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Rated: E · Fiction · Young Adult · #1320255
Its about a 12 year old girl who has an eating disorders.
         The Princesses of S.C.G.S. who rule the school

Name: Kianna Roberts
Age: 12
Appearance: glossy wavy black hair, piercing green eyes, naturally red lips and tan skin
Height: 5’5
Weight: 38kg
Personality: Caring and kind. Smart. Center of attention. High appeal. Has the last word.
Good to find, hard to keep. Fun to be around. Extremely weird but in a good
way. Good Sense of Humor. Thoughtful. Always gets what she wants.
Loves to joke. Very popular. Silly, fun and sweet.

Name: Isabella Brooke
Age: 12
Appearance: straight blond hair with side swept bangs, black eyes, snowy white skin
Height: 5’4
Weight: 35kg
Personality: Outgoing. Lovable. Spontaneous. Not one to mess with. Funny. Excellent
kisser EXTREMELY adorable. Loves relationships, Addictive. Loud.

Name: Annabelle Evans
Age: 12
Appearance: Slightly wavy light brown waist length hair, hazel eyes, tan skin
Height: 5’3
Weight: 35kg
Personality: EXTREMELY adorable. Intelligent loves to joke. Very good sense of humor. Energetic.  Can predict future. Great kisser. Always gets what she wants.
Attractive. Easy going. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative.
Romantic. Caring.

Name: Haylie Carter
Age: 12
Appearance: Dark brown straight hair, grey eyes, slight tan skin
Height: 5’6
Weight: 40kg
Personality: Dominant in relationships. Someone loves them right now. Always wants the
last word. Caring. Smart. Loud. Loyal. Easy to talk to. Everything you ever
wanted. Easy to please. The one and only.

“Kianna, could you please eat something?” My ever-so-polite mother asked.
“You’re the one who’s always starving yourself. Isn’t my mother supposed to be my role model?” I snarled back at her.
Being the daughter of a perfect socialite was not an easy task. People expect me to be perfect. Just like my mother. With my 5’5 and 90 pounds frame, I can easily look perfect on the outside but never on the inside. No one ever knows the pain I have to go through. But you need pain for beauty.
“Kianna, go to your room now!” My mother snapped back.
“Gladly!” I said, before stomping up the stairs up to my room. “Bitch,” I murmured before slamming the door.
“Don’t slam the door!” My mother’s voice came up from the intercom. I rolled my eyes and looked around my room. I had designed it myself. Everything was in a light shade of purple or white except for my bed. It had delicate cravings in the wooden bed frame and a silver canopy draped over it. I walked towards my lavender custom designed iMAC and switched it on.
Waiting for the computer screen to react, I headed for my huge walk-in closet. My clothes were sorted according to designer brands for example, DKNY, RL, BCBG, Guess?, Juicy Couture and many more. Soon, a ‘ting’ sound could be heard from the iMAC.
I rushed over to it and looked at the screen. Messages began appearing on the screen. Most of them from wannabes who wanted to be like my friends and I. I clicked on my friends’ names and added them to a conversation.
Princess Kianna: heyy guys!
Princess Isabella: OMG! Kianna! How was Aspen?
Princess Annabelle: Can we come over Kianna?
Princess Haylie: I second that. I SO wanna come over!
Princess Kianna: Sure! You guys need a ride here?
Princess Annabelle: Don’t worry. My driver can take us there.
Princess Kianna: Ok! Cya!

Within minutes, my three best friends were all in our meeting room. We settled down onto our own personalized chairs with our names in gold at the back. The meeting room was covered in silver velvet wallpaper with a huge walk in closet stocked with clothes in our sizes. 
Isabella decided to start the conversation, “So, Kianna, what are you going to wear tomorrow?”
“Oh! I almost forgot!” I exclaimed, running into my closet. Selecting a black tank top, a green velvet pleated mini and a pair of silver 2-inch heels, I went back out to show my friends.
“Approved darling!” Haylie drawled in a British accent.
“Obviously! It’s gorgeous, just add a red blazer,” Annabelle stated. I went back into the closet and pulled out a red blazer from its silk-coated hanger.
“Your outfit is done. Now, it’s my turn!” Isabella called out, standing up.
5 minutes later, Isabella came out wearing a black halter Polka dotted dress, grey leggings and a pair of black boots.
“Cute! My turn!” Annabelle ran into the closet before anyone could stop her.
“So how was Aspen? You look so skinny now, Kianna! What hap-” Haylie said before getting interrupted by Annabelle, who made our jaws drop. She was looking hot in a white spaghetti strap translucent dress over a grey cap-sleeved shirt, and black leggings completed with a pair of red pumps.
“Looking hot Annabelle! My turn,” Haylie approved before heading for the closet.
Another 5 minutes later, Haylie came out in a red halter and light wash jeans tucked into knee high boots.
“Nice. Since we have finished with outfits, I have some gossip to tell you guys!” Annabelle said, “Modeling agents from DKNY are going to select 10 girls and then narrow it down to one girl to be on the cover of teen vogue! But the other 9 are still going to be a model for DKNY!”
“OMG! Annabelle, why didn’t you tell us earlier?” We shouted in unison. Annabelle shrugged and continued, “Plus, there’s going to be a new girl, Ashley. She’s a transfer from England.”
“Whatever. We have to get ready for tomorrow. We will not lose the modeling contract to the Bitches,” Haylie tossed her hair back. The Bitches were their rivals. “ I have to get back home. Ciao!”
“Me too. Sorry Kianna. Bye!” Isabella stood up. “Sorry, there goes my ride! Adios!” Annabelle followed the other 2 girls out.
I stood up and sighed. Being the alpha was a tough job. Flicking off the light switch, I went back to my room for my precious beauty sleep.

“We’re here! Come on Kianna! WAKE UP!”
“Ughhhhh…” I said sitting up straight. I could see the blurry outlines of my friends, “What are you guys doing here?”
“To change, duh. We didn’t take the clothes back home did we?” Annabelle replied.
“Okays. The room is unlocked. Go get your outfits and change. I’ll be there in 15 minutes.”
Hearing my friends leave the room, I heaved a sigh of relief before going to the bathroom. I took a quick shower, applied my usual makeup and headed for the meeting room.
“Wow. You’re all changed already! Just give me a sec,” I said before slipping into the closet. Putting on the outfit I chose yesterday, I noticed how fat I looked. “Yuck!” I mumbled to myself. I stepped out of the closet, hoping my friends were ready to go.
“That took you long. Let’s go!” Isabella noticed, linking arms to mine.
“Last one to the car is a fat pig!” Haylie shot past us. “AHHHHH!!!” The rest of us shouted. I ran as fast as I could to the car, passing Isabella. “No fair! I’m wearing boots!” Isabella shouted.
“So? I’m wearing heels!”
“Look out!”
I heard that and looked forward. I was about to crash into the limo! Boom! “Ouch.”
“Are you ok?” Haylie asked. I quickly regained my composure, “Of course. Now, Isabella is here so where is Annabelle?”
“In the car.”
“Then, why are we still here? Let’s get to school!”

         “Girls, we’re here.” My driver said gloomily.
         He opened the door, and Haylie went out first, followed by Annabelle, Isabella and finally me.
         In one horizontal straight line, we walked into the school, receiving usual stares from other freshmen and da losers.
         “Who let those fat pigs in?” Lizette called out, a member of the Bitches.
         Several gasps were heard in the hallway. The four of us turned around, only to find the Bitches standing behind. The three of them were wearing a denim tie-front cardigan, a red micro-mini and a pair of 3-inch stilettos, leaving their flat stomachs completely bare. Their outfit had broken all the school’s dress codes plus, on the first day itself.
         “Who let the sluts in?” I snapped back at them. Snapping my fingers, the four of us continued our way to the auditorium for the morning assembly.

         “All right now, girls. As some of you may know, there are several modeling agents in here today. They represent DKNY and are scouting for models. I’ll pass the mike to Miss Elizabeth.” Our principal, Mrs. Ng said.
         “Good morning SC girls! Now, if you are taller than 5 feet and lighter than 45 kg, please stay back after the assembly.” Miss Elizabeth said, before passing the mike back to Mrs. Ng.
         “Now, girls,” Mrs. Ng spoke again, “There are no more announcements, please go back to class. I would like to see Lizette Wilson, Amanda Silverstone and Charlotte Lauren.”
         “Come on girls, let’s go!” I said, snapping my fingers. While walking down the carpeted steps of the auditorium, a secondary school girl dressed in head-to-toe white with a few splashes of purple stop them and said, “The four of you, please meet at the third floor gallery after the modeling thing. Kays?”
         “Whatevs,” Isabella said to her. They turned away from the girl and continued their way to the modeling agents. Some of the modeling agents were already single-handedly picking on the girls, sending a few not so skinny girls back.
         The crowd of girls parted like the red sea when the princesses reached there. Miss Elizabeth glanced at them and gave them a curt nod. They knew that they had passed her inspection.
         After 5 minutes of waiting, they finished their inspections. There were around 15 left. ‘Five girls are going to be eliminated. And I’m gonna be one of them!” I thought sadly.
         “Awww… Is Kianna scared? Poor you!” Lizette snottily said. She and her clique were also chosen to stay.
         “Break it up girls,” Miss Elizabeth said, “We will now need you to do a small runway show for us. Lizette, Amanda, Charlotte, Annabelle and Chloe, you will be modeling first. Followed by Isabella, Kianna, Haylie, Georgia and Kelly. And lastly, Sandy, Bianca, Melissa, Samantha and Ashley. Go get ready girls. You will be modeling in your own clothes.”
         The fifteen of us rushed backstage to get ready. “Start now!” Miss Elizabeth said right before the music of Don’t Cha came on. The first five girls paraded down the makeshift runway. Chloe had accidentally tripped and fell on her butt. “Next five!” Miss Elizabeth called over the music.
         Straightening up, I followed Isabella down the runway. At the end, I gave the judges my famous wink that could charm any guy. Feeling satisfied, I headed back to backstage.
         “Ohmygod! Kianna you looked great!” Isabella exclaimed, Lizette came up to us and said, “Kianna, did you know how fat you looked just now? Yuck!”
         “Leave us alone Lizette! Why can’t you just get used to the fact that we’re more popular than you!” Isabella practically shouted at her.
         “Hush. Miss Elizabeth is coming over here!” Kelly called out.
         And there she was, coming over with a clipboard, which could control their modeling careers and said, “When I call your name, you have been chosen. Lizette. Isabella. Haylie. Amanda. Annabelle. Georgia. Charlotte. Kianna. Ashley. Sandy. You girls would be competing over this month for the coveted spot of teen vogue. You may go back to class now.”
         “Come on, we need to go see that girl.” I said to my friends. We flipped our glossy hair and walked out of the auditorium to the third floor gallery.
         Upon arriving at the gallery, there was a purple velvet rope and a tall girl standing there holding a clipboard, ticking of names.
         We sauntered up to her and without looking up, she asked, “Your names?”
         “Kianna Roberts, Isabella Brooke, Annabelle Evans and Haylie Carter,” we said simultaneously.
         “You may proceed.” She said, ticking their names off.
         The four of them headed in and made a beeline to a gorgeous girl in a purple sundress and black boots. “Um hello? You must be the Primary sixes. Welcome to the purple group. There are only 4 girls in P6 who is allowed to be in the purple group. The rest of the girls are split into different colours.” She said, giving them a few sheets of papers.

The purple are the popular people. They’re often called sassy, high-class, elite, popular, and cool. They wear designer/signature clothes. They most likely have foreign or royal blood mixed in and they have large mansions… They look like they couldn’t care less about what others think of them or the fact that everyone thinks they’re cool.
The red stands for the sports-loving gals. Their life revolves on one things: their sport. They have competitive spirits and a chill personality. They are second in the popularity ladder, like the upper middle class. If it weren’t for their sport and team spirit, they must have been in the color blue as normal floaters. They are most likely jocks or cheerleaders. In summation, they are the sports-loving people and the sports-loving people’s “loved ones”. The stars of the team (the quarterbacks, the rookies, etc.) who are good enough for the Purple team ends up being girls of the Purple group.
The blue stands for the floaters. They are often just there because they study at the school. They are the “passers-by” or “crowd” of the two upper classes. They never stood out. They never rock the boat. They were simple clothing. Most blue girls are wannabes. They try wearing skimpy “expensive-looking” clothes to be “purple”, but they suck.
The yellow stands for the brainy geniuses of the school. They are considered outcasts since most of them don’t have any social life anymore. They have the same level of that of the blue. They spend most of their time: 1) watching Grey’s Anatomy, 2) reading comic books, 3) inventing some cloning machine or something scientifically whacked like that, 4) interaction via the internet.
The black stands for the rebellious artists. It’s either they write, they act, they play music, or they paint. The lowest class of all, they are the outcasts of the social ladder and they knew it. They are “different” but they were more likely seen as “odd”. They are always “misunderstood,” so they wear black and does body piercing, tattoos, hair-dye, thick eyeliners.

“So. That’s it,” The girl said, “Oh, and b-t-w, you have to attend all meetings kays? Ciao girls!”
Upon hearing that, the four girls pivoted on their heels and walked back to class, using the way supermodels walk, hips leading and swiveling.
Arriving at the classroom, we waited, as we were last ones back. Our teacher, Miss Seow, finally noticed us and said, “Why are you so late girls? Please take your seats.”
We quickly hurried to our seats and listened to her droning about her rules.
         “So… That new girl Ashley looks good enough for our clique. Good looks and sassy personality,” Annabelle reported to us. We were seating at our usual table in the canteen for recess.
         “Whatevs. I’m going on a diet,” I proclaimed. Isabelle stared at me for a moment before saying, “A diet? Have you seen how skinny you are?”
         “Its not your problem, is it? So, what CCAs are you guys going to do?” I said, trying to change the topic.
         They thought for a few seconds before Isabella exclaimed, “Dance!!!”
         Haylie and Annabelle looked at each other and said, “Choir or Drama.”
         “Well, I think I’ll do dance and track & field. Great way to burn calories.”

© Copyright 2007 Princesse (princesse at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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