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Rated: E · Other · Entertainment · #1275150
This story is about a dwarf in Everquest as he begin his journey into that realm
“Where is Stonecast!” the headmaster shouted.

Stonecast was at this time pelting down the tunnels, trying to button his shirt, juggle his hammer, his holy water bottle and one of his boots in his free hand, unfortunately he should have kept his concentration on where he was going as he tripped on an outcropping and body slammed himself into Rockhammer, the Captain of the guard. Luckily Stonecast was a young dwarf barely 40 years old, and though Rockhammer did grunt upon impact, it was Stonecast who found himself bouncing off and slamming head first into the tunnel wall.

“Stonecast! I should’a known” the Captain blustered, “Why must yew always be so clumsy, are yew dwarf or a damn human hurrying to his death?  Know this, I had enough of yew and yar antics, and will be reporting this to the Headmaster, we have no need of priest like yew, always hurrying and making mistakes. Pray to Bristlebane that the Headmaster only expels yew, and not banish yew for wasting his time” At that the Captain stormed off, leaving Stonecast on the ground, stunned from his head making contact with the tunnel wall and being told he will never be a priest.

After a bit he got up, being a dwarf, his head was more than able to take a hit or two, but he knew with the Captain against him now, his dream of becoming a priest was over.  He wandered over to where the cattle like animal called Rolf were grazing upon the cave moss, and sat down, he always like this place, it was quiet from the constant pounding of the Miners, and then it hit him like a hammer, with his explusion from the Priesthood, he will be transferred to the Miners Guild.

If only I was more dilligent in my duties like Rockcrusher, or able to memorize the “Holy Book” like Hardbeard, he thought gloomily. He did not hate being a miner, he was a dwarf after all was said and done, but ever since he read the stories of his father’s adventures he wanted to leave these caves behind and see the world.

His father was a kind dwarf, but a fearsome warrior, able to drink a barrel of mead, and still crush an orc’s head. He only remembered a little about him, for he was only 20 years old when his father left on a quest to crushbone and never returned. His Mother was heartbroken and died soon after. If the headmaster of the Cleric guild had not taken him in, he would have probably being nothing more than a scavenger or worse a bandit. Now he failed his headmaster and his father, the two most important people in his life. He sat there brooding for a long time, caught up in self pity and anguish, when he heard some noises, it was the dwarf herders coming to take the rolfs outside for a bit of excersie.  He got up intending to head back to the chapel to face his dismissal, but he could not get his feet to move in the direction, he did not want to be expelled yet, so he followed the rolf herders outside.

The evening was crisp with clouds heavy with moisture, hanging low in the sky. The rolf herders took the rolf to a nearby valley near the entrance to Kaladim, where the grass was green, and not many trees to hide an enemy’s approach.  Stonecast stood on the hill looking at them for some time, simply looking at the ground underneathe the rolf thinking of the different layers and what they would be good for.  “Help!” someone shouted in the distance, breaking Stonecast musings, as he looked about several of the herders and guards were running to help one of the tall races as he battled a goblin.  Stone legs were soon pumping as he tripped and stumbled down the hill in the direction of the fight, but as he neared his goal, the goblin lifted a rusty spear and rammed it into the tall one.  “No” cried Stonecast as he prayed to Bristlebane, then he felt the joy that accompanies the gift as Bristlebane answered.  Blue light sparkled around the tall one, mending the savage wound and restoring some health, again the blue light sparkled out, and again. Until finally Stone collapsed from the toil the spellcasting had taken, but it was not in vain as he saw the tall one get up, a bit shaky but alive. Meanwhile the other dwarves had made short work of the lone goblin and were congratulating themselves.

“Hi my name is Ovik” smiled the human, "Thanks for saving me"
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