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by DMc
Rated: E · Fiction · Other · #1287000
Love and Happiness
The Miracle

I stood looking at her, her beautiful blonde hair blowing in the wind; it had a touch of red when the sun hit it just right. I could see she had a great body. She had a cotton dress on, it was fitted to the waist, and had a full skirt, it was very becoming. She had no wedding ring on, but I couldn't see her face, suddenly she turned and looked at me. “Hello” she said. It took me by surprise. I stuttered something, I don't remember what. I looked into her beautiful brown eyes; her blonde hair outlined her face, and hung to her shoulders. Her skin was creamy white and spotted with lovely brown freckles. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. “My name's Sue," she said. “I’m Dave," I stuttered. This beautiful woman had made me a dumb mute; I couldn't even talk to her. She said, “I have to be going now, my friend is calling me, hope to see you again, bye bye." She turned and walked out of my life, and I couldn't even say goodbye.

I didn't see Sue for three days, but she was constantly on my mind. In my heart I could hear soft delicate voice as she told me her name. I thought to myself, how I'd like to get lost in those freckles. I was shopping around the square, and thinking how I might find Sue. A personal ad I thought, no she'd never answer one. While I was rolling the thoughts around in my mind, I heard someone say, "Dave," it was Sue, I knew it was Sue, I'd know that voice anywhere. I turned and looking straight into my eyes, were those beautiful brown eyes of Sue's. I wouldn't let myself be tongue-tied this time. "Sue, how wonderful to see you again." She put out her soft freckled hand, I took it in mine, and held it for just a second, not wanting to let go. We made small talk for a couple of minutes, and then I ask if we could go have a coke. She said." Sure, there was a little cafe just around the corner." Before we knew it, it was five o'clock. Sue said, "Goodness it’s getting late, we've been here all afternoon." "I know, it’s been wonderful," I said. "It has, hasn't it, she said.” Sue, would you go out with me? "She gazed into my eyes for a long minute, and then she said “Yes I think I'd like that." “When,”? I said. "Well I don't know," she said. "How about tonight." Sue said "I don't know about tonight, that’s such short notice, I don't know you that well." “You name the place, anywhere you want to go." I said. She took a piece of paper out of her purse and wrote an address on it. "OK, tonight at seven o'clock, at my mom's house, we're having a little Christmas party."

I went to a little shop, just off the square, and bought Sue a dress; I thought it was beautiful, yellow with a wide black belt, and black collar and cuffs. It was fitted to the waist, and a full skirt. The material was silky, smooth and flowing. I liked it, I hoped she would. It was like the one she was wearing the first time I saw her. They gift wrapped it for me, and I was on my way, I had about an hour to get home, shower and shave, get
dressed, and get to her mom's house.
It was five until seven when I pulled up at Sue's Mom's house; I couldn't go in until seven sharp. As the minutes slowly dragged by, I wondered what I was doing here. I didn't know why Sue had agreed to go out with me? I felt like she was in a league above me. But never the less I was here and I was going to make the best it. It was seven o'clock and time to go in. I parked the car, and walked to the front door. I rang the bell and stepped back, waiting for someone to answer. I was dressed up; I had my boots on, my starched wranglers, a white shirt and a navy blue jacket. The door opened and there stood Sheenie, Sue's Mama. Ah ah, I'm supposed to meet Sue here tonight, I stuttered. Sue, Sheenie called, your beau's here. Come on in." Sue appeared out of the kitchen. "Hi," said Sue, " come on, and let me introduce you to everyone. That was the way it started, the most beautiful love affair of my life. Many nights we'd dance until the wee hours of the morning, in the afternoon, we'd take long walks in the woods. Sometimes we'd just sit and talk for hours on end. It seemed we were so hungry for each other, we couldn't learn enough about one another. A very short time after we met, I told Sue she was the one for me. She told me I was crazy, that I needed to go out with other people; I needed to see what freedom was like. I hung in there, and a year later we were married. On Valentine’s Day we became Husband and Wife, until death, do us part.

After that it seemed to go so fast, soon the kids were all grown, getting there degrees, getting married. Then came the grand kids, and before long we were in our late fifty's. Life seemed too perfect, we'd go to our jobs, come home, spend the evenings, and weekends together. In all our married life we had never been separated. Sue tolerated my silly jokes and never got mad. Sue was the most wonderful wife a man could ever have, she was loving, and giving and kind, she had her own little quite way of making a marriage work, and getting the most out of both our lives. It was a marriage made in heaven, by God himself.

Then one day when Sue was sixty eight and, I was seventy one we learned that Sue was very sick. She had a rare sickness that stole a little life from her, each day. The kids would come home to see about their mom on the weekends, and during the week I'd take care of her. It was always a blessing for us to be alone. We'd pray, and sing songs. I'd ask the lord to take me when he took Sue. As time went on Sue got weaker, until she could no longer walk. We'd sit on the couch and hold each other. I realized that I was getting weaker, it was harder and harder to get Sue in and out of bed, she helped me all she could, but we were both losing our strength. I prayed to the lord, that when the angel of death came to get Sue, that he would take me too.
It was a Wednesday morning, Sue and I couldn't get out of bed, the effort was just too great. We laid in bed together and talked about how wonderful our life had been, and how much we loved each other, then Sue said, "Daddy its time. "I began to sob softly. "Daddy it'll be alright, I'll wait for you on the other side." “No, baby don't go, please don't go." " I have to Daddy. I love you with all my heart, but this body is just worn out, it can't live any longer." “Oh baby please, just a little bit longer, don't leave now, I need you, I need you," " Daddy He's here, he's come for me, he says I have to go." “No," I cried," no not now, if you have to take Sue, please take me too." “He says he can't take you because it isn't your time." Then Sue left her body, she stood at the foot of the bed, I could see her in all her radiant beauty, her hair was blonde again, and all her wrinkles were gone, she looked like she did the first time I saw her. Behind her I could see the angel of death; he was dressed in white, a very beautiful angel. He took Sue's hand and started to take her away. I cried out "Dear God please take me." Sue and the Angel began to fade from view. I cried out again "Dear God please take me," as I wept out loud. Then, God made a miracle, the Angel of death still holding Sue's hand came back into view. All things became quite and beautiful. Sue and the Angel took my hand, and we left the pain and misery of this life. Sue and I would be together for all eternity.

D Mc
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