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Intro to my first attempt at a novel. Please R&R. All the help is very welcomed! |
Split Personality Rachel walked through the ankle deep snow and icy cold winds. She was so cold that she couldn't wait to get to the cabin, where it was nice and warm. Rachel's car had broke down only one mile from where the cabin was located. " I feel like I've been walking for a fucking hour and it's bloody cold out here tonight" Rachel said to the icy cold blast of wind that about knocked her over. It was the first big freeze of December and the weather seemed like it was only going to get worst before it would get better. Rachel wrapped her near frozen arms around herself trying to keep warm. Her rose red lips had already started to turn a nice shade of purple. As Rachel came over a small hill she could see the lights of the cabin calling to her through the snow. " Almost there" Rachel said in relief. The wind waqs blowing so hard that it would hit Rachel like a thousand knives and kept pushing Rachel forward almost to the point of knocking her down into the snow. Rachel would have to catch her balance after every icy blast of wind. Finally, Rachel reached the cabin door. She did not have to push very hard to get the door to open the wind did it for her. Rachel ran inside and pushed on the door as hard as she could to get the damn door to close, but the wind was overpowering. Rachel pushed with all her might and got the door closed. She locked the deadbolt behind her. " Darrel, I'm home" Rachel called out into the livingroom, but there was no answer. Rachel shrugged her sholders as she took her coat off and hung it by the door on a coat rack. " Darrel are you here?" " Maybe he is still at the office or he got stuck out in this damn snow storm" Darrel was a lawyer and often stayed late at the office to work on his cases. Darrel had started staying later and later at the office here lately, but Rachel knew that there was nothing going on between Darrel or anyone else at the office, he was just working late on his latest case. Rachel walked to the fireplace to start a fire and warm the cabin up a bit more. After getting the fire started, Rachel walked over to the window. She looked out into the darkness, hoping to see the headlights of Darrel's car come pulling up the driveway, but there was only her reflection in the window. There was something different about her reflection in the window tonight. Something was on her face and her clothes. "What the hell is that?" Rachel reached up to her and wipped her forhead. " I must have brushed up against something in the woods. Rachel brought her fingers down from her forhead back to eye level she could see something shiny. Rachel ran acroos the livingroom floor and past the kitchen, stright into the hall bathroom. Rachel reached the bathroom but couldn't find the light switch on the wall. "Damn it, where the hell is that light switch?" Rachel's fingers were frantically searching the wall when finally she flipped them on. Rachel looked into the mirror at her reflection and screamed. " Oh my God! What happened? What did I do?" All Rachel could do was stare and cry uncontrolably. |