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Welcome to the very beginning of a very great story.

The Wake


It started as a small orange spark. Then it was everywhere. Light. I was conscious. But I couldn’t see anything but the dim light. I realized it was trying to penetrate my eyelids. When I opened my eyes, I saw my little sister Betty, tip-toeing out of my room with my cell phone and my pops catching her. He scowled her and moms came around the corner and was on my sister’s side automatically. Moms was giving him some jive about it not being fare that I got more minuets than Betty did. It was just the usual Saturday morning stuff. I wanted the kidnapping to have just been a dream. Home was all I wanted to see when I opened my eyes. But that wasn’t what I saw. Not even close.

“Ohh! The power is out!” Somebody said. “Shoot I hadn’t finished the memory implants!”
“Look! He’s awake!” Somebody screamed. “Call security! We need Shock troops!”
“Their all busy sir!” Somebody screamed. “All the Shock troops were ordered to contain Darsha!”
When I opened my eyes, I realized I was in my worst nightmare. I was naked inside a big glass tube filled with what felt like water. Then there was a big vibration like an earthquake. I had a oxygen mask strapped onto my face, and needles and tubes everywhere.
What? What did they do to me? I thought. I’m naked in a jar!! Who are those people?
Through the glass I could see a room full of people in white lab coats. Then were all running around the room frantic at first then they stopped and stared at me. Two men approached. I didn’t know what to expect. I panicked. As they cautiously walked toward the tank I tried to scare them and I forced my palm into the glass. Considering how thick it was, I didn’t expect it to shatter on impact. Water or what ever was in the tank with me covered the floor in all directions.
There were about twenty people in the room weren’t sure what to do. That made twenty-one of us. It was like they were afraid of me. I pulled of the oxygen mask, then I noticed it. My arms. My legs. My chest. I was carryin about thirty-five extra pounds of muscle! What had they been doing to me in my sleep? And why would twenty people be afraid of a fourteen year old athlete? I decided that I had to get the heck out. After I pulled all of the needles and cords out of my skin, the biggest guys in the room got brave all of a sudden.
When I stepped down the biggest guy rushed me. I sidestepped him instinctively and punched him in the ribs. I was surprised to here them break. I didn’t even hit him that hard. He screamed and fell to the floor. The men in the room surrounded me and the women we’re running around the room like ants. “Security, this is room B-R1!” One woman screamed. “We need help!- What do you mean too busy?! Tarun and Rains are awake for Christ’s sake!!”
As I was trying to figure out who Rains was, I noticed too late that the men surrounding me had guns. I put my hands up. I might have been strong but I wasn’t bulletproof. The people aimed their guns anyways.
I thought.
Without warning, I had a dizzy sensation come on all of a sudden. As the room started spinning, the guys who had the guns were all experiencing the same feeling too. They all started panicking again and they were shouting back and forth at on another. One woman in a lab coat was shouting, “Rains is waking up!! Somebody sedate her now!! Hurry up or she’ll turn us inside out!!”
The dizziness I was feeling was getting worse. My legs gave out, and as my body hit the cold floor, I watched as every metal object in the room bent in half. Shortly after it all started, every person in the room was unconscious. I turned my head as best I could to see who this Rains was. Then I saw it. A big glass tube with a big hole in the bottom. The tube didn’t have liquid in it like mine did. There was supposed to be a huge metal pedestal at the bottom but it looked like it had been ripped out from underneath.
At that moment I hoped that Rains wasn’t some kind of big animal that they were experimenting on down here. I turned my head to find who or what ever it was that broke out of that tank. I noticed that the dizzy feeling that made me fall was gone. So I got up and looked in every direction. The only people I saw were all out cold on the floor. Once I was sure I was the last man standing, I looked nervously for some clothes. The room consisted mostly of computers and medical tech. There was one guy who had an extra pair of shorts protruding out of the waist line of his pants.
Damn things better be clean. I thought. Wonder what the fools gonna think when he wakes up an finds out that somebody copped his basketball shorts?
Oh well. As I was tying the waist string I some something move out the corner of me eye. I twisted so fast my body was in position before my eyes were. I searched and found what it was. Who or what ever it was, was hiding behind a big desk.
“Who is that?!” I shouted. “Come out!”
A timid girl only revealed from her eyes up. The girl was black. Her eyes, though hard to see from behind a desk, were light brown. They matched her skin. I glanced over at the two tanks that we had broken out of. At the bottom of the tank that I had broken out of was my last name. TARUN. And at the bottom of the other tank read, RAINS.
I stared at her eyes not knowing what to say. So I took a step forward and she frowned.
“You’re the one who knocked out all these people?” I asked taking another step forward.
“Stay back!!” The girl said. It scared me a little. She looked so timid and innocent when I first looked at her eyes that I let her firm, authorities voice take me by surprise. She sounded so much older than her eyes maid her look. I took another step trying to explain that I was like her.
“I’m not gonna do anything I-” But she cut me off with a definite firmness. “Stay back!” She repeated. Next thing I knew, her eyes changed colors, then three sharp metal objects flew right in front of me and just floated. How in the hell was she doing that? “Whoa!” I said.
“ Hold on ol-girl, I’m a victim too!”
One of the sharp objects approached my throat.
“What you don’t believe me?” I asked. “Come-on I’m black, what would I be doing down here wit these geeks?”
“No, I believe you.” She sounded very tired. Like she had gone three days without sleep. “Just don’t move okay?”
I stood still this time and the metal objects slowly dropped to the floor. Then her eyes changed back to normal. I relaxed a little.
“Stay over there okay?” She said.
“What?” I asked. “You don’t trust me?”
“No, it’s just that, umm..I” She was starting to sound a lot younger now. “I… d-don’t… I don’t have anything on.” She said it finally. And it explained a lot. I did my best to make her feel less exposed. “You need clothes?” I asked. “Hold on, I'll get you some.”
I turned around to approach the door. But then I turned back around because two things were bothering me.
“Oh-yeah, what’s your name?” I asked.
All of a sudden the girl grabbed her head as if a major headache was coming on all of a sudden. She grabbed her head.
“You okay?” I asked.
Then she calmed down.
“Penny.” She said like she learned a new word. After I spent fifteen minuets to operate the door, it slid open immediatly after the power came back on. There were a whole lot of people running around in the narrow halls. It was chaos in every directon. I don't think anyone was paying me any attention to me standing in the doorway of one of the many rooms. I took my shot and mixed with the chaos as I took off into the maze of chrome halls.
All I have to do is find a laundry room or somethin, come back and get Penny, and get the heck out. I spotted the stairs finally, and that's when I notticed that the stampede of lab coats wern't just surgeons and scientist. There were other kids running around either naked or wearing stolen lab coats and things they might have taken from the workers. One thing the kids all had in common was muscle tone. They weren't huge or bodybuilding sized or anything like that, but they all looked like athletes the boys and the girls.
I didn't see any of the kids I'd met back before I got caught. There wern't many kids but I'd say there were at least twenty running here to there in the halls. All the Augma employees were trying to avoid going near the kids. And the kids themselves were confused and seemed more than glad the scientist and guards were giving them space. I tryed to talk to one of them but they avoided me too.
I gave up and headed up the stairs. It was the same thing on this floor as the one I'd just come from. As I ran through the crowed halls I notice there were kids on this floor to. Another thing I noticed was that me and almost all the kids were Black. There were a few spanish and a few Asian kids an I saw only one White kid. I couldn't figure it out so I kept running. I didn't know where the hell I was going but I ran, checking doors left and right for a locker room or somthing but all I saw were labs. I was about two seconds away from just knocking a random person up side their head to still their clothes to take back to Penny, till I heard Familiar voices over the noise in the halls. They were coming from one of the lab rooms with the door half way open.
"What's going on outside?" Somebody asked.
"I don't know. I aint goin out there naked!"
Someone replied. It sounded to me like Chris.
Just when I was about to peep into the room, a loud computer voice came on the intercom echoing through the halls.
Who the hell is Darsha? At the end of that annoucment, every Augma worker in the halls either rushed for the stairs or ran and locked themselves into the nearest lab room.
Damn. I still hadn't found that girl any clothes and now I was worried about them blowing the place up! All the kids in the halls were confused and started to run in groups towards the stairs. Pretty soon the halls were empty. Then I heard the people talking in the room again and reconized the voices right away.
"Alls I was sayin was that maybe he's still alive." That had to be Chris.
"Hey who's in there?" I called out.
At first it got quiet. "Whoa, that sounded like Tyronte." Chris said.
"What? Nah, I saw them cut him open right before they got me and Ken." Jamal said.
"Chris! Jamal!" I called out. It really was them.
"See? Told yo ass!" Chris said. "Yo Ty, you out there?"
"Yeah!" I said.
"Good, then go find us some clothes." Chris said.
"What? Just come on, nobody's out here but me." I went.
"Look man, we're all guys right," Jamal said. "But there are women all over the halls out there, and it's alittle too cold to be flashin round out there, ya feel me?
Man are they serious?
"This place might be goin up in smoke in five minuets!" I said. "This is just stupid! Come on!"

Next half of chapter2 coming soon.

© Copyright 2007 Tyronte (tyronte1140 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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