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by zimba
Rated: E · Other · Inspirational · #1352263
Your thoughts are loaded with power

How powerful are your thoughts?


This is how visualizations work.
Thoughts power positive thinking.
The thoughts you have become the things of your life.
Not just sometimes; but all the time.
Not just your positive thoughts; but your negative ones too.

This is a universal law; there is no escape from it.
You need not get scared. This is not bad new at all; this is good news, really good news.
Because, you can control your thoughts every minute of every day.
You have to just choose what you think. You can bring virtually anything into your life.
Whatever you imagine—within the realms of practical possibility—you can easily have. It is not just limited to attracting material things. You can have more joy, laughter, love or pleasure.

Thoughts have a power of their own.
Our thoughts and our lives go hand in hand. Together they create our experiences. If our thoughts are positive and constructive we become successful, happy or famous. If they are negative we become failures or criminals or notorious.
Morbid thoughts produce idle thoughts. If you have an intense desire to go up you cannot sit idle. If your longings are strong and if you have worthwhile goals efforts would come forward. When the thoughts are energized with determination and emotions they make you search ways to succeed by attracting to yourself forces, people and the required circumstances.
Nobody else will make this state of mind in us. Nobody can—neither the government nor the society. If you do not have intense dreams or if you believe in destiny you will tend to accept whatever life is dishing out to you and your life will eventually be a failure. We build our success completely on our own or we live a mediocre or poor life as the vast majority of the millions of our brethren do.

If you ever pray, ask for the awareness that you can change your destiny; that you can create your future.

Well, it is good to think now as to what type of thoughts you entertain normally
Are you controlling your thoughts in a helpful way?

Or, are they controlling your life without any conscious interference from your side?

Are you able to keep way negative thoughts-thoughts on destiny inevitability and all?
Are you able to keep away discouraging thoughts?

This whole book is to help you understand the necessity to change your thoughts and to guide you as to how to instill ‘good thoughts.’
If your mind is full of intense goals, full of your past small successes, full of belief that you can achieve anything you want in life, you will then emit a special fragrance around you. The world, knowing it, will make way for you to realize them.
But if your mind is filled with fear, anxiety, doubt, hatred, enmity, revenge and so on, you will end up a coward and sickly person or an ordinary person probably with a lot of enemies.
Thoughts have energy.

If you have the same thoughts for long periods of time more and more energy becomes available to you.
Everything in the universe, money, house, dress, cars, ships, Comfort-giving equipment, anything is a form of condensed energy. Remember energy cannot be destroyed.

Have you ever hared of someone say,
“ Be careful of what you wish for, because you might just get it.”
I bet someone of you have said like this sometime in your life. I bet too that someone out there believes in it too.

Possibly you believe that positive thinking has a power of its own.
You may have also heard about the art of visualization too. Probably someone of you might have tried the visualization technique sometime in your life, knowingly or unknowingly. Possibly you have stories to tell about its efficacy too.
Don’t these three things say pretty much the same thing?
Is it also not strange that to some degree you believe in them?

But how or why they work?

Some truth is here, some big truth.

Are you ready?

Let me put in 3 short life changing words?

“Thoughts are things”

That’s it. Thoughts become things.

This is the principle behind the above 3 statements.

From the above don’t you feel absolutely necessary to streamline your thoughts?

Different or disconnected thoughts produce incoherent energies. And hence nothing will be materialized.
When thoughts are coherent over long periods of time similar energy gets stored in your mind which goes to materialize things.
More forceful the thoughts more the energy output.
Thoughts with a conviction have a special power of their own.
If you have full faith in what you think, the energy produced in your world is enormous and the materialization becomes almost instantaneous. But faint wishes or weak thoughts bring out little energy and no materialization takes place.
Stronger and longer your thoughts the better.
What do you think are the thoughts of the poor?
They worry about shelter, clothing, sickness and tomorrow’s food. They fear diseases and penury. And, that is what they get all the time.
Can you suggest who are more prone to diseases?
 Could it be those who have aims and who strive hard to attain them?
 Could it those who sit idle doing nothing and worry and talk about illness all the time?

It is not the former. They work hard and their minds are preoccupied with their goals. Mental and physical work makes them healthier.
They expect success in everything. They simply expect winning situations. Disease is a failure. Since they do not think about failures diseases keep themselves away.
What about the third category?
Their whole thinking is on diseases. They engage in imaginary illnesses all the time. As thoughts become things this group will be perpetually sick.
This fact is demonstrated by the pattern of out-patients in any hospital. Those who come for treatment come again and again.
Those who got once operated have more probability of getting operated again than those who got never operated at all.
Even those who day-dream a better tomorrow cannot sit idle all the time. They will at least make weak attempts to realize their sporadic thoughts and they will be better off than those who surrender themselves fully to the mechanizations of the so-called destiny. They will be less sick too compared to the second group.
Thoughts produce anything.
A thought, as soon s it is made, is endowed with a force of its own. When the same thoughts get repeated for long periods more and more energy is produced and the materialization is definite and prompt.
Energy follows thoughts and you get what you think about.
Your behavior and actins spring from your thoughts. The latter decide whether you are lazy or hardworking, desperate or ambitious, positive or negative.
Every achievement—wealth greatness and every achievement started as a thought.
If you let your thoughts drift by you will be like a log of wood in a river. The current will carry wherever it goes.
You will receive with open hands whatever life brings to you—pain, penury, sickness, or unemployment.
You will never challenge your adversities.
On the other hand if you control your thoughts and focus them on specific goals, you can take full control of your life. You are no longer a victim of circumstances.
Thoughts always follow your beliefs and convictions.
You can believe in fate/karma or you can believe that you make your destiny.
This makes a world of difference.
The type of belief you choose will decide your destiny. Because every thought you will entertain will be emanating from this core belief system.
You can thus choose to be lazy, surrendering yourself to fate and become a failure, sick and , poor or you can set up worthy goals and become healthy, rich and successful.
Note that you alone can control your thoughts. No one else can influence them without your permission.
So choose your belief system carefully. Choose all those who will influence your thinking-friends, philosophy of life and great leaders you want to emulate. Surround yourself with ambitious, hardworking and risk-taking people.
The person you are on the inside controls the person on the outside. And the inside is fully controlled by your thoughts and beliefs.
Your mind your body and your whole world are crying for direction, waiting to be shaped by your powerful thoughts. Choose the right knowledge and thus control your thoughts and thus control your destiny. Your thoughts decide your future.
© Copyright 2007 zimba (successguru at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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