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Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1341726
tell me if its any good or once again if i should quite. i know my grammers bad :)
Lucas had had it. He couldn’t decide if he was angry, confused, embarrassed, irritated or all of the above. He couldn’t make since of anything that has happened. Lucas rigidly walked slightly behind amber. He was so lost, mentally and physically.
"Are you ok?" Amber asked. "Ya I’m tired of being confused," Lucas replied with a touch of defeat.
Lucas parted ways with Amber and went in, what he hoped, was the general direction of his locker. Suddenly, Lucas busted out laughing. There standing patently was Henry, good old Henry. 'He’s always there for me' Lucas thought with a touch of remorse considering he very rarely was there for Henry.
"I thought you might need help" Henry’s round face smiled at Lucas though his glasses.
"Thanks man" Lucas patted his friend on the back and followed him to English. English was rather dull. His teacher, Miss Cardwell, explained in a overly excited voice the years curriculum, what she expects from her students, how your suppose to follow the rules etcetera. Lucas mostly just watched Henry furiously scribble page after page of notes.
The bell rang for fourth and Lucas headed for the lunchroom, one of the only places he knew how to get to on his own. As he arrived at the busy lunch room Amber was waiting on him. Lucas attempted to make eye contact and smile, but Amber kept her eyes straight ahead as she took his hand and led them to a already picked out table.
"What’s up, man?" exclaimed a tall brown headed boy.
"Not much, Jake,” Lucas replied pounded the boy’s fists.
"Hey Ting" Lucas smiled at a very timid but very pretty Japanese girl. The girl went pink and squeaked out a "hey".
Lucas settled in between Amber and Ting and across from Jake who was cockily flipping his long brown hair back and fourth at the girls that were joining their table.
Lucas set in silence for a few seconds before he realized everyone was staring at him. Under the glare of so many eyes Lucas began to sweat.
"Are we going to get something to eat?" Lucas asked while he nervously scratched the back of his left hand.
"In a minute," Amber exclaimed coolly. Lucas knew he had done something wrong. He had gone against some rule in the imaginary rule book that these people had created.
"I hear you have detention," Amber glared at him. Lucas swallowed. He knew she was not mad because he had detention, they all had had detention at one point or another, she was mad because of why he had detention.
"Ya, well, you see..." Lucas tried but was cut off. "Lucas she’s different from us" Amber said in an exasperated 'I’m tired of going over this' tone.
'I knew it' thought Lucas as he tried to come up with something to say. Amber was looking at him waiting for an excuse. But how do you explain why you did something that not even you know why you did it. Lucas opened his mouth to speak but Amber cut in with a 'I don’t want to hear it' sigh and got up to get her food. Lucas waited for a heartbeat before following the rest of the group. Lucas was miserable. He set in silences, temporarily shunned, and contemplated. He attempted in vein to put the day’s event in order. This was not how his first day of high school was supposed to go. He mentally numbered off his failures, he was so unprepared, his class schedule was killer, he’d tried to help a girl he didn’t even like only to be met with hatred from the girl as well as detention, and now his real friends were mad at him. Lucas slumped lower and lower in his chair until Amber signaled that he could throw away her trey. The bell rang and with a heave Lucas got up to head to his next class. Lucas stopped dead in the hallway 'where the hell am I going'. Lucas barley had time to get the thought into his brain before he was shoved from the back, getting his breath knocked out of him. Lucas looked up to see some gigantic guy thundering on with out a glace at Lucas muttering about freshmen. Lucas almost felt like crying, how could his world have been ripped out from under him so easily. Suddenly some one grabbed him and helped him straiten himself. Lucas looked gratefully at the face to his left and smiled again. His trusty sidekick was there right beside him. 'Maybe I am over reacting' Lucas considered as he followed his cleverest friend to thier history class.
Lucas decided that he was once again surprised by this whole other population of kids that inhabited his school. Lucas had been with the same people for years just switching out with each grade change. Now there were these smarter kids that were looking at him, displaying as much if not more curiosity then Lucas’s own gaze held. Henry of course knew everyone. Lucas hated history with a passion. Why would he ever need to know about a bunch of old people? As he always says ' it’s done, move on'. History just seems like an excuse to dwell on things that no longer matter. Now to make history even worse he had such a snooze for a teacher. Lucas practically spent the whole class searching Mr. Haynes’s monotoned voice for even the slightest hint of emotion. It was a huge failure.
After history Henry pointed Lucas in the direction of the art room. Lucas ran into Amber as he wondered hopefully through the hall.
"what’s wrong, baby?" Amber asked as she led them through the halls. 'She apparently forgiven me' Lucas thought as he vainly tried to memories the directions they were heading.
"Nothing, just tired," Lucas warmly smiled at her and attempted to shake off the feelings that were building up around his shoulders.
"Aw well get some sleep tonight, I love you," she said as she tiptoed for a kiss.
Lucas smiled "you too" he said as he received her kiss happily. Lucas never said 'I love you'; he believed when the time came it would happen. It annoyed Amber at first, but she eventually realized not even she could change his mind.
Figures lased, they walked into Miss Mclentocs art room. Lucas looked around. The room had the residue of artists covering almost every surface. The paint splattered tables were arranged in groups of two with four seats. Lucas liked the room it had that unorganized craziness feeling that often followed geniuses.
A woman with fuzzy brown hair tied back in a red bonnet sat staring at the entering students from her desk. Her eyes were unusually large behind her orange framed glasses. Her brown hallowing hair and budging eyes gave her the impression of an insect.
Lucas and Amber chose a table and played footsy until the room filled with students and the tardy bell rang. For a few minuets, the class set in silence staring at the eccentric looking woman who simply smiled back.
Suddenly, she jumped as if shed just heard the bell and it had startled her. She waved her arms over her head "art" she began "is expression, expression if art. The one thing is the other and visversa. Every picture, every drawing, painting, doodle" she danced insanely as she spoke "says something about you. and I" she narrowed on a student "want to know what that is."
"now" she flailed all over the place as she spoke "I want you to take a piece of paper- see them, see them over there- and a charcoal pencil-that live in this box, this box is their home, make sure they make it back their safely" and as a after thought she added "their friends will miss them.” She seemed to be lost in her own thoughts for a moment and stood still staring in to space, but suddenly sparked back into reality making everyone jump, "and draw a picture of any old thing. There are no requirements as long as you express yourself." "Be free" she flung out her arms in a imaginary breeze, "creative, wild crazy" she hunched down, "or small shy and meaningful," she popped back up making the closes students jump back startled, "just be yourself," and with that she snatched a piece of paper and a pencil, first apologizing for taking their friend, and scooted back to her desk to draw her own picture. The class set for a moment stunned. They looked at Miss Mclentoc, but she simply set with the back of her left hand in her mouth completely focused on her own drawing. Slowly, the students one by one got up retrieved their supplies and set back down. No one, Lucas noticed, knew where to start. Lucas stared at his own paper. It was crisp white and seemed to be begging to be created into something, only Lucas had no idea what to make it. He looked around one by one his classmates would pick of their charcoal pencil, furor their brow, and begin work. Beside him, Amber had already started; she had the beginnings of a huge flower and Lucas suspected but desperately hoped wasn’t, a picture of him and her holding hands under a tree. He looked back at his own paper. He could almost see his drawling barley under its top layer, but it was refusing to surface. For the longest while he stared at the blank paper, time pasted but his thoughts were too muddled to make out any images. He looked at Miss Mclentoc, she set completely absorbed in her own world with her pencil racing furiously across the paper.
Suddenly she jumped and squealed, "Ok let me see."
One at a time she looked and admired each of her students work. She would comment, smile, laugh, and/or question at each person. She was two people down and Lucas began to panic. He picked up his pencil and placed the tip of it against the paper. She was at Amber, “very nice, I see you as a romantic. Is this symbolic of..." Lucas drifted back to his own paper but the pencil was refusing to move.
Then, suddenly she was in front of him. "Let me see" she said her goggles inching towards the paper. Lucas removed his pencil leaving only a small black dot.
"Oh" she said. Lucas sighed and slumped lower in his chair 'great I already have an F'
"that’s amazing" the art teacher squealed and bounced from one foot to the other. Lucas stared questioningly. "I love it, I get it completely." She placed the back of her hand on her forehead in dramatics and continued with "your blank, you have no emotion, confused at life, lost, don’t know who you are" she clapped her hands together. "Uhhh sure" Lucas raised an eye brow and shrugged.
"A plus. Oh A plus" she cheered with a solo clap for his work. Lucas shrugged towards Amber who looked away. The bell rang and Miss Mclentoc jumped, "leave your children on the counter on your way out, make sure your signature is on them." Lucas stood with the rest of the class and turned to grab Amber's hand but she had already left. Sighing, Lucas made his way to the door. 'Why is Amber always mad at me' Lucas gambled. Suddenly his path was obstructed by magnified glasses covered eyes, "I expect great things from you," his art teacher said.
"Uh thanks" Lucas said with a side step, and he dashed out of the room. He was soon swept away in a rush of students.
Though many trail and error, questioning, and dumb luck Lucas found his biology class. 'Miss major... she even sounds scary' Lucas cringed as he walked into the classroom. Lucas’s gaze swept the room, and to his ultimate despair Savannah sat in the corner with her stony face covered up by a book. 'Three classes, I have three freaken classes with that nutcase.' Lucas took the desk at the exact opposite side of the room and glared at its top. Angrily, he wondered who H.M. was and why they wanted to burn the school when he was shook out of his brooding by a stern "hello".
Lucas looked up and standing in the center of the room was a slightly over weight woman with graying brown hair. She stood with military alertness, everything about her movements screamed experience. Lucas was frightened at first by her forceful tone.
"I am Miss. Majors" she began with strict politeness. Lucas had a hard time thinking of how he would describe her. She seemed authoritative, rigid but kind and excited. She was a very curious woman.
"I know y’all really want to look around my room so I’ll give you a few minutes to meander around." She said spreading her arms in an 'I give you the world' fashion before returning them clasped neatly in front of her. Only then did Lucas take the time to look around the queer room. There were assorted tanks and peculiar plants every direction he looked. In fact, he was surprised that he hadn’t noticed them before. As Lucas wondered purposefully around the room he looked closely at each plant. They were brilliantly exotic. Each had their own bursting oranges, and dripping yellows; some were spotted in pinks, few were streaked in green, and some moved of their own accord. Lucas peered at the unusual tanks, few held fish. Most were filled with bizarre insects, abnormal snakes or other strange creatures. One held hissing cockroaches that were bigger then you would think possible. Another contained a strange yellow spotted salamander thing. Lucas looked at his teacher in amazement. Miss Major stood smiling at her students’ curiosity and interest. She caught Lucas’s eye and winked at his opened mouthed face before calling attention in her class and restoring order. After everyone got into their seats she began.
"I have traveled the world. I have seen a lot. I have been through a lot. I do not change jobs, I change careers..." Lucas stared mesmerizes along with the rest of the class whose mouth lay a gaped as Miss Major told the amazing tales of her life. She had been a scientist, worked for NASA, explored unknown places, missionaried, and so much more, and now she taught. Lucas wondered silently to himself how could someone who had done so many ends up being something as boring as teacher. Even savannah had set aside her book and looked at Miss Majors with slight interest. The class flew by as Lucas listened to her reminisce about her adventures. He was shocked and highly disappointed when the bell rang to head to eighth. His sigh of annoyance echoed that of his fellow students as he gathered his things to head to athletics. With a pit stop by his locker, he headed towards his doom.
With each step Lucas took towards the gym, fear would build up in his tightening chest causing him to feel noxious. He had forgotten about his detention while he was being distracted by the very wonder of Miss Major. However now, the dread hit him with pounding force.
Lucas paused outside of locker room door, the smell of sweat and battle leaking out of its very cracks. He was tired and wanted to go home. The school day had frazzled his nerves down to nothing. He longingly drifted through his thoughts to the out of reach memories of summer. Lucas shifted his syllabus full book bag nervously on his shoulder. 'Better get this over with' Lucas thought with an attempt at prepare himself. He looked up at the luminous door and with a flick of his right hand he entered the locker room. Instantly a moist, raw smell pummeled into him.
"Why aren’t you dressed? Your ganna have to run if you late," exclaimed a boy completely disfigured by football pads, almost too Greek god standards, He slapped him on the butt and ran past him.
"I have detention" Lucas said as he lowered his gaze.
"Oh" was all the boy could manage but sympathy shown clear even through his helmet.
Longingly Lucas looked in the direction the boy had come from, and with reluctance Lucas turned from the lockers and headed towards the coach’s office. Lucas rapped his right hand on the door.
"Come in," roughly replied a man in a 'in charge' tone. Lucas nervously opened the door and peered in. There, sat a large man that dwarfed the very desk he set at. He set writing; his bald head shinning at Lucas. Lucas grimaced and found him self fighting immensely.
"Ah Lucas, come in. Why aren’t you dressed?" asked the coach. His voice was gruff and he always seemed to be yelling even when in normal conversation. Lucas hid his body behind the door, refusing to leave its shelter.
"Well the thing is ser" Lucas started in a low voice.
"Come in boy, I can’t hear you, and quite stuttering like a pansy girl," the coach said with a wave of his hand. Lucas sighed and relinquished his grip and the door, his only protection.
"And close the door, its hot out there" the bald man added in after thought. Lucas turned and blocked off his only exit.
"You see the thing is I" Lucas began, ringing his hands and refusing to make eye contact. The coach interjected, "the thing is" he boomed speaking sharp in short simple sentences "you spoke out of turn. You did not respect your superiors. Your temper flared. You lacked the self control to handle yourself. And as a result you’re here to disrespect me and your teammates by asking to skip practice and serve your punishment in detention. Am I right?" coach Marlow raised an angry brow.
Lucas kept his eyes on his coach’s cramped desk. He had excuses, he wanted desperately to disagree, to explain but experience told him better. Even though Lucas couldn’t see it, he felt the coach's furious glare bearing down heavily upon him.
"Yes sir" Lucas whispered solftly so as not to upset him.
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