Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1328902-Needs-to-end
by cutie
Rated: E · Non-fiction · Drama · #1328902
nice strory
So, i was working on the computer at home after coming from school barely keeping my eyes open. While i was reading something on the computer , this sudden loud noice occured. I got to tell you , i almost jumped up from my seat.
l heard someone calling my name which sounded a lot like my mother's angry tone.
Her tone of voice sounded as if someone is about to be eaten by a tiger or strangled right then and there. l got my self together before it got worse and left the room.

As i entered the room where my mother was, i felt blood rushing through my body ready to splash out and right then i felt really really afraid. i didnt know why , but it was that look my mother gave me that made me feel like i was about to faint. i kept thinking and listing the wrong things i have done today to make her look as angry as she is now. i coulnt think of anything bad i did because that wasnt the case, it was something else.

My mom yelled at me for fooling around with my friends in school. She made it clear that if i ever talk to them again or sit next to them during my lunch period, she will report them. I havent really been fooling around with them, the only thing i have done with them is talk constantly during my classes which is something i dont usually do. I argued with my mom about this situation she created, but she was too powerful for me and i didnt have any reasons either. What was i supposed to tell her?what was there to explain?.I kept asking my self these kind of questions because if you come to think of it , i really dont have anything to say other than to agree with my mother.I was like a non-stop agreeing machine because i coul'dnt stop agreeing with my mother's opinions about not talking to my friends. I kept thinking of the things these friends made me lose which were my qualities. l lost some of the qualities that i really loved about my self. These friends made me feel careless and i didnt like that feeling because i really cared so much about almost everything , but i lied to myself thinking i was careless which i was not and never will be. As i thought about these things, it made me feel better about not talking to my friends. l chose my mother's desicion because i didnt want to ruin something, i felt that it would be better to listen to someone so close to you , than to listen to my peers and myself because my peers and myself are convincing me to talk to people that are not worth it.

**********************************2nd part*******************************


l woked up in the morning to the sound of the clock that made a loud lion noice which was really disturbing. I didnt want to wake up because i knew that i had to go face my friends. I didnt know how to react with them, i was really hoping that maybe i would not be noticed by them. I took a shower really quickly that i almost flew out of the bath tub before i actuaLly was done. l got dressed reaLly quickly. I put on my dark blue jeans, black shirt, and my sneakers. I put on some jell and cream to keep my curly hair nice and bouncy. l left the house really quickly because i wanted to confront my mates right away. I knew that it wiLl turn out akward , but i got to do what i got to do. When i got to school , one of the girls that i wasnt supposed to talk to was waiting for me by the school yard. I noticed her right when i got to school. l didnt want to make a scene out of this situation, so i just took the long way to the school doors. Instead of going to the main entrance, i went through the back door near the security guards. Thankfully , my friend didnt notice where i went , but i was so sure that when she sees me later on , she will most definitly ask why i used that door. It did look like i was avoiding someone, even the teachers noticed my facial expressions and the way i walked tip toeing through the streets near the school i attended. I sat on the stair case when i entered the back door waiting for the first period bell to ring. I kept thinking over how to confront the girl that i just avoided. l see her 5 times a day which is 5 times worse than to confront her only once. l felt so stupid avoiding my friends as if they will shoot me and eat me like a hunter. It was redicIicious to avoid my friends , but i wasn't ready to confront any of them.


First period bell rang.I felt my face getting bright red, i was a tamato. I really wasnt expecting that , i mean at least not until I see my friend. As i kept walking to my class room which wasnt far away, i kept having butterflies in my stomach. I finaly made it to class to find out that my teacher is absent for today. I was really upset because now i have to sit with the girl i avoided which is even hard because now she will beg me to sit near her. I got in to the class room where she was waiting for me. When nothing worked to get her off my shouLder, i was honest instead because i had no other choice.Here is our converstation!!

"hi" she cried out reaLly loud almost the whole school hearing her.

"ohh..he..hey"i stuttered

"yes...she's absent,"she looked around for awhile "lets sit in the back"

"oh i dont think thats..."

"noo come one pLEASE" she stoped me and continued

"okay fine" i roLled my eyes and she gave me that look that says whats up with this girl today

We both sat on the tables in the back. I dont know about her , but i was feeling so akward. This bitch was reaLly ruining my first day of not talking to my friends. I then decided that i had to put an end to this , so i decided to speak up and be honest.

"you know..i can't sit with you during lunch anymore" i mentioned

"WHAT!1..why?"she looked so confused

"because that kid...hes annoying"

"so thats how guys are"

"okay...you know what..to be honest..thats just part of the reason"

"whats the other part"

"the other part is that my mom said if i ever sit near you guys again shelL report aLl of you down to the main office"

"what the fuck!!"

"yeah im serious and the freaking ass kid is the one who started everything, if he hadnt been bothering me ..my mom wouldnt have thuoght that he was hiting on me"

"yeah..i know that fucking kid,' she yeLled " hes a bitch yo!"

i kept thinking, here we go again with the cursing. When i cursed , i didnt reaLly curse, it was just simple things like shit or freak or stupid..but never what she says the f word.I kept quiet for a while , i didnt want to speak about this problem anymore because it is what it is.

to be continued
© Copyright 2007 cutie (strongheart at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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