Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1296799-IN-EVERY-WAY--Part-1-of-2-
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1296799
Twin brothers Travis & Eric make a discovery: they've been seeing the SAME woman!

~~{Part:1 of  2}~~

         "Look, I just can't...I cannot do this anymore."

         Lindsey folded her arms, anchoring herself, eyes going from Eric to Travis then back again.  It was like being able to look at two faces of the same coin at once.  Beyond distracting, it was disorienting.  More accurately it was disorienting now since before today she had never dealt with or planned to deal with the twins at the same time in the same place.

         Key word being "planned".

         That "plan" was something she'd only vaguely thought through at the outset, back in the beginning of all...this.  The beginning when the excitement and disbelief made her tingle, giddy in a way that made everything but feeling that way unimportant.  Where her run of fantasy fulfillment, self-indulgence, and deceit had started.  Like the lies that had enabled it, the plan had worn unexpectedly thin, developing holes, crippling holes, holes she could not mend.

         Maybe, just maybe if she had been born blind then yes, all the drama she'd dived head-first into would be forgivable; any blind person walking into a room would never know they were speaking with twins but Lindsey had no handicaps to fall back on.  Without a hint of innocence anywhere to be found, her choices had been self-serving, even predatory.

         Well, self-serving while serving them.  Damn, she couldn't believe she was still thinking of the sex.  How their touches had differed, how they'd been alike; how with unique styles two men with more in common than they had known had made her blaze so differently inside...

         After meeting first Travis and later on, Eric, she had--- upon connecting a few dots--- known exactly what she was doing.  Like that cat, she had gotten caught up in a rush of curiosity.  What she didn't pause to consider back then was curiosity had, ultimately, killed the cat.  If she was now the "cat" of this story, where did that leave her...?  She had anticipated--- even tried to prepare--- for a very ugly, very abusive response but so far it hadn't happened. 


         Standing before them, lost in her deepening guilt, she bit her bottom lip and tried to look anywhere but in their eyes.  Anywhere at all where the truth of her actions wasn't staring back in cold disapproval.

         Travis looked away also, his thoughts all his own.  He was like that, she knew, especially when he was frustrated or upset.  Or angry.  Lindsey watched him staring out the window, the fading sunlight giving a glow to his rich brown skin, highlighting the tense set of his flexing jaw. 

         On the other hand, Eric was watching HER.  Staring so hard she could  feel every shift of his eyes, Eric was looking at her like a criminal.  It was exactly what she felt like too, a felon.  She had broken so many unwritten laws with this--- so many important ones--- that she felt like a fugitive who had finally tired of running.  He seemed like he was awaiting some gesture or misspoken word that would crack her story wide open, make her house of cards go up in flames.  Thing was, the story was already cracked, she was already worn down as much by herself as by them.  All that remained were the details in between, the clarity Eric seemed bent on intimidating out of her.  She wished it would come out that simply, that every angle and choice she had pursued from that first day to now could all just tumble out and somehow unmake this...this mess.  But it wasn't coming that easily, not even a little.  God, what had she been thinking...? 

         Lacking the patience of Job, Eric was irritated by the silence and with no one opting to speak up he made his own thoughts known.  "You know, this shit is crazy.  How could you not have seen Travis was my brother?"

         Travis turned, looking back at Lindsey.  "He's right."

         "Yeah!  LOOK at us!  Except for his braids and tatts, we look exactly alike.  How in the Hell could you meet both of us, get... intimate with both of us, and not realize we were related?"

         And then it clicked.  Loudly.
         "Motherfucker..."  Eric shook his head, things at last falling into place.

         "What?" Travis demanded, still lost.

         "Baby boy, you may have had the skills, the talent, but damn if you weren't slow when it came to people."

         "What the fuck are you saying, Eric?"

         Lindsey was conspicuously silent, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

         It did.

         "Travis, she knew.  Maybe not at the beginning, but somewhere along the way she figured out she had met twin brothers.  Trifling heifer, she fucking KNEW, man."

         "You--- you were getting it on with both of us KNOWING that we were brothers?!?  You KNEW and KEPT DOING IT?"  Travis was pacing now, a freshly caught tiger in a too small cage.  "Dammit, Lindsey, what the fuck...?!?  You go shopping on eBay for twin Mandingoes and win us in a goddamned auction or some shit?"

         Lindsey couldn't find the words.  What was there to say?  They were both right--- well, mostly--- and justified in their anger.  She stood between them, drowning in something that was and wasn't regret, waiting for the storm...

         "You can't have us both," Travis spat out, breaking the silence that was smothering her.  "This is wrong, Lindsey,  in more ways than I can count on a damn abacus..."

         "Shiiiit, wrong isn't even HALF what this is," Eric added.

         "Whatever.  Fuck it, man, I'm out,"  his brother replied.  Before Travis could turn and head for the door, he felt the weight of Eric's hand on his shoulder.  He stopped.  He took a breath.  He waited.

         Meeting his brother's questioning stare, Eric allowed that special understanding he had shared with his twin since the womb to flow before looking again to Lindsey, something far different than malice in his eyes...

         After a loaded pause, Eric spoke.  "You know, Lindsey, there are penalties for things like this.  Penalties for playing games with people, for telling lies.  My brother here, he's a little more noble, a little more gentle but me...?  I say you need to pay for what you've been doing."

         "Pay?  Pay what?" Lindsey floundered, doing her best to NOT try and see whatever Eric was getting at.  "What are you talking about, Eric?"

         Travis stood slightly behind and to the right of his brother, curious about that point himself.  For now, he allowed Eric to run with whatever it was he had in mind.  If nothing else, Travis had decided that letting Eric do the talking kept thoughts of  how important Lindsey had become to him out of sight if not out of mind. 

         "What I mean," Eric continued, stepping in so close to Lindsey he was looming over her, "is that you owe us something and we expect to GET it."

         Travis looked to Eric, surprised.  "Man I KNOW you aren't saying what I think you're saying..."

         Eric just kept staring down at Lindsey.  "What do you think, girl?  Do I mean it?"

         Lindsey barely hesitated.  Travis was an artist, a dreamer.  Eric...well, Eric was known for not fucking around.  "Yes.  Yes, you mean it."

         "Damn straight," Eric said, circling her slowly.  "Never meant anything more in my life."

         Lindsey hung her head just enough to cause her silky red hair to tumble forward, veiling her pale blue eyes and casting a shadow over the rest of her beautiful, creamy-skinned face.

         "Eric, you're crazy.  This is not some episode of 'Springer!  This is Life, man, OUR Life!  How the hell is giving her the thing she has probably been dreaming of since the word go gonna punish her and make this right?"

         "Because up 'til now she has been with us on HER terms, one at a time.  Me, I'm saying she has to serve us at the same time, and that we take as much as we want for as long as we want."

         "Here?  Now?!?"

         "Yup.  Right here.  Right now.  Time she learned a lesson, Travis.  Time she got taught just because you think you can have something doesn't mean you should have it.  We're blood, and she fucked with that."

         "Crazy, you're crazy...  Too many porno movies, too many fucking porno movies, man, and this is not one of them.  Check yourself, Eric, this is not one of them."

         Eric didn't answer, but he didn't waiver, either.  He was, as always, resolute.

         Quiet, feeling the full weight of the twin's eyes roaming over her, Lindsey made a decision.  She dropped her chin lower, all her hair sweeping forward now as she reached up, untying the straps knotted at the nape of her neck. Slim fingers finishing quickly she paused, looking first to Travis, then to Eric.  This was it, this was her absolute point of no return.  With haunting finality she illustrated her choice: hands opening, she let go the straps.  Whispering down along her body, the tan and white patterned sun dress fell, soft material against even softer skin until at last it bunched in a ring about her feet.  She stood in that crumpled halo humbly, bared to them both, feeling more naked than she ever had before.

         "I don't believe this..." Travis said, voice trailing off as he drank in the sight of Lindsey, her supple thighs perched in an ankle-strapped pair of wedge sandals, her pale skin splashed with light, cinnamon-colored freckles and the slopes of her small breasts capped by the clearly swollen buds of her thick nipples.  Of course this wasn't the first time he had seen her naked but this, this made it seem as though he were looking at an all new person.
         Standing off to the side, lips curled into a smug smile Eric's eyes traced the contour of Lindsey's peach-shaped ass, his mind already busy deciding what he would do to her FIRST...  "I guess you might know right from wrong after all," he said to her, circling back around and stopping beside his brother.  "You better know what you're doing though because when it gets started, only Travis and me can say when its done."

         Lindsey stepped out of her dress, leaving it behind in a pile on the carpeted floor as she moved slowly toward the twins.  Eyes unwavering, she reflected on everything that had gotten her here.  Everything she had done with each of them and said to each of them over the past months.  She remembered thinking how clever she was, how sly.  How that had given her an intoxicating sense of empowerment, of control, never thinking she'd ever actually get caught. 

         Eric was right, she owed them.  She owed them BIG.  Moving closer, she saw in their eyes that as angry as they may have been at first, another type of fire was burning in them now.  She approached in full submission, surrendering, one hand brushing over Eric's chest the other sliding upward along Travis's cheek.  Stroking his warm, chocolate-colored skin, she exhaled slowly then left all hesitation behind. 

         "I was wrong, I know that.  What I did...it was wrong.  Punish me," she said, dropping to her knees between them both.  Her eyes never left theirs as she knelt, taking her place without question.  At one time, like Travis had suggested, this experience would have been the culmination of her wettest dreams.  Today, it served as the penalty of those same fantasies. 

         Eric was the first to look away as he spoke to his brother.  "She's ready, what about you?"

         Travis stared at Lindsey for a long time, barely hearing Eric.  She was beautiful, he had been caught up in that ever since they met that night at Kenya's, the club where his band was playing.  During a break between sets he had spotted her at the bar and they'd shared a drink.  One drink became two.  From there the conversation had moved naturally, smoothly, during which they both had felt that electricity that lets you know you've found something good.  She knew music, mirrored his passion for it and asserted her opinions on artists she liked with an independence that told him she wasn't just bullshitting the time away. 

         And she was beautiful, so fucking beautiful.  Why the hell did she have to be that good looking?  Why couldn't she be ugly, ugly people were easy to hate, easy to discount or cut loose from.  There were all kinds of ugly but Lindsey, even now, wasn't any of them to Travis.

         This was shitty, it was all shitty and there wasn't a roll of toilet paper anywhere big enough to clean them up.

         "Yo, you listening to me or what?" Eric said, nudging Travis with his elbow.

         "Yeah, I heard you.  Eric you sure about this?  I mean...damn."

         "She's been playing us for almost five months.  Five!  And I'm the playa here!  Shit, she owes us, she owes YOU!"  Shifting gears in a way only his brother--- and Lindsey--- recognized, Eric softened and leaned in close to Travis, his voice low.  "Hey, I know how you were feeling about her---"

         "Squash that," Travis said quickly, eyeing his brother down. 

         An awkward tension thickened between them, an abrupt absence of words, but as fast as he had tried to cut Eric off, Travis hadn't been fast enough: Lindsey heard.  Knowing that Travis was having--- did have?--- real feelings for her, melted something deep inside because she had been feeling the same way.  It was that, those feelings, that had made her finally confess to them.  Instead of that hot spot between her thighs that had carried her into all this it was her HEART that had actually chosen and--- twins or no--- it had fixed on Travis.  Even now, committed to what she was about to do, that hadn't changed.  All she could do was hope that when the chips had finished falling, she wouldn't lose Travis in the process. Hope was all she had, it had to be enough.

         "Hey, what-the-fuck-evah, man, it's squashed like a roach.  Now, we gonna get to business or you afraid maybe my dick is bigger than yours?"

         Travis shook his head and found himself relaxing, laughing in spite of it all.  Eric always seemed to know how to calm him down and give him direction, much like an older brother would even though they were actually only minutes apart in age.  "Fool, you wish in your best DREAMS your dick was bigger than mine!"

         "Hah, right, right.  Musta been that same dream where I wished Ma didn't have to move you to the bottom bunk for pissin' the bed."

         "Fuck you, Eric."

         "Nope, fuck HER."

         Lindsey heard Travis and felt the shift in the tone of his voice, the voice that had drawn her attention on that first night.  Melodic and deep, she had always considered it Travis' second sexual organ because of the way it got to her, the sound of it just seemed to caress her from the inside out.  And now she'd heard it shift, shift in that way he used when he was in THAT kind of mood...the kind where he took her over completely, made love to her until they were reduced to a seamless heap of sweaty, panting, satisfied flesh.  That voice was a promise, and that promise gave her hope.

         Eric unbuckled his belt, there was a hiss as he slid his zipper down.  Travis followed suit and Lindsey leaned in, one hand going to Eric, the other to Travis, dipping inside their pants and coming back with the dark, thick weight of their twin shafts cradled in her palms, the dicks elongating equally as she clutched and stroked them to their full potential.

         "Yeaaahhh, that's it," Eric groaned.  "Do it girl, do it..."

         She continued stroking him obediently but turned her face to Travis, pulling the swollen head of his hot length to her lips, dragging it from side to side like she were smearing on lipstick.  She hoped Travis felt her making this opening gesture, felt it and understood that she was trying to show her preference for him.  Her preference, her need, her LOVE for him...

         For HIM.

         Travis looked down in time to see Lindsey part her lips and begin slowly swallowing his dick inch by throbbing inch, her tongue pressed against the underside as he dipped deeper toward the back of her throat. 

         "Mmmmmnnnnhhhhhhhh," she murmured as she sucked harder, taking her hand off his shaft to instead squeeze his bloated sac and the nuts shifting inside. 

         "Ohhhhh FUUUUCK," Travis gasped, feeling that special way Lindsey liked to swirl her tongue as she bobbed her head back and forth on his dick, the wet sounds of her sucking echoing in the high-ceilinged apartment.  Tongue dancing, her soft hand tight on his sac, he started wondering who was really getting the lesson here, Lindsey, or he and his brother...

         "That's right, girl, SUCK him...  Do that shit right or you WILL do it again." Eric said, then stepped around behind her, his dick sliding free of her grasp.  "Stand up," he demanded.  "Go on, stand up but keep sucking, I got a date with that ass."

         Trembling, Lindsey slowly rose to her feet, Travis' meat still buried in her mouth.  Now standing, bent at the waist, back arched, her legs spread and ass jutting up, she continued sliding her mouth along Travis' now upturned length.  Eric's hands slid down along her back and over her hips, at last stopping at her ass, his fingers digging into that smooth, well-toned flesh he enjoyed so much.  Pulling her mouth from his brother's pole, she looked back over her shoulder and watched as Eric wedged himself up into the deep, satiny cleft dividing her ass cheeks like he was placing a sausage in a bun. 

         "Ooooooo," Lindsey groaned as he began grinding against her ass.  He was pressing her cheeks tight in against the sides of his dick as he sawed up and down and the way his shaft felt dragging against the sensitive pink ring of her asshole was--- like he knew--- beginning to drive her crazy. 

         "Nnnnggh...  Damn, girl, damn you got a fine ass.  Just wait, you gonna get it GOOD," Eric grunted, pulling her ass back to him as he continued working his dick up and down.  Lindsey turned back to Travis, licked her lips then swallowed him again, slurping on his thick bone like the delicious chocolate confection it was.

         "Learn..." Travis hissed, burying his length in Lindsey's mouth and holding it there, flexing, before pistoning in and out like her mouth was a second pussy.  Tangling his fists in her lustrous red hair  he used it to hold her head still as he plunged in and out of her gaping mouth, spurred on by the gagging sounds she made each time he hit the back of her throat.  "Learn...  Learn...  LEARN!"

         Caught between the brothers, the one she loved in her mouth and the one she...enjoyed pressed against her ass, Lindsey's eyes rolled back as her first climax erupted violently inside her, a wild fluttering that started in her stomach and radiated outward like arcs of lightning to every other part of her body.  She let out a muffled scream around Travis' dick, bracing herself against his thighs while her body quivered wildly.

         "Ohhh you BITCH," Eric cursed as he saw her finding her own nirvana.  He drew one hand back and before Lindsey had time to question she felt the burning kiss of skin on skin as Eric slapped her ass hard.




         "This...is for US.  Us, girl, not you!" Eric roared before spanking her more, making her ass cheeks glow with mottled, red hand prints.



         "Ohhhh...  Ohhhhhhh...  I...I'm s-sorry...  So sorry, so sorry so---"


         "MMMNNNHHH!" Lindsey groaned, almost delirious with the overwhelming flood of sensations.


         "SHUT UP!" Eric shouted again, trying to hide just how much he was loving beating her creamy white ass.  "Shut. The. Fuck. Up!"




         "The fuck."




         "Yesss, that's right, shut up and SUCK!" Travis said, yanking her hair hard, pulling Lindsey's mouth down until her nose was buried in the curly black hair at the base of his cock.  All his aggression and rage was coming out in this lunging assault on her mouth.  She accepted him readily, eagerly, and as she did she found his rage turn to passion, anger bleeding away.  Wild lust remained in its place, wild lust and newborn Love.

         It was crazy, Hell it was fucking insane.  All of it was, all of it and Travis knew it.  But despite the insanity, the twists and the drama he couldn't deny it: he wanted Lindsey to be his woman.  Wanted her, hungered for her the way his lungs hungered for air.  The way she'd surrendered herself to this "lesson"...the cues he thought he was picking up on in her every touch and motion...she wanted him just as badly as he wanted her.  This, this was all a sacrifice, a way for her to square the books and open a window to a different future.

         His sac tensing in response to Lindsey's efforts, Travis felt a calm settle over him.  A decision had been made, it was time to make a change.  Eric was Travis' blood, his twin brother, but some things he could not share.  Lindsey, he knew now, was one of those rare things...


{ To Be Concluded In Part:2 }

© Copyright 2007 Onyx: a PURPLE MANIAC! (onyxgemini22 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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