Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1309339-First-Time
by FDQ
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1309339
"His fate was to please those who chose him and in rare occasions those who desired him"
Title: First Time.
Author: FDQ.
Distribution: Please ask me first.
Warning: Some violence, male/male relations, references to male/male non-consensual sex and rape, prostitution and angst.
Rating: R for the violence and references to sex.

It was the year 1886. Everything seemed to be gray. Not many colors adorned the buildings. Some yellow colors brightened parts of them, but still it all seemed to be dark and cold. The wind was blowing, bringing brown leaves along with it. The streets were nearly deserted, only very few people standing on the street corners.

One of those was a male prostitute by the name James. Dressed in gray pants and a supposed to be white shirt, he seemed to fit perfectly into the surroundings. The expression on his face was one of complete misery. Sad eyes, his lips pouty.

It was his destiny to please those who chose him, and in very rare occasions those who desired him. Or at least desired to be with him. Use him for whatever they wanted. He could not complain. It was his only way to survive. Without the money then he would die on the streets. As long as he traded his body for money then he was able to buy food and sometimes pay for a place to spend the night.

He had no other choice. It was living like this or not living at all.

Every person who passed by glanced at him. They knew what he was. Their eyes would tell. The disgust was easily shining through. He was disgusted as well. He disliked everything about himself. His pitiful pathetic life, all the things he did and the things he failed to accomplish.

A man glared at James from across the street. His eyes were cold. Watching him. James knew this man. He worked for him. Most of the money he earned he would have to give to this man. The rest he could keep. He decided what James was allowed to do and what he was not. Would he break those rules then he would be punished. He was somehow James’ owner.

James knew to do what he was told. Otherwise he would be hurt. If he was hurt then he would not be able to work properly and he would earn less money.

Some days James would even be allowed to stay in this man’s room. He would give him food and a shelter from the dark cold nights. In exchange of James’ services of course.

This day would be one of those days. James could see it in the man’s eyes. The twinkle told him to go to him. And so he did. He slowly stepped out onto the dirty road, approaching the man with every step. He could see him smile now.

The other man gladly took James’ arm, leading him down the street towards the building where he had his home. He pushed the door open and held his arm out, motioning for James to step inside. James did not hesitate for a moment.

In complete silence both men worked their way up the stairs until they were facing a door. The door leading to the room where James had spent many nights and days. Some had been painful others had not.

He heard the door slam shut behind him. Could feel prying eyes traveling over his body. It was the same as always. He would bring him inside. Sleep with him. Give him food and let him rest for a while. Then send him out on the street again.

The room was the same as outside. Colorless. Dirty. Dust covering the few pieces of furniture there was. Windows covered with a thick sheet of filth. On the floor there were all sorts of things. Clothing. Old rotten parts of food. Roaches. Everything that would make a civilized person nauseous. But James was nothing. Only a tool. He was used to these things.

Fingers began exploring his lower back, bringing him out of his thoughts. He tensed slightly at the touch. Could feel hands on his hips, forcing him to turn around to face the other man. For a brief second the gleam in his eyes could be mistaken with love. But his eyes would suddenly darken as always.

James felt himself being pushed down onto the bed, closing his eyes when he felt the other man beginning to tear at his clothes, impatiently trying to expose his body. James wanted it to end, but he allowed it to happen. This was what he was. He could not fight it.


Curious eyes were watching the building closely. Waiting. Hoping. He stood there for many minutes. Only waiting for one particular thing. The smile on his face was a pure sign that he was full of hope and was currently on the verge of being happy.

His waiting was finally over when he watched a man leave the building.

He grinned as he slowly made his way to the door, carefully pushing it open and slipping unnoticeably inside. He walked up the stairs. Coming closer to the person he had been watching, fascinated by for the past many months.

This was his chance to finally talk to him. Talk to James. He only knew his name from the people in the town. The unfortunate James as they had all named him. Pain had always coated his face. William had always felt so sad when he saw James on the street. But still there was something about that man that William found attractive. Irresistible in some way.

Now facing the door, William raised his hand and softly knocked on the door. No one opened. He knocked once more, hearing some faint curses from inside the room. This time the door was opened. Carefully. Nervously.

He was met with weary eyes. “Who are you…?” James questioned before yawning. The blond man concluded that he must have been sleeping. He felt bad for waking him during his rest. He knew James definitely needed it.

“My name is William,” the older man told him, smiling slightly. James was somehow confused. Who were this William and what was he doing here? Looking down at the other man’s body, James realized at once that this mysterious man was beautiful. Broad muscular chest. Blond hair, looking as soft and smooth as the purest silk. His lips, curled up in a soft smile, were full and moist. Sparkling ocean eyes.

But what was he doing there?

James was just about to tell William that the owner of the room was not there at the moment, but as if the man before him could read his mind he spoke before he even managed to say anything. “I am not here to see him. I am here to see you…” his voice trailed off into a whisper. A faint blush was decorating his cheeks. He was embarrassed.

William knew why he could feel himself blushing like this. It was because he had been in love with James for quite some time now. And now he was facing him. Speaking to him.

“You want to talk to me…?” James asked as he pointed at himself. He had never experienced that a customer had visited him while he was there. They had only approached him when being outside on the street. Although here they were safe from the many prying eyes. This… William could just be embarrassed to be seen with a person like James. That was understandable.

Sleeping with a whore was not good for your reputation. Especially not if it was a male whore!

“I’ve been watching you when you have been standing outside” William spoke, his voice quite more confident than earlier. His sudden statement brought James back to reality. James simply glanced at the other man, waiting for the question he was always asked. How much he would cost. It was always the same question.

This question did not come however. Instead he heard what he thought he would never hear from any person. “I like you. I would like to know you.”

Blinking in confusion, James could feel his heart skip a single beat. He… he seemed to be sincere. He was not there to sleep with him. He was not there to hurt him. He was not there to deprive him. He was simply there to know him.

James could not believe it. Something so simple as friendship with another person was one of the many things James had given up on. He did not feel worthy of friendship. Was William offering him a chance to have a friend?

James was speechless. Not knowing what to tell. What to believe.

“I – I can not…” James said then tried to close the door again. William would not let him, putting his hand on the wooden surface and keeping it open. James froze. “Please…?” the older man pleaded for him not to close the door and leave him.

“You can not be here. If he sees you then he will hurt you” James begged for him to leave. “I do not care!” William stated firmly, still keeping the door open. James could feel himself become frightened. He would be punished if he was seen with another person now. He still belonged to the man who lived there. He was free again by dawn. But at this moment then he should not talk to anyone.

“But I do!” James exclaimed, his fingers quivering lightly. He could return at any moment now. “Please, you have to leave. I will talk to you tomorrow morning. I give you my word. Now please go.”

The larger man smiled and nodded, his eyes displaying nothing but pure joy as he finally removed his palm from the door, allowing James to shut it.

His heart was pounding, his back against the door as he tried to collect his thoughts. He was afraid of being punished, but most of all, he did not want to be the cause of another person being hurt. If William had been seen then he would be hurt. He would not let that happen.

The image of William was still in his mind. He had never seen him before. Who was he? And did he really only want to know him? There had to be another reason. No person was foolish enough to want James’ friendship.

James tried not to think too much about the incident with William. He was exhausted and needed to rest. He knew that when he returned to his room then he would not let James sleep. He let him be in his room only for his own pleasure. He took him when he wanted to.

He laid down on the mattress, wrapping the blanket around himself, closing his eyes to sleep again.


The sunrays felt as if they were blinding James when he woke up in the morning. He had not slept very well. Only a few hours of rest. When he had not slept he had been thinking about William or he had been sexually used.

He rubbed his eyes harshly.

He yelped abruptly when someone threw his clothes at him. “Get dressed” the man demanded. James did not hesitate to obey. He quickly rose from the bed and began putting on his clothes, knowing that it was time for him to leave.

Not many minutes later he was again back on the street. Everything was as it used to be. Gray. Eyes staring at him. Only that this time something did seem different. James looked around for a brief moment and instantly found what he was searching for. William. He was there. Looking at him.

For many minutes which felt like hours the two men only glared at each other. Into one another’s eyes. There was something strangely comforting about this man. James almost felt secure when William looked at him.

All night he had only been able to think about him. Wondering what he really wanted. James had even found himself thinking that he could actually try to be his friend. Although he was afraid of being burned again.

Of course there was one thing that James desired more than friendship. One thing that he would sacrifice everything he had for. Something he knew he could never have. He had never deserved it. Still he dreamed and hoped for it to come along one day. He was yearning to be loved. Touched and kissed in a way that he had never felt before.

He was longing for someone to wipe away his tears when he needed it the most. For someone who could hold him tightly and tell him that everything would be good again and that all the evil would go away.

He just wanted to feel that he was worthy of living and loving. He needed someone to give his love to. Someone to share his dreams, emotions, his life with.

He knew William would not be that person. No matter how much he hoped and prayed for him to be. It was his destiny to be alone.

Shifting a little, James could feel his entire body tense when William began walking towards him.

“Hey…” William greeted carefully, keeping a bit of distance from James. He could sense that he was nervous. He did not want to hurt him or make him feel uncomfortable in any way. He looked at the younger man, eyes full of hope.

“Please, come with me” he said. James did not know what to do or say. Should he follow him or tell him to go away? “Please?” he pleaded, “You promised!” James’ curiosity won at last and he cautiously followed the other man into a room just across the street.

“What is it that you want?” James was lightly quivering, the man before him beginning to scare him. The door closed. The room was darkened. The only light there was the sunlight that was able to penetrate through the cracks of the wooden door, shedding a faint glow over the dusty floor beneath their feet.

William’s face was decorated by a line of sunlight which had slipped through the cracks. He looked so much more beautiful than James could remember. His blue eyes, twinkling like the ocean waves.

“I only want to do one single thing… Will you allow me to do it?” William leered. James was confused, instinctively looking around as he moved a bit closer to the blond man. “What is it?” he asked again. “I promise you that I will not hurt you!” he assured him. His voice sounded sincere, making James a little more comfortable.

He nodded, curiously waiting to know what William wanted.

Before the younger man had a chance to react, William had moved in to steal a quick kiss from his soft lips. He moved away again just a quick, leaving James in complete shock. “W-why did you do that?” James stammered, his fingertips touching his lips, surprised by the sudden kiss.

Something like that had never happened to him before. He had been beaten, violated, sexually abused, even felt as if the person he was with did have feelings for him. It had turned out to be untrue. And he was left in misery once again.

This he had never experienced before. A kiss like this. It was nothing like he was used to. It was not rough or lustful. It was… sweet and curious. Unlike anything he was used to! It frightened James.

William shrugged, his eyes glittering in the faint sunlight. “It is something I have wanted to do for so long. I have seen you out here. Seen how they treat you. It makes my heart ache…” his voice trailed off almost into a whisper.

James felt as if he was frozen. Did not know what to say, do or think. All he knew was that what had just happened had felt good.

“I - I…” James swallowed as he struggled to express what was going on inside of him. William was patiently waiting, hoping for a positive reaction from the smaller man. “I should leave…” was all he got from him, his voice shaky as he started for the door.

“No, please do not leave… Please?” William caught his arm gently trying to convince James to stay with him a little longer. “I do not want this…” James tried to get out of William’s grip. He felt his cheeks blush faintly, hoping for William to believe his lie.

William shook his head. He did not believe it. There was a certain spark in the younger man’s eyes that told him that he wanted this as much as he did. He could not deny it. “Look me into my eyes and tell me that you do not want or need this” he demanded softly.

What should he do? William was there, asking him… no demanding him to answer him. Should he be honest or should he deny his own feelings? Those feelings he never knew he could feel. The one thing he had never deserved. It was there right before his very eyes, but should he accept or reject it?

Thoughts were swirling through his mind, making him so insecure. He was becoming strangely nervous about the situation. What if his owner would know about this? Would he be punished? Did William even know that he was a prostitute? Was he there to gain his friendship or to be sexually satisfied like everyone else?

Every single thought vanished from his mind when he once again felt moist lips against his. He wanted to pull away from the contact, but he could not do it. He needed it. He had been longing for this for so many years. It scared him, but he wanted it.

He closed his eyes, allowing himself to enjoy the feel of it all. The way the kiss deepened was amazing, sending little sparks throughout all his veins. He could feel warm strong arms curl around his waist, softly caressing his tense muscles of his lower back. The feel of a slick tongue playing against his and the soft purr emitting from the other man’s throat caused tears to form in his eyes, blurring his vision before managing to escape, trickling down his flushed cheeks.

It seemed to go on forever. Pleasure. Joy. Happiness. Love. All new things to James. He indulged all of it.

They broke the kiss, already longing for each other. They glared into each other’s eyes. James felt the digit of William’s index finger gently brush over his cheekbones, wiping away the tear droplets. He smiled. So did James.

“I should leave,” James abruptly said. He wanted to stay there with William, but he knew he could not. He needed to work or else his owner would be suspicious. “Will I see you again?” he quickly added, looking into William’s glassy eyes.

He nodded before kissing him lightly on his forehead, “You will.”

James felt his entire body warming with a strange unknown feeling. It could only be love. So this was how it felt to be loved and to love. On an early stage of course. But he was willing to proceed to the next stage with this. It felt too good to let go.

He watched William as he disentangled himself from him and opened the door, wishing for him to never leave his life. He had a bright smile on his face when he crossed the street back to where he would usually stand.


The past few weeks had been magical to James. Everything had been surreal. William was wonderful. He had taught James many important things about life and love. He had taught him how it was to be loved. In the emotional way and the intimate way.

Many times since the day they met, they had shared moments of passionate love making. James had been touched, kissed and loved in the way he had always dreamt of. And he had done his best to satisfy William the same way.

The first time had been the greatest. James had been in the sweetest haze of pure bliss. A heaven of pleasure. William was like an angel sent from above to save him from his misery. The sweetest angel.

He had been so happy.

Unfortunately his owner had noticed how happy he had been recently. He had begun to wonder. He had been suspicious. James had changed so much lately. Could it have something to do with this William person he had seen him with sometimes on the street.

The way they looked at one another. How James was constantly letting William touch him. He rarely let anyone touch him like that. The smile that always appeared on his face every time he was there.

One day he had decided to see what James was doing when he was not on the street and not with him. He followed him, careful not to let James know his presence.

He watched them as they met in the darkness. Watching them as they embraced and kissed. He felt a sudden rage he had never felt before. James was HIS and no one should touch him like that except himself! James was nothing but a damn whore who did not deserve to be treated like that! He belonged in the gutter!

He nearly felt disgusted by the way they looked at each other and held hands as they started walking down the deserted street, darkness surrounding them.

Minutes of walking. They came to a small building, entering together, never letting go of each other. He followed until he came to the building, looking through the small windows. He was barely able to see anything. The windows were too dirty. He raised a hand to wipe away as much filth as he could.

He was now able to see them perfectly.

He watched as they held each other tightly. They began undressing each other, touching and caressing various parts of their bodies. He noticed that James was aroused! He had never been while he was with him. On very rare occasions he had been able to make him aroused while he took him, but never before the actual intercourse. Never like this!

James lay back on the bed, his body completely exposed. He could feel his blood boiling as he watched William crawl onto the bed. The way their bodies would grind against each other’s. His eyes were full of anger as he watched James arch against William, sudden jerking movements telling that it was blissful.

He could not see anymore. He knew if he did then he would not be able to control himself. He wanted to beat William. Leave him lying motionless on the dirt and then he would have to punish James in a way he had never done before! He would have to make him bleed! Scream!

He just waited there for what seemed to be hours. He did not care for how long he had to wait. James was his and he was determined to take him with him. And William could not stop him! If he tried then he would regret it!

Looking into the window again, he clenched and unclenched his fists. They were sleeping in the bed together. Holding each other. The blankets barely draped over their naked bodies. A smile was on James’ lips.

He waited patiently for the morning to come. And so it did.

He looked into the window as soon as he could see the first rays of sun spreading its light over the village. They had woken up. Both of them. James was dressed and looked like he was ready to leave soon.

He could take advantage of this. If William would stay inside then he could easily get James. Now he only needed the slut to leave the building!

He could see that James was heading for the door now so he quickly hid himself around the corner, watching him as he opened the door and came out. He waited for a few seconds before he followed him down the street.

A few minutes later James had reached the place where he always waited. He did not even have the chance to turn around before he could feel a strong hand grasping his neck, another hand soon following and placed over his mouth to silence him.

A protesting whimper escaped him when he felt nails digging into his skin as he was dragged away by the stronger man. Into the building. Up the stairs. Into the room. He was pushed down onto the floor, a cloud of dust spreading around his shaky form when his back connected mercilessly against the hard surface of the wooden floor.

“I saw you with your boyfriend! That William guy!” he spat, his face lined with anger and jealousy causing James to shiver in fear. “You belong to me! And you damn well know, you stupid whore!” James could feel tears beginning to prick behind his eyes. “Please…” he pleaded but was cut off by the other man, “Shut up!”

James slowly began crawling backwards when he saw the other man beginning to undress himself. But he did not let James get away with what he had done. He kicked the younger man hard in his ribs, eliciting a whimper from his throat. He curled up in a ball, gasping for air as he waited for the pain and humiliation to come.


James was disgusted with himself.

He was wrapped in the blankets, sitting on the bed as he watched the man, who had just violated him, leave the room. He heard the faint noise from the key locking the door. He was making sure James would not leave the room. He would probably go out and find William and hurt him.

A stray tear trickled down his cheek then dripped onto his hand.

He angrily wiped his eyes, sniffling. Crying would not help him. He rose from the bed and started getting dressed, trying to think of something different. He failed however.

He hated everything about himself. The things he let people do to him. The fact that he was now the reason why William would be hurt. How he was unable to be with him anymore. His owner had told him that if he ever spoke to William again then he would kill him. He did not want William to be killed. He would rather be dead then.

The thought of never being with the only person he had ever truly loved was unbearable. He would not be able to stay sane. Knowing that he could never touch him or love him again. It was killing James slowly. Eating his insides. Tearing him apart with every passing second.

He could not take anymore.

He stared at the lines of light, shining through the curtains before moving towards them. He pushed them aside allowing the light to warm his body. He glanced out the window. The sky was ocean blue. Not a single cloud in sight. He could hear the birds singing on the rooftop.

Everything seemed so perfect. Everything, except his own life.

He opened the window carefully then stepped up until he was standing in the window open wide. He inhaled deeply, watching his entire life flash before his eyes. So much pain and sorrow. It all stopped. An image of William. He curled his lips upwards as he could see a faint vision of William in his mind.

He jumped. Letting go of all the pain he had been through. All the sorrows vanished. Only William. Only happiness. Only love. Only light.

Time seemed to stand still for every person on the street. He was lying there. Motionless. Only waiting to decay.

Only one person kneeled down next to the lifeless body. Sobs escaped his lips as he embraced the younger man, desperately hoping for him to come back to life.

William tightened his grip around James as he was begging God for an answer. Why had this happened? Why had their love been denied? Why had he left him?

Questions he knew he could never get an answer to.

The End
© Copyright 2007 FDQ (fdq666roadie at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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