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It's a story of Katrina and her friends, and what happens when she gets a magic Balloon. |
Katrina's Balloons Written by Dragon6860 Characters ©Crushbullet Katrina walked down the street, happily humming a tune to herself that was accompanied by a slight, knowing smile. She was a striking young woman of average height, with long reddish locks and brilliant green eyes. In spite of this, her most noticeable features were her breasts. They began high on her chest and blossomed forth into swollen, rounded mounds that commanded the majority of her torso, and the immediate airspace surrounding her frame. Each step she took caused them to sway back and forth hypnotically under a physics all their own as Katrina proceeded on her way not heading anywhere in particular, just walking, looking for anything interesting. The downtown area had a lot of new stores and shops that had sprung up, but nothing in the new places seemed interesting to Katrina. Turning the corner, she saw one shop that looked somewhat interesting. It was a few doors down from the corner, but Katrina could read the large sign that hung over the door, “Spathic Magic”. Katrina walked down the street to that store, and entered, the bell over the door ringing softly. There was a short, pale dark haired girl standing behind the counter. She was shorter than Katrina, probably only 5”, but her chest size was massive, especially on her small frame. “Welcome to Spathic Magic!” she said, looking up. “How are you...” She trailed off as she saw Katrina's massive breasts each the size of a basketball, squeezed into her tank top. “Wow...Um, sorry, I mean, how are you doing today?” she said, blushing slightly, taking her gaze away from Katrina's breasts, and looking her in the face. Katrina giggled, and said, “It's alright, besides, you've got some nice assets yourself! But anywho, I'm doing great, It's a beautiful day, nice and warm. I hate cold weather, you wouldn't believe how hard it is to find a coat that fits.” The dark haired girl laughed and said, “Well, that's true. I'm Miranda by the way.” “I'm Katrina! It's really nice to meet you.” Kat smiled and leaned on the counter, her massive breasts resting on the glass. “So, I'm looking for something fun, what kinda stuff do you guys have here?” Miranda laughed and said, “Well, we certainly have fun things, lets see what i can dig up...” Miranda ducked behind the counter, and Kat could hear her scuffling around, moving boxes and mumbling to herself. “Hm...no...no...heh, she'd look good with cat ears and a tail, but no...hm...oh!” Miranda stood up, with a small balloon in her hand. “Here you go! I'll bet you'll have lots of fun with this.” Katrina laughed, “A balloon? Well, those are fun, I don't suppose you have more?” Miranda shook her head. “Sorry, we've just got the one, but trust me, I'll bet you'll have tons of fun with this.” Kat smiled and said, “Ok, how much?” “No charge, but here's our card, if you have fun with it, be sure to tell your friends and come back again!” “Thanks!” Katrina said, and she tossed the balloon in her purse. “Bye Miranda! I'll see you later!” “Bye Katrina, take care!” Miranda waved at Katrina as she left the shop. Katrina continued walking down the street. As she walked down the sidewalk, something glinting in the sunlight caught her eye. She looked down, and she saw a oddly shaped coin laying on the sidewalk. Katrina bent down and picked it up, with a little bit of difficulty, she loved her chest, but it did get in the way sometimes. The coin was a unusual one, made of some kind of heavy, shiny metal, with a hole in the center. It had strange designs along the sides and edges. Katrina had never seen anything like it before, and she walked down the street, looking at it closely. “Hmm...never seen a coin like this before.” she said to herself. “It's really pretty though, maybe one of my friends'll know what it is.” She slipped it into her pocket, when she felt a piece of paper in her pocket. Katrina groaned. “Damn, I forgot, That list of stuff for the party tonight. I need to hurry...” Katrina looked at her watch. “Great, the party starts in 2 hours, I wish i had more time...” Katrina turned around and began jogging back to her car, as fast as her bouncing cleavage would let her. As she was running, her cell phone rang, and she quickly pulled it out and answered it. “Hello?...Oh, hi Amy!...Really? Heh, well, that's lucky, I forgot to buy the stuff until just now, an extra hour'll be just what i need. See you tonight!” Katrina hung up her cell phone and sighed in relief. “That was lucky, just what i needed.” Katrina walked at a more leisurely and less bouncy pace back to her car, and quickly drove off. She got to the store soon after that. The parking lot was crowded, but as Katrina drove through the isle, a car pulled out in front of her, almost right in front of the entrance. “Wow, lucky!” Katrina said, as she pulled in, and walked into the store. She walked though the isles, getting the various party supplies, and ignoring the various cat calls, wolf whistles, and marriage propositions. She carefully wheeled her full cart back to the front of the store and sighed again. The lines for the checkouts were all huge, and moving very slowly. “Great...I wish another line would open...” Katrina looked over the lines, and saw a store employee walking towards the unoccupied cash register right in front of her. Katrina moved next to the register, as the casher walked up, and started checking out her purchases. “Wow, third time lucky, today's really my day!” She piled her bags back into the cart, and walked out to her car, loaded them up, and began to drive home. She got home very quickly, it seemed that every red light she came up to turned green, and she cruised towards her home in record time. She walked up the path to her porch carrying her bags, and opened the door. Her cat Cecil purred and brushed up against her legs. “Hey Cecil, I'm home!” She walked into the kitchen and laid out the party supplies, the various bottles of alcohol, chips and other snacks. Katrina tossed her purse on the couch, and stretched. Her cat jumped up on her lap and curled up, purring. Katrina flipped on her TV, and started up a DVD of Mystery Science Theater. About a hour later, the doorbell rang, and Katrina got up, her cat jumping to the ground. She turned off the TV and walked over to the door, opening it. “Hi everyone! Come on in!” Katrina's friends, Sara, Naomi, and Alice walked in the door, laughing and joking. Julie, Katrina's best friend, walked in last, giving Katrina a hug. “It's good to see you Kat! How's things?” “Oh, it's been great today, heh, I've had the most amazing luck, I got a great spot at the store, didn't have to wait in long lines, awesome day.” Julie laughed and said, “Lucky you, now come on, lets get this party started.” The two of them went into the living room, where the other girls had already broken out the alcohol, and were busy making drinks. “Come on Kat!” Alice called out, “I'm mixing a new drink I think you'd like, I call it, 'Juicy Melons'.” Katrina laughed and said, “Melons? I haven't been that small for a long while.” About a hour later, the party was in full swing, and all the girls had been drinking more than their fair share. Katrina was probably in the lead, but not by much. “Ok girls, hold on, I'll be right back” Katrina got to her feet shakily, and walked off towards the bathroom. “Hey Kat!” Sara yelled out, “Can I have some gum?” “Sure!” Katrina yelled back, “It's in my purse, it should be somewhere...” Sara grabbed Katrina's purse, and started digging though it. “Where is it...Ah!” She pulled out a pack of gum, and put a piece on her mouth. “Hm...what else have you got in here Kat....what's this?” Sara pulled out a balloon, and giggled. “Ohh, a balloon! Now if we had two, I could be just like Kat!” The other girls all laughed and Julie said, “Blow that one up, I'll try to find another one, hehe, we'll say that you suddenly grew huge breasts!” Sara laughed and blew a breath into the balloon, as it inflated slightly. As she did, Katrina let out a loud yell, and ran out of the bathroom, clutching her chest tightly. “Kat, what's wrong, did you spring a leak?” Julie said, giggling. “No, i grew bigger!” Katrina said, with a look of joy on her face. “I was standing in front of the mirror, wishing I was bigger and I grew! Don't you see? It's this coin!” Katrina held up the small coin that she had found that day. “All today, I've been getting wishes and I didn't even know it! I'm gonna get even bigger!” With that, Katrina held the coin up and with a drunken laugh, said, “I wish I was twice as big as I am now!” Katrina closed her eyes, a look of joy on her face, as she waited. After a few seconds, she opened one eye. “Is anything happening?” Julie looked at Katrina with a laugh, “Of course not! Magic's not real, come on, sit down.” Katrina looked at the coin with a stunned look on her face . “But...but, I did grow! I swear, my boobs grew bigger! They shrunk back down, but they were bigger I swear!” Katrina sat down heavily on the couch, her breasts bouncing up and down. “It was true...” She said, pouting, her arms crossed under her massive breasts. “Ohh, don't worry Kat!” Sara said, giggling. “I'll blow up this balloon, you can stuff it in your shirt, and then you'll be twice as big as you are now anyway!” Sara picked up the balloon, and with a deep breath, blew into the balloon, and it started inflating. As Sara blew into the balloon, Katrina let out another cry, as did Julie. “Kat! You...you grew!” “I know!” Katrina said, “It's just like in the bathroom!” Julie looked at Sara, who was staring at Katrina's larger breasts in shock, still holding the balloon up to her mouth. “Sara, blow into that balloon again!” Julie said. Sara blew into the balloon more, and as she slowly inflated it, she could see Katrina's breasts swelling gently. There was a creaking noise, and Sara could see Katrina's pants growing tighter, as her butt and thighs began to swell as well. Sara was so shocked, the balloon slipped out, and flew across the room. As it did, Katrina's inflated body shrunk down to her old size. “That's it!” Julie said, “When you blow into that balloon, you grow! Where'd you get that balloon Kat?” Katrina was looking down at her chest in shock, and looked up at Julie, shaking her head to try to organize her drink addled mind. “Um...it was downtown, some kind of magic store...She said I would have fun with that. She gave me the card of the shop...” Julie walked over and picked up the balloon off the ground, and with a laugh, said, “Well, she was right!” With that, she took a deep breath, and blew hard into the balloon. Katrina let out a cry of shock, as her breasts began to inflate, growing larger and larger. Katrina squeezed her breasts together, feeling them swell, stretching her tank top. Her formerly lose pants began to grow tighter, her thighs and butt inflating, filling out the pants, and raising her off the couch a little. “Oh wow! Julie! I'm huge! Look at me, I'm bigger! Keep blowing I want to be huge!” Julie gave Katrina a smile, and said, “Bigger, eh? Ok, you've got it.” Julie stood up and quickly ran to the closet, and started digging though it. “Julie? What are you doing? Don't stop! I want to be bigger!” Katrina got up and tried to see what was going on, but her new breasts and hips made it difficult to walk. “Sit your inflated butt back down Kat, I'm coming.” Julie came out of the closet, pulling a small tank out. She then attached the balloon to the nozzle and grinned at Katrina. “Lets see if we can make those boobs lighter, I know you're always saying how heavy they are!” Katrina looked confused, and looked at the tank. “What do you...Is that HeilOHH!” Katrina's breasts swelled out as Julie twisted the nozzle, and the balloon began to fill up. Katrina's breasts swelled more, and Katrina let out a happy shout as they grew, stretching her tank top more and more. Katrina's belly began to swell out as well, lifting up the bottom of her tank top. There was a slight ripping sound, as her breasts began to rip free of her stretched tank top, when with a loud tearing, her two breasts bounced free, sticking straight out, bobbing against each other. Katrina let out a eep of embarrassment and blushed, trying to cover her breasts with her hands, but she could barely reach around them now. There was another tearing sound, as a large rip appeared in the side of her pants. “Ohh, no, I loved these pants!” She reached down, feeling the inflated flesh bulging out from the tear, as it moved down, when with a pop, her pants tore off, and her body began to swell even more. Katrina's belly swelled as well, gently growing out, swelling bigger and bigger, as her breasts floated up, blocking her view. “Ohh, I feel so light!” Katrina jumped to her feet, and due to her helium filled body, she moved up into the air a few feet, and then gently back down. Katrina let out a giggle, and said, “I can fly! I'm a balloon! Bigger! I'll be the biggest girl ever!” She jumped up again, harder this time, and she managed to touch the twelve foot high celling before falling back down. Her body kept on swelling, her arms and legs began to puff up as well, growing thicker and larger. Her belly was swelling more and more, as her body began to get rounder. Alice was looking at Katrina in shock, and she turned to Julie and said, “Um...Julie, that's enough...she's getting huge! She's rounding out all over!” Julie giggled, and said, “Nope, she wants to be bigger, and she's going to be huge!” Katrina looked at her body, and her swelling arms. They were getting harder and harder to move, as they got larger and thicker. “Wow, I didn't know I'd ever be able to get this big!” Katrina laughed, as she tried to walk, but her legs were almost totally absorbed into her body, so she could only move at a slow waddle. Katrina let out a giggle, but her giggle stopped, as her arms began to be absorbed into her body. She moved her hands against her body, and looked over at Julie, who was still inflating the balloon, with a huge grin on her face. “Um, Julie? I think that's enough...any bigger and I'll float away!” Katrina let out a weak laugh, which turned into a cry of surprise as her feet gently left the ground and she started to gently float upwards. “Eeep! Julie! I'm floating! Um...and it's getting a little tight...Julie?” Katrina's huge inflated body gently bumped up against the celling, and she looked down at Julie, who was sitting by the tank, looking at Katrina in amazement, with a huge smile on her face. “Julie? Come on! It's getting really tight...come on! Ohh...I'm getting really full...” There was a soft creaking noise from Katrina's huge body, and she let out a cry, “Julie! I'm creaking no more! I'm gonna POP!” As she said that, there was a loud explosion, and Katrina let out a scream. Katrina closed her eyes tight, and waited for her explosion, but nothing happened. There was no more creaking, and there was no more growth. Her body felt extremely tight all over, but the swelling had stopped. “Julie? Hello?” Katrina opened one eye, and looked down at Julie, looking up at Katrina. “Julie? What happened?” Julie shook her head, and breathed a sigh of amazement. “Wow...you're so huge Kat...” “I know, but that's not important, what happened? How do I get down?” Kat said, a note of panic in her voice. Julie looked at the remains of the balloon laying on the floor, and back up guiltily at Katrina. “It...um, popped. Before, when you let the air out, you'd deflate, but I guess if it pops...you can't.” Katrina looked down in shock, and cried out, “Well, then what am I gonna do? I can't be a balloon forever!” Katrina sniffed, and looked down at Julie. “Don't worry Kat!” Julie said, “You had that card, lets see what it says...” Julie picked up the torn remains of Katrina's pants, and got the card from one of the pockets. “It says, 'Spathic Magic. Magic, Enhancements and More. If there are any problems with your magical item, call 555-6243 twenty four hours a day. No problem I'll call them up, and explain, they'll tell us what to do.” Julie walked to the phone, and dialed. After a few rings, a girl picked up the phone. “Hello Spathic Magic, how may I help you?” Julie quickly explained what happened, how Katrina was a huge ball with a massive pair of breasts, floating against the celling. “Ok, I understand. Give me your address and I'll be right over, we'll get her fixed in no time.” Julie gave Katrina's address, and the girl on the phone said she would be there in about 10 minutes. Julie thanked the girl, and hung up, then explained to Katrina what was going on. Katrina sighed in relief, and tried to get comfortable. “This was scary, but at the beginning it was kind of fun.” She giggled a little bit, still feeling the effects of the alcohol. “This is kinda comfy as well, it's like being on a big bubble.” Julie laughed and said, “I hate to break it to you Kat, but you ARE a big bubble!” Julie started laughing hard, and so did Katrina. The five girls then relaxed a little, trying to kill time until the girl from the magic shop arrived. After a few minutes, the doorbell rang, and Julie hopped up and ran to the door. She opened it, and a short Hispanic girl stood there, with a bag over her shoulder. “Hi, is this the place that called about the magic problem?” Julie nodded, and said, “Thanks for coming over, I'm Julie.” “Nice to meet you, I'm Julia. So, where is she? Not outside I hope?” Julie closed the door behind Julia and said, “She's in the living room...Um..Did you say outside? I'm a bit tipsy...” Julia grinned and said, “I have something for that if you want to sober up in a hurry, but yes, that girl was outside, she floated up, up, and away. That was a hectic night, took well over a hour to find her. She was almost fifty miles away, got caught in a crosswind, who knows where she would of ended up...that could have been bad...” Julia walked into the living room and looked up at Katrina. “Hello, I'm Julia, what's your name?” she said, smiling warmly. “I'm Katrina, I'd shake your hand, but I'm rather stuck at the moment.” Katrina said, laughing slightly. “You? Stuck?” Julia laughed, “This is nothing, now if you were growing taller and taller, until you were almost 50 feet tall, and were stuck inside of a football stadium, Then you'd be stuck. That was a interesting case.” Julia laughed to herself, and put her bag on the table. “Lets see here...a dispell should do the trick, it was a simple reflection spell that we put on the balloon, when it inflated, you inflated.” Katrina got a worried look on her face, and said, “But, the balloon popped, why didn't I pop?” “Simple,” Julia said, “A failsafe I put on all the enchantments, if the object is destroyed, the spell instantly stops where it was. As soon as it popped you stopped growing, but you don't need to worry about popping, you could be four or five times your size before you ever had to start worrying, and even then, with the right spells, you'd never pop. Hmm...”Julia dug around in her bag, and pulled out a number of small vials and pouches. She also pulled out a small bowl, and began to mix, chanting softly. The bowl began to smoke, and a sweet smell rose from the ingredients. “Ok, now, all you have to do is inhale the smoke, and you'll be all set!” Julia lifted the bowl up as close to Katrina's head as she could, and Katrina began to inhale the smoke. “Ohh, it smells nice.” Katrina said. “How long do I, Ohh! What's happening?” Katrina's voice had suddenly become very high pitched, and she giggled, “I sound funny, what's going on?” Julia laughed and said, “All that helium had to come out somewhere, I assume you'd prefer that route, rather than the other way?” Katrina giggled and said, “Oh yeah, this way is fine.” Katrina's body began to deflate slowly, but faster as she drifted down off the celling, and could inhale the smoke closer to the source. After a few minutes, Katrina inhaled a last lungful, and felt the last bits of helium leave her body. “Thank you Julia, I'm glad that's over with.” Julia began to pack up her bag and smiled. “No problem! I'm glad to help you out. Just be sure to tell your friends about the shop, and we don't only have magic balloons, we have all sorts of potions and charms.” Julia zipped closed her bag, and stood up. “Well, take care you girls! I hope to see you in the shop sometime.” With that she walked out of the front door, and back to her car. Katrina ran back to her room to put on some new clothes, and joined the other girls downstairs, where they were buzzing about the possibilities of getting magical enhancements to their bodies. “Ok girls,” Katrina said, as she flopped on the couch in exhaustion. “It's late, and I for one am tired. Being blown up like a huge balloon'll do that to you” Katrina laughed, and said, “lets hit the sack. We'll discuss our magical plans in the morning. Night!” the girls laid back in their sleeping bags, and one by one drifted off to sleep, visions of themselves changing their bodies dancing in their heads. The next few days went by without much incident, the girls all woke up with bad hangovers, and they had forgotten much of what happened the night before. Julie was sitting at home, idly flipping though channels, when her phone rang. “Hello?” Julie said, and Katrina's voice came over the phone, giggling. “Hi Julie! How's things?” “Hi Kat! Things are going pretty well, just relaxing bored mainly.” Julie sighed. Katrina let out a laugh, and said, “Well, I think I can fix that, do you remember what happened a few days ago at the party?” Julie said nervously, “Um..no, not really, those drinks were pretty powerful. I remember something about a balloon, and a hell of a hangover the next day, but not much else, why?” Katrina laughed again, and said, “Well, maybe this'll refresh your memory, and don't worry, I won't let the balloon pop!” Julie looked at the phone in confusion, and said, “What?” A slight hissing noise could be heard over the phone, and Julie said, “What's that Katrina?” Katrina giggled and said, “Oh, you'll see!” and hung up. Julie looked at the phone again in confusion, and sighed, hanging back up the phone. “Wonder what she was talking about...Ug...I feel bloated...”Julie looked down at her stomach, and let out a gasp, as she saw her breasts slowly swelling, stretching her t-shirt, as they grew bigger and bigger. |