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Rated: E · Other · Arts · #1330896
All of my Writer's Cramp Entries w/ prompts
Time is ticking

My first cramp entry.
This was for the prompt:
Write a short story or poem using the following words: clock, painting, dead tree, shame.

The clock is ticking
What a shame
The words I am painting
I can't tame

Like a dead tree falling
In the rain
My hand can't stop
'til all words are lain

How I wonder
Where the words come from
This steady beating
So like a drum

Keeping me at it
The rhythm catches
Until it's finished
I will be in patches

16 lines


My second Cramp Entry
The prompt was:
Convince tomorrow's judge of the benefits of not bathing

"BILLY! GET IN HERE THIS INSTANT!!!!" Billy's mother called out the door. "You've got to take you bath!"

"Ma! Why do I have to take a bath?"

"You'll be dirty otherwise."

"But, I could get electrocuted!" He thought for a moment, a sly grin on his face.
"I could drown. I could also have an allergic reaction to the soap or shampoo. I could get shampoo in my eyes and go blind!"

"Now, Billy, you know that won't happen! Get in the tub this instant!" Her voice grew sharp, ready to combat any protests.

"Well, what if some robber or killer comes and I'm in the tub?"

"Then I'll take care of the killers and robbers."

Billy reluctantly slid into the warm water. "I'll just get dirty again later!" He washed, got out, and dumped the water. "I could slip and break my skull open." He sulked and went outside once more.

Word Count:152

Halloween Party

Third Cramp Entry
Write a poem or story about your favorite Halloween while in elementary school.

I look around me
At the costumes galore
There are so many
For my eyes to explore

I see a robot
Asking for candy
A mermaid
Pretending to be sandy

Princesses, i see ten
All at the snacks
I'm a lone cowgirl
Sitting near the backpacks

Someone comes over
To sit by my side
"Hi, I'm India"
She says with such pride

"Morgan's my name"
I reply
"I love that name"
What a sigh

I got lots of candy from
Trick-or-treating so fast
Then the day ends
It was a blast


An Angel

Fourth Cramp Entry
Write a poem or story that includes the following: an angel, a demon, poison ivy, and a room full of people.

A room full of people
Watched as an angel, so bright,
Walked down that long aisle
In a long dress of moonlight.

A demon grew by them,
He tried to whisk her away.
They hugged one another,
As vines, poison ivy sway.

Then they called out to her,
"Resist him at all costs,
Don't let him take our babe,
For we couldn't bear the loss."

Line count: 12


Fifth Cramp Entry
Write a short story or poem about taking a walk around your neighborhood and finding something you didn't expect to find.

Anna watched the bright sun streaming in her window. She stood, ready to seize the day. Her blond hair was curled and her jogging suit was on. She was ready! She set out on her way, down the driveway and aroud to start walking around the block. She walked to the corner, and ready to turn......stopped, with her foot halfway to the ground. She stared at was laying on the ground, right beneath where her foot would be right now. It was a baby. She picked it up and kept walking, cooing over its tuft of hair, little fingers, and blue eyes. At the next corner, she stopped. Waited and peeked around the corner, clutching the baby to her. Nothing. She took a few steps and heard something behind her. she turned, slowly and saw an ostrich following her. "Not much else can happen today, can it, nothing surprising at least." She walked to the end of the sidewalk, turned and walked on, not looking at the ground. She tripped over a small rock and fell into oblivion, throwing the baby in her surprise. The baby landed softly on the ostriches back and turned into a baby ostrich. Oblivion turned out to be a field of rabid bunnies. The bunnies crowded around Anna and tried to climb onto her head. The started licking her and pawing at her. And, meowing? 'That's not right' Anna thought. She woke on the couch, Loco-hot-cocoa on her lap, and a kitten on her head, licking her face to get her to play with her. Kiki....."A stuffed ostrich was a couple feet away, on it's back a baby doll. "No more cocoa before bed."

Word count: 281 words.


Sixth Cramp Entry
Write a poem or story which contains: a queen, a pair of missing false teeth, and a turtle that likes to walk backward.

Once upon a time, there was a queen, aged ninety-nine. Her people loved her dearly, even though she couldn't see them too clearly. Among her many friends, a turtle made amends to what he had wronged her. Her false teeth missing from her mouth, she ordered everyone to look in every pouch. She didn't know hat a turtle, walking backwards one day, had sat on her false teeth with his head and gotten them stuck in his mouth. He soon set out, enjoying the view behind him and wondering what was in his mouth. He dropped it in a couch and went on his way. "My friend turtle," the queen said, "have you seen my teeth?"
"Was THAT what I picked up"?
In a couch of blue, someone sat with ado, on the queen's teeth, cried ouch, and leapt onto her feet. Looking behind her, the lady said "That's where they are!"

Word count: 151

My Heart

Seventh Cramp Entry
Write a STORY or POEM about searching desperately for something you've lost.

Some say that when your heart is broken it will mend. But, what if, when it got broken, the person took it with him? That's what happened to me, Margaret Louis. I gave my heart to someone and they broke it and took it away. It all happened the summer that i was 16......

Songs from the radio accompany our dancing, my head on his shoulder, his warm arms around me. The night seems unreal to me. We lay down, side by side on the grass a little while later and just enjoy each others company. That night, my heart became his, when he promised me forever.
School started as usual, busy schedules and homework filling our time with little for each other. But, that's not an excuse for what he did. What he did was rip the heart i had given him into thousands of pieces, stepped on them, and then scattered them to the winds. She was a buxom, black-haired beauty, with a sense of mystery about her. She filled him with her poison and slowly ate away at the forever I was entitled to. A touch of a hand, a kiss behind bushes, invitations home. These all gave her precedent over me, the honest one. My trust in him dwindled, until one kiss, innocent, from him to her, set my heart out of my grasp.

I now search for my heart in every glance that is thrown my way, every word spoken aloud. I search the silences and gestures of my peers. My parents have tried to throw me a life preserver, but I feel it is too late, for my heart was stolen. I may find it someday, but not now.
I found something. You'll never get forever, especially if their is a buxom, black-haired beauty in the wings.

Word Count: 305

Any other Entries I make, Will be put here after they are judged, as I don't have enough space to keep them all as separate documents
© Copyright 2007 Knightress Morgan (morgan_faere at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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