Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1338570-Car-Accident
Rated: 13+ · Other · Drama · #1338570
A car accident that has changed my life.
One spilt second turned it to the feeling of forever. Her echoing voice cascades through the car. “There Going to Hit”. I knew something wasn’t right. My aunt kept lightly tapping the breaks. Her body language was off. As I glance back the car hits, forcing my head to plunge forward. The force is unbelievable. I sit in shock. My cousin who sits next to me in the very back of my aunt’s old suburban bursts into tears. My mother in the passenger seat looks back and states “Now kids, whatever you do please do not look back”. Words that force me to look at the sight behind us. My eyes can’t adjust to what’s before them. A small car that I can’t even comprehend. A small car that was probably two times the size it looks to be now. My brother Tyler and other cousin Justin who are both thirteen sit side by side in the middle seat. My brother try’s to make the best out of the situation and try’s to make us all smile. “Woah Pop is everywhere, crazy”. Just him noticing something that shouldn’t even matter at a time like this makes us all crack a smile. My younger cousin Kevin who is eight sits beside me in tears yelling “I broke my neck, I broke my neck”. It’s literally unbearable to watch him in so much pain because I have never in my life seen him cry. Even when all of us kids literally do unimaginable things to him does he even budge a tear. It’s amazing because all he will do is laugh hysterically. All of us try to calm him down and get him to a stable point. We know his neck is not broken, we know its whiplash. Something I know were all suffering from. He finally settles down but still at the edge of bursting into tears all over again. Its how any young child would be in a situation like this. My mom sits not speaking; I know something’s not right. “Mom, are you ok” I state. “My seat came out of place, my hips dislocated”. I know she knows this because unfortunately this wouldn’t be her first time dislocating her hip. “We need to call 911” she says. With those words my aunt pulls out her cell phone and dials 911 “We were just in an accident and need medical attention right away, I’m not sure if you the people who hit us are okay or not”. I think to myself of course there not okay, there small car got even smaller; the whole front windshield is shattered with a big spot where the passengers head went through it. It’s stained with blood. The front of the car mingled into pieces. Looking at that scene how could anybody think the people inside of that “thing” are okay? As we sit waiting for EMT’s, police and firefighters to appear at the scene, a car speeds backwards towards us. I notice the emblem on the side of the car “State Patrol”. He steps out of his car and races to my mom’s door. “Is everyone okay” he asks. No were not okay, were in shock, we were just in a very serious car accident I think to myself, but not one word drops from my mouth. “Were all hurt in someway but it’s the people in the other car that need the help at this moment” my mom says. Even though were not supposed to look at the scene behind us I watch as he walks to the mangled passenger door. He tugs at the door until it finally opens. I hear faintly him talking to the passenger, but all I hear from the passenger is crying, screaming and terror in his voice. The driver sits unresponsive, but his eyes open. Help finally arrives. Two EMT’s and a firefighter come to our aid. He says that my mom is the one in the most serious condition, but that everyone is in bad condition in some way. He says that Justin has a broken arm. Tyler, My aunt, Justin and Kevin all are taken in the fire engine to the hospital. But I refuse to go with them insisting that I be with my mom. So they finally agree. As I look back again I see a group of EMT’s and firefighters ripping the doors off the car and gently getting both of the boys out. There bodies in a gruesome state. A state that I can’t even begin to explain. As my mom and I load into the ambulance I begin to cry. I’m just so overwhelmed with everything that is going on. My mom tells me everything will be okay. I sit in a seat along side one of the EMT’s. He checks my mom out and asks me if he would like me to wait until they reach the hospital to put my moms hip in place or if it’s okay to do now. I process what he has just asked me. I think after everything I have just gone through I can take one more thing. But before I know it its over with. He did it while my mind was off in space. We arrive at the hospital and my mom is put into an E.R. room. Tyler, Justin, Kevin and my aunt are waiting. In the room beside us lay one of the boys who was in the wreck. The doctor notices me glancing into the room and he abruptly closes the curtain. A pastor walks into our room and asks if we would like to pray. All of us being religious my mom answers yes. As we all stand in a circle around my mom I drift into space recollecting myself. Not able to get the accident scene out of my mind. It felt like I sat in that suburban for hours but in reality it was only about twenty minutes or so. I’m mentally and physically in pain and completely out of sorts. This experience is life changing. It’s something that I try to erase from my memory but I know I never will be able to. I’m in shock. I know I will be for days. The pastor ends the prayer, and we all take a deep sigh. This prayer won’t be our last for the situation that we have all been presented. But it’s a good ending to unbelievable day.
© Copyright 2007 II3orn2dance (ii3orntodance at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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