Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1279504-Time-travel-makes-me-sickch1
by E.V
Rated: E · Chapter · Supernatural · #1279504
A 14 year old gets a hold of a japanese time machine and gets stuck with everything frozen
Fourteen year old Max Ryan was enjoying his stay in Japan,Tokyo talking to a merchant while his dad translated. This man was trying to sell Max a gold looking medellion with a samuria weilding a sword on it. Max agreed to buy it and wore it around his neck.
Today was his last day in Japan so he went to the sushi place. The table was rotating and fish were on diffrent plates. Max's dad told him "you pick one off then pay for it" so Max picked one randomly took a bite and gulped down the sushi.

Max and his father went back to Denver,Colorado. Max walked into his house and threw his stuff on the floor. He heard a beep.
Max sat up.
He looked at his bag"
"Time for dinner! Mr.Ryan called.

Max rushed downstairs and took his seat. His dad made terriaki,shrimp,and rice. Max's brother Ned flung rice at Max with his spoon, Max fired back.
A rice war hapended!
Every time Mr.Ryan looked up, both Ned and Max stuffed their faces with teriakki chicken.
Max assumed his dad just thought him and Ned were messy.
After Dinner and a war he went back up stairs and went in his room.
Turned on his T.V.
He heard it again.
He checked his bag.
It was his gameboy he left it on.
Max looked at the medellion he purchased he saw the samuria's eyes were glowing emerald. There were words on the medellion, they were in japanese he couldn't understand a single word.
Max got on his computer and looked up translations.
The Japanese words were stop time.
He said "sutoppu taimu".
The samuria's eye turned red, Max felt the air leave his lungs, Everything lost its color, and he felt sick.
He staggered to the door, went into the hallway,downstairs and into the living room. Mr.Ryan was on the computer, except he wasn't moving Max waved his hand in front of his father.

No responce.

He went into his brothers room same thing. One thought rushed straight to his mind. He went over Jhon Romaro's house a kid who pick on him and beat him up. Well Max thought he always had two or more of his friends to help. He smiled to himself, at least he gives at least one of Jhon's friends a black eye each time. He went into Jhon's house and did what he always wanted to do. He swung a punch at Jhon. Max smiled at the meddelion, "I'm gonna have fun with this," he said flipping it up in the air.
At home he figured he had enough fun for half a second. Max said "start!", "alakazam!", "kadabra!", "poof!".
Max figured he needed the translation start time. Simple enough, he would just get on the internet and look up the translation. Max's face froze with horror. His computer was also frozen.
Max walked out onto the pool in the park to test if he could walk on walk on water. He stepped onto the water excpecting to look like Bruce Almighty. Instead he fell straight through the water.
Max felt the air return to his lungs then get sucked out again. He was drowning, he knew how to swim but the water held him where he was. Max grabbed the side of the pool and heaved himself up.
Great, Max thought. How am i gonna get to Japan to get that translation now?

"I haven't gone forward or backward in time yet and time travel already makes me sick.said Max out loud.
(To be continued)
© Copyright 2007 E.V (eric at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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