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It is now time for Zarth to confront the Dargulth, will he succeed? |
Another screech brought Zarth back to the present, the adrenaline had worn off and he was running on shaky legs. His thoughts now were only of how to get away, why were those head hunters waiting there and how did they know? Several figures rose out the bushes in front of him bows bent, Zarth dived to his right landing heavily right into the middle of a bush, quickly grabbing the Dragon stone he tried to remember magic that the stone taught him, bright lights flashed in his minds showing him again the same images he experienced in the keeps vault. Zarths vision returned and the stones familiar warmth flowed through his body, he stood up, and saying one single word of power, the air around him shimmered, the hunters slowing down until they were almost moving at a stop, there bows still bent and about to fire as they saw him rise. Zarth moved forward to the nearest hunter whose hand was slowly leaving go of the string and about to fire the arrow, he carefully turned him to face his comrade who was standing around 5 feet away from him, the bow pointing to his chest, he also done this with the other 2 hunters so that they were all pointing there bows at each other with out realising. Moving back into the bushes, Zarth repeated the same word of power as before, the air shimmered again and the hunters all fired at the same time expecting to see zarth, there faces light up in surprise and terror as arrows thudded home into the hunters, one fell instantly and was dead before he hit the ground an arrow sticking out of his chest, another hunter feel screaming to the floor a black feathered arrow sticking out from his ribs, blood drenching his side. The third hunter was still standing and had pulled the arrow out from his arm and threw it to the ground, while pulling a dagger out with his other hand. Zarth stepped in close to the hunter and using his skills as a thief expertly snatched the dagger from the hunters hand before plunging it in his side. Running from the scene Zarth once again felt terrified, he now had an idea of what was going on, the wizards wanted the stone to be stolen, he should have realised that the contract was to good to be true, who else but a wizard would know the secret way into there own vault. God damn it, to late now the deeds had already been done he thought. He needed to get away from here, but wait they already seemed to know were he was going, they must have knew that I would come this way as the hunters had been waiting. But to go back would lead him into the dargulth, ahh yes the dargulth, fiends created by the wizards from the ancient magic contained in the Dragon Stone, if only I could find a way to harness the power I might be able to control them. Putting his hands around the small blue stone Zarth thought of the dargulth, instantly bright lights obscured his vision, images and visions going through his mind, when they finally faded Zarth wobbled to the side but righted himself as he regained his balance. Turning back he made his way back to the city of cillidor and toward towards the Dargulth, he now knew what he had to do, fight! Nearly instantly they were there, huge wings beating in the air keeping them afloat, there long smooth bodies coming down to lightly touch the ground before Zarth, the forest turned deathly silent as another two Dargulth landed before him, there ragged breathing and Zarths own quick breaths could be heard in the trees. Creating a shield around himself he fired a ball of pure energy at the nearest Dargulth which screamed and darted with unbelievable speed to the appear right beside Zarth and knocking him against a tree which cracked with the impact, his shield taking much of the damage Zarths body instantly healed itself, the other Two dargulth darted from side to side slashing at him with there claws which bounced of his energy shield created by the dragon stone. Firing another 3 pure balls of energy Zarth dived behind a tree and watched as one Dargulth was hit and thrown threw the air before exploding into dust, the other 2 balls missing there targets exploded against trees causing major damage and setting fire to small bushes and braches, the Dargulth seeing the fire moved away from it as if there were afraid, so thought Zarth they don’t like fire, stretching out his hands Zarth summoned the fire from the burning bushes and directed it towards the creatures in an wall of flame, as it reached the them they tried to flee but were caught up in the flaming devastation. The dargulth writhed on the ground screeching out in pain there black bodies turning grey and brittle; as Zarth watched the scene he summoned two huge bolts of lightning which hit the brittle bodies of the Dargulth and turning them into ash with a blinding flash of light. Zarth was blasted onto the ground by the force of the lightning and looked at the huge steaming crater that had appeared in the clearing in front of him, he had killed the fabled Dargulth, the indestructible Dargulth, gathering all the strength he could muster he picked himself up and headed out of the valley. In there keep 3 wizards stood and watched Zarth defeat the Darulth through the mirror of sight, so they thought this is to be the man who will doom us all, the prophecy is really coming true, 'the man who can destroy the dargulth will be the one to end the wizards reign'. One of the wizards turned round and said to the others “so the renegade martunik has now sown the seeds of our destruction, so be it!" |