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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Romance/Love · #1269086
Something out of Alexi's past helps her move on. (part two)
Part two

I could feel my eyes flicker open but for a moment I wasn’t sure if I really had opened them or not. But then my eyes focused in the dim lighting and I realized I could hear two men talking, two very familiar men.

“Leave her alone Robert.” Jordan's voice said. Then I heard him choke off a cry and what sounded like him falling to the ground.

I heard footsteps approaching me and I shut my eyes hoping Robert would think I was still out of it.

“Hmm it seems your girlfriend is still unconscious Jordy. Let’s see if we can wake her up shall we?” Robert said, kicking me in the stomach.

I curled over my stomach and moaned, trying to act as if he had woken me up. I fluttered my eyes open and glanced up at Robert before shutting my eyes again and rolling over onto my back. I kept my hands curled around my stomach protectively and opened my eyes again.

“That wasn’t very nice.” I remarked dryly, keeping my eyes trained on the ceiling and trying to regain control of my heaving diaphragm.   

He reached down and I felt his hand wrap around my upper arm.

“Get up.” He said gruffly, hauling me to my feet.

As I stood up I looked around the room. There was one window covered by long thick drapes and the door was on the opposite wall. I could see two deadbolts set into it, each one about a foot on either side of the knob. Jordan was standing in a corner and when I looked to see what was restraining him, I was shocked to see a metallic cuff around his wrist attached to a two and a half foot long chain that connected his right hand to the floor.

Robert pushed me into a hard, high backed chair that had cuffs that were positioned to lock my upper arms to the back of the chair, just above the armrests. I saw this and panicked, pushing him away and attempting to stand up. Robert shoved me back down and pinned me in place by placing his muscular forearm across my throat. I gasped and my hands flew to his arm trying to displace it.

With his free hand, Robert grabbed my right arm and shoved it into place. I heard the manacle snap closed and I could feel the cool metal against my bare skin. Quickly he forced my left arm down and with a thrill of fear I felt the other manacle snap shut as well. Robert stepped back grinning and I tested to see how tightly I was restrained. The cuffs were clamped just above my elbow effectively pinning me to the chair.

“Ok fine. I give up. What do you want from me Robert?” I asked, looking up at him and settling into the chair.

Robert didn’t answer me immediately he just kept standing there looking at me. It wasn’t a look I had ever seen on his face before. He was totally emotionless. Normally most people thought this was a common look on his face, they thought he never showed emotion. But I knew him well enough to pick up on his feelings. But now there was nothing on his face, no clues to help me.

Robert walked over to the wall where Jordan was and pressed his fingers against a panel on the wall. The panel slid away to reveal three switches and a knob. He flipped the switch next to the knob and I heard the dial click twice as he turned it. Warmth spread through the cuffs surrounding my arms and I froze casting a fearful glance at Jordan. He smiled encouragingly at me but I could tell he was nervous.

“Those cuffs around your arms should be warming up Alexi. Are they?” Robert said, looking at me expectantly as he walked back over to me.

“Why don’t you touch them and find out, if you’re so curious Robert” I snapped, wanting the words back as soon as I had said them.

Calmly Robert’s hand came up and he slapped me soundly across the face. My head snapped to the side and my cheek burned. Slowly I turned it back so I was facing him again.

“Well?” he asked again, folding his arms.

“Yes.” I replied.

Robert’s hand came across the other way leaving a stinging mark on the other side of my face. I heard Jordan's chain rattle angrily but I ignored it. Despite the pain I could feel my frustration mounting, as well as my fear.

“Yes what?” Robert asked me. I swallowed dryly. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Jordan frowning angrily and I absently wondered why he wasn’t saying anything.

“I’m waiting.” Robert remarked impatiently.

“Yes,” I hesitated and I saw Robert raise his eyebrow and I grudgingly added, “sir. Yes sir.”

“Good girl” Robert crooned, patting me on the head. “See? It’s like riding a bike; you never forget some things once you learn them.”

“I guess I won’t have to worry about forgetting how much I hate you then, now will I?” I snapped, clenching my fists. I would not let him get to me this time, I wouldn’t.

Predictably, Robert whipped his hand across my face again. But this time when I shifted to the side and leaned slightly against the metal cuffs around my arms an electric jolt went up my right arm and into my shoulder. It felt like I had been stabbed, and I could speak from experience. I cried out and pressed against the back of the seat with my eyes closed.

I felt Robert place his hands over my wrists and lean in to whisper in my ears. “Hurts don’t it Alexi?”

I took a slow breath in and exhaled, “No Robert, I just acted like that because I felt like it.”

Robert stood and I opened my eyes to glare up at him. He didn’t say anything but he slapped me again and I tried not to move but another shock went up my arm. I bit down painfully on my lip so I wouldn’t cry out, and shut my eyes.

“It gets worse every time Alexi and it senses every movement, even the slightest.” Robert told me.

I resisted the urge to groan and slump in my seat at the news. Slowly I collected myself and opened my eyes. “What do you want from me Robert?” I repeated, softer this time and with my eyes lowered.

“That’s better form girl!” Robert exclaimed, “Much better.  And as for what I want? I think you should ask your boyfriend, he and I had a nice long talk while you were asleep.”

At this I glanced up alarmed and looked at Jordan. He was returning Robert’s look with a cool even gaze. I couldn’t see anything wrong with him but I knew all to well that much can be covered up with a shirt.

“Well I’ll leave you two kids alone.” Robert said almost cruelly, and he left the room. I heard the deadbolts slide into place and Robert spoke through the door, “Careful now Alexi I left the machine on so don’t move until I get back.”

I curled my lip and rolled my eyes at the door and then turned my attention back to Jordan. He was watching me with an unreadable look on his face.

“Hey, are you ok?” I asked him, twitching my head slightly to the side in concern.

He didn’t answer me but he slid over down the wall toward the control panel stretching out his arm to try to reach the switches. His fingers brushed the last switch and with a little more straining he managed to switch it off. But I was still hesitant to move so I focused my attention back on Jordan who had walked back over to where his chain was attached to the floor and sat down.

“Jordan are you ok?” I asked again a little more concern in my voice again. It wasn’t like him to just ignore me like this.

He nodded and started signing to me in sign language. “I can’t talk. The chain around my wrist is activated by my voice. It does the same thing as the cuffs around your arms do. I suppose Robert meant it to work so it seemed like I was ignoring you but I guess he never knew my sister is deaf.”

“Ok so what did he do to you?” I asked

“Pretty much the same thing he just did to you except it took me longer to figure out that it reacted to my voice not my movements. So once I did and I stopped talking he told me what he was planning to do with you in order to upset me.” Jordan signed out, “Basically he wants you back to the way you guys were before; you wait on him hand and foot while he beats the shit out of you.”

“What about you?”

“I have no idea. He said he wasn’t going to kill me so I guess I’m going to stay here. Probably so he’ll have something to hang over your head.”

“Does he want it to go back to exactly the way it was?” I asked fearfully.

Although I had told Jordan nearly everything about what Robert did to me I never told him one thing; the time Robert had raped me after I broke up with him had not been the first time that had happened. Nearly once a week Robert would come home drunk and angry, which was a horrible combination, and beat me and usually want to have sex. The first couple of times I agreed but after that I didn’t want to so he would tie me to the bed and force it on me. I REALLY didn’t want to have to relive that certain ritual ever again.

“He said, and I quote, ‘I want Alexi back and it’s your job Jordy to see to it that I get that or she will be the one getting the punishments for your lack of communication skills.’ I know you don’t want to go back to that and I would never ask you to in a million years if I had any other choice but I just don’t know what to do.” Jordan looked absolutely heartbroken and upset with what he had to tell me but he did it.

My heart fell at his news and the choice that lie before me; go back to a life I hated or be zapped with the electro-band a few hundred times again. “I’ll figure something out Jordan.” I told him sadly.

“Babe, don’t think about my feelings when you make your choice. I know that whatever Robert does to you is his choice and not yours. I know it’s not what you want.”

I nodded and looked away from him, I didn’t want Jordan to see the tears that were about to fall from my eyes. I knew what I had to choose but I was scared, terrified even, of what lay ahead of me.

‘I’ve only been here eight days and yet it feels like an eternity.’ I thought as I swept the front porch of the old house.

Eight days ago, after Jordan had told me what Robert wanted my first decision had been to refuse. But after two days of pure agony sitting in that damn chair I had reluctantly given in. Six days later I was back in the slave like role I played when I was Robert’s girlfriend, complete with the constant beatings and all.

I was torn from my thoughts when the sound of an approaching car reached my ears. As far as I knew no one had left the compound on a supply run in days.

“Alexi come in here.” Robert called from in the living room, where, I knew he was sprawled on the sofa watching TV.

I glanced once more and the road and shrugged, maybe I had imagined the sound. With a sigh I turned to go inside, leaning the broom next to the front door before I walked in.

“Alexi come sit with me.” Robert called when I shut the front door.

I frowned puzzled by his request. “Yes Sir.” I replied instantly, I slid my shoes off and wandered into the living room. Robert hadn’t moved off the couch he was sitting on and he looked up at me when I came in the room.

“Come sit with me Alexi.” He repeated, patting the small space of couch next to him. His face was bathed in a glowing blue light that was cast off the TV.
I walked over to him and sat down. It was a tight squeeze and he wasn’t sliding over, “Do you want me to sit on the other side Robert?” I asked him keeping my tone even and my eyes down.

“No, do this.” He replied grabbing my legs and pulling them into his lap so I was sitting perpendicular to him.

He rested his hands on top of my legs and I watched them warily. “Take a look at what’s on the news.” He said motioning with his head toward the TV. I followed his gazed and after a moment of listening I realized it was a live update about Jordan and me. I focused my full attention on the TV and listened.

“Alexi Michaels is well known for her outspoken role as a key leader on the city council and she is also a well-loved member of our community. Her and her long time boyfriend Jordan Stevens haven’t been seen in a little over a week and the police are following some leads. Alexi is of course the unfortunate girl who was in and out of the news six years ago when, during her sophomore year in collage, her abusive ex-boyfriend, Robert Andrews, kidnapped and raped her. The young man was never caught and he is the police’s prime suspect in her disappearance at this time.” The reporter said.

To my surprise it cut to a clip of Nicole speaking. 

“It’s really kind of a scary coincidence that she disappeared this week since right about now six years ago was when all the chaos with Robert and her happened last time. And the even the situation is similar in the way they disappeared. The first time it happened, Alexi had gone alone to Robert’s apartment to pick up her things because she was moving in with our friend Ashley. And this time Hill dropped Jordan off at the pool where she was and, according to Jordan, he was going to take her to go out to lunch because he had something really important to ask her. We were expecting them to come back to the house but they never came.” Nicole said.
The TV was showing images of people searching through houses and woods while the reporter talked in the background.

“The entire squadron has taken a special interest in the search and every officer available is participating. Head Sgt. Anderson has assured us that they are doing absolutely everything they can to find the missing pair and he asks that if you have any information concerning their whereabouts it is asked that you contact the number at the bottom of your screen.”

Robert hit the mute button on the remote control and turned to me with an odd look on his face. I dropped my eyes as he looked at me and I stared at my hands. I could feel his gaze on me and I resisted the urge to fidget.

“So interesting news report hmm?” he commented finally.

“Yes very interesting.” I agreed softly. “I should get back to my chores,” I said after a moment.

Robert sighed and lifted his hands off my legs, “You should.” he said.

I slid my legs off of his and as I moved to stand up he grabbed my foot and jerked my off balance. I crashed to the floor with one leg crumpling underneath me and the other still in Robert’s hand.

“I said you should get back to you chores not that you were supposed to.” Robert growled softly.

Fear spiked through me and I froze resisting the urge to moan. This always happened, sometimes that same sentence meant what I had taken it to mean, that I was to go do my chores. Other times I hesitated wondering if he meant, like this time, that I should do my chores but he wanted me to wait and do something else for him first. I never asked him what he meant because that would result in a beating but misinterpreting his instructions also resulted in a beating. It had always depended on his mood but over the past five or six days I had learned that I could no longer rely on my knowledge of Robert and his moods to protect myself.

The first blow was a kick to the stomach as he stood up off the couch. It was quickly followed by a few more kicks and some yelling. I knew that if I laid still and cried out on every blow that it would end sooner so I did exactly that. The first couple of days, even though I knew, I could not do it. I would fight back and not cry out but I finally realized that it did not help me at all; it only landed me in more pain.

After a few more kicks he stopped and told me to get the hell out of his sight and go finish my chores. I was more than glad to comply. Soundlessly I picked myself up and hurried out of the room. Once I got back outside on the porch I leaned against the wall of the house and quickly collected myself. I wiped the tears off my face and slowly let my breathing return to normal.

Something had changed about Robert since I had last seen him. I could still tell what his emotions were but I could no longer predict how he would react. It scared me, back when I was still his girlfriend I depended on my knowledge of him, it was my safeguard. But now…it was all different.

I grasped the broom handle tightly in my hand. I had figured him out once, I could do it again. The soft raspy sound of the broom sweeping across the floor filled my ears as I moved quickly about finishing my task. I swept all the dirt and leaves into a pile and then into the trash bag. I sighed as I tied off the bag and hefted it into my arms. I stepped off the porch, avoiding the middle step since it was completely rotted through (another one of my chores for the day) and walked across the yard, past the cellar, and down the driveway toward the trashcans.

I tossed the bag into the bin and as I was walking back a flash of movement to the left of me caught my eye and I turned. I peered into the trees and just as I was about to turn back to go up to the house a hand closed over my mouth and I was dragged backward into the trees.

I panicked and fought back but an arm wrapped around my torso and pinned my arms to my sides. Terrified thoughts were racing through my mind. I though Robert had finally followed through on one of his most recent threats to let his men have a little fun with me. Or possibly it was him trying to scare me even further.

Who ever it was dragged me deep into the forest and finally we stopped. The arm around my torso disappeared and I swung my elbow back driving it into the stomach of my attacker. He grunted and before he could react I swung my other elbow around and did the same thing.

“Alexi stop it, I give I give. It’s me Tony; I’m not trying to hurt you.” The guy said dropping his hand from my mouth.

I whirled around, “Oh my God Tony what the hell are you doing here?” I gasped grabbing his arms and helping him sit down.

“I was trying to save you but now I’m not so sure.” He joked massaging his stomach pulling a mock angry face at me.

My world spun and I tightened my grip on his shoulders. Tony was the police officer assigned to my disappearance and follow-up investigation last time and he also happened to be dating my best friend and was a good friend of mine, but none of that explained how he had got here or what was going on.

“Listen I’ll explain everything later right now we have to get you out of here.” Tony said catching my expression and dragging me to my feet.

“No Tony I can’t.” I protested, “Jordan is still back there and-” Tony cut me off by pressing a finger to my lips.

I flinched away from his touch and he instantly moved his hand, “Alexi I'm sorry I didn’t think.” He apologized quickly.

“No its fine, but we have to go back and get Jordan.” I said quickly, covering up the awkward moment.

“We will I promise but you have to follow me.” He replied grasping my hand. His eyes pleaded with me to believe him and after a moment I nodded.

“Ok let’s go.” I agreed.

He turned and quickly led me through the forest and after nearly twenty minutes of walking he stopped in the middle of a clearing. As soon as Tony stopped walking the forest around us moved and from it nearly the entire town’s police department emerged, as well as two other very important people.

I heard my name and spun around before I was engulfed by my best friends, Ashley and Nicole. They hugged me hard and I hugged back, tears falling down my face.

“What are you doing here?” I asked pushing them back and looking at my friends.

“We’ve been watching you for about three days Alexi.” Tony said behind me before they could answer. I turned to watch him as he walked up and wrapped an arm around Ashley's waist. “You worked on such a weird schedule that it took forever for us to come up with a plan.”

“But I just saw you on a live news cast on the TV Nico! You were standing over by the old apartment buildings; those all the way across town.” I said to Nicole.

A brilliant grin crossed her face. “So you saw that did you?” she sounded pleased with herself.

Tony however grimaced and rolled his eyes. “Damnit.” He muttered, “Fine, fine here.” He grumbled digging around in his pocket and handing Nicole a five dollar bill before walking away with Ashley.

“It was my idea to get the news station to broadcast that bulletin to make it seem as if we had no idea where you were or where you had gone. We told them to broadcast it as live even thought we filmed it yesterday. Tony here didn’t think it was a good idea because he didn’t think Robert would even be watching the news. But I told him that’s all Robert does is sit around and watch the news while you work around the house.” Nicole explained as she dragged me over toward a group of what I recognized to be medics, catching my confused expression as we walked.

I saw where we were heading and I dug my heels into the dirt stopping her forward motion. “No Nico I'm fine I don’t need the medic.”

“Alexi” she said warningly, “Don’t pull that on me, I know you hate doing this but you need to get checked over before we do anything.”

I shook my head and pulled away, “No I’m fine honest. I don’t need to go over there.” I told her again.  “What I do need to do is find out how they are planning to get my boyfriend away from Robert.”

I glared stubbornly at my friend and she met my gaze evenly. “Fine.” She said finally, dropping my gaze and looking around her. She walked off to her left and I followed as she walked over to a group of me who were standing around talking.

“Alexi! Good to see you kiddo.” A deep booming voice called out to me. I smiled and allowed myself to be wrapped in a bear hug. Head Sgt. Anderson was a huge man; he stood six foot ten inches and weighed nearly 300 pounds. But he was one of the friendliest people you could meet as well as one of the toughest. After my parents had died he had sort of adopted me and he really had helped me through the grief.

“Good to see you too Sarge.” I told him. He kept his arm wrapped around my shoulders and turned me toward the circle. I smiled at all of the men present, all familiar faces.
“So what’s the plan Sarge?” I asked getting straight down to business.

“We haven’t completely figured it out yet kiddo we need your input.” He told me.

“I’ll tell you anything you need to know.” I agreed. All the men nodded and we moved our meeting over to a table that had what looked like the floor plan of the house I had just left. We spent over two hours devising a plan and nearly another explaining it to everyone and preparing. Dusk was steadily approaching when everyone was finally in their places and ready to go. I was hiding twenty yards away from the cellar door that Robert had originally thrown Jordan and me down surrounded by three men. I fidgeted uncomfortably with the bullet proof vest Sarge, Tony, Ashley, Nico and everyone else had insisted I wear under my jacket.

Tony’s hand covered mine stilling my movements and I looked up at him, “It’s for your own good Alexi.” He mouthed to me with a slight grin.

“I know.” I mouthed back.

I was only fidgeting because I was nervous. Even thought the plan had taken so long to come up with it was a simple one. If all was going well Sarge and the rest of the company were busy taking out Robert’s men who were on guard duty. Once they completed their task Sarge was supposed to shoot the tree to my left with a silenced gun as a signal for me to lead Tony, Mark, and Jesse into the cellar to rescue Jordan. Tony was my personal guard Mark and Jesse were supposed to take out the guards in the cellar and together we would get Jordan out. The last part of the plan was the most dangerous and the reason I was wearing the vest. I was supposed to go into the house and distract Robert so Tony and Jesse could grab him. It would only be the three of us because we could only find three bulletproof vests back at camp and there hadn’t been time to find more.

It had been my idea to be the bait and nobody had wanted me to do it. All of the cops wanted to replace someone else with me and take him by force but I knew it just wouldn’t work. Robert had a huge arsenal stored in the house and there were just too many rooms and too many ways for them to get hurt. I had refused to allow three men just go into the house like that. I knew I had a better chance of finding Robert in the house than they did.

Suddenly I heard a dull ‘thunk’ in the tree next to me and I flinched. Tony squeezed my arm bracingly and I nodded. I glanced around at the house checking for any signs of life. I motioned to the guys behind me and we slowly emerged from our hiding place. We crept over to the cellar door. Tony and I hauled open the doors and the other two ran down the stairs. I heard the soft sounds of a scuffle going on down stairs and then Jesse whispered up to Tony for us to come down.

I went down first and Tony closed the door behind us. It was pitch black and I froze. Tony wrapped his hands around my arms to lend me some strength but I flinched and pulled away from him with a small cry of fear, my body reacting to all the times I had been down here and that had happened. Every night Robert had thrown me down here and shut the door on me and the hands had come for me every night.

“Alexi?” Tony questioned softly, tearing me out of my memories. Somebody found the light switch and light filled the room. Tony was looking at me with concern written all over his face and Jesse was watching from the far side of the room.

“It’s nothing.” I said quickly looking away from him. “I’m fine.”

“Alright then let’s go.” Tony said quickly covering up the uncomfortable moment. I nodded and shut my eyes letting my memory guide me. I led them through the awkward maze of doors, running into the wall three times in the process, and finally we arrived in the right hallway.

“I don’t know what room he is in.” I told them.

“Mark, hand me the keys. We’re going to have to check them all, let’s get started.” Tony said, taking the keys from Mark and passing them to me. We moved slowly down the hallway opening the doors and checking every single room. About a fourth of the way through I opened a door and stood back allowing Jesse to enter the room and find the light switch. When the light finally came on I looked in the room and smiled in relief.

“Jordan.” I said softly. It looked like he was sleeping. He was lying down curled up in the corner of the room but when I spoke his head came up and a smile split his bruised face.

“Alexi!” he jumped up and ran across the room to me. He swept me into his arms and I hugged him hard. “Wait what’s going on here?” Jordan asked after a moment, noticing the men standing in the door way. “Tony? Is that you man?”

Tony grinned, he had camouflage face paint on and it made him look a little weird.
“Yeah it’s me Jordan. We’re your rescue committee. Happy to see us?” Tony said, walking into the room and shaking Jordan’s hand as a greeting.

“I'm happy to see Alexi but you? Who would be happy to see you?” Jordan replied, grinning at me.

“Ha-ha very funny.” Tony said dryly. “Common let’s get outta here.”

He led us through the hallways and Jordan and I trailed behind at the end of the line talking quietly.

“Are you ok?” Jordan asked me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

“Yeah, a little bruised and battered but I’ll be fine.” I replied reaching my hand up and threading my fingers through his where they rested on my shoulder. “What about you? What happened to your face?”

“You weren’t the only one Robert visited with.” Jordan replied darkly and he refused to say anything else on the subject. As an attempt to change the subject he asked, “Hey what’s this?” pointing at the vest I was wearing.

“Oh right well umm it’s a bullet proof vest.” I said slowly glancing up at Tony for help.

“And where have you been or are going to go that you need to wear one of those?” Jordan asked worriedly, his voice raising an octave.

“Shh quiet were going up now.” Tony whispered back, saving me from answering for a moment. “Jordan you go over there with Mark he’ll take you up.”

“No wait, Alexi-” Jordan started, looking at me with a startled look as Mark grabbed his arm and pulled him away from me.

“Go Jordan go, I’ll be fine I swear. Just go.” I said to him. I knew that if he found out what I was planning to do he would never let me do it.

Mark pulled Jordan up the stairs whispering for Jordan to be quiet. Tony squeezed my shoulder comfortingly, I felt horrible for doing that to Jordan but I knew it had to be done.

“Once Mark gets him back we’ll go.” Tony said to me as we walked slowly toward the stairs.

“Alright that sounds good.” I replied, stopping and leaning against the wall.

“Are you sure you want to do this? The guys and I will still go in there for you.” Tony asked me, concerned again.

I hesitated before answering. My first impulse was to say no and let the police just go in and take Robert themselves. But I asked myself if I really wanted to be that selfish. “Yes I’m sure Tony. I have to do this.” 

Tony nodded and peered over the edge of the cellar doors. “Ok I think they’ve got him back. Let’s go.” He whispered waving a hand to me and Jesse. I crept up the stairs next to him and together we moved from the cellar to the porch. Once we reached the porch I motioned them to stand on either side of the door. I took a deep breath and slowly pushed it open.


“Robert? Are you here?” I called out, leaving the door open and walking a few steps inside. Tony and Jesse would follow me in a few minutes.

Suddenly the door behind me shut with a slam and I whirled around. I barely contained my scream because Robert was standing right there. He stood there looking at me with that emotionless look again as I calmed myself down.

“Robert you scared me.” I said slowly, testing the waters.

“Where did you get that jacket Alexi?” Robert asked taking a step toward me.

I flinched and resisted the urge to move back from him. “I…the…” I said searching for words. This wasn’t what we had planned on happening. My mind whirled trying to come up with something to say. Fear was running through me again as he took another step closer to me. I couldn’t think of an excuse, my mind was panicking and I tried not to let Robert see my eyes darting from side to side looking for an escape.

“Down.” He said shortly when I didn’t answer, anger flashing across his face.

Without thinking my body obeyed the simple command out of fear and I dropped to my knees, folding my hands and settling them in my lap with my eyes down.

“You left didn’t you?” Robert asked softly.

I hesitated in my answer and Robert swung his foot up so it connected with my chin. My head snapped back and I fell backward to the floor. He swung his fist into my stomach and it connected with the bulletproof vest and I knew he felt it on his hand.

“What the hell was that?” he asked reaching down and pulling my jacket open.

I tried to roll over and keep it closed but he dropped to his knees straddling me and he pushed it open. I was pinned on my back beneath him and I just lay there staring up at him as he looked at the vest I was wearing. Robert’s hand slid around behind his back and he grabbed at the knife I knew was there.

“Get up.” He said, standing up off of me.

I stood slowly to my feet and watched him as he slid the knife out of place.

“Take the vest off.” He said walking toward me.

This time I did not hesitate to move away from him and I backed up until my back hit the door that was now behind me.

“Take it off.” He repeated holding the knife under my chin.

Slowly I slid my hands up to the buckles and I hesitated. Robert pushed the knife tip harder into my throat and I felt the skin break and a drop of blood ran down my neck. Terrified I quickly undid all the buckles and I slid the vest over my head.

“Zip your jacket back up.” My hands shook as the potent smell of his breath washed over me.

He had been drinking, a lot. My fear level rose even higher, anger and alcohol was a very volatile combination in Robert. I fumbled for the zip tag and quickly slid the zipper back up to its previous position.

“Good.” Robert growled. He grabbed my shoulder and spun me around so my chest was against the door and he pinned me there with his a hand between my shoulder blades. I heard the metallic jingle of a pair of handcuffs and then I felt the cool metal against the skin of my wrist. I panicked and twisted away trying to avoid the cuffs. Robert pressed me harder against the door and grabbed my right hand.

“Hold still Alexi.” He said, his words were a little slurred and I could tell he had the knife clamped between his teeth. “This won’t hurt a bit.”

“That’s bullshit Robert.” I said attempting to twist my hand out of his grip.

He slammed his shoulder between my shoulder blades, replacing his hand. I felt the handcuff lock around my right wrist and I froze. When Robert moved to switch sides I spun in the opposite direction and pulled away from him. He fell against the door and I would have gotten away except that he tightened his grip on the cuff he still had in his hand. I jerked to a stop, the metal digging into my skin.

“I don’t think so.” He hissed and he pulled me back to him and spun me around again. But as I went around he kicked the back of my knees and I fell to the floor. He grabbed my left hand and before I knew what was happening I felt it click into the other cuff behind my back. Despair spread through me and I dropped my head in surrender.

“That’s a good girl.” Robert whispered in my ear as he shoved my back against the door. I watched him pick up the vest I had just removed and slip it on over his head. It had been a men’s size anyways so if fit him perfectly. He buckled it in place and slid a sweatshirt from the hook next to the door over his head.

“I believe we are late for our meeting with the police. Let’s not keep them waiting shall we?” he hissed as he pulled me to my feet and leaned me back against him. I felt him slid the knife under my chin and I tilted my head up slightly to avoid it.

Robert dragged me back a step and swung the door open. I had expected Tony and Jesse to be standing there but they were gone. Robert pulled me off the porch and as we rounded the corner of the house he stopped.

Tony and Jesse must have run for backup when the door had unexpectedly shut behind me because they were standing in the middle of the driveway with all the officers that had come with us to carry out the plan. They were all lined up in a line and they all had their guns pointed right at me and Robert.

Panicked, I opened my mouth to tell them not to shoot I wasn’t wearing a vest anymore but Robert clamped his hand over my mouth. I bit his hand but he just pressed the knife into my neck and I let go.

“Well? Are you going to shoot me?” Robert asked mockingly.

I saw fingers tensing on the triggers and I widened my eyes in panic and struggled to shake my head. I locked eyes with Tony and I tried to mentally tell him no.

“Hold.” Tony muttered and I saw everybody relax. “Let her go Robert.” Tony called out to us.

“Or what you’ll shoot me?” Robert asked again. He dropped his hand from my mouth and I felt him slide it behind my back and grab at something. “Do you see this?” Robert said pulling it out a holding it up. I glanced to the side and tensed when I saw he was holding a small pistol. “This wont hurt me anymore but it will hurt her.” With that he pointed the gun barrel against my right shoulder and I freaked out.

“Robert please don’t.” I pleaded, attempting to twist my shoulder away. Robert tilted his knife and I froze, terrified, when I felt the flat of the blade against my cheek and the edge was perilously close to breaking the skin just under my ear. I was caught between a knife and a gun and I felt tears of hopelessness threatening to fall.

“What’s the matter Alexi? Scared?” Robert whispered in my ear. I shuddered as I felt his breath whisper down my neck. I heard the safety catch click off and my eyes got wider.

“Robert please.” I repeated.

“What do you want for her Robert?” Tony asked.

“Do you actually think I’m going to give her up?” Robert replied, removing the knife from my neck and pointing it at Tony. I took this as my chance and quickly bent my knees at shoved my shoulders backwards against Robert’s chest. The gun disappeared from my shoulder and as we both fell I saw all of the police rush towards us.

Suddenly I heard the sound of a gunshot and excruciating pain ripped through me. I cried out as I crumpled to the ground. I could hear people yelling as my world spun crazily out of focus and into darkness.


Everything hurt, and hurt badly. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at a ceiling I didn’t recognize. I wondered where I was and how I had gotten there. A low beeping noise to my left drew my attention and I looked to see what it was. I saw a heart monitor that was measuring out my pulse and I gasped softly as I realized I was in a hospital and I was the one the monitor was hooked up to.

“Alexi?” a voice asked beside me, and I turned my head quickly to look to see who it was.

It was Jordan, he was sitting in a chair that was right beside the bed and I could tell I had woken him up. His arms were still propped on the bed and half of his hair was all matted down.

“Shh it’s ok calm down.” He said, taking my hand in his.

“Jordan where, I, what happened?” I stumbled over my questions my mind was still confused as it was trying to figure out what was going on and I was beginning to panic.

“You’re in the hospital.” Jordan began slowly.

“But what…” I asked again. I still couldn’t remember how I had gotten here.

“Easy Alexi, slow down. What is the last thing you remember?” Jordan soothed brushing stray strands of hair off my face.

I stopped for a moment and thought and suddenly it all came back to me. “Robert!” I exclaimed, my eyes flying up to meet Jordan’s, “We were standing in the driveway and I pushed Robert back and we were falling and suddenly there was gunshot and pain and then everything went black.” Words tumbled out of my mouth as I tried to explain the situation.

“Yes, Robert shot you as the two of you fell. He knew he was pretty much done for as soon as you shoved him and he tried to kill you. The bullet went into your lower back and broke two of the bones in your spine. You lost a lot of blood and the doctors had to do surgery to fix the damage. We almost lost you.” Jordan explained slowly, I could feel his thumb rubbing comforting little circles on my wrist and I slowly relaxed and listened to him talk.

“What about Robert where is he?” I asked.

“Sitting in prison right now I believe.” Jordan said dryly. There was a knock on the door and we both looked up to see a nurse standing there.

“Mr. Stevens there is a…Oh Ms. Michaels you’re awake! Wonderful news! How are you feeling?” she said getting distracted when she saw me.

“Not bad considering what just happened I suppose.” I replied with a slight smile.

“Lovely, well as I was saying Mr. Stevens there is a Madeline Andrews wanting to speak with Ms. Michaels waiting in the lobby. Shall I let her in?” the nurse reported, raising her eyebrow in question.

Jordan recognized the name as easily as I did and looked at me. I shook my head quickly and Jordan nodded his agreement. “Please tell her we do not wish to speak with her.” He said to the nurse, who nodded and left the room.

“I wonder what Robert’s sister is doing here?” I puzzled out loud.

Before Jordan could reply the sounds of shouting reached our ears. We both recognized Nicole’s voice as well as the voice of Madeline Andrews. “I don’t know but I have a feeling we’re about to find out.” Jordan remarked as he stood up from his post by the bed. A few minutes later the shouting stopped and Nicole and Ashley walked into the room.

“Do you know who was just in the lobby?” Nicole fumed; she and Ashley both were so upset they didn’t even notice I was awake. “Madeline Andrews was here apparently she’s representing her brother as his lawyer. She wanted to talk to Alexi and get her to drop the charges against Robert.”

“That’s what she wanted?” Jordan asked incredulously, “I certainly hope you threw her out because if you didn’t I will.” Jordan snarled, taking a half step toward the door but I held him back by his hand.

“I didn’t want to go near her so I had security ‘escort her off the premises’.” Nicole replied with a disgusted face. Suddenly Ashley noticed I was awake.

“Alexi!” she shouted joyously, gathering Nicole's attention as well. I grinned as they both carefully wrapped me in a hug.

“How are you feeling?” Ashley asked.

“Not too bad, but I hurt all over.” I admitted.

“I’ll go get some painkillers from the nurse for you.” Nicole said, standing up and leaving the room.

“Has Jordan told you what happened?” Ashley asked, sitting gingerly on the bed after she and Jordan helped me sit up.

“Yeah he did when I woke up.” I said, smiling at Jordan and squeezing his hand.

Nicole re-entered the room followed by two nurses and a doctor. I smiled when I recognized the doctor.

“Dr. Matthews, how are you?” I asked.

“I’m fine but I should be the one asking you that young lady.” Dr. Matthews admonished with a smile as the two nurses bustled around me, checking the machines and me. “Nicole here tells me you’re in pain. Where does it hurt?” he asked as he glanced over the chart one of the nurses handed him.

“Everywhere, but mostly my back.” I told him 

“Well the nurses have what you want I just wanted to check-in and see how you were doing.” Dr. Matthews replied. “Jordan may I have a word with you outside please?” he asked looking at Jordan with a meaningful look.

“Yes, a word, of course.” Jordan answered quickly. “I’ll be right back baby I promise.” He said to me squeezing my hand lightly before walking out of the room with Dr. Matthews.

I watched him leave with a puzzled look, “I wonder what that’s about.” I thought out loud, looking back to Nicole and Ashley. They both shrugged and the nurse diverted my attention.

“You need to eat something before you take this my dear.” The older woman said to me. I nodded and Ashley took the bottle of pills and set it next to my bed.

“I’ll have something sent up.” She said as she and the other nurse walked out of the room. “Call me if you need anything, I’m just down the hall. My name is Chris by the way.”

As she left the room Jordan passed her on his way in and he was followed by Dr. Matthews.

“What’s going on?” I asked. I was scared by the look on Jordan’s face; he almost looked like he was scared and very upset at the same time.

Jordan didn’t answer me he just turned to Ashley and Nicole who were standing together in a corner and began speaking to them in hushed tones.

“Jordan?” I asked he was beginning to scare me.

“Alexi I'm afraid I may have bad news.” Dr. Matthews said attempting to divert my attention.

“What?” I exclaimed, my voice rising to a higher pitch. I felt like I was on the verge of panicking.

“Alexi, when the bullet went into your back it broke some bones and severely damaged your spine. We think we managed to rebuild and repair everything.” Dr. Matthews explained to me.

“You think?” I asked my voice still high pitched.

“There was some nerve damage that we tried to repair but the surgeons don’t think they got it. For some reason when we did tests we got nerve reactions from your upper legs but below the knee we couldn’t get any reaction. I just want to double check but its unlikely anything has changed, it could happen but...” He said slowly. “I’m sorry.”

“I…but…you said you think.” I said frantically. “You could be wrong; you could have fixed it; I could be…”

“That’s why I’m here.” Dr. Matthews said, cutting off my frantic tirade.

Jordan finally walked over to me and took my hand in his. I squeezed it tight and looked up at him.

“Dr. Matthews wants to perform some tests to see if they did fix it but…baby,” Jordan said, pausing to find the right words.

“They might not have.” I finished for him sadly, the reality finally sinking in. Ashley and Nicole came over to the other side of the bed and they both took my other hand.

“The tests I'm going to do aren’t going to hurt at all; it will only take me a moment.” Dr Matthews assured me as he pulled up the sheets at the foot of my bed.

He removed a reflex hammer from his pocket and looked up at me, “I am going to poke you with this and all I need you to do is tell me if you can feel it ok?” he asked

I nodded and he poked the end of his hammer into the side of my calf. At first I couldn’t feel it and then…

“Yes, yes I can feel that.” I said.

He smiled and poked my leg in another place. Again it took a moment but then I felt it again. Over and over he repeated the test in all different places on my legs and all to the same results; it took a moment but I could feel it.

“Ok one last thing; I just want to see if you can wiggle your toes.” He said finally, straightening up and placing the hammer back in his pocket. 

I looked at my toes and willed them to move but I couldn’t do it. I tried harder and suddenly they twitched and then they moved fully. I exhaled in relief.

“Excellent!” Dr. Matthews exclaimed. “Your reactions are a little slow but that should heal along with everything else we repaired.” He said happily.

I smiled and squeezed my hands around my friends and boyfriend’s.

There was a noise at the door and we all turned to look. It was the food Chris had sent up for me.

“Ah well there’s your food. I’m going to get down to my office and write up my report.” Dr. Matthews said.

I thanked him and he left and right behind him was the nurse who had delivered the food. 

“Well that was scary to say the least.” Ashley said. I nodded as I picked up a piece of bread and took a bite out of it.

We all felt the tension slowly leave the room as we relaxed and just enjoyed each other’s company.

© Copyright 2007 FrannCheeseCake (aldawen913 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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