfall planned death for all of the unfortunate ones in the north. He had proposed to Elamon quite a few times, yet she had refused. This set an immortal hatred between the two sides. The south was already dangerous with the scheming merchants and all.
Twistedheart was the ruler, and he was the worst. His face was yellowing, as well as his teeth, which were a dirty colour. He was never sober, and his hair was long, thick and greasy. He also had a lot of stubble, which surprisingly, wasn't already a beard.

Elamon was suddenly startled by a strike of lighning and a rumble of thunder. As the fork illuminated her face, Elamon envisioned something. Something so scary it seemed true. The truth was what she never wanted to see. She wanted to see a fantasy world with glistening lakes and water nymphs. Yet, there never would be a fantasy world. Starfall was contorting itself, pulling itself apart. It was splitting into groups which she knew would cause a huge rebellion.


Linma awoke with a start as the suns rays passed through the thin blinds adorned on the window. Red streaks seemed to be scribbled onto the sky by an artist and his pencil. She gazed at the beautiful sight and turned away, wrapping a white silk robe around her scrawny frame.
The actual road outside was dark and gloomy. Once the sun touched the rooftops, all below was shadowed and melancholy. Melancholy suited Linma. Storms always summoned an anger deep down inside her. Ever since she had watched Penelope and Cruz - Ayrvyn's parents - die, she had been nervous and distracted. This often paused her training.

"Ayrvyn," she sighed, padding into the kitchen. She wanted to know if he had been safe during the storm.
The kitchen was small and square like. A cooker was untidily pressed to the rotting wall. A misfit table with mismatch chairs were squeezed into the center. Linma peered out of a small window. A trees leaves were coloured like cider, and a butterfly flew past like a fluttering breadcrumb. She was curious how after a storm, a place could be so peaceful, like the howling winds had never blown down the narrow, cobbled alleyways.

"Nature forgives," a rusty voice said. Star-Tip.
"Oh, Star-Tip. The stars can never forgive. They hate themselves. Through their beautiful crusts they are distorted beings!"
Star-Tip nodded. How wise his apprentice was becoming, but how much she had let to learn. Linma began to hum a tune, a sorrowful yet gleeful tune. The notes edged up and down, filling the air with a sweet song.


Tears glistened on Ayrvyn's damp face. He would do everything to protect Linma now. He couldn't let the only person left in his life go. Not now, not ever. His heart wrenched as he thought about Lilycheek's death. No family of his was alive anymore. His mother, Penelope, had been of the Shadow Clan. From a place the called "Earth." She had travelled to Starfall and fallen in love with his father, Cruz. And soon, she was found by Twistedheart's warriors, whilst hiding by a misty canal on the outskirts of Savmas. They were both killed. And now, his only sister.
He must keep the Murtagh family a proud, strong clan. Nothing could change his bloodline now. He had bone in Shadow Clan, the supposed destroyers of hope and faith. How could he live down his blood? Twistedheart would surely soon seek him out. He couldn't put Linma in danger. Oh, why did he have to endanger his loved ones so? He was sick and tired of the constant adventure. It was nailed to him like a screw. And with danger came death.

Ayrvyn threw a rock into the sulky lagoon, mist hovering above it. He was sure he could hear it turn in its everlasting sleep. The lagoon was always miserable. So much water - canals and lagoon made the outside of Savmas a melancholy place. No-one could have guessed this side of Savmas if the stayed in the centre with its bustling markets, magical forests and lakes.
City entwined with country. It seemed odd. The Valentino Square ended in a vast forest, rolling hills and wonderful glistening lakes. Then that once again ended in sad lagoon. Ayrvyn longed to be away from the place, into a different world, with his family and Linma.

"All this sad thinking isn't good for your soul," a misty voice echoed behind him. Star-Tip and his wise words. Sometimes Ayrvyn wanted to strangle him. But not now. A familiar face was good.
"Ayrvyn?" a light voice murmered from behind Star-Tip. Linma stepped forth, a flowing white gown traipsing and rustling on the floor. She was stunning. Her hair coiled snakily, flying free, curling around her shoulders. Her green eyes glowed greener than ever.
"Stop staring, boy," Star-Tip snapped. Ayrvyn blinked immediately.

"Elamon - she's called you for duty. Starfall - we're at war with ourselves."
© Copyright 2007 lephantom.phan (lephantom.phan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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