Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1272777-SUGARDADDY---Under-Construction
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1272777
Sexy Drama Unfolds As Miranda Meets New Neighbor Jason



"We Got A Thiiiiinnggg Goin' Oooonnnn..."

                                                                                                                                ---Billy Paul, Me And Mrs. Jones

         Living in an apartment building just outside Miami had its pluses and minuses.  Hell, anyplace you live you can say that about but what I mean is apartment buildings can sometimes be pretty fucked up.  Living so close to so many different kinds of people, so many different lifestyles; it was like being in a kitchen where something different was always cooking.  Sometimes that new dish, that new combination was a good mix and sometimes it's bad; judgment was still out on this place.  Two weeks isn't enough time to pick a place apart or make "informed" complaints and so far it was okay.  The rent wasn't killing my pocket--- which was still sore from the hurting my ex-girlfriend had put on it when we'd split up--- it wasn't a drug dealer's paradise, and I didn't have Chihuahua-sized cockroaches keeping me company.

         It also didn't suffer from the Miami stereotype of looking like its color scheme had been picked out of a pastel box of crayons.  I liked to draw, things like the color of the building actually mattered to me so this building's neutrality of hue was a plus. 

         Also in the plus column, this complex was a one-bus commute to my job.  Being close enough to work to ride the bus easily was a damn good thing since my car was dead, parked out front waiting for me to free up the seventeen hundred I needed to get it fixed .  True, it was smaller than the place I had vacated but it was the best I could manage price-wise until I was all the way back in the black.  Besides, without...her, I didn't really need all that much space anyway.

         Speaking of space, I realized I needed to get the last of my empty boxes down to the dumpster so I could get some use out of the little room I did have here.  Most of them were scattered in the "living room" while the others were piled in a heap in the second bedroom.  Looking around I could see it  was only going to take two trips--- three at the most--- and decided that now was as good a time as any to do it. 

         After breaking down the larger ones, stacking the small ones one inside another and folding the large boxes flat I gathered the bunch up, flats tucked under one arm, other boxes in my free hand and shouldered open my apartment's door.  Before I could turn all the way around, I backed right into the softest piece of fine female meat I had felt in a long while.  Said flesh belonging to an almost overwhelmingly beautiful woman I don't recall ever seeing before but who somehow seemed familiar. 

         Damn.  She was luscious from the top of her head-- crowned in a tumbling cascade of honeyed waves framing a sweet, blue-eyed face-- to her smooth legs.  Perched in a casually sexy pair of black, platform wedge flip-flops, the shoes showed off her immaculate pedicure while setting off her toned calves, thighs, and ass.  In between that face and those legs, her body was a paradise of curves.  Beautifully-sloping breasts, a narrow, supple waist--- bared by her knotted tank top--- and flared hips that could've easily passed as the cradle for HEAVEN.  She laughed but I--- because I was staring and loving everything I saw---couldn't quite get my thoughts or my mouth together enough to speak.

         "I'm sorry," she said, smiling at me in that way women do when they know they're being checked out.  "There you were with your hands full and I wasn't even watching where I was going.  I get on the cell, start texting and I just don't pay attention to anything else." 

         She was holding up the now-closed flip phone as if to make her point.  I was just glad I had managed to get my eyes up from her sumptuous thighs---  almost completely on display because of how brief the second skin of denim posing for "shorts" she had on were--- in time to see the phone at all. 

         The woman was beautiful, painfully so, but beyond that admittedly glazed definition I had no clue WHAT she was.  I mean she could've been black or white or some kind of exotic mix deliciously whipped together like a racial Pina Colada.  Her skin was somewhere between a pale almond color and white chocolate; indistinct enough to label and glistening with whatever she had just oiled herself up with.  Tanning oil, spritz, perfume, lotion; possibly all, possibly none but she smelled delicate and sweet, filling the hallway and my nostrils with an intoxicating flavor.  Aromatic as she was attractive, I found I had quickly gotten hungry for her in every way a man could be hungry for a woman.

         "Uhm, no," I finally got out, pulling my thoughts and myself together.  "Accidents happen, I...wasn't watching either."  This time I smiled.

         "I'm Miranda, Miranda Cordoba.  When I'm not almost running people over I live riiiight down there in 12-B, at the other end of the hall.  Looks like we're now officially neighbors."

         "Yes, well I'm Jason...Jason Everett.  I just---"

         "You just moved in two weeks ago.  Yeah, I know, I saw you when you were bringing in your stuff, Mr. Jason Everett."  Her eyes were moist, cat-like, sparkling whenever she smiled--- which she did often--- and she had long dark lashes with delicately arched brows.  As I looked into those eyes and continued making small talk I was positive that this time I was the one getting checked out.  Now initially, as far as men and women went, in that first encounter all a guy ever gets from a woman is a glance, just one, those are the rules.  At least those are the rules unless she likes what she sees.  Miranda was past that one glance, was still looking, and damned if she wasn't still smiling.

         In spite of my lame-assed fumble out the gates this was actually getting GOOD. 

         "On your way to the dumpster?" she asked, making me remember that fucking this woman had not been my motive for leaving my apartment.

         "Wha...?  Oh, uhm, yeah.  Right.  I'm finally done unpacking and I needed to make some space in there."

         "Cool, the dumpsters are down near where I park my car; we can go down together."

         "Sure, cool."  I let her lead the way like I was being a gentleman but really I just wanted to stare at the fantastically sculpted backside which matched the rest of her perfection.  I wasn't disappointed.  She strutted past me, walking with a practiced ease in those stacked sandals that would make a fool think anyone could do it.  Miranda's round ass flexed and shifted rhythmically in those tight shorts, the faded denim clinging to her in a way that put Cousin Daisy to shame.  Fuck, if I had a choice, I'd be clinging too...

         "You know, I was surprised to find a place this reasonable when I first moved in," she said over her shoulder as if unaware how intently my eyes were fixed to her ass or how lost I was in the sweetness flavoring the air in her wake.

         "I know," I said, pulling another sentence together.  "All things considered, rent was a bottom-line for me too."

         "Yeah, I know how that can get, I've had my share of close runs with the eviction notice but I'm doing alright now..." she said, her voice dropping off strangely.  We reached the end of the hallway and stepped out into the open-air stairwell.  Her soft blond locks billowed in the breeze as she looked back at me.  "Hey Jason, I'm headed to the market, wanna come along?  If you're like other men I've met you didn't move in with a full load of groceries did you?"

         I gave her a lopsided grin as I visualized the two bottles of beer and four frozen pizzas in my refrigerator.  "Guilty as charged, but my car is screwed and I don't know the routes well enough yet to catch the bus---"

         "Noooo, I meant ride with ME."

         "Oh.  Right...right.  Yeah, sure, if its no problem I'd appreciate that."

         "No problem at all.  Once you dump these boxes, go back and get whatever you need.  My car's over there," she said, pointing over at a glossy black Honda Accord.

         "Is that what you call 'over by the dumpster'...?"

         "Look at my baby, would you park her by the dumpster?"

         "Nope, in another lot if I could, she's sweet."

         "Let you see how sweet on the way to the grocery store."

         I sincerely hoped I wasn't grinning like a fool or that the lump between my legs wasn't as obvious as it felt.  Then again, some part of me hoped it WAS...



         The trip to the market was pretty uneventful, I could barely keep track of my mental shopping list watching Miranda sashaying along the aisles just in front of my cart.  I almost felt like a puppy on a leash the way I trailed behind her but she was just so damned hot...  I finally picked up most of the things I had needed and Miranda and I hit the check-out line to pay.  When we left the market she took me on a short tour of the area, pointing out what she considered some points of interest.  Mixed in with this were demonstrations of her vehicle's equipment and just how heavy her foot could get.  It was one time while she floored it that I noticed she drove barefoot, as if somehow that made her more connected both with the car and the road.  After about an hour we were pulling back into the apartment's parking lot though personally I could've stayed with her in that car all day.

         "Home again, home again," she sighed, turning off the engine.  She looked across at me, chattiness fading into a contemplative silence.  Her eyes were bright and moist but she was biting her bottom lip as if she were considering something.  I sat there, waiting for her to make a suggestion close to the one I'd been hoping for since we had met.  "Guess we better get upstairs..." she finally said.

         "Yeah, need to get this stuff in the refrigerator, it's humid as hell out here."

         She nodded, pulling her keys out of the ignition and then sliding her small feet back into her shoes.  "It is humid today...  You know, I could use a drink.  I have some beer at my place, want one?"

         "Sure," I answered, doing my best not to be too eager.  "Let me get these groceries put away and I will be right over."

         "Cool, see you soon.  You remember the apartment number?"

         "Twelve-B," I winked, climbing from her car...

         "That's right.  Twelve-B, other end of the hall."

         "Got it," I said, trying not to move off at a run.

         To say I hardly paid any attention to where I stuck my groceries would be giving me too much credit.  I emptied my four bags in better than record time, slapped on some cologne and ran a hand back across my smooth scalp.  Looking in the mirror, I licked my lips and smiled, imagining the way I planned on ending this evening.  Miranda, Miranda, Miranda...

         Pulling my door shut behind me, I set off down the hall, passing the other doors with their various pastel colors until I came to 12-B.  Mauve colored, the numbers and door knocker were chromed.  I had barely let the knocker swing before Miranda opened the door, smiling invitingly as she stood to the side.  "That was quick," she said as I stepped in.

         "I uh, didn't want to be rude and keep you waiting.  Besides, I'm...thirsty."

         She looked at me again with that smile, eyes fixed on mine.  In silence, she made a choice and moved toward me, her arms sliding around my neck, her lips pressing hungrily against mine as she backpedaled, pulling me farther into her apartment.  Green-lighted, my hands roamed freely over her body, finding rest on that luscious shelf she called an ass.  I pulled her in tight against my hips, making sure she could feel the solid contour of what I was offering her.  Her tongue danced in my mouth, tangling with my own.  Damn, this just kept getting better and better.

         And then, with the cold water abruptness of a seizure, the ground fell out from under us.  Miranda stiffened suddenly, alarmed as she heard what sounded like keys sliding into the door.  Keys...?  I thought she lived alone...

         "Oh shit," she cursed, staring at the door.  "Damn, damn, damn!  Baby, I promise I will make this up to you but right now I need a really big favor."

         "What?  Who---"

         "I can't explain but I need you to hide."

         "Hide?  Hide where?  What's going---"

         "In the closet baby," she said, pointing across the foyer.  "Jason, please, get in there and stay quiet.  I promise, I will make it up to you."

         Yielding to the pleading look in her eyes I went to the closet and got inside, folding the slatted doors behind me until I was draped in shadows.  I managed to get in there just in time because no sooner did I have the closet closed up than the front door was opening, Miranda moving to greet whoever it was that was coming in.  I already suspected based on her reaction that it was a man and my suspicion proved true when he spoke up.

         "Surprise, baby!  I know I was supposed to be gone the rest of the week but we closed the deal sooner than I thought so I hopped an early flight.  You almost look like you were getting ready for me."

         "Well, it's true I was just thinking about you, all about you," she said, shifting her voice into a seductive gear.  "I guess I get my wish..."

         "That's the best thing I've heard in days.  Come on, its been too long."

         I watched from the closet as she climbed up onto her counter, kneeling, feet hanging back off the other edge, back arched, while he was pushing the shorts I had nearly gotten into down, baring Miranda's creamy, butterscotch ass.  Aimed right in my direction, she had my senses twisted and my dick heavy as an iron bar.  Looking back over her shoulder, she stared as though she could see my eyes through the slats in the door. 

         Maybe she could, maybe she was just checking or maybe...maybe she just felt it.  Whatever, she dragged her finger upward through the plump folds of her pussy, circling her clit a few times with the now wet fingertip and smiling wickedly as she did so.  I decided that had been exclusively for my benefit because there was no way the guy could appreciate the sight where he was standing.

         When her fingers reached that tight, satiny ring nestled between her round cheeks, she plunged one slippery digit  knuckle-deep inside her asshole, her body trembling as she started pumping that finger in and out.  My dick tensed as I watched, wanting to bust out as badly as I wanted to bust out of this damn closet.  She toyed with her ass just a little longer before pulling her finger out slowly, eyes fluttering back open to stare again my way, confirming it had all been for ME.  Just as she placed her palm to the counter her man came in from the bathroom, smiling like a kid on Christmas morning.  He didn't say much of anything, just stepped up and dove in like he was at a buffet, dropping his face to her pussy and licking noisily while stroking his dick into blue-veined erection.

         For her part, Miranda made all the right noises, moaning and sighing like his tongue had her two steps away from Heaven and headed up.  Every so often she would pitch me an intense glance, constant reassurance that what she really wanted was here in the shadows, watching and waiting.  His work on her pussy suddenly ended as his dick apparently got as big as it was going to.  Pulling his wet face away and straightening, he said something that sounded like "Do it" and she spun around, dropping her head, golden hair tumbling forward.

         Her mouth closed on his dick and glided with ease down along its pale, banana-shaped length.  He groaned as she sucked, her head twisting as it bobbed rhythmically back and forth, hot spit dripping down off his sac as his dick became sloppy with it. 

         Watching her do this--- sucking this guy off while I was tucked in the fucking closet--- strangely wasn't bothering me at all.  Somehow, every motion she made seemed to be for my benefit.  He wasn't getting blown so good he wanted to pop his nut a hundred times because of anything he had done, it was all about me, me and what Miranda wanted to be doing with me as soon as she could get his obtuse ass out of there.  She slurped loudly, again the type of sounds a man convinced he has a woman whipped wants to hear, making him grunt as he tried to hold onto his load long enough to get to fuck her. 

         I smiled inwardly, recognizing her game.  She was working him over so hard with her mouth because she was trying to get him to waste his nut before ever reaching her pussy and if she couldn't, she would at least have him in such bad shape that it wouldn't take many strokes before it was all over.  I almost laughed out loud; sometimes women could be so crafty it was scary.

         She slid down off the counter, brushed her fingernails along his cheek then turned away and gripped the counter's edge, pushing her ass back toward him.  He unzipped the back of her skirt and yanked it down slowly, kissing the backs of her thighs on the way down.  Stepping clear of the bundled denim, Miranda spread her legs wider as she looked back over her shoulder again, seemingly at him but truly at me.  She told him she couldn't wait, that she needed him now, right there, not in the bedroom. 

         Ego stoked he went for it all the way, her pussy and ass irresistible especially from that angle.  He wedged his dick inside her and began pumping like crazy, her pussy squelching as it sucked as hard as her mouth must have, swallowing his dick easily.  She gripped the counter's edge and took everything he had to give, twisting and moaning as he slammed against her beautifully rounded ass.  Far from being hung like a horse, he had been convinced by a pro that he was turning her world upside down.

         After a very few minutes of this he pulled out, panting heavily, his dick gripped tight in one hand. 

         "On... on the couch," he gasped, back shiny with sweat.  "I think it's past time to break in that new leather." 

         With only slight hesitation, Miranda glanced past him to the spot where I was hidden then moved out of the kitchen and into the living room.  It took a little negotiation but finally I could see where they had gone, and instead of the couch--- which was on a wall that I couldn't see--- she picked the loveseat which backed to the windows, granting me another clear view of what was happening to her. 

         Trailing her from the kitchen counter to the chair,  the guy bent her over its softly upholstered back and, without prelude or style, began skewering her juicy depths in earnest.  Crouching, she leaned forward and arched her back, presenting that pussy and ass to the man who--- if he had a key--- likely paid her bills.  Barely able to contain himself he lurched forward, groaning as his dick sunk as deep as he could get it inside what must have felt like liquid rhapsody.

         Miranda's show was flawless; writhing and quivering at all the expected times, she bucked back to swallow his dick like she couldn't get enough of it.  The guy, whoever he was, loved every minute but I could see his body getting tense in that tell-tale way: he was about to lose it, his nut was primed to blow and blow hard.  Me, I just wished he would hurry the fuck up.

         Jerking and plunging spasmodically, he began barking at Miranda, calling her a whore and a slut until finally, finally he just couldn't hold back.  Whipping out of her slick folds, he tugged his pale, swollen shaft two or three times until it erupted, spitting white streams of cum across her ass and back.  Miranda flinched as the milky fluid splashed against her skin, all the while staring at me, her bright, tempting eyes calling to me in that intense, knowing silence.

         "Ohhhhhh FUUUUCKKK!" he cried staggering backward, his dick going limp, his passions spent.  "I knew you missed me but damn!"

         "Oooo yesss," she hissed, turning her cum-smeared back to me, facing him.  "Yesss, I missed you baby, so much."  When she dropped to her knees, round ass settling on the heels of her small feet, it didn't take me seeing her head bobbing to know she was putting the finishing touches on her "welcome home".  Miranda, with the same devilish skill she had shown earlier, was now licking his dick clean of the combination of her honey and his still-seeping cum.

         "Good girl," he moaned, head back, eyes closed, looking like he could barely stand.  "My girl..."

         "Yeah, Daddy, allllll yours."

         I listened to how sincere her assurances sounded in between the wet slurping noises and realized Miranda could probably make a man believe water wasn't wet if she wanted to, she was just that fucking good.  In the shadows I shook my head and smiled, wondering if I would be that easy to whip...

© Copyright 2007 Onyx: a PURPLE MANIAC! (onyxgemini22 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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