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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Personal · #1306949
While at work, an expectant mother experiences her worst nightmare.
“Squad 58, first aid requested at 54 Shadybrook Dr. for a psych transport. Repeating, squad 58, first aid requested at 54 Shadybrook Dr. crosses of Dogwood Rd. and Maple Dr. for a psych transport. 15:23,” the dispatcher said.

Several minutes later Alayna and her partner, Davis, were in the rig.
“Base, 58-56 is in service. Is the scene secure?” Alayna asked.
“I have two officers in route.”
They were approaching Shadybrook Dr. when dispatch called them.
“Go ahead,” Alayna replied.
“Officer on scene advised you can proceed to the scene, but wait outside.”
They arrived on location and awaited further instruction from the officers inside. About five minutes later Chris Bell walked out.

“What’s going on?” Alayna asked.
“He’s combative, we’re not sure if he’s on something or not. Ryan suggested using the Reeves,” Chris said.

“Reeves it is.”
They walked inside and up the stairs. Luckily the guy had calmed down for a minute and they were able to get him on the Reeves. They tightened the straps as best they could. Alayna picked up the feet, figuring that would be the lightest part, Davis had the head and Ryan and Chris each had a side. As they got to the top of the stairs the guy started fighting again. He was able to free one of his legs and before they could secure it again, he got Alayna in the face and that sent her tumbling down the stairs. She landed on her stomach on the tile floor and lay motionless.

“122 to base, I need another rig and medics out here now,” Ryan called to dispatch.
“Unconscious fall victim.”
They put several cravats around the Reeves and left the guy at the top of the stairs. Davis was tending to his unconscious partner while Ryan called his brother.

“What going on?” Kevin asked when he answered the phone.
“It’s Alayna.”
“What about her?”
“She got kicked down a flight of stairs by a patient.”
“She fell down a flight of stairs?”
“The guy kicked his leg, caught her in the face and she fell down the stairs.”
“Is she ok?”
“She’s still unconscious.”
“Where are you?”
“54 Shadybrook Dr.”
“I’m on my way.”
Ryan hung up the phone and went back to Alayna.
“You guys know anything about her, like medical problems?” Davis asked.
“The only thing I know is that she’s three months pregnant,” Ryan said.
“Pregnant?” Davis questioned.
“Yeah. Kevin is on his way, he’ll know more,” Ryan said.
“Gotcha. She needs to be boarded and collared. Stay with her while I go get everything,” Davis said pointing to Ryan.

“Ok,” Ryan said.
Davis and Chris went outside to the truck to get the stuff. Just as they walked out, Alayna opened her eyes.

“Hey, listen to me, you need to stay still,” Ryan said.
“Ryan?” she questioned
“Yeah, Kevin is on his way. You fell down the stairs.”
“The baby?”
“I don’t know, they’ll check you out at the hospital.”
“It has to be ok.”
While Chris and Davis were outside, Kevin pulled up.
“Ryan’s inside with her,” Chris told Kevin as he got out of the car.
“Ryan?” Kevin called as he walked through the front door.
“Back here,” Ryan replied. “Ok, Kevin is here,” Ryan said in a softer tone to Alayna.
“Kevin…,” Alayna sobbed when she saw him.
“Are you ok? What hurts?”
“Everything hurts. What about the baby?”
“Don’t worry about the baby, worry about you.”
“I’m going to lose the baby right?”
“I don’t know.”
“We’ve got to board and collar her,” Davis said as he returned.
“She’s awake,” Ryan said.
“Hey gorgeous,” Davis said to her as he knelt beside her. “What’s bothering you right now?”
“Any abdominal pain?”
“You know?”
“Ryan told me.”
“No,” Alayna responded answering Davis’s question.
“That’s good.”
They boarded and collared her and moved her to the stretcher. Ryan was going to drive the rig to the hospital. Kevin drove Ryan’s patrol car to the hospital so Ryan had a ride home. Kevin called his lieutenant on the phone on his way to the hospital.

“Lieutenant,” Tilton answered.
“Jim, it’s Kevin, I’m taking comp time for the rest of the day.”
“For what?”
“Alayna fell down the stairs. Ryan is driving the rig and I’m following them. I’ll call you in an hour or two.”

“You better.”
Kevin hung up the phone and continued driving.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*In the ambulance*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
“I’m so scared,” Alayna said.
“Calm down, everything will be fine,” Davis tried to reassure Alayna.
Davis assessed her vitals and Alayna tried to keep a positive attitude.
“Jesus Christ!” Alayna yelled after about ten minutes into the ride.
“What’s wrong?” Davis asked.
“I just got a really bad cramp.”
“Can you point to where?”
Alayna pointed to the mid-section of her lower abdomen.
“I need to check and see if you are bleeding.”
“My baby,” Alayna said.
Davis checked for any bleeding and saw a little bit, but didn’t say anything to Alayna. He didn’t want to scare her anymore then she already was.

“It’s gone,” Alayna said after several minutes.
“You don’t know that.”
“I can feel it.”
Davis didn’t know what to say. He decided it was best not to say anything.
They got to the hospital and Alayna went into the trauma room at Jersey Shore. Kevin followed the stretcher into the trauma room.

“Alayna, I love you. I have to call Tilton. These doctors and nurses are going to check you out and I’ll be right back. I love you,” Kevin said as they transferred her over.

“I love you,” she replied.
Kevin stepped outside to use his cell phone. He didn’t want to talk in the middle of the ER.
“Police Department,” the dispatcher answered the phone.
“It’s Kevin, can I talk to Tilton?”
“Hold on.”
The dispatcher, Susan, transferred Kevin back to the lieutenant.
“Lieutenant’s office,” Tilton answered.
“LT, it’s Kevin.”
“What’s going on?”
“As I said, Alayna fell down the stairs.”
“Is she ok?”
“I think she will be, they’re checking her out now.”
“There’s more to this isn’t there?”
“Alayna and I have been dating for about eight months and she’s three months pregnant.”
“Yeah, she was planning on telling people within the next couple weeks.”
“That’s good enough for me right now. Take today and tomorrow, stay with her and make sure she’s ok. Keep me updated.”

“Thank you, I will.”
Kevin hung up the phone and took a deep breath. He needed to keep himself together.
“You ok man?” Ryan asked his brother as he walked out of the emergency room doors.
“Honestly? No, I’m not. I’m worried about the baby.”
“I’m sure everything will be ok.”
“I hope so.”
“The important thing is that she’s ok.”
“I know, but the thought that the baby might be gone is indescribable.”
“If you need anything, you know where to find me.”
“Thanks,” Kevin said as he hugged his brother.
“Go back inside and be with your woman.”
“Thanks again.”
Kevin walked back inside to the trauma room. They were looking at the x-rays they took. Kevin stood to the side for another ten minutes while they worked on Alayna.

“You can go talk to her,” the nurse finally said to Kevin.
He walked to the side of the bed and took her hand.
“How are you doing?” Kevin asked.
“I’m in pain. They said they didn’t want to give me much because of the pregnancy. They gave me a muscle relaxer for the cramps. ”

“So you didn’t lose the baby?”
“I don’t know, they didn’t tell me.”
“The important thing is that you are ok.”
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“I should have told people about the pregnancy and stopped working right away.”
“You are not going to blame yourself for this. You would have been miserable if you just sat around.”

“Being miserable seems like a better option than a miscarriage.”
“This is not your fault.”
“Then who’s is it?”
“It’s no ones; it’s just a bad accident.”
“I can’t imagine being pregnant and all of the sudden it’s gone.”
“Why are you being so negative?”
“I’m being realistic.”
Kevin let out a small sigh, “you always are.”
“Holy shit!” Alayna yelled.
“My stomach.”
“You ok?” Kevin asked when Alayna relaxed.
“I think so.”
“Just rest while we wait for the doctor. I’ll be right here.
Alayna heeded the advice and closed her eyes.
“Oh my god!” she yelled about five minutes later.
“Your stomach again?”
“I think they are contractions.”
“I’ll get a nurse.”
Kevin ran to the ER and got a nurse.
“What’s going on Alayna?” the nurse asked.
“I think I’m in labor.”
The nurse checked the monitor and Alayna had another contraction. They nurse got the doctor. Twenty minutes later it was all over. The doctor was talking, but Alayna wasn’t listening. She was lying on the bed crying.

“Doc, can we have a couple minutes?” Kevin asked.
“Absolutely. I’ll be back in a little while,” the doctor said.
“Thank you.”
Kevin put the side railing to the bed down and sat down next to Alayna. Alayna just leaned forward and put her head on his chest and cried. Kevin put his arms around her and let several tears escape from his eyes. They just lost their baby and Kevin absolutely hated seeing Alayna hurting. They stayed like that for about ten minutes.

“Talk to me,” Kevin said without moving.
“I don’t know what to say.”
“What are you thinking about?”
“I’m running through all the things we could have done with the baby.”
“Me too.”
“Why did this have to happen? I was upset when I first found out, then accepted it and was happy about it and now its gone.”

“I don’t know babe, I don’t know.”
“You’re not mad at me are you?”
Kevin sat up, put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her back so they were face to face.
“Alayna, I love you. I’m not the least bit upset with you. I know you wouldn’t intentionally endanger the baby or yourself. Like I said, it’s a bad accident. I love you.”

“I love you,” Alayna said as she put her head back on his chest.
“We’ll get through this, I promise you. We’ll be ok,” Kevin said.
The doctor returned and was able to talk to Alayna and Kevin about her condition. Her worst injury was the miscarriage, but the doctor doesn’t think the uterus was damaged so children should still be possible. She has a concussion and they want to keep her overnight because of that. Other than that she would have some good bruising, but no broken bones. They then moved Alayna upstairs to a room. The other bed in the room was empty, so they had their own room. The nurse made sure Alayna was comfortable and told them she would be in periodically to check on Alayna.

“Get some sleep babe, I’ll be right here,” Kevin said.
Alayna didn’t say anything and closed her eyes. Kevin watched her for about 10 minutes, and then his brother showed up.

“How is she?” Ryan asked.
“She’s got a concussion, no broken bones.”
“What about the baby?”
“It’s gone.”
Ryan could see the hurt in his brother’s eyes when he said the baby was gone.
“How are you doing?” Ryan asked.
“I’m trying to be strong for her.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
“I’m devastated. I just lost a baby, I hate seeing her upset, and she’s blaming herself and thought I was mad at her for losing the baby. And there isn’t a damn thing I can do about it. So how am I doing? Not well.”

“I’m on your side man. If you guys need anything, let me know.”
“Thanks, I’m sorry. I’m just edgy.”
“You don’t have to apologize.”
“I owe you man.”
“Just help her get better and get back to your happy selves.”
“I will.”
“Tell her I hope she feels better soon.”
“Thanks. Will do.”
Ryan walked out of the room and left Kevin with Alayna. He looked at her sleeping and could see tears escaping from her eyes. He walked to the bed, put the side bar down and got into the bed right next to her. He pulled the bar back up and took Alayna in his arms.

“I love you, I wish I could take away all your pain,” Kevin whispered in her ear.
She just cuddled up to him and stayed asleep. Kevin kissed her forehead and fell asleep himself.
When Ryan left the hospital he had called Tilton to update him. He gave the lieutenant and update on her condition and her room number.

Tilton walked through the doorway to the room at about 10:15pm. He was greeted with the sight of Alayna and Kevin, who was still in uniform, cuddled together, asleep on the bed. When Ryan had called him, he did tell Tilton about the miscarriage. Tilton knew that sleep was the best thing for Alayna and Kevin at this point, so he didn’t wake either of them. He took a piece of paper from his notepad and left a note for them to call him sometime tomorrow.

Alayna woke up sometime later, she was unsure of the time, but really didn’t care. She watched Kevin sleep beside her. She had so many emotions running through her. She felt empty because she lost the baby. She was angry with herself and the dumb ass that kicked her down the stairs. She also felt a sense of happiness because Kevin was still by her side. She had been so scared that losing the baby would tear them apart, but it hadn’t. Kevin was still with her, showing her that he truly did love her. She focused herself on the feeling of happiness and fell back asleep.

Alayna was released the next afternoon. Kevin had called Tilton and updated him on Alayna. He also approved Kevin to take the next week off. Kevin asked that Tilton not discuss the circumstances of his days off with the guys, he didn’t know how they would handle the situation yet, Tilton agreed.

The doctor had advised Alayna to take at least two weeks and just rest. She took the doctor’s advice for the first week. She dropped her shift on the EMS truck for the upcoming week, but she didn’t do anything about the following week.
© Copyright 2007 RaceGirl4148 (racegirl4148 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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