Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1274509-The-Story-where-Girl-Loses-it--Part-1
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1274509
High school girl reinvents herself to become popular, but goes way in over her head.
My name is Sweetie McAdams, and this is my story.

Get this, sophomore year of high school, a sexed up wardrobe, freshly chopped hair, toned body, new-found confidence, and it is the first day of school. Sounds like I will totally make a splash right? Well, that’s not quite how things worked out...

I walked into Greenwood high school at exactly 7:00, tossed my shoulder length hair, and cat-walked down the main hallway in my three inch heels. I flashed a smile all around, yes, soak me in, everyone.

The school hadn’t changed much since last year. The walls were still the gross yellow with black stripes (Go Greenwood Bumblebees!!). The same computer-nerds were waiting outside the lab. Jocks were banging on lockers letting out their post-summer energy. Bookish girls scurried to class, hoping to be the first ones to meet their new teachers. Tramp girls hung out by their lockers with their sleazy boyfriends, doing god-knows what. Meanwhile, I saw my former gang going into the girls’ bathroom.

“I can’t get this oatmeal stain out of my skirt, jeez, I so should have skipped the morning meal today,” Debra complained. “I heard that Jennifer Adams doesn’t eat breakfast, like ever.” Jennifer was the queen bee of our grade in this school.

“Well at least you didn’t have to wear a completely embarrassing outfit today. I don’t know what it is with my mom and floor-length skirts. Plus there’s this huge sweater. I might as well wear a burhka,” Ashley frowned at her reflection in the mirror. “You think I look fat?”

“You, fat?? No way!! If anything, I’m fat. I gained like, ten pounds over the last few weeks. I can’t help it that I have a low metabolism...” Ginger grabbed her bulging waistline and sighed.

“Oh, that is b.s. Maybe this mysterious metabolism is delayed by so many Twinkies in your system.” Debra pushed Ginger playfully, who grinned sheepishly.

I had seen enough. “Hey guys, did everyone have a good summer?” I could literally see jaws drop at my appearance.

“Oh my god!!!! Sweetie?? What have you done to yourself??” Ashley was the first one to scream. “Your hair, it looks really good, did you get layers?”

“You lost a few inches around the waist, I see,” Ginger turned a jealous eye on me. “You’re like, tiny.”

“Are these designer jeans??” Debra came up to me in amazement. “Wow, you look awesome! This year we’re going to be part of the A-list for sure!”

Maybe I should explain. My three friends and I, spent the whole freshman year as wannabes. Wannabe popular, that is. But that was a little above us, if I’m going to be frank. Debra is just a plain girl with nothing going for her. Ashley is like a fashion nightmare, courtesy of her strict, Mormon parents. Ginger is constantly worried about her weight, and she has a few extra pounds here and there. I was just like these girls, maybe worse. But I actually made the effort to change myself in the summer. I went on several extreme diets, got new clothes, new haircut, and voila! Here I am, totally fabulous, and these girls weren’t going to bring me down.

“What do you mean by we? From what I see, I am the only who made any attempt to improve.” I arched an eyebrow at the three of them. I know, I know, I was being pretty harsh. But I couldn’t help it, I needed to make new friends this year.

I could tell they were stunned. “But we made a pact, to stick together, remember that?” Debra started.

“Yeah, but that was a so long ago. It’s not like that pact is ball-and-chain or anything. I can do what I want.” I shot back.

“So, what? Are you just going to dump us now?” Ginger scrunched up her pudgy face.

I shrugged, “I never said that. I just want to move up in the social ladder, if that’s okay with the lot of you. I mean, we always wanted to be popular, right? Obviously, you guys don’t really have a chance, so why can’t I give it a try?”

“Do you really think that?” Ashley said, angrily. “Are you calling us losers, or something?” She shoved past me, “Let’s go you guys, apparently we aren’t good enough to be in her presence anymore!”

Ginger and Debra followed, still a little shocked. I sighed, those losses will soon be compensated: the cost of being popular. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Perfect.

The first bell rang and I went to my first class, General Chemistry. I hated the thought of doing labs so early in the morning, but I cheered up when I saw one of the cutest boys in our grade, Travis, sitting in the back. I checked out the rest of the class: no one interesting other than him. I got a few appreciative looks from guys, but the girls seemed to be scrutinizing me, wondering who I was. But I paid them no mind, I had only one goal in mind.

Tilting my head slightly and pursing my lips just a bit, I casually walked to one of the nearby desks by Travis and set down my stuff with deliberate force. He looked up at me and ever so slowly, a smile spread across his face and he gave me the once-over. By his face, he liked what he saw. I gave him a flirtatious grin that I had been practicing for days, and flipped my hair. He was so mine.

After roll (which caused for some whispering in my direction), the teacher started to
drone on about our syllabus but I had more important matters. I took out one of my lined papers
and wrote to Travis.
Hey, # please
I crumpled it up and tossed it to him. He grinned as he opened it up. He scrawled something on it and threw it back. The teacher started to give us funny looks so I held on to the slip to read later.

Once the bell rang, I rushed out to the hallway. Travis winked at me and left. I opened up
the paper.
Better yet, meet me at lunch
I squealed with delight. Was this like a date? I have to say, progress is good. But then I started thinking, which lunch period did he have? Where in the cafeteria would I see him? I sighed and figured I wouldn’t worry. I had a feeling, fate was on my side.

Second block was English. I’m not really one to brag or anything, but I have to say that English is my forte. I looked down at the schedule in my hand and was glad to see that I had my old English teacher once more, Mrs. Jones. She taught both the freshman and sophomore English classes. I always thought she doted on me.

I sat near the front, just from old habit. I always like Mrs. Jones’s room, the scent of clover and cinnamon lingered in the air. I saw Mrs. Jones raise an eyebrow as she took in my new appearance. I half-shrugged.

“Everyone, welcome to English II honors. I am looking forward to a prolific and didactic term.” Mrs. Jones smiled out at everyone.

In English please!!! She always did know how to catch your attention.

“I’m sure by the end of the class, you all will understand what I said just now,” Mrs. Jones received a few appreciative chuckles. “To jump-start the class today, let’s forget about syllabuses and such for a bit. I have prepared an activity of sorts, and yes, it does require everyone to get up,” Everyone got up, albeit reluctantly. “Okay, let’s begin.”

To be continued
© Copyright 2007 bakagreen (bakagreen at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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