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Rated: · Novel · Fantasy · #1343293
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The two creatures rounded the corner, to the landing where she was crouching and hardly breathing. They stared at her for a moment. No matter how much her mind screamed "RUN!", her legs wouldn't move an inch.They had their hands on her arms, if you could call them hands. One's were like a human's, but a strange green color. The other's were plasticy, fake and not like real skin.Kera kicked out with all of her might. The kick caught one where the knee should have been. He swore and held some sort of blade to her throat.
Nothing in the world could have prepaired her for the jolt of knowledge that was her own mortality. Kera's heart lept painfully into her throat.She was expecting a threat, a gag, anything that would happen in a hostage situation. What she didn't expect was the needle in her arm. It was a total surprise and hurt like nothing she had anyhting she had ever felt. Well, breaking her arm hurt worse, but as far as needles went, this was worse. Her arm burned as whatever medicine they had just inected her with made it's way into her bloodstream. Kera didn't care for the blade at her neck. The pain made her lift her chin in a scream that would do a banshee proud. The creatures cursed and rubbed their ears. The one witht he mechanical voice grabbed Kera's legs, and the older one grabbed her shoulders. She fought for the few seconds of consiousness she still had. When blackness enveloped her mind and her body went limp, her hand uncurled from the fist it was in. Unkowing to Kera, the creatures who were Kirksan and Bremic carried her out to the Surfer. They handed her to a crew member.

    "Get her changed into proper clothes. and put the numbers on her."
The crewman nodded and hefted the limp form of Kera over his shoulder. Gregy was the most trusted crewman. Bremic knew that he wouldn't do anything untoward toward her.Kirksan stroad to his quarters and unfolded his bedsheets. Killing most of a family was so tiring.

    "I wonder what Galactic want's with young teens. They're so mody!" Kirksan murmered to himself as he settled down for a nap.

When Kera woke, with a painfull throbbing in her left arm. She looked down at her sleeve, and received an unpleasent shock. She wasn't wearing her clothes. In their stead was a queer sort of outfit. More like a long casual dress. the fabric was soft but plain. Like a cotton polyester blend, but finer. The color of it was brown. A light soft brown that reminded Kera of Doe's fur. She rolled up her dress sleeve to inspect her throbbing arm. just above the elbow, were tiny numbers. "99163" they read. and below them a symol of five suns all intertwined.

      "What in the heck did they do to me?" Kera had to stop herself from shouting. Panic was rising like vomit in her throat. She bite it back. She knew she had to calm down, think things through. Kera took several deep slow breathes. Counting to five in her head while breathing in, and out. After a few minute of this quiet, controled breathing, she felt calmer. More in control. Kera looked toward the door of the room she was just noticing. The walls were blankly grey, and no carpet on the floor. Just hard cold wooden floor boards. The handle of the door jiggled. It opened, and the older creature poked his head into the room.

    "You sleep ok?" He asked, almost fatherlike. Almost.

    " I don't know. I was drugged. But now my head is clearer, and I want answers."

    " I apologize for the inconvenience, we didn't have a choice."
Kera stared at him in indignity.

    " The Inconvenience? The inconvenience?" Her voice was rising with each repetition, "You say that like you expect forgiveness. Forgiveness that you assume will preceed answers. How can I forgive actions that I don't know the reason for?"

Bremic didn't skip a beat, "I'm sorry. I was assigned by the Galatic Force Of Unity to slowly evacuate Earth of Solar System 11423 of Humans. Keeping the humans between the ages of twelve and seventeen years old to be integraded among other planets of symilar make. You were the first residence we evacuated. I am sorry to inform you that your family was killed in the struggle."

At first Kera both heard him, and didn't.

      "I'm sorry, what did you say? I heard 'sorry to inform you' then must have dozed off for a bit."

      "Your family died in the struggle." Bremic repeated.

To Bremic's surprise, Kera started laughing.

      "Your messing with me, right? Because you can't be serious!"

Bremic looked confused at the unfamiliar slang, and answered "I don't joke about such things."

Tears swam in Kera's eyes as she soflty said, "Yeah, you didn't look like one who would." Kera sat down, letting memories and regretts wash over her. Bremic tried to sit down and comfort her. Kera pushed his hand away.

      "Just go away." Kera whispered. Bremic rose and walked akwardly out the door. Halfway down the corridor, he murmered to himself, "That could have gone smoother."

Back in her cell, Kera curled into a tight ball and sobbed for her losses. Her friends who would wonder what had happened to her, the scandelous reporters who must be at that moment, going through all of her personal and private possesions. That no other living person had seen. Kera thought of her work, and the cute co-worker that she occasionally flirted with. Kera thought of her plans, Her dreams that now would never become reality. As Kera sat up and stared out the think glassed window to the endless space, full of stars and suns, planets and moons. There, somewhere, was the life she had been taken from. The one lying before her was just begining to unfurl.

                                  End of Part two, Chapter One
© Copyright 2007 Air Dragon Windcatcher (dreamer161 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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