Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1330233-A-Bloody-Dance
Rated: E · Chapter · Sci-fi · #1330233
Chapter two of an ongoing chapter in the life of a Starfleet Captain.
The Battle had been going on for the past hour and of the three dominion battle cruisers one was out of action… the other two were dancing with the Columbia in a deadly Waltz of photons and phasers.

“Here he comes for another pass Sir!”
The greenhorn Ensign that had taken Tactical after the death of Lt. Harras called out...

“Track him and make him pay for his troubles Mister Thomas. “

Daniel was looking at the Main viewer that had been split into a real time view of the battle and the tactical gridline map of the space around his ship.

“Have the secondary systems target the other one and keep him at bay... Com, what about re-enforcements... the Cairo and the Yorktown were are they?”

“The Cairo is 2 hours away Sir…” the com officer looked at Daniel with uncertainty on her face.

“What about the Yorktown? What’s her ETA?”

Daniel was looking at the tactical display, the silence from the com officer made him look away and back at her. From the look on her face he instantly knew it was bad news.

“Tell Me Ensign, What happened to the Yorktown”

“Sir Outpost 12 indicated that she was attacked close to their position on the neutral zone as they were going to warp out to aid us… The Yorktown was lost with all hands… before I lost contact with OP-12 they said that the dominion ships were picking off the emergency pods.”

Daniel’s brow knitted in deep thought the crew could see the anger in his eyes smoldering… the XO was the only one that heard him utter something “ Captain Duggan was my wingman when we were at the academy “

Determination coalesced on his face… slowly his Vulcan side took over and he lost all emotion on his face and voice.

“Tactical, full power to the forward shields... bring all weapon’s to bare on the lead ship and fire when ready, Helm as soon as we are clear of the debris fields plot a course for the Cairo and prepare to go to warp.”

A few seconds after Daniel finished giving the orders the tactical office whooped as the ship rocked with the explosion of the dominion ship… The Blue Skinned Bolian helmsman turned toward Daniel...

“Course set in sir ready for warp speed.”

Daniel nodded “Good... Tactical now full aft shields, ready rear photon launchers and secondary phaser banks, target their engines this is going to be a running shot... ready? “

Everybody on the bridge braced for the explosion that was going to be a close one… but nodded their readiness.

“Fire all weapons!”

As the torpedoes left the launchers looking like starburst they were followed by the crimson lancers of the phaser cannon’s on the rear of the main dish and bottom of the secondary hull… Daniel didn’t wait for the weapons to hit their target’s he knew the final outcome.

“Engage Warp speed!”

The Columbia leaped into warp like a racehorse out of the gate…
© Copyright 2007 Daniel X. Mancuso (cjortiz at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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