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Rated: 18+ · Editorial · Women's · #1352790
The need for women to love themselves and not feed into the vision of "Ideal Beauty"
Most Valuable

    This is to my fellow big boned, wide hipped, plump sided sisters.  Ladies love yourselves, you’re beautiful no matter your size.  Take care of yourselves and be true to who you are as a woman and a human being.  Pay attention to how you are feeling, follow up with any problems and for goodness sake don’t let any one tell you that any or all of your health problems, if you have any, are only due to your weight.  So often doctors and other professionals are quick to say that any and every thing you may be  going through is due to weight.  They then make the assumption, without asking, that all you do is sit around and eat all day.  For them to conceive the fact that overeating and laziness are not always the reason that someone is over weight.  The last thing they want to do is test you for any underlying factors or causes of your weight.  First thing they tell you to do is go on a diet and that’s all well and good, but then they never set you up with any kind of nutrition help or medicinal help.  Most doctors will even try to talk you out of gastric bypass surgery by scaring you half to death.  They want you to lose weight but they also want you to continue to keep coming into their office so they can make money.  So when you have made up your mind that you want to make a change stay on your doctor, bug him if you feel it’s necessary.  If he / she still won’t perform the tests or provide the help you are requesting see another doctor.  You know your body better then anyone else, you know when something just is not right. Don’t allow any doctor to make you feel like you don’t.
    Another thing I would like to talk to you all about is how some of you allow men to do whatever they feel like to you and treat you like dirt because you think you can’t find anyone else.  Let me tell you something, there is always some one else out there that you will find.  Someone who will treat you like the valuable, loving women that you are.  There is no need for you to suffer through an abusive relationship.  No man is worth your well being.
    I have seen situations where some of you have allowed men to cheat on you, beat on you, disrespect you, and just down right dog you.  There is no need for that.  No matter what your size, you deserve better than that.  Why do you devalue yourselves like that?  Is it your size?  You don’t think you look good or what?  Well I’m here to tell you, you can find a good man.  One that will appreciate you.  Ladies there are men out there that don’t want anything smaller than a size twenty-four.  Too many of us settle
for less thinking we can’t do any better.  Get rid of that thought because you can.  You don’t have to run after a man to be with him  either.  To many of you watched Mo’Nique to closely on the Parkers and think its ok to be that desperate.  That was just a comedic role.  Its not ok.  As much as I like Mo, love her to death but, I couldn’t get into her character of Niki because she did a great disservice to big beautiful women everywhere.  Brothers actually began to think that if they showed a big woman a little bit of attention that would make her ripe for the picking. (Like big women don’t have enough to deal with already.)  Well we deserve the same respect that every women deserves.  We should be demanding that same respect and not giving in to the stereotype that the Niki Parker  CHARACTER gave in to.
    You have feelings, use them.  When you get a bad vibe from a  man, no matter how good you think he looks, listen to it.  Don’t just settle for this brother because he showed you a little bit of attention.  See where he is really coming from, if he is real with you, you will know it.
    I charge you all with lifting your own personal value, to believe in who you are and stop settling for the right now when you should be waiting for what’s right.


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