Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1276850-It-gets-harder-to-say-goodbye
Rated: ASR · Poetry · Romance/Love · #1276850
my goodbye's everytime he has to go back to training
As the soft moon gently sweep's over his face,
I see a tear running down his cheek
I brush it away with a loving grace
He take's ahold of my hand as we sit so close together
As his hand hold's mine,
I know that I can't waste too much time
I look at him with love in my eye's,
as I gently sit back and cry
I want to tell him how much he mean's,
but i can't
How did we get to this place in time
When no matter what we said,
sooner or later we would be running out of time
If I told him how I felt, he would still go
I can't tell him, so I wont this much I do know
It is giving me heartbreak just seeing how he tries not to cry
Thinking about the fact that he could die
I try not to think about it to much
I can't bear the thought that he may not return home
So I sit beside him in the quietness,
taking in everything around us
"The star's are so lovely tonight", I whisper
He just nod's his head as if he heard me,
but I know that's not on his mind
He is thinking about how much more time we have together
As I lay my head on his shoulder,
I can hear his heart start to race
He pull's me near in a loving embrace
Not seeming to want to let me go
I let a little sob escape through my lip's
He gently puts his hand's on my face
and I slowly look into his eye's
He smile's this soft smile and tell's me he love's me
That his love will never change,as long as he is alive
As his head bend's down to kiss my sweet lip's
I take it all in, knowing that it will never be like this again
That he is going off to war
To a place that I wont see him I know,
he is leaving so I have to be strong
I have to show him that with out him I can get along
But saying that is easy as I lay my head back on his shoulder,
and let out a sigh
"You know it will be awhile before we can do this again", he say's with such grace
I shake my head like I am hearing him
But somewhere deep iniside a little peice of my heart just died
© Copyright 2007 Soldiers_Sweetheart (ilovehim24 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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