Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1288338-Leif-Denien-Chapter-6
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1288338
This is my sixth chapter in my Leif Denien Series.
Leif Denien
Chapter 6

The next morning Leif was ready for anything. He was determined to pass the trials. He found some fruit that his mother had brought home from the bazaar. Leif grabbed some berries popped a few into his mouth. The sun was high in the sky, and the heavens clear of clouds. Leif continued eating the berries, and when he had nearly finished it, he decided he was sick of berries and threw the rest to the baker's dog. The dog was a fat one, because he got all of the leftovers from the baker's kitchen (and from Leif constantly feeding it scraps). He wiped his mouth on his shirt and smiled at the dog who waddled over to the berries and started munching away.

Leif stopped in to the bakers shop to buy another roll. Pop was standing there counting the gold which he had received over the last week.

“Hey Pop!” Leif said gleefully.

“Leif! It is so nice to see you!” He replied. “So, tell me, how did the trial go yesterday!”

“I won!”

“No you didn’t,” Pop said in mock surprise. “Haha, I knew you always had it in you.”

“Thanks,” Leif laughed. “Can I have a roll please?”

“I don’t know, can you?” Pop winked.

“I sure hope so, ‘cause I’m starving.”

“A roll it is then! Sorry but you will have to pay for this one, we’re a little short on money. See, I’ve been givin’ a little too much away.”

“No problem, here, I’ll give you a little extra.” Leif gave him ten gold pieces of the thirty he had received yesterday.

“Oh, thank you Leif,” Pop gratefully exclaimed. “Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t have accepted this, but It has been hard times for Pop’s bakery.” He sighed and took the money. “Here’s your roll, m’boy!”

He took out a glazed roll and handed it to Leif. Steam was still rising from it. Leif smelled it. The was a hint of cinnamon. On this cold morning it smelled fantastic.

Leif soon reached the battleground and was ushered in by Maryon and Henriton.

"Hello my boy!" Henriton shouted. He gave Leif a hard pat on the back. "Are you ready for your next assignment?" he asked.

"Yes, I am," Leif said confidently. He suddenly felt a ping of self doubt. He hadn't been able to find the arquill this morning, and he found the other one accidentally. Maybe he wasn't cut out for the job. He had to at least try, for his mother.

"Good, good, good," Maryon said rubbing his hands together. He brought out a parchment with a drawing on it. It was a picture of a snake. "This is the eastern province cobra, known for its venom, and its brilliantly colored scales. I want you to find one of these cobra's, kill it, but do not damage the skin."

"How do I do that?" Leif asked puzzled.

"You simply flip it over, and then cut it down its belly. That will kill it, and leave the serpent's back unscathed."

"Alright, where do I find one?" Leif asked.

"Look in damp areas. Other than that you will have to use your head," Maryon said tapping his scull with one of his long fingers. "And one more thing. They only eat live prey, so if all else fails, play dead.

"I guess I will be off then," Leif said.

“The other two are already on the search, so hurry.” "Don't worry, I'll be swift," Leif said walking out of the door.

"Hopefully more swift than the snake," Maryon said under his breath as he shut the door.

Leif ran to the edge of the forest, not wasting any time. Watching for any signs of snakes, he darted around the forest floor, looking under large rocks, and in small holes.

Leif picked up one rock and a large spider jumped out. It ran up his leg and bared its fangs to bite him. Leif yelped and swatted the spider off. It landed on its back. Leif tried stepping on it, but it ran quickly out of the way again and ran up his leg. Leif grabbed at it. He missed and it climbed higher. Leif threw off his shirt which the spider was now on. The spider let go of the shirt and Leif finally stomped on it. It turned onto its belly and its legs curled in to its stomach. Leif stepped on it again to make sure it was dead and continued his search, only a little more carefully this time. Leif put his shirt back on, but not before making sure nothing was lurking inside.

After an hour or two Leif found a large ditch with a serpent's hole in it. He jumped in and examined it closely. Leif tapped the ground, tempting the snake out. Leif held his sword at the ready. A large serpent, probably as long as Leif was tall came out of the hole quickly. Leif attempted to overturn the snake, but it dodged around his blade and bit his leg. He had found the deadly cobra he was looking for. He almost wished he hadn't.

© Copyright 2007 Lief Denien (xarch at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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