Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1309599-Wrong-Turn
Rated: E · Short Story · Sci-fi · #1309599
A space traveler gets lost in space in time, to come face to face with God himself.
          Millions of stars drew millions of identical brightly lit trails in the void as Kirk's malfunctioning scout ship hit 950 miles per hour.  It was an old-fashioned measurement of speed, but the United States military headed the deep space exploration program, and they were the most stubborn beings on Earth, so miles per hour it was.

          Kirk hit the oxygen increase tab, then the cockpit atmosphere balancing key and rocked the thrust control stick to full forward, a gutsy and somewhat brainless manuever that rarely resulted in a positive outcome, but Kirk didn't care, he was putting as much space as he could between between himself and the monotonous existence he had endured for far to many years.

          The young explorer glanced at his console as the "half-tank indicator" flashed, marking the point of no return.  He forced the throttle to the zero position with a sweaty hand and a nervous heartbeat.  Was it bad enough to risk almost certain death?  Would he find a new home or run out of oxygen and die, floating meaninglessly in empty space? 

          The image of his wife in his bed with some worthless asshole reentered his head and Kirk returned the throttle to full-forward, forgetting to balance the atmosphere inside the cockpit and instantly passing out from the effects of the g-forces on his fragile, human body.

          Kirk awoke to the sight of the reflection of his own eye in the glare of light against the inside of the cockpit.  The eye blinked, his did not.  Kirck gasped and came instantly to full consciousness.  He looked upward to see the fingers of a giant figure grasping his scout ship, turning it from side to side as if to inspect it.  A tremendous voice shocked him almost back into unconsciousness,

          "Who are you?"  the being asked, still inspecting the ship in it's hands.  "Where do you come from?"  It seemed to be asking itself, but Kirk responded, scared to the point of witlessness,
          "I am Kirk, from Earth.  I mean you no harm!"  He exclaimed, then added, "I just have issues to work out."  The being's large eyes moved to Kirk, then upward as it mocked him, "you have issues?"  Then returned it's gaze to Kirk, shaking in the pilot's seat.  "YOU have issues?  You got lost in your spaceship because your wife got bored and NOW life is over?" 

          The being chuckled.  A serious concern came across it's face as it continued to address Kirk, "I create one microscopic speck of matter that I carefully program to introduce a chain reaction of landmass, starlight and life on an infinite plane of spacial nothingness and even work out the necessity for a lone scout to avert a war by personally dictating his mannerisms and the timing of his soul's entry into a human body, as I did with all other souls, whose genetic codes were hidden in the miniscule mass of that one first particle of atomic light, and you decide that life isn't right for you and head into space on a suicidal joyride?" 
Kirk blacked out.

          Moments later, Kirk awoke to the sound to ominous laughter.  "Do you know why you did that," the being asked the shaken man.  "N-No. Sir" Kirk replied, trying to focus his vision.  "Because I saw your purpose before I created all that you know and all that you will never know," the being replied.

          "Your father hit you when you angered him because his father ignored him when he misbehaved, because your great-grandmother shamed him when he messed up a chore.  I just started the chain and the events unfolded, you and your family unfolded as they were meant to, according to design," the being explained. 

          "Yes," it continued, "you always had free will, but being the creator of all, do you doubt that I didn't forsee your decisions in advance?"  Kirk's mind reeled, "God?" he asked.  Booming laughter shook the stars and Kirk's head felt ready to explode.  "Good guess, excellent conclusion, YES I'm God, and yes you are really here, in the depths of Heaven, speaking with me, face to face. "  Kirk began to speak, but was interrupted, "Why?" God interrupted, "Because you people aren't learning ANYTHING."  "I was thinking this might be a good time to step in, " he finished. 

          God turned away, then stopped himself and glanced back to eye the motionless scout ship with the bewildered pilot.  "Perhaps I should go back to the very beginning, " The majestic being announced.  "Yes, I will give you free will again, but not look into the future of your destinies.  I will give you life, created upon the face of a new planet, in a new universe, and will plant temptation in the form of a tree, giving you the choice of wether or not to follow the righteous path.  Does this sound like a good plan to you, Kirk?"  God asked.  Kirk pondered a moment then responded, "If I am there, the human race will not let you down!"

          God stared at Kirk, then shrugged, "Ok, " he said.  You will be the first man on the new Earth, don't let me down again for I will not return to your aid if you disobey me again!"
    God clapped his hands and Kirk instantly disintegrated into trillions of subatomic particles, then God went to work for six days and created a new model for the existence of human life, which also contained coordinates and material to cause the scientific creation of a new universe.  On the seventh day, God rested.

          Adam awoke in a beautiful garden, unfamiliar memories of a vast, barren void and some adventure there fleeing his mind quickly as his eyes settled on the bare form of the female that lay next to him.  Some confrontation had existed between the two of them in the past, he was sure, but what?  Was she his lover, his soul mate?  Had she been dishonest in the past and if he knew her face, why did he not quite know her? Could she be trusted?

          The female stirred, sat up and locked eyes with Adam.  Everything in his mind vaporized at the sight of her stare.  He would love this woman, and learn how to exist in this place with her, and trust her unconditionally for all time.  He had to be with her, as if he always had been, his body had to be close to hers.  When she introduced herself as Eve, something inside him jumped to his conscious, only to be repressed by his excitement toward the female presence.  Adam looked toward the heavens and smiled, naive that he was the last hope for the future of humanity.
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