Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1302859-Mystery-in-the-Mountain
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1302859
While hiking a teen, Anna, runs away and gets lost. Luckily, she is mystreiously rescued.
While hiking in the Catskill Mountains Janet, Bill, and Anna took a short break to get their bearings.

"It seems like we have been walking up this path for hours, but we don't seem to be getting any higher!" Exclaimed Janet in a aggravated voice, "We better not be lost."

"What's the matter," taunted Anna who was Bill's younger sister. "You're not quitting already Janet. Are you?" She was enjoying getting the better of Bill's girlfriend. Anna had made it her personal business to protect her brother from greedy whiners like Janet.

"Cut it out you two!" complained Bill, who indeed, was lost but too proud to admit it. Bill looked at his map and compass. " The map shows that we should see a large patch of trees soon."

Bill showed them their destination. "When we get there we'll stop for some lunch. Now if you two are done bickering, Lets get going."

" That sounds great!" Stated Anna, "I'm starved"

" At least we agree on something," Said Janet with a smirk. "I guess you're not as dumb as you look."

Surprisingly within twenty minutes, they indeed reached the wooded area. As Bill promised, he unpacked sandwiches from his pack. It even seemed like Janet and Anna were about to get along until Janet searched for her canteen and discovered it was missing.

"This can't be happening!" she ranted, "My canteen is missing," she screamed and began to dump her backpack all over the place. Finally she broke down, covering her face with her hands to hide her tears.

"I knew she'd ruin this trip!" pouted Anna with her arms crossed.

" That's enough!" Bill shouted at Anna. He put his arms around Janet. "Here," he said offering her his canteen, "We can share my water."

" I don't believe this!" Anna snorted "Can't you see that she's just playing you?"

" Why don't you grow up!" Bill shouted at Anna. His eyes were now filled with rage.

" I know when I'm not wanted!" Anna shouted back, as she ran into the trees.

" Get back here now!" Shouted Her brother, but that just made her angrier.
Anna ran until she couldn't run any more. Then she lay on the ground and started to cry. How could her brother take the side of that stupid weak vixen. "I hate her!" Anna ranted, then she cried herself to sleep.

Anna woke up shivering in the dark woods. "Bill!" she shouted "Janet!... Anyone!" but there was no answer except the hoot of a night owl. She unpacked her sweater from her backpack, but it gave her little warmth. To make matters worse, she heard a distant rumble of thunder. The idea of staying put was not an option. She knew she would freeze if she didn't move, and soon.

The moment her eyes adjusted to the dark somewhat, Anna chose the direction, she guessed, that she came from. She picked up her backpack, and started to walk.

The wind started howling through the trees... at least she hoped it was the wind and not some hungry wolf hunting for it's supper. The sounds of night creatures scurrying about filled her with fear. She ran blindly, stumbling from tree to tree. With her last ounce of strength, leaning against a tree, she gave one last desperate cry for help.

The last thing she remembered, was a bright light, that blinded her vision as she fell unconscious to the ground.

Anna woke next to a warm friendly campfire. Beneath her, was, what looked to be, a bed made of dried moss. Her backpack rested against a rocky wall, not far from her feet.
"I must be dreaming," She uttered out loud to herself.

"Not a very nice dream, deary," Crackled an old female voice from the shadows beyond.

"What reason has a young girl to be in the freezing forest, in the dark night, aye?"

Startled by the ancient sounding voice, Anna backed herself up aganst the wall.

"It's not old Hazel you need be frightened of young miss. If the cold doesn't do ya in, the wild critters out there will, but not if old Hazel has anything to say about it, ay?." The old woman cracked a smile.

The woman who called herself old Hazel was dwarf-like. Though she carried a walking stick, it seemed unlikely that she needed it. Her skin was dark wrinkled and withered. "What do they call you deary?" Asked Hazel.

"My name's Anna," She answered. "I got lost in the woods. I need to find my brother," Anna explained.

"Indeed you must child, but not until the storm is over, my deary. You'll be safe enough, here in old Hazel's home, until then."

Anna looked into the fire. She felt better that she was warm. Old Hazel was a bit strange, but at least she was not alone.

She wondered if Bill was looking for her, and how worried he must be. She bet Janet was happy to have Bill all to herself. These thoughts made her angry and sad.

Hazel produced a stoneware pot and cup from her dark corner and heated some water for tea.

"Have some tea," She said offering her the cup. "It will help quiet your unsettled mind," She added with another caring smile.

The tea tasted strange but not sour or bitter and it smelled a bit like flowers. She thanked Old Hazel. Indeed the tea made her feel better.

"Why do you live here in a cave?" Anna asked trying to start a polite conversation. She felt as if she owed it to her host.

"Don't you know?" Replied Hazel, "Every creature has a home. Birds live in nests, the hare burrow is in the earth."

"Some people like you, live in fancy houses."

" Old Hazel prefers to live in a cave, like the creatures of nature She is, aye." She gave Anna a wide smile and a wink.
Anna giggled at her answer and took another sip of tea.

She was really enjoying, being with Hazel, and wondered how living in the forest must be.

"Don't you ever get lonely living by yourself?" Anna thought to ask.

Hazel's eyes gave Anna a serious stare. "Only when we separate ourself, from all others, are we alone."

" Old Hazel is never alone. She has her memories, and all of nature to keep her company."

"You are not alone either. Look into the flames and listen." She commanded.

Hazel then reached into her waist pouch and tossed some dust into the fire, green smoke arose from the flames.

Anna was a bit confused, and felt a little light-headed, but did as she was told.

The smoke parted and she could see Janet and her brother Bill.
"Anna!" They shouted "Where are you!"

"Here I am, in a cave," Anna shouted, hoping with all her heart, that they could hear her too.

The campflame started to die.

"They are near by," Hazel informed her.. Only her sillouette could be seen in the dark.
"It is time to go to them, my dear."

When Anna reached the entrance of the cave, she saw that it was the break of dawn.
"Anna!" she could hear Janet's voice shouting.

"I'm here!" Anna shouted.

A moment later, Bill and Janet were hugging her, thanking God, that she was okay.

"It's a miracle your safe," Bill said.

Anna explained the events of the past night, and how, Old Hazel had saved her.

Anna then brought them into the cave to meet her. "Hazel," Anna called, but there was no reply.
Bill used the flashlight, he had been using, when searching for Anna that night.
At the end of the cave they found Anna's backpack, but the rest of the cave was empty. There was no sign of a campfire, and no other way out of the cave.
"She was here!" Anna insisted.

"All that matters is that we got you back safe and sound," Said Bill.
He got her pack and put his arm around Anna and they started their journey home.

© Copyright 2007 MoonWolf (hfiredreamer at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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