Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1324744-When-It-All-Falls----Part-1
by Mandi
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Drama · #1324744
What happens when love and tragedy strike a group of teenagers in California.
“You’re joking right?” Mickey said to her mom and step dad.
“Yes! We’re moving to California. We’re moving to California.” Said Mandi, Mickey’s stepsister. 
“That’s not fair! I like it here!” yelled Mickey.
“Well, sweetie you’re dad got a promotion so they’re transferring him to California.” Said Mickey’s mom.
“He’s not my dad, and he never will be.” Said Mickey coldly, but the truth is she doesn’t mind her step dad.
“Mickey Marie Roberts how dare you say a thing like that!” Mickey’s mom said.
“My last name is not Roberts!” yelled Mickey. “It’s Lange! Just because my dad died doesn’t mean I’m going to change my last name to make you and him happy!” she said her eyes brimming with tears.
“Honey, you know that’s not why,” said Mickey’s mom but Mickey cut her off.
“Yeah it is! You made me change my last name when you married him, but he’s not my dad! I’m keeping my dad’s name!” With that Mickey stormed out the door and ran across the lawn and down the street to her second home. Mickey didn’t even bother to knock; she just opened the door and went up the stairs. She burst into Cody’s room.
“Mick what’s wrong?” asked Cody standing up.
It was hard for Mickey to talk through her tears but she managed to say, “I, I’m moving.”
“No way! How could they tell that two days after Christmas?” said Cody angrily. “I’m so sorry Mick.” Cody said pulling her into a hug. Mickey started to calm down and she stopped crying. She pulled away and sat on Cody’s bed.
“Where are you moving to?” asked Cody.
“Some place called Los Altos Hills, California.” Said Mickey.
“When?” asked Cody.
“On the 15th.” Said Mickey.
“Of January?” said Cody in disbelief.
“Yep.” Said Mickey solemnly.
“That only gives us like 20 days.” Said Cody.
“I know.” Said Mickey.
“That means we have to make your last 20 days here good.” Said Cody.
“We should. I can’t go home right now.” Just as she said this her cell phone started to ring.
There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold
And she's buying the stairway to heaven.
When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for.
Ooh, ooh, and she's buying the stairway to heaven.

“Hello?” said Mickey.
“Why did you run out like that?” asked Mickey’s mother.
“Mom, I don’t have anything to say to you.” Said Mickey, with that she hung up and turned her phone off.
“Come on, I’ll buy you some ice cream.” Said Cody.
    The next 20 days were a blur. The next thing Mickey knew it was January 14, the day before she leaves. It was 9 o’clock in the morning and Mickey was asleep…for now.
“Mickey can you believe it? We’re moving tomorrow.” Yelled Mandi coming into the room and jumping on her stepsisters bed.
Mickey put her head under her pillow still half asleep. Mandi then proceeded to open all the curtains and take the pillow off her sisters’ head.
“Mandi, how can you be so damn hyper at 9 o’clock in the morning?” groaned Mickey.
“I’m excited! Oh and you’ve got a phone call.” Said Mandi.
“Who is it?” asked Mickey.
“Shelby.” Said Mandi.
When Mickey heard it was Shelby she got up and picked up the phone.
“Hello?” said Mickey.
“Hey Mick.” Said Shelby.
“Hey Shelbs, what’s up?” said Mickey.
“I can’t believe you’re leaving me tomorrow.” Said Shelby.
“Trust me Shelbs, if I could stay here I would. I don’t want to go to Los Altos Hills, California.” Said Mickey.
“You want to know something kinda weird?” asked Shelby.
“Yeah.” Said Mickey.
“Los Altos Hills means some tall hills in Spanish.” Said Shelby.
“Really?” asked Mickey.
“Yup. I don’t think Cody wants you to leave.” Said Shelby.
“Off subject, but he is my best friend of course he doesn’t want me to leave.” Said Mickey.
“No, I think he doesn’t want you to leave because he hasn’t made his move yet.” Said Shelby.
“Meaning?” asked Mickey as she looked in her closet for something to wear.
“Meaning, he has liked you since you moved here. But now that you’re moving he can’t, so chances are he’ll make his move before tomorrow.” Shelby explained.
“I don’t even know what to say to that. Cody is my best friend, I don’t think I can even think of him that way.” Said Mickey.
“What if you break his heart?” asked Shelby playfully.
“I don’t think he’d be that devastated. After all we have been best friends for almost 2 years. I think he’d understand.” Said Mickey hopefully.
“Yeah I’m sure he would. So what are you doing today?” asked Shelby.
“Well, mall later with you, tonight I’m going out to get ice cream with Cody, and a big day of packing. Luckily I’m almost done.” Said Mickey.
“I should let you get going. I’ll see you at 2.” Said Shelby.
“Okay, see you later.” Said Mickey.
“Later.” Said Shelby and she hung up.
      When Mickey had hung up the phone she laid out her clothes on the bed. She decided to wear a black t-shirt that says “The Goonies Never Say Die”, original converse, and ripped jeans. After she laid out her clothes she went and jumped in the shower. When she got out she dried and straightened her hair and put her clothes on. After she did that she put on some lip gloss and little bit of eyeliner and mascara. Mickey then started packing. At 1:30pm Mickey got in her car (a mini) and drove to the mall to meet Shelby.
“Hey Mick, what’s up?” said Shelby.
“Hey Shelby.” Said Mickey.
“Oh my gosh, you’ll never guess who’s here!” Shelby exclaimed.
“Who’s here?”

“Max Thieriot is here!” Exclaimed Shelby.
“No way! You’re joking right?” said Mickey in disbelief.
“I am so not joking. I don’t joke about these kinds of things.” Said Shelby. “He’s with some chick. I wonder if it’s his girlfriend.”
“You never know. Where are they at?” asked Mickey.
“Why?” asked Shelby suspiciously.
“Maybe we can casually bump into them.” Said Mickey.
“That’s not a bad idea. But you have to talk to them first.” Said Shelby.
“Deal. Now where are they?” asked Mickey.
“They went into the food court.” Said Shelby.
“While we’re in there I think I’ll get a Cinnabon.” Said Mickey.
“That’s it?” asked Shelby.
“Of course not. Throughout the course of our mall experience I shall also get a pretzel dog from Auntie Anne’s, a slice of pizza from the pizzeria, and something sweet from the candy shop.” Said Mickey as they started walking to the food court.
“That’s the Mickey I know and love.” Said Shelby laughing.
    Mickey was walking backwards and she accidentally walked into Max Thieriot.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going.” Said Mickey.
“No problem.” Said Max.
“I’m Mickey Lange and this is my best friend Shelby Anderson.” Said Mickey.
“I’m Max Thieriot and this is my best friend Kaitlin Cunningham.” Said Max.
“It’s nice to meet you guys. We were about to go grab a bite to eat, would you two like to join us?” asked Mickey.
“I’d like to.” Said Kaitlin.
“Sure, sounds like fun.” Said Max.
“Cool.” Said Shelby finally speaking.
“I’m gonna go get a slice or two from the pizzeria. Wait maybe three. Anyone want to join me?” said Mickey.
“I will.” Said Max. “Can you really eat that much?”
“That much and more.” Said Shelby. “One time when I spent the night at her house we ordered pizza and she ate the whole thing.”
“No way.” Said Kaitlin in disbelief.
“Yep it’s true. Best pizza I ever had.” Said Mickey.
“Well, I think I want Mongolian Grill.” Said Kaitlin.
“That sounds good.” Said Shelby.
“Whoever is done getting their food first should get us a table.” Said Kaitlin. Everyone agreed and went to get their food.
“So Max are you the meats type of guy?” asked Mickey.
“Excuse me?” said Max.
“Do you like meat on your pizza?” Explained Mickey.
“Oh, yeah. I guess I am a meats type of guy. Are you a cheese type of girl?” asked Max.
“Sort of. I’m all about simplicity, but pepperoni is probably my favorite.” Answered Mickey.
They got in line and got their pizza, both of them got 3 slices.
“Looks like we got our food first.” Said Max looking at Kaitlin and Shelby at the end of the line.
“Let’s go find a table.” Said Mickey. They found one in the middle of the food court.
“Do you think we should wait for them?” asked Mickey.
“I think if we both eat one piece we can just tell them we both got two pieces.” Suggested Max.
“Now that’s an idea. I say we go with it, I’m hungry.” Said Mickey.
“Agreed.” Said Max. So they both ate one piece. When Shelby and Kaitlin finally came to the table Max and Mickey were still hungry even though they had eaten one piece already. When Kaitlin and Shelby finally returned Max and Mickey had decided to pretend that they were shaking with hunger.
“What’s wrong with you two?” asked Shelby.
“So hungry.” Said Mickey.
“So why didn’t you guys eat?” asked Kaitlin.
“We wanted to wait for you two.” Said Max.
“So nice of you, and by the way not funny.” Said Shelby taking a bite of her food.
They all finished eating within 15 minutes.
“So what are you guys going to do now?” asked Max.
“Hang out, walk around, and shop.” Answered Mickey.
“Mind if we join you?” asked Kaitlin.
“Not at all.” Said Shelby. For the next couple hours Max, Shelby, Mickey, and Kaitlin hung out at the mall and went in various stores.
Mickey took out her cell phone and said, “I have to go.”
“Why?” asked Kaitlin.
“I have some packing to finish, dinner with the fam, and I’m going out for ice cream with Cody at 9.” Answered Mickey.
“Your boyfriend?” asked Max.
“Eww, no way. Cody’s like my brother.” Said Mickey.
“So you’re moving?” asked Kaitlin.
“Yeah, sadly. I like Dallas. Plus I’ll be leaving Shelby.” Said Mickey.
“About that, meant to tell you earlier but you know excitement about the one thing.” Said Shelby.
“Quit rambling and tell me.” Said Mickey.
“I’m moving with you.” Said Shelby simply.
“Are you serious?” asked Mickey.
“Way serious. Your parents talked to my parents cause you were miserable about moving and they asked if I could come with and my parents said I could.” Said Shelby in one breath.
“No way.” Said Mickey.
“Way.” Said Shelby mockingly. All of a sudden both girls started screaming and jumping up and down. This lasted for about 5 minutes.
“Are you done yet?” asked Max shouting over all the noise.
“Almost.” Shelby yelled back. They screamed for a couple more seconds and then it was silent. You could hear the silence.
“Okay, we’re done. I’m cool.” Said Mickey. “I can’t believe you’re moving with me.”
After she said this Max put his hand over her mouth and said, “Don’t start screaming again.”
Max wouldn’t let go of her mouth so Mickey licked his hand and he let go immediately.
“Poor Cody, since we’re gonna be gone he’s gonna be here all by himself.” Said Mickey.
“I bet Lauren will be happy.” Said Shelby. Mickey nodded.
“Who’s Lauren?” asked Kaitlin.
“She’s this chick that has a huge crush on Cody. She doesn’t like Mickey cause Cody and Mickey are really good friends.” Said Shelby.
“Are we gonna get to meet Cody?” asked Max.
“Sure if you want to.” Said Mickey. “Meet us at the park at 9.”
“Okay cool, see you later.” Said Max. With that they parted. When Shelby and Mickey were on their way out some one-stepped in front of the doorway.

  “So I hear you two are moving.” Said Lauren snootily. “I hope your annoying stepsister is moving too.”
“Yeah we’re moving, but don’t ever talk about my sister.” Said Mickey.
“Stepsister.” Lauren embellished.
“So what. She’s still my sister, and she may be annoying but only I can say that.” Said Mickey.
“Well you know what?” was all Lauren said until some one interrupted her.
“Mickey, I forgot to ask what park are we meeting at?” asked Max.
“Harmon Park. Do you know where that is?” asked Mickey.
“No.” said Max.
“Here.” Said Mickey giving Max her cell phone number. “Call me later and I’ll give you directions or we can just meet at my house.” Said Mickey.
“All right see you later.” Said Max.
“Bye.” Said Mickey. “Now back on subject, if I ever find out you were talking about me, my family, or my friends, I will kick your scrawny ass from here to Timbuktu. Are we clear?” said Mickey menacingly.
“Yeah sure. But at least with you gone I get Codykins all to myself.” Said Lauren. “Oh and by the way how do you know Max Thieriot?”
“I’m sorry, I missed the part where that’s any of your business.” Said Mickey coldly.
“Now if you’ll excuse us we have places to be and more important people to be with.” Said Shelby just as cold as Mickey.
Lauren stepped aside with a look of surprise on her face. Once Shelby and Mickey got out of earshot of Lauren Shelby said, “You sure are full of surprises.”
“What do you mean?” asked Mickey.
“Do you need an instant replay?” asked Shelby. “‘If I ever find out you were talking about me, my family, or my friends, I will kick your scrawny ass from here to Timbuktu. Are we clear?’” Mocked Shelby. “How do you come up with that? It was totally amazing.”
Mickey blushed a little and said, “Thanks. Lauren just annoys me so much so I gave her a piece of my mind.”
    Shelby and Mickey talked until they had to part ways on different streets. When Mickey got home she went upstairs and finished packing. She then decided to change her clothes so she decided to keep on the ripped jeans, but she changed into a green shirt that says “My Dog Can Beat Up Your Dog”, and green low-rise converse. She was finally done packing so she decided to plop down in front of her computer until she had to go. She signed in.
MiCkThEpIrAtEuLuV you have just signed in.
CoDmAnEaTsChEeSe: hey mick! we stil on for ice cream l8r?
MiCkThEpIrAtEuLuV: of course.  I met sum people 2day I want to bring. That ok?
CoDmAnEaTsChEeSe: yeah sure, who?
MiCkThEpIrAtEuLuV: max thieriot and his frnd kaitlin.
CoDmAnEaTsChEeSe: o kewl. Hey I g2g dinner ttyl
MiCkThEpIrAtEuLuV: kk l8r cody!

CoDmAnEaTsChEeSe has just signed out.

    Mickey’s phone rang.
I don’t know what you been thinking bout me
Did you think this was gonna be that easy
Hell no you must be going crazy
Why don’t you get out of my life
Get out of my sight
Get off of my back
Why don’t you get back to your world
Go back to your girl
I think you owe her
I know what’s going on
I wont be second to none
That girl is crowden my space
You need to get out of my face

    Mickey got caught up in the song and started singing the song before she realized it was her phone.
“Sup?” said Mickey.
“Mickey?” asked a voice.
“The one and only, who’s this?” asked Mickey.
“It’s Max.” said Max.
“Oh hey Max. What’s up?” said Mickey.
“I need directions to the park or your house.” Said Max.
“Oh yeah. Why don’t we just meet at my house? It’ll be easier.” Said Mickey. She then gave him the directions to her house.
“All right see you later.” Said Max.
“Later.” Said Mickey.
*There is no chance I’m going to be able to talk to Mickey alone now. Now that, that Max Thieriot dude is coming. Maybe I can pull her aside, or after everyone leaves, or maybe tomorrow. * Cody looked at the clock and realized he should probably start getting ready. *Gotta meet Max Thieriot in an hour. This is gonna be fun. *

      An hour later Cody entered Mickey’s house. He didn’t have to knock; he came over so often that everyone in Mickey’s family was accustomed to him just walking in the house.
“Hey Cody!” Yelled Mickey from upstairs. “Come on up.”
Cody walked up the stairs and into Mickey’s room.
“Hey Mick. What’s up?” asked Cody.
“Nothing just waiting for Max and Kaitlin to get here.” Said Mickey. She was lying on her bed staring at the ceiling listening to The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide is Press Coverage by Panic! At The Disco.
A couple minutes later the doorbell rang.
“Mickey, Cody, there’s a Max Thieriot and Kaitlin Cunningham here for you.” Yelled Mickey’s mom from the bottom of the stairs.
“Coming.” Cody and Mickey shouted back. Mickey slicked on some lip-gloss and the pair left the room.
“Hey Max, hey Kaitlin. This is my best friend Cody Linley. Cody this is Max Thieriot and Kaitlin Cunningham.
“It’s nice to meet you two.” Said Cody.
“You were great in Hoot.” Kaitlin said as if she was about to burst.
“Thanks.” Cody said laughing.
“Should we go?” asked Mickey.
“Shouldn’t we wait for Shelby?” asked Kaitlin.
“Her parents decided they wanted to spend her last night with her.” Said Mickey.
“Alright, let’s go.” Said Max.
    They left the house; it was a short walk to the park. The sun was setting. They got their ice cream and walked around for a while. They all stopped at the swings and the two girls sat down while the guys pushed them. It wasn’t as bad as Cody thought it was going to be. He enjoyed Kaitlin’s company and Max was pretty cool.
“We should probably get going now.” Said Mickey after it had been dark for a while.
“Most likely, my parents are probably going to drill me for being out with two girls and a guy this late.” Said Cody.
“It’s not late.” Said Max.
“To my parents it’s late. Any time after the street lights come on is late to my parents.” Said Cody.
“That’s gotta suck.” Said Kaitlin.
“Oh yeah. They trust me to leave on location for movies, but they don’t trust me to be out after dark in my hometown.” Said Cody.
“I can’t believe I’m leaving tomorrow.” Said Mickey changing the subject.
“I know, I can’t believe you and Shelby are leaving me here all by myself to go to Los Altos Hills, California.” Said Cody.
“Los Altos Hills?” asked Max.
“Yeah, why?” asked Mickey.
“We live in Los Altos Hills, California.” Said Kaitlin excitedly.
“Are you serious?” asked Mickey.
“Oh my gosh! We’re going to live in the same town!” Kaitlin said elatedly.
“That’s awesome!” said Mickey.
“Oh yeah, totally great. You all will be in Los Altos Hills, but I’ll be stuck here with Lauren.” Said Cody angrily.
“I wish you could come too Cody.” Said Kaitlin putting her arm around Cody.
“My parents said I could go on long weekends, holidays, and breaks.” Said Cody putting his arm around Kat.
      Max walked Mickey home and Kat walked with Cody.
“When are you leaving?” asked Mickey.
“In two hours.” Said Max. “And you?”
“Me and Shelbs are leaving tomorrow at 2:45pm.” Said Mickey.
“I’ll see you in Los Altos Hills.” Said Max with that he gave Mickey a quick peck on the lips and left.
“Bye Max.” said Mickey breathlessly.
Mickey opened the door to house and weightlessly climbed the stairs and fell onto her bed.

“It was great meeting you Kat.” Said Cody.
“It was great meeting you. I’m glad Max persuaded me to come to Dallas.” Said Kat.
With that Cody kissed Kat and then the porch light came on and the front door opened.
Someone cleared their throat. Cody turned around.
“Umm, hey mom.” Said Cody nervously.
“Inside. Now.” His mother said sternly.
“Bye Kat.” Said Cody.
“Bye Cody.” Said Kat dreamily. Then Cody walked into his house.
“What were you doing?” asked his mother.
“I thought that was bit obvious.” Said Cody.
“Go to your room.” Mrs. Linley said.
“That’s kinda where I was going.” Said Cody.
“Well go faster.” Said his mother.
Cody walked up the stairs and fell on his bed fluttering with happiness. Cody layed there for about 10 minutes then he picked up his phone and dialed a number.
“Hello?” came a voice.
“Hey Mick, can I came to California with you?” asked Cody.
“I’m guessing things went well with Kat.” Mickey said.
“Oh yeah.” Said Cody. “Let’s just say I got caught on the porch.”
“Ohhh, Codykins is growing up. You just got caught making out with a girl on your porch. That’s a major milestone.” Said Mickey laughing.
“I’m going to come to California as soon as I can.” Said Cody.
“It’s good to know you’ll miss me.” Said Mickey rolling her eyes.
“You know I’ll miss you.” Said Cody.
“Yeah I know.” Said Mickey. “Hey I gotta go. I should probably get to bed. See you tomorrow Cody.”
“Bye Mickey.” Said Cody.
Mickey went to bed that night thinking ‘maybe this move isn’t going to be as bad as I thought.’

“Wake up Mickey.” Yelled Mandi.
“For the millionth time, I’d rather use an alarm clock.” Groaned Mickey.
“Get up, Cody and Shelby are here.” Said Mandi.
“Special for Cody and Shelby.” Said Mickey as she rolled over.
“Fine.” Said Mandi. Mandi exited the room and Cody and Shelby entered.
“Get your lazy arse out of bed!” yelled Shelby as she jumped on Mickey’s bed.
“Bite me!” Mickey yelled back.
“Cody, would you like to do the honors?” asked Shelby.
“I would be honored.” Said Cody, with that he bit Mickey’s arm.
“Ow! What was that for?” said Mickey sitting up.
“You said ‘bite me’ so I did.” Said Cody.
“I didn’t mean that literally.” Said Mickey.
“Not my problem.” Said Cody.
“Hurry up and get ready. We’re spending the day with Cody remember.” Said Shelby.
“Oh yeah. Give me half an hour.” Said Mickey.
“What could possibly take half an hour?” asked Cody.
“I have to shower, do my hair, make-up, and pick out my clothes.” Said Mickey.
“Fine. We’ll be downstairs.” Said Shelby.
    Mickey got up showered, changed, and did her make-up and hair. It only took her 20 minutes.
“Took you long enough.” Said Cody when Mickey finally came down he stairs.
“Only 20 minutes. That’s ten minutes less then I told you guys.” Said Mickey.
“You should have been up already.” Said Cody.
“Bite me.” Said Mickey.
“Now do we really want to go back to that again?” asked Cody maliciously.
“I didn’t mean it literally.” Said Mickey.
“Would you like to do the honors this time Shelbs?” Cody asked.
“I would be honored.” Said Shelby getting off the couch.
“Shelby think about what you’re about to do.” Said Mickey backing up. “Shelby no, don’t do this.” Mickey started backing away but Shelby was coming closer.
“No, Shelby. Please think this through.” Said Mickey.
“I’m just doing what you told me to do.” Said Shelby.
“I was talking to Cody.” Said Mickey.
“Then by all means, Cody you can do it.” Said Shelby.
“No, not what I meant.” Said Mickey.
“Should we do what we already planned?” asked Shelby.
“I think we should.” Said Cody.
“What? What are you guys talking about?” asked Mickey nervously.
“On the count of three?” asked Cody.
“On the count of three.” Shelby said agreeing with Cody.
“One.” Started Cody.
“Two.” Said Shelby.
“Three!” yelled Shelby and Cody together, with that Shelby and Cody tackled Mickey to the floor, tickling her.
Mickey could barely talk, she was laughing to hard. “Stop, stop, I give, I give!” Mickey screamed through her laughter.
“Thought you’d see it our way.” Said Cody.
“Shut up and let’s go.” Said Mickey.
      The rest of the day was spent reminiscing. They went to the mall, out to eat, to park, and all their hangouts. At 1:30pm it was time for Shelby, Mickey, and Mickey’s family to leave for the airport. Mickey’s front yard was full of people weeping.
“Bye Cody.” Said Shelby giving him a hug.
“Bye Shelbs, be good.” Said Cody.
“You know I always am.” Said Shelby laughing weakly.
Then Mickey walked up to them. “Shelby could I talk to Cody for a minute?” Mickey asked Shelby.
“Yeah, sure. Bye Cody.” Said Shelby and she hugged him again. Then she walked towards her parents.
“I’m really gonna miss you Cody.” Said Mickey crying.
“I’m gonna miss you too Mick.” Said Cody.
“Are you going to be okay without us?” asked Mickey.
“It’s gonna be hard but I’ll live. Hopefully. With you guys gone Lauren’s gonna be all over me.” Said Cody sadly.
“I’m sorry. When are you going to visit us?” asked Mickey.
“Labor Day. I’m gonna stay for the weekend.” Answered Cody.
“But that’s like a lifetime away.” Complained Mickey.
“It’s in 3 weeks.” Said Cody.
“I know, but I see you everyday, so 3 weeks is like a lifetime.” Explained Mickey.
“Mickey time to go!” yelled her stepfather.
“Bye Cody.” Said Mickey starting to cry even harder. Cody pulled her into a tight embrace.
“Don’t worry. We’ll write to each other, talk on the phone, and e-mail. It’s gonna be okay.” Whispered Cody in Mickey’s ear. Mickey pulled out of the hug, kissed Cody on the cheek, and got in the car. You’d think the ride to the airport would be quiet since everyone is sad that they’re leaving. If you thought that, you’re wrong. Mandi being the hyper bubbly girl she is was entertaining everyone by singing the song A.D.I.D.A.S. by Korn. Everyone was cracking up. When they got to the airport they had their baggage and tickets checked and were standing outside the gate waiting to be called to board.
“Shelby, make me a promise.” Said Mickey.
“Sure what?” asked Shelby.
“In California we can’t push people away, we have to make new friends, and we need to join something.” Said Mickey.
“I think we can do that.” Said Shelby.
Then they heard “Flight 63 to Los Altos Hills, California can now board at gate 54.”
“That’s us.” Said Shelby.
“Are you ready to start our big adventure?” said Mickey.
“More then ready. Let’s go.” Said Shelby. They boarded their plane and were off to their new home, Los Altos Hills, California.

    When the plan landed Mickey and Shelby got off and got their luggage.
“Are you guys ready to go to our new house?” asked Mickey’s step-dad.
“Define ready.” Said Shelby uneasily.
When they stepped outside they saw a limo waiting for them.
“Is this for us?” asked Mandi excitedly.
“Yep.” Said Mickey’s mom. “With your father’s promotion we get more money.”
“That is probably the one good thing about this move.” Said Mickey.
“That, and Kat and Max live here.” Shelby whispered to Mickey.
“Too true.” Mickey whispered back. They then got in the limo, which drove them to their new house.
“We’re gonna live here?” asked Shelby in disbelief as they pulled up to a mansion like house.
“Yep.” Answered Mickey’s step dad. “Everyone gets their own room. You get to pick them out, paint them, and you get a couple hundred dollars to decorate them as you please.”
“Are you serious?” asked Shelby.
“Yes I am. You’re a part of this family now Shelby, all the same rules go for you.” Answered Mickey’s mom.
“I think I’ll be okay with that.” Said Shelby.
“How many bedrooms are there?” asked Mickey.
“Six. Each of you get one, one for guests, and one for Cody when he stays here.” Explained Mickey’s mom.
“This seems a bit like a bribe to keep me happy.” Said Mickey.
“Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t.” said her step dad. “If it was one is it working?”
“A little bit. Throw in a car and I’ll be happy.” Said Mickey.
“That’s already been done.” Said her step dad.
“What do you mean?” asked Shelby slowly.
“Let’s just say we’ve got things taken care of.” Said Mr. Roberts. (step dad)
“Meaning?” asked Mandi excitedly.
“Meaning you’ll find everything out when school starts.” Said Mrs. Roberts.
      They pulled up to the house and everyone got out.
“All the bedrooms are upstairs and they have their own bathrooms. Would you guys like a tour before you pick out your bedrooms?” asked Mr. Roberts.
“No, I think we’d like to explore the house after we’ve fought over which rooms we want.” Answered Mandi.
“Agreed.” Said Shelby and Mickey together still in awe of their new house.
“School starts in a couple weeks, so after you’ve decorated your rooms we’ll shopping for clothes and school supplies. After all you have to make your senior year great and Mandi’s 7th grade experience.” Said Mrs. Roberts as everyone entered and closed the door behind them.
“The stairs are over there.” Said Mr. Roberts pointing to the right.
    The girls didn’t say anything. They just went up the stairs and found bedrooms. The bedroom that Mickey chose had a balcony, Shelby’s had an entrance to the pool, and Mandi’s had the biggest floor. (For her gymnastics stuff) They all had walk-in closets. When they chose their rooms they headed down the stairs and the doorbell rang.
“I’ll get it!” Mickey shouted. She opened the door and a brown-haired brown-eyed girl stood in the doorway.
“Hi, I’m Mackensie Evans. I live next door. I saw you guys drive up so I figurered I’d come introduce myself.” Said Mackensie.
“Hi, come in.” said Mickey. “I’m Mickey Lange, this is my best friend Shelby Anderson, and my stepsister Mandi Roberts.”
“It’s nice to meet you guys.” Said Mackensie. “The only problem about this neighborhood is there are some snooty people.”
“You would expect that in a place like this. How’d you get into a neighborhood like this?” asked Mandi.
“My adoptive family lives here.” Said Mackensie.
“How long have you lived with your adoptive family?” asked Mickey.
“I’m 12, going into 7th grade, and I’ve been with my family for 5 years. My parents were murdered.” Said Mackensie.
“I’m so sorry.” Said Shelby quietly.
“I’m going into 7th grade too.” Said Mandi.
“Really? That’s awesome. At least I’ll have someone living on my street that’s the same age as me.” Said Mackensie excitedly.
“We’re going into our senior year.” Said Mickey.
“My brother is going into 12th grade too.” Said Mackensie.
“Who’s your brother?” asked Shelby.
“My brother is Max Thieriot.” Answered Mackensie.
“Really?” asked Mickey.
“Yep, really.” Said Mackensie.
“We met him in Dallas 2 days ago.” Said Shelby.
“Oh! You’re the girls Max won’t shut up about. Especially you Mickey.” Said Mackensie.
Mickey blushed. “Yeah well, umm, uh. Yeah.” Said Mickey nervously.
“He thinks he’s got someone to set up Shelby with.” Said Mackensie.
“Really? A cute someone?” asked Shelby excitedly.
“I guess he’s pretty attractive.” Said Mackensie amused.
All of a sudden a cell phone rang.
And I know that he knows I'm unfaithful
And it kills him inside
To know that I am happy with some other guy
I can see him dying
I don't wanna do this anymore
I don't wanna be the reason why
Everytime I walk out the door
I see him die a little more inside
I don't wanna hurt him anymore
I don't wanna take away his life
I don't wanna be...
A murderer

“Hello?” said Mackensie into her cell phone. Mickey, Shelby, and Mandi only heard one side of the conversation.
“I’m over at the neighbors, chill.” Said Mackensie, and then she paused. “So come over if you’re so worried.” She said angrily and hung up the phone.
A minute later the doorbell rang.

“Come in!” Shelby yelled.
“There you are.” Said someone walking in the door. “Weren’t you told not to leave the house without telling anyone?”
“Didn’t I tell you not to leave the house ugly, but look at you. You can’t help it.” Said Mackensie annoyed.
“Shut up and come on. Mom said it’s time for lunch.” Said the person. The person finally noticed who else was standing in the room.
“Oh, hi. I’m Aubrey. Mackensie’s biological sister.” Said Aubrey.
“Nice to meet you Aubrey. I’m Shelby Anderson, this is my best friend Mickey Lange, and her stepsister Mandi Roberts.” Said Shelby.
“Nice to meet you, come on Mack.” Said Aubrey.
“Sorry I have to go. Maybe you guys can come over later and go swimming and hang out.” Said Mackensie apologetically.
“Yeah that sounds like fun, see you later Mackensie.” Mandi answered.
“Bye.” Both Shelby and Mickey said together.
      After Mackensie had left the 3 girls went into the kitchen.
“I’m hungry.” Said Mandi.
“Me too, do you think this place is already stalked up with food?” asked Shelby.
“I hope so.” Said Mickey hopefully.
      They walked into the kitchen and Mandi opened the fridge.
“I think I could get used to living in a place like this.” Said Mandi. The fridge was fully stocked with all their favorite foods, along with the cupboards and the freezer.
“Holy crap.” Said Shelby.
“Maybe moving to California wasn’t so bad after all.” Said Mickey breathlessly.
“Did I mention how much I love food?” asked Mandi.
“Not yet.” Answered Shelby pulling out a chicken fully cooked, it just needed to be heated up.
“I love food.” Said Mandi.
“You already said that.” Said Mickey pulling out some ham, lettuce, Swiss cheese, mayonnaise, and mustard to make a sandwich.
“I love food.” Mandi repeated again. Mickey was about to say something when Mandi said, “Yeah I know I already said that.” She said pulling out a box of chocolate covered strawberries and a pint of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream.
“You’re gonna eat that?” asked Shelby disbelievingly.
“Yeah. Looks good, aye?” asked Mandi excitedly.
“Looks like it might make you sick.” Commented Mickey.
“It might, but it’ll taste good as it goes down.” Said Mandi. All three girls ate their food choices and went to find Mickey’s mom. They decided to search downstairs first. They found Mickey’s mom in the study.
“Hey mom.” Said Mickey walking in.
“Hello girls. Like the new house?” she asked.
“Yeah it’s great.” Said Mandi.
“When do we get to go out and buy the stuff for our rooms?” asked Shelby.
“Tomorrow, be ready by 11am.” Said Mrs. Roberts.
“Can we go to over to neighbors house later? A kid that lives there came over and introduced herself and invited us to go swimming later.” Said Mickey.
“If you can find your bathing suits I have no problem with it.” Answered Mrs. Roberts unpacking some books.
“Cool. We’d better start looking now. Who knows how long it will take us to find them.” Said Mandi.
    The three girls excused themselves from the study and headed upstairs where their luggage and boxes of stuff were waiting to be unpacked in their bedrooms.
“Any luck?” Mickey shouted from her room.
“Nope, who knew I could pack so much stuff in one suitcase!” yelled Shelby.
“Oh, I think I, wait no it’s just my halter top.” Said Mandi. After searching for another 15 minutes they all finally found their swimsuits. The doorbell rang again at 3:00pm. Shelby decided to answer it, mainly because she was already on her way downstairs.
“Hey Mackensie.” Said Shelby pulling the door open.
“Hey Shelby, are you all ready to come over?” Mackensie asked.
“I think so.” Said Shelby. “Mickey, Mandi, you guys ready to go to Mackensie’s house?” Mandi and Mickey came downstairs.
“Yep, we’re ready.” Said Mickey.
“Just to let you know, my brother has a friend over.” Said Mackensie.
“The one that he wants to set me up with?” asked Shelby hopefully.
“That’s the one.” Said Mackensie.
“Does he know it’s us?” asked Mickey.
“What do you mean by us?” asked Mackensie.
“Us, as in the girls he met in Dallas us.” Explained Mickey.
“Oh, no. He just knows our new neighbors, 3 girls, are coming over.” Said Mackensie cleverly.
“So you didn’t warn him at all that the girl he kissed 2 days ago is coming to his house.” Said Mickey.
“You guys kissed?” asked Mackensie excitedly. “He neglected to tell me that.” She said thoughtfully.
“How about we skip the part where Mickey gets all freaked out, throws a fit, decided she needs to change her outfit, and delays us an hour. So how about we just leave now.” Said Mandi.
“That’s very well documented and true.” Said Shelby. “Let’s go.”
“What no, I can’t. He doesn’t even know we’re coming.” Mickey stuttered.
“We will carry you if we have to.” Said Mandi.
“And imagine how that will make you look in front of Max.” said Shelby.
“Fine, let’s go.” Said Mickey. The four girls exited and closed the door behind them. The walk to Mackensie’s house was short. They entered through the front door.
“I’m back!” Mackensie yelled. “Why don’t you boys come introduce yourselves.”
    They heard feet running from the backyard.
“Hi, I’m-Mickey?” said Max.
“I could’ve sworn your name was Max and mine was Mickey.” Said Mickey playfully.
“What are you doing here?” Max asked flabbergasted.
“I’m your new neighbor. Isn’t that what Mackensie said?” asked Mickey.
“Well yeah, but I didn’t know it was you.” Said Max.
“Well it is. You already know Shelby and this is my stepsister Mandi Roberts.” Said Mickey.
“But I thought your last name is Lange.” Said Max.
“It is. I refuse to change my last name. You see, when my dad died and my mom got remarried she wanted me to change my name but I wanted to keep my dads name.” Said Mickey.
“Who’s this?” asked Shelby changing the subject.
“Oh this is my friend Ryan Sheckler. Ryan this is Mickey Lange, Mandi Roberts, and Shelby Anderson.” Said Max.
“Nice to meet you guys.” Said Ryan eyeing Shelby.
“We’ll meet you guys outside.” Said Max turning around.
When the boys were gone Shelby said, “This is gonna be fun.”

“Dude, did you see that Shelby chick?” said Ryan. “This is gonna be fun.”

      The girls went into the bathroom and changed into their swimsuits. They walked into the backyard where the boys had just swim trunks on.
“You know, Ryan has quite a nice body.” Shelby observed.
“Max’s isn’t that bad either.” Said Mickey.
“Eww, you guys are gonna make me throw up my lunch.” Said Mackensie disgusted.
“I mean come on, haven’t you ever even thought about it?” asked Shelby.
“No, my brother, and my brother’s friend who I’ve known since I was like 4. That’s disgusting.” Said Mackensie.
“To you.” Mickey pointed out as they laid down towels on lawn chairs. 
“Hello girls.” Said Ryan walking over to them.
“What do you want Ryan?” asked Mackensie.
“What makes you think I want something?” asked Ryan innocently.
“You’ve got your “I want something” look on you face.” Said Mackensie.
“I wasn’t aware I had an “I want something” look.” Said Ryan.
“I’ve known you since I was 4, I’ve seen that look many times. Like that one time when I was 6 and you told me if I didn’t give you my ice cream the Bogey Man would haunt me for the rest of my life.” Said Mackensie.
“Yeah well, that didn’t work did it?” asked Ryan sarcastically.
“No, and I’ve never seen the Bogey Man.” Said Mackensie. “Now back to my first question, what do you want?”
“Jeez, a guy can’t even come over and say hi. Fine I’ll leave.” Said Ryan walking away.
“Ryan, wait up!” yelled Shelby running over to him.
“Mackensie was being kinda mean to you.” Said Shelby.
“Not really, that’s Mackensie. She will never forget that Bogey Man thing. I was 11 and I wanted ice cream. You can’t really blame me.” Said Ryan.
“You were only a kid. I don’t blame you.” Said Shelby.
“Thanks Shelby. That means a lot.”
“No problem. I’d better get back. See you later Ryan.”
“Bye.” Ryan said as Shelby ran back to Mackensie, Mickey, and Mandi.
“What was that all about?” Mandi asked when Shelby came back.
“Nothing.” Shelby said innocently putting on sunscreen.
“Uh huh, sure.” Said Mickey putting on sunscreen too.
      After lounging in the sun for an hour Shelby jumped into the pool unexpectedly.
“This feels great.” Shelby said bobbed her head out the water. “You guys should come in. Before she even finished her sentence Mickey, Mandi, and Mackensie had jumped in. All of a sudden a cell phone rang.
O0o keep sweatin
Uh uh keep sweatin
(o0o0o I’m sweaty its so hot I’m sweaty)
O0o well u really don’t stop
Do what u do till your bodies hot
Back it on up to the wall then drop
O0o now take it to the top
Now push it back push it back push it back baby
Now push it back push it back push it back oh
Push it back push it back uh push it back push it back uh

Mickey got out of the pool and answered her phone.
“Codman, what’s up?” Mickey said into her phone.
“How’d you know it was me?” asked Cody.
“I have “Keep Sweatin” by Ray J as the ring tone when you call me.” Said Mickey.
“Oh okay. Is Shelbs there too?” asked Cody.
“Yeah one sec.” Said Mickey. “Shelbs, Cody’s on the phone!” she yelled.
“Coming!” Shelby yelled getting out of the pool.
“She’s-” started Mickey.
“Coming, I heard.” Said Cody. Mickey put the phone on speaker.
“What’s up Codman?” said Shelby.
“Not much. I miss you guys already.” Said Cody sadly.
“We miss you too.” Said Mickey.
“So, how’s California?” asked Cody.
“A lot better then we expected it to be.” Said Shelby.
“How so?” asked Cody curiously.
“Well first of all, our house is huge. Six bedrooms. One for Mandi, me, Shelby, my mom and step-dad, one for you, and one for guests.” Said Mickey.
“Back up. One for me?” said Cody.
“One for you. It’s a bedroom mixed with a recording studio thing.” Said Mickey.
“Second of all, we have a pool and guess who are neighbors are.”  Said Shelby excitedly.
“Who?” asked Cody.
“Max and his family. And Katilin lives down the street.” Said Shelby.
“No way.” Said Cody.
“Yup. It’s so awesome. We’re over at Max’s right now. His adoptive little sister Mackensie invited us over.” Said Mickey.
“Well I’ll let you guys go so you can hang out.” Said Cody.
“Cool. We’ll call you later.” Said Shelby.
“Why don’t you call Kat, you and her seemed to get along well.” Said Mickey smiling.
“Shut up. I can hear you smiling.” Said Cody starting to laugh.
“Whatever. Call her. Bye Codykins.” Said Mickey.
“You’re really pushing it.” Said Cody.
“Bye Codykins.” Said Shelby laughing.
Bye Mick, bye Shelbs.” Said Cody laughing as he hung up.

“What was that all about?” asked Mackensie when Shelby and Mickey returned to the pool.
“Our friend Cody. From Dallas.” Said Mickey.
“He’s like our brother.” Shelby added. After Ryan heard that last part he relaxed a bit. They chilled in and out of the pool for the next two hours when Mickey’s phone rang again.
So, you think you know how this story goes
Are you ready for this?

Sit down, are you ready for this?
Shut up, are you ready for this?
Stand up, are you ready for this?
This game
Are you ready?

“What’s up Mommy Dearest?” said Mickey picking up her phone.
“It’s time to come home to get ready for dinner.” said Mickey’s mom.
“Mmkay, be there in a couple minutes.” Said Mickey.
“We gotta go.” Said Mickey hanging up her phone.
“Why?” asked Mandi curiously.
“Mom said it’s time to get ready for dinner.” said Mickey.
“Since when do we eat as a family?” asked Mandi.
“Since this move I guess.” Said Mickey.
“Bye Mack, bye Max, bye Ryan.” Said Shelby.
“Bye Shelby.” They all said.
“Good bye everyone.” Said Mandi.
“Bye. Oh, by the way Mackensie, do you want to spend the night at our place tomorrow? As a kind of, welcome to the neighborhood thing.” Said Mickey.
“Yeah, sure. I’ll call you later.” Said Mackensie.
“Cool, laters.” Said Mickey.

        When the girls got home they saw a surprise in the living room.
“What are they doing here?” asked Shelby.
“Maybe if we close our eyes and then open them again they’ll be gone.” Mandi whispered.
“I wish. They’re like carpet stains. It may seem like they go away, but they never really do.” Said Mickey.

“Once again, what are they doing here?” asked Shelby.
“That’s no way to treat your cousins. Be nice.” Said Mr. Roberts.
“Correction, step-cousins. And they’re not even related to Shelby. Sadly they’re related to Mandi. I’m so sorry Mandi.” Said Mickey.
“Me too. Trust me, me too.” Said Mandi.
“Where will they be staying?” asked Shelby.
“Both of them will be in the guest bedroom.” Said Mr. Roberts.
“Why don’t you three go get washed for dinner.” said Mrs. Roberts.
“Fine.” The three girls said and filed upstairs one by one. They went in their separate bathrooms and showered. They then went into their rooms and rummaged through some boxes to find something to wear. When all three were dressed they met in the hallway.
“Why do they insist they come here? We all hate them.” Said Mandi.
“I know. What is their problem? Plus last time Sarah tried to seduce Cody. I mean come on, that’s creepy.” Said Shelby.
“And Halley’s always getting up in everyone’s business. That’s annoying.” Said Mickey. The girls fell silent.
“Do you hear that?” asked Mandi suspiciously.
“Yeah, I do. You can come out Halley.” Said Shelby annoyed.
“How’d you know I was there?” asked Halley coming out of a closet in the hallway.
“One you were breathing hard,” started Mandi.
“Two you’re Halley,” said Shelby.
“And three we’re having a private conversation which means you’re bound to be here.” Finished Mickey.
“Well, that’s kinda mean. You make assumptions just because I’m me.” Said Halley.
“But we’re we right?” asked Shelby.
“Yes.” Said Halley resentfully.
“Okay then, scram.” Said Mandi.
“No. I’m gonna tell Uncle Eric about what you guys have been saying.” Said Halley.
“Go ahead. And then you’ll be known as a snitch and no one will tell you anything.” Said Shelby.
“And we won’t take you anywhere no matter what your uncle and my mother say.” Said Mickey.
“Well, that’s not fair. What about you Mandi? We’re family.” Said Halley almost pleading.
“We may be related by blood, but that doesn’t mean I like you. I’m with them, I’m more related to them then I am to you.” Said Mandi.
“Fine then. Be that way.” Said Halley storming down the stairs.
“That went well.” Said Mickey shortly after Halley left.
“Very.” Said Mandi.
“Come on, let’s go downstairs.” Said Shelby. The 3 girls walked down the stairs into the closest thing to a living hell.

© Copyright 2007 Mandi (mandi_rhoads at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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