Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1309496-Grey-Agenda-The-Man-in-the-Hall-pt-2
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Sci-fi · #1309496
When they officially arrive one abductee learns what they really are
                                            "Grey Agenda"
                                          by Todd H. Willis

8/8/2012 PST 7:12am Seattle, WA
  When the early morning news said that they came in peace I knew it was a lie.
  "...details are scetchy at this point, however, inside sources at the white house have told CNN that the humanoid entities claim to have come from an Earth-like  planet circling a star similar to our own over 100 light years away. Our scientists have yet to..." the African-American anchor woman paused and held up a hand to her earpiece. Over her left shoulder was a computer image of a typical Grey alien with a disk shaped UFO in the background.
  "I've just been informed that President Clinton is arriving at the press conference", the woman continued calmly, "We now go live to the White House lawn where the three saucer shaped craft landed just hours ago."
  As CNN cut to the press conference I put my arm around my wife, Melinda, who sat next to me on our living room couch. She looked afraid and very upset. Her pretty brown eyes were wet with tears and her cheeks were flushed red from crying. We'd been watching events unfold in CNN since hearing the news on our alarm clock radio over an hour ago
  "It's gonna be OK, baby," I said in an effort to reassure her.
  "No its not, Scott," she whimpered softly, her eyes glued to the LCD TV that hung on the wall across from where we sat, "What about the kids?"
  "You know that I'd never let anything bad happen to them," I thought of our three kids, still sound asleep upstairs in thier rooms, "I'll die before I let those things any where near our kids."
  Melinda burried her head in my shoulder and started to sob. I kissed the top of her head, feeling her silky brown hair on my lips. I loved her with all my heart and it hurt to know that there was nothing I could say or do to make her feel better. I could feel wetness on my chest coming through my T-shirtfrom her tears.
  "Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States of America," a young white house aid anounced before stepping aside.
  President Clinton walked up to the presidential podium looking tense and very serious. Her greying blond hair was pulled back into a bun and she wore a navy blue suit with a white blouse. Behind her on the raised platform stood the secretary of defense, Harry McDowell, along with commander of the Army, General Pete Andrews and her husband, former president Bill Clinton. They all looked a bit nervous and uneasy.
  The microphone covered podium had been set up so that the three landed saucers could be seen gleaming in the morning sun off in the background. The three extraterrestrial vehicles were identicle to one another, about 20 meter in diameter and 5 meters thick. Each one sat on three short black legs that protruded from the under sides of the metallic grey hulls. There were no visible port holes, openings, or external propulsion systems on any the trio.
  "Fellow citizens, people of the world," she began with a forced smile, "today is a great day in the history of mankind. Today we learned that we are not alone in the universe. As most of you know by now an extraterrestrial envoy arrived in the three ships you see behind me at 8:17 EST this morning."
  Clinton paused to turn and look at the craft behind her before contiuing,"The visit was completely unexpected and caught the Secret Service off guard, however, there were no hostilities on our part what so ever.
  "Three extra-terestrial biological entities of a humanoid appearance emerged from each craft, nine of them in all along with what apears to be one human male." She cleared her throught before continuing, "They were peacefully escorted into the oval office where they met with Vice President Obama. After assuring Barrack of thier peaceful intentions I was escorted in to meet with them.
  "With the human acting as a translator we sat and talked for over an hour and the meeting went well. At this point we know that thier intentions are 100% peaceful.
  "They claim to come from a star system 123 light years awayand thier home planet, they say is very similar to ours. How they traveled such a vast distance is not yet clear but needless to say they come from a highly advanced civilization.
  "At this point let me say that this is is not the first contact we've had with the, uh, vivitors." There were audible gasps of astonishment from the press box. "I was informed this morning that over 60 years ago our military recovered a crashed ship in the New Mexico desert along with the bodies of 4 crew members that appeared to be, uh, well, ...aliens. Since then members of our military have had intermittent contact with them over the years and relations have always been on good terms.
  "While such a public visit was totally unexpected it was not unwelcome. As citizens of this planet we can use this to unite us together and help us put aside our differences as we realize that we are not alone in this wonderous universe. I myself look forward to the oppurtunities this brings to expand our knowledge and understanding of the world around us. Let us pray that we can use this oppurtunity to better ourselves here on our planet with the help of our neighbors from the stars."
  The president stopped as if expecting applause but was repayed with absolute silence. For once the members of the media were speechless.
  "I have nothing further at this time," she added sheepishly, "Let me refer all questions to General Andrews, first, then Secretary McDowell. Thank you and God bless."
  With that Clinton solemnly walked off the stage back toward the white house, her husband joining her along the way giving her a nod and a reassuring smile. He whisperd something in her ear as they walked off-screen.
  "She's full of shit!" Melinda hissed angrily, "She was lying her ass off. And that part where..."
  "Honey, all politicians are full of shit," I interupted in a soft voice, not wanting my wife to wake the kids, "The government has been lying about all this from the start so what did you expect?"
  My wife and I fell silent as General Andrews approached the podium. He was tall and thin appearing to be in his late 50's with a full head of short cropped silver hair. He wore a thick pair of wire rimmed reading glasses out on the tip of his long crooked nose doing little to distract from the oversized appendage. His thin lips, droopy grey eyes and sunken in cheeks gave the general a tired someghat sickly appearance. He wore four stars on his shoulders and his left breast was covered in medals and ribbons testifying to his many years of faithful service.
  "Good morning, people," he began in a nasally drawl that carried a hint of a Texas accent. "I am General Peter Andrews, head of Army Intelligence. I'll come rigt out and say it; I've been in charge of a formerly top secret panel of high ranking military officials from the Army and Air Force since 1999. The panel was created back in 1948 and has gone by many names. The primary purpose of this panel has always been to deal with the extraterrestrials directly and access any potential threat to our national security. I must clarrify that no such threat has ever been ascertained and the Greys, as we call them have always been peaceful if not friendly."
  "Friendly, my ass," My wife couldn't help herself from saying, sarcasm dripping from her voice, "They're pretty darn friendly when they're abducting people, aren't they, General?"
  I grunted in agreement as the Army officer continued his shpeel,"...never been frequent to say the least. As the President said we had no indications that they were planning such a public display. Frankly, I was surprised. There has always been a mutual agreement between the Greys and us that, um, it wouly be best to maintain sec-, er, uh, well a low profile that is. Let me add th-..."
  "Can you believe this guy?" I laughed to my wife in disbelief. "How does he expect people to swallow this crap after all the years of lies?"
  Andrews lacked the finese of a politician and it was clear he was not used to public speaking. As his monologue drew to a close his face began to shine with sweat,"...best for the American people and our country's internal security. I'll now move on to questions. Yes, Jan?"
  "This should be good," smirked Melinda. At least she had calmed down a bit and was no longer crying.
  The camera panned over to the press box where a short plump woman appearing to be in her late 50's was standing up holding a pen and notepad, "General Andrews, sir, where did the extraterrestrial's pet human come from? Who is he? What's his name?"
  The camera cut back to the General as he shifted uneasily behind the presidential podium, "At this time I am not at liberty to release specifics of the human visitor but I will say that Memnon, as he calls himself, speaks both fluent English and the verbal language of the extraterrestrials. He is a vital link in our chain of communication with them."
  2 B continued

© Copyright 2007 T.H. Willis (todd88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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