Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1309910-Seraglio-of-the-Gods---Segment-03
Rated: XGC · Chapter · Erotica · #1309910
Chapters 11 through 15
Chapter 11

“My son, are you in there?” We both jumped at the sound of the powerful voice out by the forge. Vulcan quickly let go of me and stood beside the bed, waiting for Jupiter to come into the bedchamber.

When Jupiter walked in, I grabbed a blanket at the end of the bed and covered my naked body. It was one thing for Vulcan to see me like that, but I knew his father wouldn’t hesitate to rape a woman he desired. Nervously, I pulled the blanket closer around me, but still I could feel his eyes staring through it at my nakedness.

Vulcan placed himself in front of Jupiter, blocking his father’s view of me. I wasn’t sure whether this was by accident or on purpose, but I felt relief when he did it. I heard him ask, “Did you want something? I’m busy right now.”

Jupiter peered around him and grinned. “I can see that. Are you sure you don’t need help?”

“I’m sure. Now, was there something you wanted?” Vulcan shifted from one leg to another, his recently injured balls still causing him pain.

Jupiter ignored his son and walked over to stare at me. I was trying to get off the bed as inconspicuously as possible with the blanket still wrapped around me. Without looking at Vulcan, he said, “I want her, I want your slave, Rhea. This isn’t a request, but an order.”

“Who the hell is Rhea?” Vulcan managed to once again get between me and his father. “If you mean this woman, you gave her to me, and I mean to keep her.”

Without thinking, I interrupted both of the males. “My name isn’t Rhea. It’s Melody, Melody De Sucre.”

Vulcan muttered, “I don’t care what your name is as long as it’s not Venus.” The memory of his unfaithful wife still rankled even centuries later.

Jupiter motioned his son away from me and scowled. “I told you once your name is Rhea, and you continue to defy me about it.” He reached over and pulled the blanket away from my body. “I made a mistake giving you to my crippled son.” Holding onto my arm and starting to pull me out of the room behind him, he sneered at Vulcan. “I saw Ares out in the courtyard just now, and he said you couldn’t control your woman.”

Jupiter ran his hands over my trembling body, now ignoring his son. “Yes, Ares was right. This one needs a man to tame her. After I break her in, he said he’d be willing to add her to his stable of women.”

I started to cry at the thought of first Jupiter and then Ares raping me. “Sir, my lord, you are wrong about your son. He has beaten me in punishment for my disobedience and taken me repeatedly on this bed. He gains potency at hearing my screams of pain, I swear he does.”

Jupiter loosened his grasp on me. “Son, is that true? Did Ares misrepresent what happened when he said this woman was running away from you?”

Before Vulcan could get over his surprise at hearing my lies, I knelt on the floor at Jupiter’s sandal-clad feet. “No man or god could be more violent in bed than your son, no more vicious with his punishments than Vulcan is.” A sudden thought came to me, and I finished with, “You saw what he did to the woman he took before me. Could Ares devise any worse death for a slave?”

When I finished pleading, I kept crying loudly enough for those out in the courtyard to hear me. Jupiter remained quiet for long minutes, his gaze going between me and his son. I almost ruined the moment with a sigh of relief when he headed for the doorway leaving me kneeling on the floor. “I’ll have a talk with Ares and should have known he was lying. Since he took your wife away from you, my son, he’s wanted every woman you’ve had.”

Only after Jupiter disappeared out into the courtyard did Vulcan come and pull me to my feet. Holding me tightly against him, he laughingly told me, “I never thought I’d see the day when a lowly earth woman hoodwinked the most powerful god in our universe. You are mine, Melody De Sucre, and always will be.”

Vulcan proved to be an excellent student as I taught him all I’d learned from my sweet satyr. His promise of possession resulted in a long night of passionate lovemaking, our fighting over for the time being.

* * *

Chapter 12

The next morning, as I lay in the even more rumpled bed, I looked over at my sleeping god. He lay stretched out on his back and took up most of the wide bed, but I didn’t care. My body still tingled from the hours of lovemaking, and I leaned down to softly kiss Vulcan’s naked shoulder.

The evening before had started off with Vulcan preparing to enter me as he had done before, but I rolled away from him. “Get back here, Melody,” he ordered, annoyance in his voice. “Didn’t I just say you were mine?”

“And didn’t I say you behaved like a rutting pig?” When Vulcan reached for me, I pulled my legs up and hugged them to my chest. “If you want to have sex with me, we’re going to get some things straight first.’ I pushed his hands away when he tried to pull my arms down from my bent legs. “I listened politely to your silly rules, so it’s my turn to tell you my rules.”

Because no woman, goddess or human, had ever talked to Vulcan like this before, I tried not to smile at his bewilderment on how to handle the situation. However, if I were to spend the next few centuries with him, I wanted him to understand I wanted a lover who could satisfy both of us. I let my body relax and softly ran a finger across his lips. “Let’s start with a simple kiss and see where that takes us.”

Our first kiss wasn’t a success. Vulcan’s previous way of having sex was to ignore any part of the woman’s body except for areas that would sheath his penis. He did try to relax, though, and our second kiss gave me hope for our future. His lips brushed against mine, and I opened my mouth slightly to allow his tongue to enter. However, he didn’t take the hint. At this point, it dawned on me that Vulcan was almost as innocent about sex as any blushing virgin from earth. I closed my eyes at the realization of the task ahead of me.

“Is something wrong, Melody?” Vulcan sat back, waiting to see what his newest concubine would order him to do. I knew he was just humoring me, having probably decided it was safer than continuing to duck flying objects.

I smiled at this handsome god sitting naked so close to me on the bed. While I wondered how next to continue with my sex education lessons, I couldn’t keep my eyes from the magnificent body in front of me. From the top of his curly black hair to the bottom of his feet that I later discovered were ticklish, Vulcan was all man and all mine, faults and all.

“Let’s try that kiss again,” I whispered, “and do what I do for now.” When I felt his mouth, I opened mine slightly and touched his upper lip with my tongue. If my sweet satyr’s tongue inside my mouth felt good, Vulcan’s first foray into French kissing was intoxicating. He swept his tongue around my mouth and seemed encouraged at hearing my soft sounds of pleasure.

For a few minutes we continued sitting and exploring each other’s mouth. When Vulcan started to gently push me back onto the sheet, I was more than willing to go to the next step in his sexual education. I had to admit Vulcan was a quick study and an excellent student.

* * *

Chapter 13

When Vulcan spread my legs in his usual abrupt way, I caught his hand before he could insert his penis. “No, not yet. I’m not ready for you.”

“But I’m ready, and that’s all that matters.” I almost laughed at his tone of voice, not quite whining. He sounded more like a boy being punished than a warrior god. “Are you going to stop me every time I want to get inside you?”

Vulcan moved to lie on top of me, leaning on his elbows to keep his weight off my body. His face came down to within inches of mine, and all I could do was stare into his beautiful green eyes. Our bodies were so close together I could feel his erection, proving he was ready. It would have been easy to give in to him right then, and when he moved his tanned hips to get in a more comfortable position, I almost weakened.

“Woman, I asked you a question.” Vulcan bent and touched his tongue to my mouth, smiling when he heard my sigh. “I’m waiting. Are you asleep?”

I move my hips against his erection to let him know I was awake. “Vulcan, I want you to pretend something for me.” I said this quickly when he pressed down in preparation for penetrating me. “Stop doing that. I’m trying to talk to you.”

Vulcan actually growled before he said, “I’ll stop if you’ll hurry up and tell me what you want.”

“I want you to pretend you may not use your penis to satisfy your sexual urge. Can you do that?” I moved my head to the side to avoid his mouth, to explain what I needed him to do. “Give me your hand.”

With a big show of reluctance, Vulcan leaned over on his left side and balanced himself like that while giving me his right hand. I watched his eyes grow wide when I placed his hand on my breast.

“Do you like how my skin feels?” I asked. “You can see how my nipple hardened when you… Yes, that’s right, um, oh yes, you’ve got the idea.” Without any prompting from me, Vulcan pressed his mouth to my breast while using his hand to massage and pull on my other one. He flicked his agile tongue after that from one breast to the other, paying attention equally to both. I nearly climaxed when he took a breast into his mouth to suck. I wondered if it might be time for Vulcan to move on to the next step. Soon, not right away, though, went through my mind when his teeth gently bit the nipple on that breast, and then soothed it with his tongue.

After a few minutes, he raised his head. His eyes appeared glazed with passion, and his hands instinctively went down my body to reach my stomach. Vulcan definitely was a natural at sex and only needed someone to show him how to treat a woman. He moved his body down on the bed so that his eager tongue was running laps around my navel. Somehow, he’d managed to get one hand into my thick, blonde pubic hair and was exploring that area with vigor.

“Yes, woman, I like the feel of your skin.” I’d forgotten I’d asked that question. “Am I allowed to have a penis yet?”

I almost was over the edge and ready to let him have his way, but he had to learn patience. “Not yet, keep on exploring. Oh my, yes, that’s it. Don’t stop!” Vulcan was now rubbing between my legs, sharing that task with his mouth. First gentle, then harder and deeper went his fingers, only taking them away to give his tongue room to lick up the juices he was forcing out of me.

Finally not able to resist the pressure that was building up inside me, I pulled his head out from between my legs. “Now, Vulcan, now!” I was almost crying as, in my sexual frenzy, I tried to push his hand away. “You have your penis back, but hurry!”

* * *

Chapter 14

Quickly, Vulcan replaced his hand with his enlarged penis and entered me with one powerful thrust of his hips.

“Go slow, don’t rush it now.” I cried out when Vulcan seemed ready to return to his previous rapid way of releasing his sperm.

“Damn it, woman,” he whispered, pausing to glare at me, “first you tell me to hurry, and now you order me to go slow.” Once again it surprised me that this man, this god, actually was listening to me, even tolerating my orders. Obeying a woman had to be new to him. I pulled his face down to reward his patience with my mouth, which he eagerly accepted.

With his stiff penis inside me and sweat starting to cover his body, I realized Vulcan still needed to learn more about how to pleasure a woman. When he left my mouth to let his wandering tongue lick deep inside my ear, I whispered to him, “That’s it, Vulcan, go slow. No, don’t stop. Oh, yes, yes, keep going…” While he concentrated on my ear, I raised my hips, unable to control the slight movement.

Vulcan withdrew his penis a few inches, and then pushed back in again, all the while paying full attention to my face. It was as if he couldn’t decide which he found more appealing, my mouth or ears. Finally, he remember my breasts and lowered his mouth to attack them, nibbling and biting and sucking first one and then the other.

By now I was having trouble breathing. My body kept straining upward to feel Vulcan’s strong hips bringing his penis further into me. He slowly forced himself ever deeper and deeper. Eventually, he abandoned my breasts to place a hand underneath each of my own hips. I cried out in pleasure when he lifted my ass off the bed, to plunge even further inside me.

“Do you still say the satyr is better?” The words were spoken in gasps between Vulcan’s powerful strokes as he rapidly increased his rhythm. At least I think that’s what he said since, by now, the pressure inside me was almost unbearable with waves of pleasure washing over me. The more I cried out, the harder Vulcan pushed me, until I felt I was on the edge of a precipice about to tumble off.

I screamed, “Don’t let me fall, Vulcan.” My head thrashed back and forth, whether in panic or ecstasy I didn’t know or care. Just as I thought I was about to die from the pressure growing inside and between my legs, Vulcan gave one last gigantic push into me. This forced me over the precipice, and I cried out when my whole body shook from the orgasm. At the same time, Vulcan reared back to shout his release, and I felt semen pouring into me and down my legs.

The last thought going through my exhausted mind, before I fell asleep on the bed beside my exhausted master was, Who needs a satyr when they have such a magnificent stallion for a lover?

* * *

Chapter 15

I woke up a few hours later to find I’d rolled over on my stomach while I slept. Still a bit groggy from the affects of Vulcan’s vigorous sexual attack, it took me a few seconds to remember where I was. Only when I felt masculine hands caressing the slope of my lower back did I start to roll over.

“Stay still,” the deep voice of my lover ordered, and his hands roughly pushed me back onto my stomach. “It’s your turn to follow my rules.” I wiggled my ass in delight at what promised to be more sexual play. Vulcan was proving to be much more interesting than I ever could have anticipated.

‘Didn’t I just tell you to stay still, woman?” Vulcan laughed when he saw my body’s movement. “Okay, I see you need to learn how to behave,” and I felt a slight, painless slap followed by his mouth on one of my offending cheeks. His fingers pulled them apart, all the while giving both sides of my ass tiny nibbles followed by licks of his tongue.

I nearly jumped when his tongue slid into the crack between my cheeks to continue its exploration. Not satisfied by torturing me this way, his hands left my ass and disappeared under my body. First one of his long fingers entered my vagina, and then a second one. Meanwhile his tongue found the hole he was searching for and entered quickly. I tried to move to escape this double penetration, but found he had my legs pinned down with his body.

Just as I was about to cry out in frustration, Vulcan lifted his body off my legs. He removed both his fingers and tongue and rolled me over on my back. He did it so fast I didn’t have time to object to his rough handling. Within seconds, his penis impaled me where his fingers had just been, and I heard his harsh whisper, “Next time I’ll be slow and gentle, I promise.”

I didn’t even attempt to stop him as he rode me fast and furiously. He soon made me feel like I was caught up in a passionate whirlwind. I tried to stay still as he had ordered, but found myself frantically grabbing him around the waist to pull his heaving body even closer.

Never in my most erotic dreams could I have imagined wanting a man as much as I did this one. Once again, I felt my body crying out for release from the pressure building up inside me, growing stronger with each second. The pressure continued, though, as Vulcan increased his frenzied pace, pushing both of us further into madness. Only when he yelled out and arched his body back to send his seed into my waiting womb did I remove my teeth from where I’d been unknowingly biting his shoulder.

When I finally got my breath back, I wiped his blood from my mouth. Vulcan gathered me spoon-fashion into the circle of his arms, and we both drifted back to sleep once again.

* * *

To be continued in next segment.
 Seraglio of the Gods - Segment 04  (XGC)
Chapters 16 through 20
#1310964 by J. A. Buxton

© Copyright 2007 J. A. Buxton (judity at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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