Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1267879-Limitless-Love
by TypeC
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Teen · #1267879
Love has no limit. Formerly "Altruistic Love" [10+ "part" story]
Part 1 - Unfortunate

         "He's over there."
         "Over where?"

         "Over there! With the brown hair and checkered shoes?"
         "Oh ... He's in some of my classes. His name is Connor."
         "Isn't he cute?"

         I blushed.

         "I guess so ..."
         "You're blushing. That's a tell tale sign you mean yes."
         She playfully knocked my shoulder. Her green eyes met brown as she stared  at me. She flicked back her dirty blonde hair.

         "You're cute when you blush Dustin," She said as she ruffled my black hair.
         "Thanks Jenna," I said in mock indignation.

         We left our observation post. Otherwise known as the top balcony that over looks the school grounds.
         "So ... you like him?" I asked quite innocently.

         "I wouldn't go that far. But I would say that maybe I have a teeny tiny crush on him."

         "I can tell."

         She gave me a pouty look. I just stuck my tongue out at her.
         "You're not one to talk mister."
         "At least I've had conversations with him a couple of times."

         "Minimal chit chat doesn't' count."

         "Yes it does."

         "No it doesn't."

         "Yes it does."
         The lunch bell rang, signaling third blocks arrival.

         "Don't think you're getting off that easily. This isn't over," Jenna said with a wry smile.

         "Yah yah," I said half heartedly.

         I gathered my books for my next 2 blocks. It just so happened that one of them was with the boy of the moment. Not ... that I look forward to it or anything. It's ... just that maybe I did like Connor a tad. Maybe it was the fact that he was bigger than me. I've always wanted to be held and saved by someone bigger. Also, he had the most gorgeous eyes ever. They were an icy blue that contrasted with his infectious smile and pleasant outward appeal. In short, he's everything I would want, and I can see why Jenna has a crush on him...


         I should really watch where I walk. Next thing I know the world was spinning and I'm lying at the bottom of the stairs.

         "Ow," was all I could mutter before I went unconscious. My last thoughts being ‘this is so embarrassing...'

Part 2 - Awake?

         Oh god. Am I dead?

         "He's awake!"

         Nope. Guess not.

         "W...who?" I whispered.

         "You gave me quite a scare."

         I opened my eyes. A striking pair of blue eyes met mine.
         I instantly blushed.


         "Oh, so you do know who I am. Nice to know your brain didn't break."

         "How did you ... Why did ..."

         "Slow down bud. No need to rush. You had quite the spill. I found you lying on the ground as I was going to class. You looked real out of it. So ... I carried you to the office. You're actually pretty light Dustin," Connor explained with a slight chipper to his voice.

         I don't think it was possible to get any redder.

         "Are you okay? Your face looks a little flushed."

         "I'm ... okay. I'm fine. I just need to see the nurse so I know whether I'm gonna die or not."

         So I did. Turns out I had no serious damage done and that I was free to go home. She gave me a few Tylenol's for the way home. As I was leaving I noticed Connor was still there.

         "You waited?" I asked quite innocently.

         "Of course ... I'm the one who found you, so I feel kinda responsible."

         "Well ... That's awfully nice of you. But ... didn't you miss class because of me? I was out for quite a while."

         "What can I say? I'm a nice kid. It's not like I wanted to go to my last 2 blocks anyways. Come on. I'll walk you home."

         Before I could object he escorted me outside.

         "Er ...  I live just across the street in case you're wondering."

         "Really? Then you don't live far from me!"

         "... Is that a good thing?"

         "I'm not sure. Is it?" He asked as he gave me a wink.
         ‘WHAT IS WITH HIM?' I asked myself inside my head.

         As we got to the block I lived on, I said a hasty good bye and ran home. I heard him yell a ‘bye' as he continued walking along the sidewalk.

         Not even 5 seconds before I could sit down on the couch, I was up again running for the phone. I wish I didn't pick it up though.


         It was Jenna.


         "Calm down Jenna. I uhm ... I fell down the stairs."

         "You what?"

         "I ...felldownthestairs."

         "One last time."


         I was met with a full out laugh.

         "That's not even the half of it... Remember how we were talking about Connor earlier?"

         "Why yes I do ... For the record, minimalist conversation DOES NOT COUNT."

         "SHUT UP I'M TELLING YOU A STORY HERE! Anyways. he was the one who found me at the bottom of the stairs. Apparently he carried me to the office and stayed with me until I woke up. And then he walked me home."

         There was absolute silence.

         "You were blushing weren't you?" she asked. I could tell she was smiling.

         "MAYBE! But what does it matter. I'm practically traumatized."

         "Why? Sounds like you had some nice guy time."
         "Not cool Jenna."

         "I beg to differ my friend."

         "Well ... we'll see about it tomorrow."

         "Awww does this mean you're hanging up?"

         "Yes it does Jenna. Bye lovely."

         With that done, I hung up and resumed relaxing, and letting it all sink in. It all seemed so surreal. There was a lingering feeling in my stomach. I couldn't place my finger on it. But I'm sure it wasn't a bad feeling.

Part 3 - Whywhywhy?

         The next day at school I was pretty much assaulted by Jenna before I even entered the building.

         "YOU'RE OKAY YOU'RE OKAY!" She practically yelled at me as she hugged me with her crushing ‘man strength' as she put it.

         "I know I'm okay. Could you please let go of me so I can breathe?"


         "I'll be okay. I promise."

         With that she let go of me and we went to my locker.

         "What do you have first block anyways?" She asked me.

         "Gym ... Ugh. Worst block of my life ever." I responded quite truthfully. It wasn't that I didn't like running around like an idiot. It's just that I was bad at it.

         "Aren't you in the same gym class as Connor?"

         "Yah ... How did you know that?'

         "I'm a world class snooper."

         "I would have never guessed. Are you going to escort me to gym class so you can get a peek at your hotty?"

         "I thought you'd never ask."

         So she linked arms with me and we made our way downstairs to the gym. As we got there, Connor was already changed for class. He waved at me.

         "Put in a good word for me okay?" she whispered softly in my ear. She hugged me and off she went to her first block. She made it seem as if Connor and I were buddy-buddy. Pfft. I wish.

         I made my way to the locker room and got changed as fast as possible. I got out and sat along the benches in the gymnasium. That's when Connor sat by me on his own volition.

         "Huh?" I kinda blurted out, startled.

         "What, you don't want me to sit by you?"

         "It's not that it's just ... Nevermind."

         He smiled, "Are you feeling alright?"

         "I'm okay I suppose. Do you know what we're doing in gym today?"

         "Wrestling! Aren't you excited?"

         My stomach felt like it was going to implode on itself. It was bad enough I was terrible at normal sports. But wrestling? It was an excuse to get absolutely wailed on.

         "Of course I'm excited," I lied through a smile.

         "Well I'm glad. I bet we'll face off against each other."

         I looked down. My god. Wrestling of all things. Jenna's gonna have a field day when I tell her about this.

         The class itself went more smoothly than I had anticipated. Most of it was on safety and how not go break something. But then we got paired off and started doing maneuvers.

         And I got paired with Connor of all people.

         "Hah, told you we'd get paired together."

         I chuckled nervously. Yep. I'm never gonna hear the end of it from Jenna.

         At the sound of the whistle, partner B would do a maneuver on partner A. And I just happened to be partner A.

         "Go easy on me okay?"

         "Of course Dustin," he said with a certain sweetness to his voice.

         And in one swift movement he had me pinned to the ground. Our faces were literally just inches away from each other.

         "Dude ... You smell like berries or something."

         My eyes widened and I went red. It was Jenna who suggested I wear something fruity in an act of defiance to the axe sprayed locker room that I complained so often about. But this is was embarrassing.

         "Is that a bad thing Connor?" I asked. He was still on me.

         "No ... It's just you'd never expect a guy to smell like that."

         I felt like I was going to faint. Thank god the teachers whistled for us to go get changed. I don't think I could stand any more embarrassment. I think I practically ran to the locker room and got changed faster than I've ever done before.

Part 4 - Lunch Break Interlude

         "He did WHAT?" Was the first thing that came out of Jenna's mouth when I told her about the gym block goings on.

         "You heard me."

         "AHAHAHHAHAH! That's the best thing I've heard all day."

         "I assure you, it was the most embarrassing moment of my life."

         "I told you, smelling like berries would get you noticed sooner or later."

         I just shook my head.

         "So, did you put in a good word for little old me?"

         "... Shoot, I knew I forgot to do something. I'll do it after lunch. We have social together and he sits in the row beside me."

         "Thanks sweetie," Jenna said with a smile.

         The rest of lunch was un eventful thank god. I needed a nice neutral hour of nothing to balance off the hectic morning I had.

         Once again, I got my books for my last 2 blocks, and Jenna personally escorted me to the social room in order to make sure I didn't fall down the stairs again. She hugged me and wished me luck. I wonder whatever for.

Part 5 - And now back to our Scheduled Awkwardness

         I sat down in my desk and saw the people steadily stream in from the lunch break. It's not until I saw Connor that I perked up. He took his seat in the row beside me.

         Class itself was boring as usual. There was the readings and the practical application of said readings. But then we got to work on our homework for the rest of class. Our teacher is real good about letting us talk all we want during this part of class. I took it upon myself to start a conversation with Connor. Too bad he started it before I could even say anything.

         "I've never seen anyone dress so quickly."

         "It was a bit embarrassing you know ..."

         "What was?"

         "That you uhm ... Noticed I smell like fruit."

         "Well I didn't mean to scare you off if that's what you're getting at. It's just. It kind of caught me off guard," he offered as his explanation. He leaned in, "It smells good," he whispered in my ear, "I might have to get close again."

         Oh for god's sake ... I blushed again. I hope no one noticed.


         "Hahaha, I'm kidding... Just a bit," he added with a wink.

         "A...Anyways Connor. Lemme ask you something"


         "Do you know Jenna? I think she's in your Drama option."

         "Why yes I do. What about her?"

         "I think you know where I'm going with this ..."

         He leaned back in his chair and stretched his arms, "Well I'll admit, she is pretty. And she's real nice. I just think ... She's a bit out of my league."

         "HER? OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE? AHAAHHAHAHAAHAH!" I pretty much yelled.

         He gave me a blank stare, "And I suppose you know her better?"

         "I do as a matter of fact. BFF's since Jr. High. And let me tell you something. She's about as weird and awkward as me."

         I saw him cheer up a bit, "You mean that? She's pretty much like you?"

         "Pretty much. We're the same person basically just ... One's a boy and one's a girl."

         "Well that's comforting to know. I mean. You're pretty dateable material yourself," Connor said with a bit of seduction in his voice.

         He must've seen the apprehension in me build as he quickly added, "Hahahah calm down. I'm only messing with you. It's so easy."

         "So you like Jenna?"

         "Well ... "

         "I just need a yes or no answer."

         "I suppose I'd lean to a yes ..."

         "That's all I needed to know," I said with a smile.
         Luckily the bell rang before he could get any big ideas. I left the room with a certain eagerness.

         "Wait til Jenna hears about this ..." I said to myself.

Part 6 - Late Introductions

         "He likes you."

         Silence. She gave me a blank stare.

         "Really. He's into you."

         More silence.

         "He said you were good looking and nice ... And even a bit out of his league!" I said barely able to hold my excitement in.

         "You do know that I can't scream in excitement. We're right in the middle of class."

         "Right. Maybe it wasn't a good thing to tell you now."

         Well. As soon as we got out of class, she squealed in utter delight. It was her squeal of ‘OH MY GOD YES YES YES YES, EVERYTHING IS GOOD IN THE WORLD.' She grabbed me by my arms and shook me.

         "THIS IS A GOOD THING. I LOVE YOU DUSTIN. NOW LET'S GO FIND HIM!" she yelled in excitement.

         "Jenna ... Hold on!"

         It was no use. She practically raped her locker in order to get her stuff out fast enough.

         "Jenna ..."

         Again, she was deaf to me. She dragged me to my locker and proceeded to open it and get my bag for me. She then took me by the hand and ran. I barely kept up. Especially going down the stairs.

         We stood outside the doors of the school. Jenna kept on fidgeting.

         "Calm down Jenna ..." I said as I tried to calm her down.

         "I can't. I feel like I'm gonna throw up."

         "Well. Just don't throw up on him okay? That'd be a real mood killer."

         I spotted him. I waved him over.

         "Hey Connor. This is Jenna, I do believe you two have met."

         "Hey there Jenna," Connor said quite courteously.

         And then she did the unimaginable.

         She snorted.

         And that's pretty much where I lost it. I totally laughed my ass off. Apparently Connor found it funny too. Jenna just blushed her face off.
"Hi Connor," She said meekly trying to regain some kind of dignity.

         Connor just smiled, "Don't worry about it. I know you're not some freak," he replied trying to make her feel better. It obviously worked at she perked right up.

         "Come on," I said, "Let's walk home together."

Part 7 - Happy Glee

         It's been a few weeks since the awkward introduction of Jenna and Connor. I myself believe it went rather smoothly. Nothing of real interest happened though. He did start hanging out with us a bit more every day though.

         I was eating lunch with Jenna at the usual spot; on the tables upstairs near the huge window overlooking the school grounds. But I guess today was different, as something out of the blue happened.

         "Hey guys," I heard a familiar voice say.

         We both looked up simultaneously.

         "Connor? What are you doing here?" Jenna asked abruptly.

         "Uhm ... Well ..." He started to say, "I wanna be with you guys from now on."

         I saw Jenna avert her eyes. I knew without even looking that she was probably internally squealing.

         "But what about your other friends? The jocks?" I asked out of curiosity.

         "They're real great guys and all. But. I think even you know that I'm not like them Dustin."

         "What's that supposed to mean Connor?"
         He took a seat by me, "You know how jocks are. Loud... brutish. That kinda stuff. I'm not like that. I mean. I think I proved that the day I helped you when you had your ‘incident'...."

         "Which by the way I never really properly thanked you for... So thanks Connor."

         "You're welcome Dustin. But ... I think I got the thanks I needed."

         "What do you mean?" Jenna interjected having regained her composure.

         "Dustin ... He brought me closer to you guys. And quite frankly, I'm glad."

         Okay so what I did next was a bit out of character for me. But ... To hear that from him was something that I couldn't let go un noticed.

         I reached out and put my arms around him. I could tell he was a bit surprised at first, but he gradually loosened up a bit. As I let go I noticed a strange expression on his face. It wasn't anger ... It looked a bit ... curious. And then of course, when I looked over at Jenna, she shot me a "You totally want him" look. I just stuck my tongue out at her.

         The bell rang and that signaled the end of lunch.

         "Come on Dustin, I'll walk you to your locker. Will you be joining us Connor?" Jenna said sweetly.

         "I thought you'd never ask."

Part 8a - Spring Fun

         April means two things. Warm weather and the school spring festival. Now while some may think that the festival is a dorky school sponsored event ... It probably is. I mean the only reason I go is because I'm a part of the band. And even then we only play as people come in the doors so I'm usually gone by time everyone's settled and off checking out the various activities.

         This year is a little different however. Jenna and Connor decided to surprise me by showing up. Obviously caught off guard, I didn't know what to do. They did however. The wanted a nice night out with me so they decided the school festival was a cheesy good way to spend it. I agreed so I went and changed into some regular clothes [concert attire sucks] and we were off looking around.
         The school fair itself wasn't exciting or anything, but it was interesting to see what all the clubs and different departments would put on. The drama people put on an improv show in the gym, the math department were serving "pi" and the science lab was full of the chemists amazing people with what science can do.

         We took it all in. I was actually glad that they decided to surprise me like this. Before today, I would've never thought the school would actually go through this kind of trouble to put itself out there.

         As the festival was winding down, Jenna had to leave due to her family going out to the movies. This left just me and Connor alone. As she was leaving she whispered to me, "Don't get too excited big boy," and winked at me. I didn't have a snappy comeback so I just stood there all embarrassed.
         "Shall we go Dustin?" I heard Connor say, snapping me out of my trance.

         "I suppose. Wanna go to the park?" I asked.
         "Sounds lovely Dustin."

Part 8b - Hold me

         The park in question wasn't to far from my house. It didn't take to long to get there. Not that it mattered. It was a Friday night in April and the stars were beginning to show up.

         Street lamps illuminated the park. We didn't actually go in the park though [Not that I would've minded. I love the swings] but we decided to sit down on a hill and watch the sky. Silence filled the space around us. That is, until Connor decided to start a conversation.

         "What are you thinking right now Dustin?" He asked.

         "Thinking about how that bitch stole my solo during the concert."

         "I meant something more emotional then that."

         "I see. Well ... I guess I'm thinking about how good this day is ending."

         "What do you mean Dustin?"

         "Well... I've always wanted to do something like this. Just go out at night and sit in a field and watch the stars."

         "No one's done something like this with you before?"

         "Nope. And well... I'm glad that you're here with me right now." I said truthfully turning my body to him.

         He turned his head to look at me, "You mean that?"

         I shakily reached out and touched his hand, "Yah I mean it."

         Through the street lamps and natural brightness of the stars and moon, I faintly saw the slightest bit of red on his cheeks. I felt his hand gently squeeze mine.

         "Hey Dustin ... Come a bit closer. I wanna do something."

         "What are you going to do?" I asked hesitating a bit.

         "You'll see," He said with a small smile on his face.

         I got closer to him. I was shaking slightly.

         "Dustin... You don't have to worry, I'm not gonna hurt you," He said reassuringly.

         "I know Connor... I trust you enough to know that... It's just that this is the closest I've ever been to someone."

         "Well... Just calm down," He whispered to me.

         What he did next I was unprepared for.

         He put both of his arms around me gently. I was pressed against his body; my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beat. I felt his chest rise and lower with each breath he took. He softly stroked my back and put a hand on the back of my head.

         "C..C-Connor?" I tried to ask, stuttering.

         "Dustin ... I've always wanted to do this. I've always wanted to hold you. Ever since that day where I found you lying on the ground... I've felt the need to protect you. To have you close by me."

         I was shocked by his words. But I think I knew how to respond.

         I put my arms around him and pulled him in closer.

         "You can save me anytime Connor," I said softly.

         He smiled at me and just resumed stroking my back. I looked up at him. Under the moonlight, his blue eyes were so serene. As well, being this close to him, I felt his body. He was well ... toned. Strong. It was nice to be held by someone I knew could protect me.

         The night seemed to carry on forever. I personally didn't want it to end. I was more than comfortable lying in his arms. His bigger body draping over me like a blanket. I was happy to be in his arms.

         I felt complete.

Part 9 - A Little Careful Prodding

         It hasn't been to long since my eventful night with Connor. I noticed that every day he gave me a hug though. Maybe it was his way of saying that he didn't forget that nights events either. I tried not to think to much of it.

         As per usual, he came over to my house and we just chilled. There was nothing to do, so we just talked. Random junk. Whatever popped into our heads. He laid on my bed, with his head over the side, upside down. I sat in my comfy chair. It was the perfect conversation set up.

         However, I had an ulterior motive.

         "Hey Connor ... What do you think of Jenna?" I asked as one of the ‘random' topics.

         He looked at me a bit funny and then said, "She's a good girl. Gorgeous, stylish and she has a good heart from what I've seen."

         "What about in terms of a relationship with her?" I prodded, to see what I would get as a reaction.

         "I'm happy where we are now. I'd be happier if we would go farther I suppose, but I'm more than content where I am now," he shrugged and relented.

         Internally I noted this. I got what I needed but I decided to try something else.

         "What about me?" I asked, throwing both him and I off.

         He turned right side up and propped his head up on his arms.

         "What do you mean?" he asked, with a sense of real confusion.

         "Well, Jenna's all fine and dandy, but what about me? Is there a chance for little old me?" I asked, half joking, half serious hoping he wouldn't catch on to me.

         "Let's just say you'd be my top pick for a guy," he said with a smirk and a wink.

         He laughed at this, which caused me to chuckle.

         But on the inside, I didn't know whether he was serious or not.

         What do I do now?
Part 10 - Thunderstorm

Ordinarily, May conjures up images of almost summer. Unfortunately, this year, nature decided to pull a fast one and send torrential downpour for a week straight. Dark clouds, loud rumbling and off and on showers. It was a depressing scene, especially when compared to memories of this time last year.

Along with summer getting postponed, so did soccer practice, which Connor is a part of. Normally, Jenna and I would go watch the occasional scrimmage when we could. Sometimes it'd be just her, sometimes it'd be just me. Either way, it warmed my insides every time he smiled and waved at me from the field. I knew he appreciated us coming; each and every time.

But now though, he looked on edge and tired. Sometime must've happened lately to cause an almost perma-chipper boy to turn dull and empty. Every time I asked him about it, he smiled and re assured me that everything was fine. I knew something was bothering him though.

The dreary week continued to spread its misery. It was an especially bad day when I told Connor to come over and study. More than ever he seemed out of sorts.

We went to my room and got ready to attempt to study. I sat at my desk, and turned around on my chair towards him. He lay on his stomach, his head propped up on his arms carefully studying the textbook.

And then the lights went out. It was pitch black except for what light came from outside.

I got adjusted to the darkness and made my way over to Connor.

"Are you okay Connor?" I asked the lying figure.

There was no answer.

"Connor?" I asked again, this time with a hint of concern in my voice.

"Yah?" I heard an almost unrecognizable voice say.

"What's wrong?"

Before he could answer, lightning struck, illuminated my room, and was quickly followed by an earth shattering rumble.

And in that instant I knew what had been bothering him for so long.

"You don't like thunderstorms do you?" I asked.

"No ..." The feeble voice answered.

A sudden urge came over me. I got up, made my way around my room and found a blanket. I felt my way back to where Connor was. He had curled up on his side a little.

I got on the bed behind him, helped him sit up and draped the blanket around both of us. Underneath the warm enveloping cloth, I held him.

"Mmm...?" I heard him groggily object.

"Connor... You took care of me once. I want to do the same for you."

He took my hand in his and let out a sigh of relief.

"Thanks Dustin," he said, this time sounding a little more like himself.

Outside, there was another flash followed by some thunder. He gripped my hand tighter, but gently loosened.

"Don't worry Connor, I'm not going anywhere," I whispered.

I heard him make an appreciative murmur. It wasn't long till I heard his breathing slow down and come at even intervals.

"I promise that Connor... Don't worry," I whispered even softer so as not to wake the fatigued boy.

Outside there may have been Connor's worst fear. But inside, I'm glad I've given him at least a moments peace.

My eyelids began to droop. They felt kinda heavy....

And then I was asleep too.

Part 11 - Jenna's Interlude

         "So what's up with that Connor guy, Jenna?"

         I looked up at my friend with an odd expression and passed her the nail polish.

         "Well, he's a sweet guy. I know this from first hand experiences. Also, he is quite easy on the eyes," I said without a trace of hesitation in my voice.

         She pushed her blonde bangs out of her face and took the crimson red nail polish and went to town on her toe nails. "I can tell. He's an underrated heart throb and I think you've got yourself in a comfortable position."

         "What do you mean?" I asked as I waved at my toe nails to make them dry faster.
         She looked contemplatively at her toe nails and then finally spoke, "Well, you're in that grey in between boundary where there's a spark but there's no risk of heartbreak."

         "Well that's good I guess ... But there's also the Dustin factor if you haven't noticed."

         "I was hoping you would make it easier for me to explain," She started as she finished up her pinky toe, "Well Jenna, Dustin ... and I mean this in the best way possible; is one up on you. Instead of the grey in between zone, it's more of a clear white. Dustin likes Connor, and Connor is beginning to notice that he has a cute boy at his disposal so to speak."

         I took this in. It was a blow to the heart for sure, but I understood. Dustin and I had discussed our feelings for Connor and it was clear that we both wanted him. But it never occurred to me that maybe ... Connor liked him more. Of course I want him to pick me, but if Dustin can be happy ... I think I can handle it.

         Besides, I think it'd be cute to see him with a boyfriend.

         "So should I let Dustin win then? Give him the edge?"

         "Either way one of you is going to win. I just hope he's happy with it too you know."

         She closed the nail polish bottle and sat blowing at each of her nails. I could only stare at her and think about her words.

         Dustin ... Connor ... I love you both. So let me show you how much.

Part 12 - Connor's Interlude
         I lived in what could be considered an upscale home. Sure, it was one of the richer neighborhoods with the cookie cutter houses and maybe it was a far cry from what Dustin or Jenna lived in. But I'm not fazed by it. A house is a house and it has no bearing on who I am. I'm happy with what I have for sure, but it's only a place to live.

         I had just finished walking Dustin and Jenna home and was now at my front door. It was a brilliant red with a gold handle. I put the key in, turned the handle and was met with the sound of ...


         No one was home. As per usual.

         My parents were always busy. This was the reason we had a nice house, and nice everything. I hardly ever saw them except for the odd time we went out to dinner which would eventually get cut short, or when my Dad would come to watch my game and leave half way through. It hurt.

         I went up the stairs and stepped into my room. I was greeted by the sun shining full force through the window. Outside I saw a couple walking hand in hand over the bridge across a man made river. I retreated to my bed. I let gravity take over as a fell haphazardly on my duvet cover. I laid there for quite some time. Just staring at the ceiling.

         I thought to myself, which I don't tend to do often because I myself am too busy. I thought about what I was doing. Not at this particular moment, but about what I was doing with my life at this time. My mind wandered to basketball ... then to my job ... and then finally to Jenna and Dustin. And that's where my mind stopped.

         I had everything figured out, except for them. Especially Dustin though. He's managed to throw my sense of right and wrong off. Before him, I don't think I've ever touched another guy out of affection. Sure there was all that team spirit junk, but this was different. I hold him because I want to. That day when I found him at the bottom of the stairs, by heart literally sunk 20 feet. He laid there, his black hair a mess and his gently closed eyes. I had to do something. I knelt down and looked around to see if anyone was around, which thankfully no one was. I very lightly stroked his hair. It was soft. I heard him whimper and that's when I knew I had to help him. If it was anyone other than Dustin, I probably would've never even bothered. But it was something about him at that moment. Maybe it was because he was vulnerable and I wanted to protect him. Maybe it was because I wanted to be the one he saw when he woke up...

         I looked over at my bulletin board. I saw the photo booth pictures of Jenna, Dustin and I during an outing for my birthday. They surprised me and basically dragged me along with them. It was fun. Jenna gave me an ugly doll and Dustin gave me a letter. Both hung beside the pictures. I got up and took the letter and read over it. It was a cute letter I must say. In it he basically stated everything from his point of view. How he felt about me mostly, but sprinkled with random bits and oddities. He even signed it with ‘love' instead of the usual ‘sincerely'.

         I wondered what he meant by it for some time, until I realized that it meant what it said. He loved me. And then I wondered whether or not I loved him. To me, it could have less to do with whether it's a boy or a girl, but rather the whole ‘love' thing. If he's willing to put this much time and effort for me, especially when I haven't done much for him, then it's an obvious sign he thinks highly of me. And it's an intense feeling. To be loved without having done anything.

         Jenna's even told me that Dustin's interested in me. I don't think it's a bad thing by a long shot. But I also have Dustin telling me that Jenna has an interest in me too. And right now I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place and I don't know what to do.

         I have an innocent, young man and I also have a beautiful, young woman. And they both want me. I should be the happiest guy on Earth. But right now I don't feel like I can cope with this kind of emotional feeling. Give me anything but this.

         I'm so confused ...

Part 13 - Pain Trauma

         It was supposed to be like any other day.

         But deep down in the pit of my stomach I knew that today was gonna be a different.

         Getting to school? Nagging feeling in my stomach.

         Block 1? Stomach hurts.

         Block 2? Didn't participate in gym cause my stomach was killing me.

         Lunch? Took a nap.

         Block 3 and 4? My insides felt like they were being gnawed on.

         I just needed to get home. Maybe my Mom will know what to do...

         I was about to make my way home without my two accomplices, but they were already there waiting for me.

         "Dustin, are you okay?" asked Connor with a hint of concern in his voice.

         "I'm ... okay. Really I am," I replied with a smile.

         "Dustin sweetie ... you don't look okay. You look pale," Jenna said taking my hand and holding it.

         "I just ... Really need to get home."

         "...Okay then."

         So we started walking home. Looking back on it I really should have told them that I felt nauseous and that I felt like I was going to die, but, that's me for you.

         I was so close to being home ... So very close.

         But then the pain was too much to handle.

         I collapsed on the ground.

         "Dustin!" I heard Jenna yell.

         I just stared blankly in front of me. I saw Connors shoes rush to my side.

         "Jenna! Go get Dustin's Mom!"

         I heard the faint footsteps of Jenna's flats against the pavement.

         I felt Connor lift me off the ground and hold me.

         "Dustin ... Please ... Hang on," He said trying to will me to keep with the pain.

         "I'm ... Okay Connor," I said weakly, looking up to meet his eyes. I saw a look of worry on his face. I faintly smiled at him, "I promise nothing will happen to me."

         His face lightened up a bit. But through it all I saw his eyes water up a bit.

         "It's okay Connor," I whispered.

         What happened next was a giant mish mash in my head. Flowing in and out of consciousness. First it was getting into Mom's car. Then it was the Hospital. Then it was the anesthesiologist putting me under.

         And then it went dark for real.
Part 14 - KO Dreaming [Dustin's Interlude]

         Being put under is not my idea of fun. But what can you do. At least it gives me privacy to ... talk to myself. That sounds dumb, but it's true.

         These last few months have been hectic for me personally. And to think it all started with Connor... I honestly didn't think it'd get to this point. To have a real guy friend.

         Most guys just pass over me as if I'm nothing. I can't blame them. I'm not guy material. One look at me and I just scream, "WEIRDOOOO" so I just accepted it. However, I'm glad I had Jenna by my side since grade 7.

         But that's beside the point.

         I'm glad I got to know Connor. It's nice to know someone like him. Who can roll with the punches and still be a great guy. I feel kinda guilty for being intimate with him... But I think Jenna understands. We've talked about this kinda stuff before.

         And I know that Connor isn't just interested in me... He genuinely likes Jenna too. They've been out exclusively a couple of times. And sometimes I catch them gazing at each other. Of course when I bring it up, they get all blushy and embarrassed and try to deny it. But I'm glad that they've developed an interest in each other.

         Having said that though... Jenna brought it up a couple of times that Connor might be leaning towards me. Of course I denied it. I really do want them to be together ... It's how it's supposed to be. It's how it'll always be.

         Girl sees boy. Boy meets girl. Gay friend bridges the gap. Girl and boy end up together.

         It crushes me to think like that, but it's a solid, defined truth. I can't win because I love them both too much to put my romantic interest in the mix. So I'll try and do the next best thing.

         I'll let them win.

Part 15 - A Winner is Declared

I only missed a days worth of school. Appendicitis is an in and out operation. It was nothing too major. I got to miss a day of school. But as soon as school was done I saw Connor and Jenna rush up the driveway. I opened the door for them. They practically suffocated me with a dual hug.

"WE MISSED YOU," they shouted in unison.

"Thanks...guys," I said between gasps of air.

They let go of me and we went to my room. They filled me in on everything that had happened while I was away. A lot happens in a day apparently.

As the gossip winded down though, they both looked at each other and then forlornly at me. I knew something was up.

"What's wrong guys?" I asked quite innocently.

They looked at each other again and then Connor turned to me.

"We really were scared about you, you know," he said with an almost unheard softness in his voice.

"Yah Dustin... It really made us think," Jenna added.

"About what?" I asked, feeling like some news reporter trying to fish out as much information as possible.

"Well... About how much we love you," Connor answered.

"And not just as a pair. But about how much you mean to both of us individually," said Jenna.

"And what did you come up with?" I questioned, still not quite understanding the situation.

"Well ... Connor?" Jenna stated, looking at Connor.

"I ... I..." he started, but stopped and looked me in the eye.

"What's wrong Connor?" I prodded.

"I really like you Dustin ... Actually, not just ‘like', but love. I love you."

"Well, I love you to Connor. But you've heard me say that countless times," I answered.

"No, this is different Dustin. I actually love you. I want to be with you. Like a boyfriend."

My mouth went dry and my heart felt like it simultaneously fell through my butt and exploded in joy. Was this actually happening?

"But what about Jenna?" I had to say before I passed out from what was happening.

"I'm okay Dustin. Don't worry; Connor and I talked it over. You have my permission to grovel and worship me for the next 20 years though," she said with a chuckle and wink.

"What about you?" I asked, looking in Connor's direction.

"I want to be with you," he said with a genuine smile.

"Well then that settles it boys! I'm going home now though. Don't get too flustered with each other okay?" Jenna chirped as she blew us kisses and started out the door.

"Hey Jenna," I called after her.

"Yah sweetie?"

"Thanks," I said, meaning it with every ounce of my body,

"No problem," she replied with a cheeky grin. And then she was gone.

Connor and I were left alone on my bed. Silence filled the air around us, but it wasn't a bad silence.

"So does this make us boyfriends Connor?"

"I'm not sure what this makes us. All I know is that I'm gonna love you with everything I can give you."

I scooted closer to him on my bed.

"Hey Connor," I whispered; our faces so very close together. I took his hand in mine.

"Yah Dustin?" he answered, looking me in the eyes, his blue eyes mesmerizing.

"Kiss me."

He leaned in and put his hands gently behind my neck and head.

And his lips pressed gently against mine.

And I knew everything was going to be fine from now on.

Epilogue - Easy, Breezy, Limitless Day

         It's been quite some time since the awkward introduction into dating. Days have come and gone and I didn't really care to count them because I knew that Connor would always be there, so there was no need to keep track, right?

         It was an absolutely gorgeous summer day, and I decided to take Connor out on a little excursion. By which I mean we meet at the picnic tables by the school and go from there, wherever we choose to go.

         He was waiting for me. He looked ... handsome today. It brought a smile to my face when I saw him smile. He got up and started to run towards me. I stopped in my tracks and contemplated running the other way, but it was too late. He enveloped me in a tight hug and thrust me off the ground. I threw my arms around him to balance myself. He eventually put me down.

         "You're still as light as ever," He said with a smile still on his face.

         I reached up on my tippy toes and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, "And I see you're still as strong and toned as ever," I gleefully said back.

         "Only a cheek kiss?" He dejectedly asked.

         I smiled, and reached up again and gently cupped the back of his head, letting my fingers run through his hair. I gave him the most heart felt kiss I could muster. He was quite taken back as he took a step back.


         "Muchly," he said, quite out of breath.

         We decided to take it easy and sit on the ground for a while. It was a stress free zone, where nothing mattered and anything could be what it wanted to be.

         "Hey Connor," I began.


         "Am I yours?" I asked quite simply.

         He turned to me.          "I suppose so. I mean, I do consider you my favorite possession," he answered with a little smirk.

         I chuckled. "So then would that make you mine then?"

         He put his arm around me and brought me closer to him.

         "I've been yours for quite some time... I just never knew how to show you that."

         I looked up at him. I knew he meant it and it filled me with something I've never felt before.

         Was it invigoration?

         I'm not sure what it was, but what I did next, was out of character for me.

         I stood up, grabbed his hand, pulled him up, and then started to run.

         "Where are we going Dustin?!" He shouted as he tried to keep up with me.

         "I don't know ... But as long as you'll keep holding my hand, I'll lead you to wherever!" I shouted back, confidence brimming from my voice.

         I looked back and saw that he smiled and continued to let himself to be dragged along by me. Crystal blue eyes met chocolate brown and I knew he believed me.

         And as we ran along the field, him gripping my hand with no intention of letting go, I knew one thing was certain.

         Everything would be okay.
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