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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Other · #1277780
its about a girl who falls for her brothers best friend. does she get him or not?
Her Brother’s Best Friend

Emily grew up in a small town in Georgia. Her brother was best friends with the next door neighbor. Josh would always come around and just kind of stare at her. He was 7 years her senior. When he looked at her, with those ocean blue eyes, her heart just melted. His broad shoulders and his six pack abs fit his 5’9 150 lb body with short, swaying black hair and the dimples in his baby face cheeks. He was so adorable. She on the other hand always felt like an outcast, not the prettiest girl in the world, but when he looked at her she felt like she was the prettiest girl alive. Emily was a short girl at 5’3, with 36C breasts and on the chubby side she weighed about 190, she had long shiny red hair like fire, her body had an hourglass figure to it.

Her brother Derek left for college that year along with Josh. She was left in high school all alone. No guy looked at her the way Josh had. No one made her feel like Josh had. When she heard that Josh was dating someone she was so upset. She wanted him and she knew he wanted her. “How come she couldn’t have him?” She would ask herself. He was 3,000 miles away from her. She was 3,000 miles away from the look he gave her and the happy memories they shared. There was nothing she could do to get him to be with her.

Emily went to school the next day and she was so upset after the news about Josh she didn’t know what to do. She thought. “All there is left to do is to move on and get over him.” The real question was could she really forget about him. Could she really move on without him in her life any longer? Well Emily was left in the small town all alone with no friends she began to realize something about herself. There was no reason she was unable to change herself. Between her studies and her free time she began to exercise and eat healthier. She wanted to make sure Josh came back to a brand new Emily and then make him eat his heart out for forgetting about her.

She would make all the boys at school eat their hearts out. Emily began losing weight and when she got down to 90lbs she was the happiest girl alive. She went out shopping for all new clothes and made sure she got some halter tops and some miniskirts and some midriff t’s. Everyone would be jealous of her. Soon she would have friends and guys would be attracted to her begging her for a date. She would have everything she wanted in the world and more. Except the one person that she wanted she wouldn’t have him would she. He was all she could think about, she had no friends, and she had nothing but him. He was her everything. He was her best friend.

Months had passed and Emily was a whole new person soon people began to talk to her and they even knew her name she was so surprised by all the changes that began to arise. She made a lot more friends and now she had a whole new life. Winter break was coming up soon and Derek and Josh would be coming home. All holidays they came home. She was so happy for them to be coming home. Josh was ordinarily the only boy in her life; she wanted him to be so much more.

Days passed by and soon a month had gone by. The boys would be coming home in a couple days and Emily was throwing a welcome home party for them. She would cook dinner and have their friends over. She was ecstatic to see them coming home especially Josh. She started setting everything up and cleaning up the house she went shopping for the ingredients she needed for her welcome home dinner.

The night of the party soon came and everyone showed up early the boys would be arriving home soon. Their clothes and stuff had already been shipped home and Emily had already unpacked most of their stuff. Josh was going to stay with them well he was home from break.

Everyone was sitting down waiting patiently for the boys to arrive dinner was already served on the table and Emily was just finished serving dinner when the door bell rang. Emily put the stuff down in the kitchen and answered the door. “Welcome home boys.” Emily happily said. “Wow Emily what has happened to you, you look so different.” Her brother replied. “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” Emily asked. “You look outstanding.” Derek said enthusiastically. “Welcome home Josh.” Emily said. “Thank you.” Josh replied. “Well dinners on the table everything’s already served you can put your stuff down upstairs in your room and come sit down. The boys walked upstairs and dropped off their stuff. The boys came back down and sat down to eat.
Josh kept staring at her all through dinner. She wanted to know what he was thinking. She wanted to know what he thought of her. There was no way to figure anything out without talking to him about it and she didn’t want to do that. Everyone finished dinner Derek and Josh both thanked Derek’s mother for dinner. “Oh no boys don’t thank me this was all Emily’s doing really I had nothing to do with it.” His mother replied. “Thank you Emily everything was terrific.” Both the boys replied. “No thanks necessary, but you’re not done yet. Deserts in the kitchen just let me clean up the table and I will go get it.” She replied. “Let me help.” Josh said. “Well thank you.” Emily smiled at him. They cleaned up the table and brought everything into the kitchen.

Well in the kitchen Josh pulled Emily aside. “I didn’t know how to say this earlier but Emily you look fantastic you were very pretty before and now your drop dead gorgeous I just thought I should tell you. You made a drastic change and I am very happy for you. The boys must be lining around the corner to go on a date with you.” Josh told her. “They are, just not the right person has. I just wish he would.” She replied as she turned around. “Well who ever he is he is an idiot if he doesn’t see what I see. He doesn’t deserve you.” Josh told her. “Josh you’re the idiot. You’re the one I have wanted for many years but you never saw it. You never understood how much I wanted you. You never saw who I really was and now it’s all different because I lost a little weight and I put on skimpy clothes I did all this for you. I did all this so you would notice me, but it’s too late because you have someone. Maybe I was stupid for not telling you all this sooner but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.” She cried and declared.

“Emily I have always noticed you. I loved you before all this happened and I still love you. I never told you because you are Derek’s sister. I shouldn’t feel this way about you but I do. I hate seeing you cry and knowing its all because of me. I can’t stand the thought of being away from you and I can’t stand the thought of you being with someone else but I know I can’t be with you. It’s not fair. It’s never fair. Emily you are too good for me you deserve better than me.” Josh declared.

“Well I was away at college people told me stories about what was going on back home. I always knew what was going on with you I always made sure you were okay. I never wanted anything bad to happen to you. People told me you had changed that you looked so gorgeous that every guy in school wanted you and I hoped you wouldn’t choose any of them. I wanted you I have always wanted you, but I always thought it was wrong to have you. I heard about Robert and that broke my heart and the way he treated you I wanted to kill him. All I wanted to do was come home and kill him he never should have treated you that way and he needs to learn a lesson in treating a woman.” Josh declared.

“What about Gabrielle? I was told you were dating her and it hurt me so much that’s the only reason I dated Robert I knew I needed to move on because you had already started fitting into the college type.” She told him. Josh turned her around to look at him, he placed his hand under her cheek and told her “Gabrielle, there was never a Gabrielle she made the whole thing up there was only you there has always only been you.” He kissed her on the lips and told her, Emily I want you and only you. “Josh you said that never could be.” She notified him. “I lied because I can’t stand another minute without you. Emily I need you in my life. I need to be with you. Emily will you go out with me tonight? After dinner and we will talk more and please no more crying on my part.” He asked her. I will meet you downstairs after dinner.

They got desert and walked back into the dining room Emily had a smile on her face that could light up the whole room. “So everyone how did you enjoy dinner?” Emily’s mother asked. “It was terrific everyone replied. “Did everyone know Emily is an honor student she has straight A’s in all her classes.” Her mother announced. “Emily that is terrific you are a very gifted girl you have a bright future ahead of you.” Derek told her. Everyone finished desert and Emily’s mother cleaned up.

Derek and Josh went upstairs to their room and Emily went to hers to change. “Derek I need to talk to you.” Josh said. “Josh before you start, I already know how you feel about Emily, it’s been on your face for years now and I know how she feels. I also don’t want this thing between you two to ruin our friendship. If you think Emily is worth it then go for it. I don’t know what has happened to her I don‘t know what made her change but I know how she feels towards you and I don’t want to see her hurt. After what Robert did to her I don’t know if she can take anymore and I know you would never hurt her. Not deliberately. Josh she loves you I can see it in her eyes every time she looks at you that girl is head of heals for you. You two belong with each other. I know the only reason you went to college so far away was to get away from the memory of her but you don’t have to anymore.” Derek declared.

“Thank you man for understand I love her there’s something about her that draws me in. There’s something about her that makes me smile whenever she is around. I love her I really do I can’t see myself without her any longer. I can’t stand lying to myself anymore I want to be with her.” Josh declared. “Then stop chit chatting with me and go be with her we have time to talk and hang out later on tonight.” Derek told him.

Josh ran downstairs to meet with Emily. Emily was waiting there patiently she looked gorgeous. Josh started walking down the stairs and he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. “Ready to go.” Josh asked her. She shook her head yes. He took her hand and they walked out the door. “Wait.” She said. She kissed him right there after closing the door. “Sorry I just wanted to see if this was real or a dream.” She said. “No hun this isn’t a dream and I love you.” He said. “This is too good to be true.” She said. “No hun you are too good to be true, I don’t deserve you.” He declared. “Yes you do.” She acknowledged. She kissed him again. They got into the car and pulled out of the driveway. “Where are we going?” She asked. “I thought we would go to the height and look at the stars.” He replied. “That sounds terrific.” She said.

They arrived at the heights and Josh spread a blanket out on the ground and got one to wrap around them. They sat down and just looked up at the stars. “Emily I have something to ask you.” Josh said. “Yes Josh.” She said. “Emily will you be my girlfriend! I know I have to go back to college and we will be separated for awhile, but I can’t stand thinking I’m not with you. I know if I am with you time will pass by quickly.” Josh asked. “Yes Josh of course I will. Of course we will see each other on holidays and breaks and we can call to talk.” She replied. They kissed and he wrapped his arms around her and they just looked at the stars and cuddled.

They spent that whole week with each other getting to know each others faults and all. When it was time for Josh to leave they both were so sad. He kissed her one last time and hugged her and god he never wanted to let go. He finally got her and he had to leave her. “Emily don’t look so sad I will come back I promise I will always come back. I love you Emily with all my heart.” Josh declared. “Josh I love you with all mine too. I know you will come back.” Emily declared.

Emily got the man of her dreams even though she thought he never wanted her, but yes he’s always had wanted her and finally nothing would come between them. They would always be together nothing would stand in their way not this time. Not after everything they had been through.

The end
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