Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1359325-Life-and-Death-pt2
Rated: E · Chapter · Gothic · #1359325
next chapter, part 2.
Simon, still standing by the bed, gazes adoringly at the ageless beauty lying in his bed. “I hope my bed has been comfortable enough for you, it’s the best in the house,” Simon said with a delightful smile on his lips. “My name is Isadora, but you can call me Izzy,” she finally said to him. Simon paused as her voice echoed in his head; his facial expression was one of calm and satisfaction at the sound of Izzy’s voice.  Simon slowly opened his eyes only to see a slightly confused Izzy staring back at him. “Do you feel well enough to get out of bed and walk around?” Simon asked as he offered an anxious and also helping hand to assist Izzy to her feet. Izzy then moved her legs towards the side of the bed to test out her strength and as she slowly moved her body she cautiously sat up taking hold of the hand that was offered to her. Simon found himself loving the feel of her hand in his. At this very moment Simon recalled the moment when he drank of her blood for the first time and the thoughts that were rushing through his mind; how much he loved the feel of her warm body beneath his lips and how much he’d love to kiss her lips while they were still warm and fresh before he started the “turning” process.
Simon snapped out of his daydream and offered his free hand as another crutch to help her up and Izzy took it without hesitation. “I thought I would escort you around your new home. This gives us a chance to get more acquainted.” Simon could tell that he was falling for her with each passing moment that he spent gazing at her ever growing beauty. As they walked his thoughts kept reassessing the past two days. He couldn’t remember the last time that he had company or enjoyed being in somebody else’s company. Simon couldn’t recall a lot from his past, he wasn’t sure if he had much of a past to recall or that would be worth all that research, but there was one thing in present company that he was very sure of and that is how much he loved having Izzy’s arm linked in his. Izzy remained quiet for a few minutes as she admired all the beautiful antiques in every room that they passed. Simon looked at Izzy through his peripheral vision as he escorted her through the main hall and out the garden entrance. It wasn’t until they were out in the garden when Izzy noticed that their house was really a medieval castle. The stone that made up the castle was 18th century. There were gargoyle statues in each corner on the roof of the castle and one gargoyle statue that sat in the middle of the garden. The grotesque statue in the garden startled Izzy enough that she turned and threw her arms around Simon’s neck and buried her head in his chest. Simon lightly chuckled and was delighted to have an excuse to wrap his arms around her. “Priests, in the old days, said that the gargoyles that lined the cathedrals scared away evil spirits and demons. They were known as guardians.” Simon used a very calm and soothing tone in his voice to try to help calm her nerves. “I’m sorry, it startled me is all. It is rather ugly.” Izzy said with an amusing look on her face as they passed the hideous statue.
“Tell me about us. What we are and all that comes with the territory.” Izzy said inquiringly. Simon was pleased that Izzy was more interested and ready to hear about her new life. They found a stone bench where they decided to sit since it had a perfectly clear view of the new moon. “My dear, how much do you know about vampyres?” he asked curiously. “Just was I’ve read in books and seen in movies.” After hearing herself say these words Izzy felt embarrassed. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of; I shall tell you all that I know.” Simon said as if he was a teacher addressing his student. “Izzy, you and I are vampyres. We are the creatures that people read about in fantasy novels and fairytale books. We are the creatures of the night that people watch on TV and in movies. We are the creatures of myth and legend that people want to believe in but don’t. There are a great many people who don’t know we exist. We vampyres have survived all these years without being recognized for what really are to the human eye. We do not make ourselves known because humans, although part of them wants to believe in us, they are afraid of us. So we live in the shadow’s, hiding our true identity to please the world.” Simon seemed saddened and disgusted by his last words. “Hiding” seemed like a cowardly word and he hated it. His eyes seemed clouded in loneliness; Izzy only hoped that she could help to change that. “So, are all the stories true? Do we only come out at night? Izzy asked.” Yes, that much is true. We cannot go out and enjoy the sunlight. I’m sorry that I have taken that away from you.” Simon did feel some regret for taking away Izzy’s mortal abilities; then again he wasn’t regretful that Izzy was now in his life, for the first time in a very long time Simon didn’t feel alone and he had someone to share all of his secrets with.
Izzy, even though I have taken your mortal life and given you and immortal life it isn’t official that you are mine. I want to get this part right.” Simon had meant that he wasn’t going to make her stay with him if she truly wouldn’t be happy there, but he was hopeful that she would choose to stay. He almost looked afraid; afraid that Izzy might not want as a husband. He was going to ask her in a traditional fashion though. “I’ve already made the plans for us this evening. One of the servants will show you to your room where I’ve had your chamber maid lay out your gown for our dinner and evening plans.” Simon’s eyes, at this moment, were glowing with hope and excitement. “I can’t wait to see what you have planned,” she responded with pure sincerity. Just then Simon snapped his fingers and a girl about Izzy’s age appeared from around a corner,” this is Emily, your chamber maid. You can take your time preparing; I’ll be waiting in the dining hall for whenever you are ready.” Simon bowed and then went on to his room.
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