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Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #1337064
Some of the Alpha-Pets deal with going to the dentist for the first time.
Alpha-Pets in A Trip to the Dentist

    “Owwww, my tooth hurts,” Molly Monkey told her friends Callie Cat and Zoe Zebra.

    “Maybe we should head home.  You can ride on my back,” Zoe told them.

    “That sounds good to me.  I’m tired and Molly has a toothache.  That way we can get home faster,” Callie Cat replied.

    “Ok.  Climb on and we’ll take the shortcut,” Zoe said.

    Molly and Callie both climbed onto Zoe’s back.  After they were settled, Zoe started slowly down the path.  She walked carefully so Molly’s tooth wouldn’t hurt any worse than what it already did.  They soon arrived at Molly’s house.

    “How was the playground, Molly?  Did you, Callie, and Zoe have fun?” Molly’s Mom asked them when they came inside.

    “It was lots of fun, Mom.  We came home cuz my tooth really hurts a lot,” Molly said.

    “Oh, you poor little monkey.  I know how bad a toothache can be.  Open up and let me have a look.”

    Molly opened her mouth wide so her Mom could have a look.

    “I think I see the problem.  Let me call the dentist and set up a time for you to go see her.  She will be able to fix you right up,” Molly’s mother told her.  “For now, let me rub some of my special toothache medicine on it.”

    “Ok, Mom.  I hope it helps.  My tooth really hurts a lot.  What is your special toothache medicine?  You never told me that you have special medicine.”

    “It’s right here in the cupboard.  I use it all of the time when I bake.  It’s my ground cloves.  I just need a tiny bit to rub on your tooth.”  Molly’s mom rubbed some on her tooth, then went to call the dentist.

    “Well, did your Mom’s special medicine help?” both Callie and Zoe asked.

    Molly had a surprised look on her face as she replied, “Yes, it doesn’t hurt too much now.  How do Mom’s do that?  They can always make ouchies go away.”

    “I guess they must have some special powers or something.  My Mom can do the same thing.  She can always make me feel better,” Callie said.

    “So can mine.  I wonder if it’s something that they learn in school,” Zoe told them.

    Molly’s Mom soon returned and was pleased to find out her special medicine worked.  “Molly, you go to see Dr. K in the morning.  She will be able to fix you right up.”

    “Mom, I’m scared.  I’ve never been to the dentist before.”

    “Don’t worry, Molly.  There is nothing to be scared of.  I went to Dr. K when I was your age.  She is very good at fixing toothaches and even tells you about everything before she does it.”

    “Mom, can we watch TV before dinner?”

    “Yes, you can all go watch TV before Callie and Zoe need to go home.  Would you like some Jell-O for a snack since you all came home early from the playground?”

    “Yea,” they all answered at the same time before running into the next room to watch TV.

    Later that night when Molly was going to bed, she asked her Mom about Dr. K.  “Mom, what is the dentist like?  I’m still scared cuz I’ve never been to the dentist.”

    “I know how you feel, Molly. I was scared too the first time I went to the dentist.  It’s scary when you are about to do something new.  Everything that you do is new at first.  Look at how it turned out with Callie and Zoe.  You were scared then.  Trust me, Dr. K is very nice.  She shows you everything that she’ll use, plus, how it works.  You’ll see for yourself in the morning.”

    “Ok, Mom.  I’ll try not to be scared.  Good night. I love you.”

    “I love you too,” her Mom replied.  She then gave Molly a tight hug and kissed her goodnight, making sure that she was tucked in tight.

    The next morning her Mom asked Molly how her tooth felt.

    “It still hurts a little bit, Mom.  I’m still a little scared, but I’ll be Ok.  If you like Dr. K, she can’t be too bad.”

    “That’s my little monkey, brave to the core.  Trust me, you’ll be fine.  Listen to what Dr. K says.  Remember, she’s there to help keep those teeth healthy and in good shape.”

    A little while later they arrived at Dr. K’s office.  Molly was surprised to see a special place set-up for kids.  It had a TV, books, toys, and soft, cozy chairs that were just the right size.  Molly headed in that direction while her Mom let them know that they had arrived.

    “Molly Monkey,” she soon heard someone call from the doorway.

    “That’s me,” Molly bravely answered.

    “Nice to meet you, Molly.  Dr. K will see you now.  Just follow me and I’ll get you ready to meet her.  She will fix your tooth so that it doesn’t hurt anymore.”

    “That’s fine with me.  A toothache hurts a lot.”

    Molly and her Mom followed Dr. K’s helper down the hall and into a room.  Molly saw a big chair that she was allowed to sit in. The chair was so big, that Molly could stretch out her legs and still had loads of room.  Dr. K’s helper told her to get comfortable and clipped a towel in front of her.  It looked like a bib but had clips on it that looked like teeth.  Molly looked around the room and saw that it had lots of stuffed animals sitting all over the place.  There were even lots of funny pictures on the walls.

    “This place is cool, Mom.  I don’t feel that scared anymore,” Molly replied.

    “That’s good.  I told you that there was nothing to be scared of.  It was the same way when I came here as a little monkey.”

    “Hi, you must be Molly.  I’m Dr. K.  I understand that you have a toothache.  Let me have a look and see what I can do to help.”

    “Ok,” Molly said.  “What is all of this stuff?”

    “Well, I’ll show you them as I use them.  Is that alright?”

    “Yea, Mom told me last night about you and that you’d show me everything.”

    “Good, let’s get started.  First, I’m going to use this mirror to see behind your teeth.  Then I’ll use this tooth picker to check your teeth.”  Dr. K showed them to Molly and Molly could even see herself in the mirror.

    Dr. K took a few minutes to check Molly’s teeth.  “I see what the problem is, Molly.  You have a sugar bug that has decided to make a home in your tooth.  I can get rid of him if you’d like and fix up your tooth.  The sugar bug is what’s making your tooth hurt.  Let’s take a picture of your teeth and I can show you where he wants to make his home.”

    “Cool, can I see the picture too?”

    “Yes, let’s take the picture first.  Then I’ll give the sugar bug some sleepy medicine to put him to sleep while we get rid of him.  You’ll just feel a little pinch while I give you a shot of the medicine that’ll put the sugar bug to sleep.  Do you want to hold a stuffed animal while I do that?’

    “Yes, that sounds good.  Can I see the picture then?”

    “By the time the sugar bug is asleep; your picture will be ready.  Would you like a copy to take home?’

    “I’d love that. Then I can show Callie and Zoe the picture.  That is way cool.”

    When Dr. K returned, she checked to see if the sugar bug was asleep.  “Well, Molly, it looks like the sugar bug is asleep.  Now, I’m going to use my tooth tickler to get rid of the sugar bug’s house and then my tooth washer to make sure it is all cleaned out.”  Dr. K showed Molly the tooth tickler and let it tickle her finger and squirted water out of her tooth washer.

    When she was done with that, she showed Molly her tooth filling and scraper.  Dr. K explained that the filling would fill in the hole that the sugar bug made.  “The tooth scraper is used to make sure that everything is smooth again.”

    She was soon finished and told Molly to make sure to brush her teeth everyday.  “That is what helps to keep the sugar bugs away.”

    “Molly, it was nice meeting you.  You did really good.  Since you were such a brave monkey, here is a new toothbrush for you.  Don’t forget to take two things out of the treasure chest also.  I would like to see you again in six months.  That way I can check your teeth and make sure no more sugar bugs decide to make their home in your teeth.”

    “Thank you so much, Dr. K.  I enjoyed learning about everything that you use.  I can’t wait to show my friends, Callie and Zoe, the picture of my teeth.”

    “You’re very welcome, Molly.  I’ll see you again in six months.  If your friends have any questions, just tell them to come and see me.”

    Later that day, Molly showed Callie and Zoe the picture of her teeth, her new toothbrush, and what she picked out of the treasure chest.

    “You know what?’ Molly asked her friends.  “I’m not scared of the dentist anymore.  Dr. K is really nice and my tooth doesn’t hurt anymore.”

This book is dedicated to my “youngest fan” Malcolm, his Mom’s little “Monkey Boy”.
© Copyright 2007 Phoenix Skye-Wolf (kaiteywolf2 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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