Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1269754-story-for-mr-sampsons-class
by jmwong
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1269754
this was a story for a fantasy/ science fiction project
The Story of Lucifer’s Fall

         In the land of eternal sunshine, where honey and milk flowed in abundance, He ruled all. In seven days he created a world of water and land, of reptile and mammal. He breathed life into man and made him a mate. Of ash came flesh, of nothing came everything.
         In the land of heaven, God presided. There amongst him were his angels. His palace was sited up above land, in the clouds and endless blue skies. He was perfection. He was power. He was wisdom. He was The Creator.
         His heaven was bliss, and no one dared to defy Him.
         His court of angels roamed his paradise basking in his rolling hills, endless seas, and abundant greenery. All of His angels did as they were told. No one dared to defy Him, or His power. No one.
         Except for one, Lucifer.
         He was the most beautiful angel of the winged courts. His beauty was elegantly dark. Lucifer stood out amongst the other angels. His skin was as fair as the fury of a white blizzard, his hair so black it rivaled the night, and his eyes were shimmering cerulean blue orbs that bore into others. Tall and lean he stood; his wings beat with force and power, and like a second skin an aura of dominance clung to him.
         It was he who chose not to roam the hills, seas, and bask in such sunshine and warmth. He was fascinated with earth, life, growth, and death. He wondered why his Master was so wise. He wondered why his Master was the one to receive all glory and praise. He wanted to know why he had to live out a life of servitude and abide to the commands of someone else. But most of all he wondered why his Master was perfection, and not he.
         Lucifer wanted wisdom too, perhaps more than all the other angels combined. He wanted something new and different, better more exciting. He wanted in a way to be like his Creator.
         So why could Lucifer not be as wise as God?
         Why couldn’t he bask in such glorified perfection?
         Why did God not let him?
         When he bent down on one knee, bowed his head to God, and asked Him for wisdom far greater than any other, he was rejected.          God acted with such ferocity and anger when he lashed out that he sent Lucifer reeling back.          
         “Why?” Lucifer had gritted out through clenched teeth.
         “Do not question me!” God had bellowed. “I have given you beauty! I have given you paradise! Take a look around, everything I have provided. I have made you who you are… and yet what do I receive? A lack of appreciation and greed?” And with that the solid grounds below Lucifer thundered and quavered causing him to lose balance.
         “I simply wanted to be like you, and perhaps excel at that,” Lucifer spat as he fell away through paradise, through perfection and bliss.
         “You are no longer welcome in my Kingdom!” God roared from up above as Lucifer fell to earth, his body becoming mortal flesh and bone as he fell onto the ledge of a red rock canyon.
         “It was never a Kingdom, perhaps prison would better define it,” Lucifer smirked.
         As if God has heard, the sky turned a smoldering gray and then twisted black. Dark, sinister clouds rolled across the once clear skies and the world seemed to roar at Lucifer’s presence on earth.
         He was not welcome.
         Quick lightning licked and hissed at him. Thunder boomed, creatures cowered. Rains fell hard, pounding against him. The earth rumbled and growled, threatening to break and part swallowing him whole. Winds violently shoved and pushed at him, all forces of nature attempting to rid themselves of him.
         And yet he would not budge.
         Fire fell from the skies and three angels descended before him in all their heavenly glory.
         “Fallen angel,” Rafael mocked.
         “You are nothing,” Gabriel glared. “You dared to defy our God, you shall pay brother.” The three angels circled him and instead of backing down from something seemingly hopeless, Lucifer stood his ground.
         “Have you nothing to say?” Michael taunted.
         “I would rather not waste my breath on you,” a nonchalant Lucifer replied. The horrible weather ceased and all calmed, a composed Lucifer awaited what was to come.
         Chains burst through red rock and latched onto his wrists burning and roasting the flesh and that it came into contact with. Lucifer bit back a cry and clenched his teeth in anger.
         “Poor little fallen angel,” Rafael laughed as Michael and Gabriel joined in. Their disgusting laughter echoing through the canyon’s caverns and walls, sending chills down Lucifer’s back.
         “Michael, does a fallen angel need their wings?” Gabriel asked, a sadistic smirk crawling across his face.
         “Not that I recall, Gabriel.” Heat rose from the earth and consumed him whole. The sun seemed so near as all water deteriorated into nothingness.
         Lucifer tightened his fists, nails digging into raw flesh, drawing blood.
         “You are disgusting,” He whispered under his breath.
         “No,” Michael corrected, “You are.” And with that he delivered a swift kick to Lucifer’s stomach sparking a painful agony deep in his gut far beyond human comprehension.
         “These are no longer yours,” Gabrielle said, yanking and tearing at Lucifer’s white robes.
         Lucifer snarled as he stood straighter, taller, the burning cuffs digging into his wrists and scraping the skin off his bones.
         “Let us be done with him,” Michael sighed.
         “Let us rid him of his wings,” Rafael sneered.
         Lucifer shut his eyes awaiting pain and vowing a vengeance and bloodshed.  They would pay with tears of blood and pain.
         Gold blades and daggers appeared in their hands and like wild animals they attacked him. Rafael grabbed his wings and bound them. Meanwhile, Gabriel ordered Michael to take hold of him as they did their vile deed.
         Gripping a long, sharp golden blade in hind, Gabriel began. He thrust it deep into Lucifer’s back and grabbed the hilt of it with both hands. Then he proceeded to slice through the muscle and skin parallel to his spine, blood and feathers clotting.          
         “Deeper, you’re not getting through to the bone,” Rafael pointed out as he stalked over to Lucifer’s right hand side.
         Grabbing the hilt of his dagger with both hands, he plunged it into Lucifer’s back, causing him to cry out a bloodcurdling scream that warded off all creatures within close proximity. Digging deeper and scarping, Rafael began jerking the dagger parallel his spinal cord through the cartilage and bone that attached to his wings.
         “You will pay,” a weak Lucifer growled. They all laughed in response and continued.
         His bones were crushed and scraped, the protruding pieces jutting out. Blood pooled beneath Lucifer and he fought for consciousness as they sawed through his bones, carving into him.
         “Michael,” Gabriel called.
         And Michael came, ready to end the task.
         A gold dagger and blade clanked onto rock as feathers floated down to rest on blood, only to sizzle and burn up in heat. Michael came forth and looked at the bloody artwork they had carved into his back. Pitiful, sickening, morbid, and yet it was beautiful. A bloody disarray.
         God would never know what they’d done to him.
         This was obviously a favor from them to Him.
         He grabbed hold of Lucifer’s wings as Gabriel and Rafael stilled him. Grasping the bottom of his wings, a gold sword appeared in his right hand. He pulled the feathered appendages towards him, tearing ligaments and tendons in the process.
         “Make haste brother,” Rafael urged.
         Gripping the hilt of the sharpened sword he began sawing at what little remained of attachment for his wings. Pulling and hacking away he growled as he finished the task.
         “There,” Michael said short of breath as he thrust the wings with the strength that required his entire body deep into the desolate canyon.
         “Let us go now,” Rafael warned. “We have a miracle to put into making ,” he smirked. They all nodded and began to turn when Gabriel suddenly turned back and spit on Lucifer’s pitiful bloody form sprawled out on jagged rock and smirked.
         Michael and Rafael  nodded approvingly and in a blinding white light vanished.
         “Vengeance shall be delivered,” Lucifer weakly coughed, blood muffling his voice. Gabriel only laughed and then he too left.
         Shortly after Lucifer fell away into obsidian, unconsciousness consuming him for days on end. When he finally awoke his back was reaping with maggots, larva, and flies; all feasting on his rotting flesh.
         Dragging himself to a water hole, he cleaned out his carved flesh. Then with a needle and twine he slowly went through the pain-staking process of sewing himself back up and within days he recovered with what little power he had left in his body.
         Food and water became a necessity, and he soon could not consume either for there were none that he could find.
         Beneath the blazing sun he collapsed onto scorching hot sand. He was lost in a desert, a sea of sand with no hope. Yet like a miracle something in the sky flashed and shot out across the clouds. An angel was near, but why would an angel be near him? They all hated him. He was an outcast, a fallen angel.
         Light blinded him, and as two forms stepped forward.
         Aysel and Delilah.
         Two beautiful angels he would often converse with in Heaven. What were they doing here?
         “Oh Lucifer, how art thou? We saw the horrid display from up above. Most cheered on, some of us turned the other way. This is foul play,” Aysel cried, her forehead scrunching up with tension.
         “How could this happen? Lucifer, you did not deserve this! And you should not worry, you have many allies!” Delilah interjected.
         “I’m not worried. Their sins will be paid for in pain and blood, I’ll make sure of it,” Lucifer coughed.
         “Maybe this’ll help.”
         Lucifer’s eyes widened in shock.
         It was the red orb. This specific orb though was always locked up and under the watchful eye of God’s most loyal guards. The orb was as mysterious as the dark side of the moon to every angel of the court. It was rumored to have great power and strength, granting power to its beholder. However, this power was feared, irrepressible, and different. Like nothing anyone had ever seen before.
         Everyone fears that which is foreign.
         This power seemed to frighten God, and that was unheard of.
         And it was just what Lucifer needed. Looking down at it he wondered how Delilah and Aysel managed to get their hands on the orb. As if sensing his disbelief and thoughts, Aysel spoke up.
         “It seems as though one third of the court has fallen to your side. Under stealth and determination this orb was sought out and retrieved. We leave now, but when we return the rest of us will be with you.” And with that both Delilah and Aysel disappeared.
         Cradling the glowing orb, he parted the earth beneath him, sand whipping and lashing out around him. Power surged and pulsated through his body sending chills down his spine. His veins pumped adrenaline through his system and his pupils dilated in an overdose of power and energy.
         Earth swallowed him whole and he took his rightful place in Hell.
         Lucifer was forgotten, dead.
         Satan had been born.
© Copyright 2007 jmwong (jmwong at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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