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Success is fasilure turned inside out
What is True success?

Success stands for the attainment of objectives. To some of us it is wealth, to others it is recognition, family happiness, or peace of mind.
There are many who feel that success can be measured by the awareness of having done a job well.
Success is measured by how we are doing compared to what we are capable of doing. A painter cannot become a great leader or a singer a scientist. But he can be a great painter.
Success is measured by how we bounce back when we fall.
There are many tools that will make you successful. This book shows you how to turn yourself from failure to winning, from poverty to riches from scarcity to abundance, from pain to joy.
Goals, vision, intense, desire, determination, team work, focused attention, and continued action with discipline and positive attitudes bring in success.

Any amount of material help from the outside will not bring in success. Even if the brother who is well settled abroad gives substantial monetary helps to the one at home, who has a poverty programming, the latter is not going to succeed. He will squander the money or spend it haphazardly and end up a pauper.
“Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal.” Earl Nightingale
There is no success without achieving an aim.
Success is an ongoing process and not an end. Once a particular goal has been achieved we fix the next one and then the next. It is an inner experience. It is to be experienced by each one. No one else can make you successful. This is purely personal or internal.
Your goal can be of various types. It can be positive—intended to be good for all concerned—or it can be negative which will harm others or yourself at some time or other.
The latter will not give you satisfaction. Instead, it will create tension, worry and stress. That will not be a ‘worthy’ goal at all.
Without goals you will not have satisfaction. It gives you a sense of direction and purpose. It keeps you engaged purposefully.
Happiness can be a goal too; you become happy when you enjoy what you have. But what you have should be something you worked for.
Success involves a lot of planning, thinking, and running after. It will require a lot of hard work, fighting back adversities and persistence. Nobody can hand down ‘successes’ on a platter to anyone. Success is hard earned some way or other.
That is why when you are successful you are happy too.
Prosperity and success are the result of our thoughts and actions. We can choose our thoughts and feelings.
Now what are the resources we need to succeed?
Influential Family background?
Good looks?
Will and determination?

A lot of research has gone into the subject of success and failure. The stories of all successful people are before us. When we study them we can glean out the necessary resources required for success.
 There have been people who amassed great fortunes beyond anyone’s wildest imagination.

 There have been great leaders, rulers and military generals.

 There have been great thinkers, writers and powerful orators.

 There have been great painters, sculptors, musicians, actors and directors.

 There have been great philanthropists and selfless lovers of humanity.

 There have been great people in many other fields too.

If we study one by one, we will be able to arrive at what resource each one had.
Let us study some of the richest people in the world first.
 Andrew Carnegie,
 Henri Ford,
 Rockefeller,
 Howard Hughes,
 Bill Gates
 Dhirubahi Ambani……………….

They all started their lives from zero except Howard Hughes and amassed immense fortunes from almost nothing. None of them was educated; Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, and Rockefeller, did not even have school education; they were illiterate. . Bill Gates and Howard Hughes and Ambani did not finish college. They did not have (except of course Hughes) an influential family or powerful relatives.
Let us take some of the modern day heads of state like:
 Bill Clinton,
 K.R. Narayanan,
 Atal Bihari Vajpayee,
 Margaret Thatcher,
 A.P.J. Abdul Kalam ………….

None of them was born into an influential family. They all have propelled their way up all by themselves. Further, Mr. Narayanan was born to illiterate parents in a scheduled caste. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam hails from an ordinary, low middle-class family. There is nothing special about the looks of both of these great men. Yes, they were all educated. .
There are a number of the past rulers who were born into highly influential families. But there are a number of them like Mao Tse Tung, Hitler, General Franco and so on who rose up were from very crippling environments.
Because of such diverse backgrounds, nothing can be generalized except that there is no pre-condition to be successful.
There is nothing special about the birth and early childhood days of great thinkers like Aristotle, Socrates, Immanuel Kant, Nietzsche, Shakespeare, Kalidasa, or anyone like that. Milton was blind, many of them were poor and sick most of the time.
Of the greatest orators of the world, Demosthenes suffered from stammering. He overcame this crippling disability by persistent efforts to become, perhaps, the greatest orator ever lived.
The great painters like Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Picasso and all had only one thing in common.
Their focused attention on what they did.
Beethoven, the great composer was deaf.
It may be true that some of the great actors had good looks. But the greatest ones did not bank on looks to achieve what they did. Some of them were born very poor and even destitute.
Of all the lovers of humanity Mother Teresa and Fr. Damian stand out.
They lived and died for the poor, the destitute and the sick. Both of them were born poor and they had no influential relative or any special inherited talent. They became some of the greatest people ever lived by sheer hard work, love for mankind and their selfless dedication.
The great philanthropists have all come from ordinary backgrounds.

Success is no mystery; it is the result of consistently applying some basic principles.

 Failure is, on the other hand, the result of making a few mistakes repeatedly

 All successful people strive for excellence.

 The winner of a race is faster by a small fraction but the rewords are many times greater.

All successful people struggle very hard. Nothing worthwhile comes without a struggle.
Success is not measured by how high we go up in life but by how many times we bounce back when we fall down. Remember every success story is also a story of great failure.
failed in everything he attempted except in one: in the American presidential election in which he was elected to the highest office of the land

Further, the successful ones may not always be doing great things; they may be doing most of the time small things in a great way.

All successful people think they can win.

Life’s battle don’t always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But sooner or later the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can.

All successful people have great desires to come up in life. In fat that is the starting point.
Irrespective of his stammering, Demosthenes wanted to become a great orator. Wilma Rudolf dreamt of becoming the world champion with her polio affected legs.

hey are all committed to their work or goal or aim, totally so. Integrity and accurate knowledge are the pillars on which they build up their commitment.

How do we go up?
Michelangelo once said, “If people knew how hard I had to work to gain mastery, it wouldn’t seem wonderful at all.”
 Success is not something that you get just like that. It takes a lot of thinking, planning, and hard work. It is not luck or good fortune. The harder one works the luckier he gets.

Some people never try at all because they are afraid of losing. Prosperity and riches-success of any kind—are the result painstaking and sweating. Those who want to succeed accept challenges and they are always willing to take up responsibilities. They make decisions and determine their own destiny.
Will you be successful?
Try this:
What portion of your energy and ability will you put to work?
 25%?
 50%?
 100%?

Well, those who are lazy and are contended with what they have or those who accept their miserable conditions of poverty or backwardness spend less than 25% of their energy only.
 Those who put in around 80%are super successes.

It may no be possible to use 100%

There is no magic wand for success. Success comes to the hard-thinkers; never to the idlers. Normally ordinary people make use of only about 10-12% of their intellectual capacity and successful ones like Albert Einstein about 25%.
Once your thoughts are properly oriented and your desires are intensified, effort automatically comes and it does the rest. The super athletes train for about 15-20 years for a 15- seconds- performance. He works out his maximum ability everyday.

Only the losers will think that life is unfair.

Once after a concert, a participant from the audience came unto a great musician.
He said,
“I would give my life to play the way you do.”
The musician replied, “I did”

Even small achievements require a lot of focused thoughts and work.

 You do not have to be highly intelligent or have high academic qualifications to succeed. You only need to have a disposition to do more than required of you.

 Have you ever thought, ‘why highly educated and highly qualified ones fail in life?’

 They do not apply whatever they know in a focused way and they do not want to do more than required of them.

 No wonder, the world is full of educated derelicts.

Remember Edison failed 10,000 times before he succeeded in finding out the tungsten filament. Abraham Lincoln was a failure in almost everything he undertook. Still he became the president of USA and he succeeded in emancipating the blacks.

Winners overcome and bounce back when faced with difficulties. Losers succumb to them.
As the poet said,
“When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit-
Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.”

 But if you persist you will win.

But if you do nothing you can never be successful. The person who never does anything has no tension; he never makes a mistake.
Excellence comes when the worker takes pride in what he does. If he is working to make a living he will not do his work excellently.
As Martin Luther king mentioned in his famous speech,
“If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep the streets so well that the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, there lived a great sweeper who did his job well.”------- Martin Luther king.

All of us have the qualities of success. If anyone feels he does not then he does not want to succeed. You can be a success in whatever field you are in. Just try to be like that street sweeper.
Big success involves a lot of risks. You may not know every step forward. You may not even know the faintest outline but still you make a calculated risk and move forward believing in your eventual success.
 You may have heard about the farmer who never cultivated anything as he feared a drought might destroy his crop and kept his land barren.

 There are those who worry about getting hurt if they go out. They will end up sitting indoors doing nothing.

If you are afraid to proceed to do something, the only way to overcome the same is to go and do it. Confidence comes by doing things. If you make a mistake along the way, admit it and correct yourself so that you do not repeat the same. Failure is certain if you repeat a few same mistakes.
You need a lot of discipline to succeed in anything. People without discipline indulge themselves in everything and they are not focused in anything. They are not moderate in their personal habits and they have no streamlined direction.

Only unworthy people believe in luck and ill-luck.
If you determined to succeed you will believe in cause and effect.
Whatever happens has a reason to happen.
Behind every effect there is a cause, nothing happens without a cause. The cause of your destiny or fate (present state) is the effect of something. It is easy to see the effects of some causes. If you stick your finger in the fire, it gets burnt. This is really easy as the effect comes immediately after the cause.
But it is not easy to figure out what has caused your present.
For most of us life is mystery of cosmic proportions. A mystery we have never tried to fathom. Since we do not have a clue about all these we feel someone out there ‘pulls the strings’
The truth is that we (our thoughts) cause what comes to pass, what happens in our life.
But for most part we are completely unaware of this process.
It is easy to understand that your actions are the result of your attitudes. And they, as we have already seen, spring from our core beliefs. Hence our core belief system in a way determines our life. If you come to believe in the no-solution inevitability, you will accept whatever life is doling out to you. And if your childhood environment was miserable with poor illiterate parents, there is all the more chance that you come to believe in the so-called fate. Your fatalistic beliefs bring about most of your misfortunes.
If you are expecting misery, sickness and wants you will surely get them.
You will try to understand that and move to make things happen in your life. You make your own luck and ill-luck.
Count your blessings and not the deficiencies.
We are inclined to complain about the things we do not have and we lose sight of the things we have. We should be grateful to the universe for having blessed us with so much. We have a good an unimpaired intellect, good physique (we are not crippled) and all our senses are working. You are educated (that is why you are reading this) and you are a normal human being. These are all great blessings in themselves.
 How many millions are blind!
 How many are deaf!
 How many are feeble minded!
 How many are suffering from brain deficiencies!

You are lucky in the real sense of the term. There are so many positive qualities in you. Keep a radiant smile all the time with a feeling of gratitude.
As mentioned already, only losers think that life is unfair.
They think only of their failures and misfortunes. They shut themselves to the countless blessings they have.
Luck favors those who help themselves.
As you have seen already, there are countless people in history who were severely handicapped and still they rose up high with their burning desire ad persistent efforts.
 People who lack purpose and direction complain about what they do not have.
 Successful people are not looking for miracles and good breaks.

 When our minds are filed with courage and determination to succeed we forget our misfortunes, and we try to forge ahead..

Winners develop a habit of dong it now; they do not procrastinate. Losers always say ‘I will do it tomorrow.’ and every day becomes a tomorrow.
When do I have to do it? The answer is now and here. Let us utilize the present to the maximum. Then the future will take care of itself.
 Are you aiming to succeed?
 Then get into a continuous education programme.
 You do not have to know everything that is happening in the world.
 But you certainly will have to know more about the filed where you want to excel.
 Streamline your learning; get focused. Acquire more skills and knowledge in your chosen line.

Of course any education should build fundamental traits of character like honesty, compassion, courage persistence and a helping attitude.
Remember success does not come by reading and memorizing the principles of success. You have to go and do a lot based on those principles. You have to cultivate positive qualities and become determined to keep trying until you get what you want.

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