Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1278884-Beyond--The-Perceptive-Eye
Rated: E · Fiction · Religious · #1278884
A short story about not judging from the outward appearance.

The morning sunshine crests high in the clear blue canvassed skies, offering rays of warmth to another new spring day.

People mile the busy streets, heading here and there, fragments of lingering conversations or peels of laughter tickle my ears as they pass.

No “How are you?” or “Good morning!” flows from the lips of those who see my face each and every day. Only looks of disgust and perhaps a glance or two of pity reflects within the illuminating eyes.

Who am I?

I am but an example of invisibility. I have no money, title or job to which I belong to. I am alone in this fast paced journey we call life. I am not clean or well groomed. My fingers are dirty, long locks of brown hair are matted with grime and mud. The clothing I wear is nothing but a pair of ragged jeans and fleece top, which hangs from my frail body.

I do not stand on the streets begging for money. I stand on the streets offering those who rush by me a simple smile or an encouraging word “Have a blessed day!” or “ God loves you!”

On this particular day, I find myself looking upon a woman holding a toddler, who looked to be four years of age.

Smiling to the woman I say, “Good morning Miss, good morning little one.”

The little girl stares at me curiously, while the mother does her best to look the other way.

“Hello.” The child said. “My mommy said you don’t have a home. I asked her about you.”

A light chuckle escapes my dry lips. My eyes briefly meet those of the mothers before I carefully respond. “She is right. I do not have a physical home here on earth, but I have one waiting for me in heaven.”

The little girl’s eyes widened as she shifted her gaze from the man to her mother. “Can I go see?” she asked innocently.

“NO!” replied the mother rather harshly.

“I alone cannot take you there, but I can show you how you can get there and tell you who will guide you along the way.” I said with another smile to them both.

By this time, I look around to see a small crowd gathered around me and was in awe.
“Long ago, there was a child born, named Jesus. He was God’s only son. Jesus began to tell people of His fathers love and showed them the power of God through healing, and ministering to the needs of others. One day, some people arrested Jesus for telling about His fathers love.

Jesus was sent to die on the cross for me and you, so that our sins would be washed away, however, on the third day, Jesus arose from death and went to be with God. In Heaven, He prepares a place for me with Him, if we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior.”

I pause for a moment letting this message sink in to those willing to hear it. Taking a deep breath, I begin to speak once more.

“When you ask Jesus into your heart, life will change as you know it. No longer will you go through each day alone. God your Heavenly Father will be walking right beside you. There will be hope and peace in your new life in Christ. Pray here and now. Ask Jesus to enter into your heart and experience His merciful grace and unyielding love.”

Looking back to the little girl I spoke. “That is how you get to my Heavenly home.”

My story was over and people began to slowly walk away. It took one child to see beyond the cover and seek what I had inside to share.

Don’t be quick to cast aside someone for only the outward appearance, for they may offer so much more within.

Who am I? I am a Child of God.
© Copyright 2007 Aylin Smith (aylingirl at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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