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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #1325648
A well-known hero is subjugated and made into a slave
Subjugation of a Hero


David Huhn

Note: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

It was a sunny day in the city. People went about their business, knowing local law enforcement was keeping them safe. Supervillans didn't attack the city often because of the one hero they would have to deal with.

The hero in question is Hal Jordan, a.k.a. Green Lantern. He was patrolling in the sky when he spotted a little girl by a nearby river. He swooped down and landed near her.

"What's wrong?" Hal asked the girl.

"My cat fell into the river and got swept downstream. Please save him mister!"

"Don't worry, I'll get him." And with that Hal flew into the sky.

About a mile downstream Hal spotted the cat clinging to a piece of wood trying to keep its head out of the water. Hal swooped in and used his power ring to get the cat out of the river and landed near an abandoned warehouse.

"Lets see if I can't whip up something to dry you off." With that Hal used the ring to make a hair dryer and used it to dry the cat off. Just then Hal spotted something out of the corner of his eye. Behind him, someone used a yellow power ring to make a bubble around his head. Before long Hal fell, unconscious from a lack of oxygen.

Hours later, Hal woke up, naked and strapped to a lab table. His ring nowhere to be seen, he was unable to free himself.

"Welcome to my dungeon, Hal Jordan. I am Mistress Eve. Get used to that, as you will be serving me as my slave."

"I'll never serve you!"

"You'll change your tune soon enough. Now slave Kelly, use your 'special skills' on him!"

"Yes Mistress. Hello Mr. Green Lantern. Before we begin i have to put this cloth in your mouth...There we go. Oooh, your cock is so soft. Lets see what happens when i touch it...Look! It's getting bigger-and harder. Oh, it's so hard for me i want to ride it...it slides in so easily...Oh yes, it feels so good. Now look at my crystal, see it between my breasts? Good boy, you're under my spell now. Keep looking as i count down; when i reach 1 you will cum so hard for me and be completely under my spell.

10...pussy so wet yeah
9...faster oh yes
8...oh yesss...
7...i'm going to cum for you
6...my hands on my breasts my soft warm breasts
5...here you go boy
4...oh yes, yes
3...cum for me boy
2...oh yes
1...i love you. cum hard boy. oh yes, so wet. mmm so gooeeey yes. good boy, get it all over. oh yeah just like that.

"Sleep for me now, that's a good boy. Now i'll put these headphones on you and when you wake up you'll be a slave to both my mistresses, yes you will."

"Good girl" Mistress Eve complimented slave Kelly. "The subliminal messages recorded by your fellow slave Jillian should have the desired effect on him." Mistress Candice entered the lab, followed by slave Jillian, wearing nothing except a pair of black latex panties and a collar with a leash attached to it.

"Jillian," Mistress Candice ordered "Release our newest slave from his restraints."

"Yes Mistress," replied Jillian as she released Green Lantern from his bonds and removed the cloth and headphones.

"Now what are you, Green Lantern?"

"I am a slave to Mistress Eve and Mistress Candice."

"That's correct, slave." Mistress Eve said in reply.

"Now lick my boots clean, slave!" Mistress Candice ordered.

Green Lantern complied with her command while they laughed at him.

"We're going to have so much fun with this one, Eve."

"Indeed we will, Candice. Indeed we will."

Laughter was heard throughout the lab as Green Lantern continued with his appointed task.

"Sinestro will be pleased...


One week has passed since Green Lantern went missing. During that time there have been numerous crimes committed throughout the city. The police had been unable to prevent the crimes from taking place and as a result the people felt less safe than before. They were crying out for a hero.

Unbeknownest to them, there was a hero in their midst. He retired several years ago in order to live a normal life. Now he is walking on the street with his girlfriend Tiffany.

"Nice of you to go shopping with me, Gregory" Tiffany said to him.

"It's nothing Tiffany. I love spending time with you" Gregory replied.

They were on their way to the jewelry store when suddenly a green beam of light destroyed the store's front wall.Green Lantern landed and used his power ring to steal the jewelry and placed it in a bag he carried with him.

"Gregory, why is Green Lantern doing this?" Tiffany asked.

"I don't know honey" Gregory replied. "Right now you need to get to a safe place."

"But Gregory..." Tiffany protested.

"Go! I'll deal with him." And with that Gregory transformed himself into the Hurricane. His costume was green-and-black with a stylized "H" in a white circle on his chest. Good thing Hal gave me a ring of my own, Hurricane thought to himself as he went to confront him.

"Why are you doing this Hal?"

"I belong to my mistresses and I must obey their every command."

Mistresses? thought the Hurricane as he realized Hal had been brainwashed against his will.

Suddenly Green Lantern used his ring to form a fist around Hurricane and slammed him into the street below with tremendous force. Only the Hurricane's superhuman durability allowed him to survive the blow with minor bruises.

"So that's the way you want it" the Hurricane said as Green Lantern landed near him. Green Lantern used his ring to make a shield just before the Hurricane punched him with his superhuman strength and sent him flying several blocks away. As the Hurricane flew after him he was again caught in a green fist and thrown into the jewelry store.

"Whoa, isn't that Green Lantern and the Hurricane fighting each other?" one man said, emerging from a nearby alleyway as Green Lantern landed by the store.

"Shouldn't we try to help out somehow?" another man asked.

"We don't have time" the first man replied. "We have a cat to find, remember?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right" the other man said. "Let's go into that nearby bar and see if we can't find out anything there." As the two men entered the bar Green Lantern flew away, carrying an unconscious Hurricane behind him.

Several hours later the Hurricane woke up to find himself captive in a lab somewhere. He tried to break free from his restraints but his powers were neutralized by the restraints. Helpless, he had no choice but to wait for his captors to arrive.

"Hello slave" Mistress Candice said as she entered the lab, Green Lantern behind her. "As you can see, your fellow hero serves his mistresses as our slave."

"Mistresses?" the Hurricane asked.

"I'm not the only one, slave. He serves three mistresses-just like you will shortly!" With that Mistress Candice left the lab, leaving Green Lantern behind.

There's a lot of Latverian technology here, the Hurricane thought to himself as he looked around. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, the Hurricane saw Green Lantern grab his head as if he suffered a splitting headache.

"Hal?" A voice echoed in Green Lantern's head.

"Hal, it's me-Zatanna. Ekaw Pu (wake up)!" the voice continued.

"Nooo...must obey mistresses" Green Lantern said.

"Ekaw pu won (wake up now)!" Zatanna's voice shouted out in his head as he slumped over, barely conscious as Mistress Candice returned.

"What the...? How the hell did you defeat my slave?!" Mistress Candice yelled out, visibly upset. The lab suddenly shook violently as the power started to fail.

"What the hell is going on here?" Mistress Candice shouted into her yellow power ring.

"Two intruders managed to destroy the power generator and the building is falling apart" the 3-D image of a henchman reported.

Damn, Mistress Candice thought as she ran from the lab towards safety. At least these two won't survive, she thought further.

With the lab falling apart, the Hurricane broke free from his restraints and picked up Green Lantern. Using his superhuman strength, the Hurricane broke through the walls and flew outside just as the building exploded. Lying on the ground to his right the Hurricane spotted two men there. They must have been the intruders...but why were they there in the first place?, the Hurricane wondered to himself as he flew away.

An hour later Green Lantern and the Hurricane were leaving the police station discussing the recent events.

"Going back into retirement, Hurricane?" Green Lantern asked.

"Not yet. There was a lot of Latverian technology in that lab-and that means Doom's involved somehow." the Hurricane replied. "And his plans may be on this disc I'm holding."

"Come to the Watchtower. We can check it out there."

"Thanks. How did you get involved anyway, Hal?"

"I was helping a little girl with her cat when a beam of yellow light hit me from behind."

"Sinestro's mixed up in this too?" the Hurricane asked Green Lantern.

"Looks that way" Green Lantern replied. "I wouldn't be here now if it wasn't for you and Zatanna."

"Speaking of women I have a date to finish before searching for Doom" the Hurricane said to him.

"Take care of yourself then" replied Green Lantern. "We'll meet up again soon."

With that the two heroes went their separate ways...for now.

© Copyright 2007 D.J.Huhn (dave73272003 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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