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Rated: 18+ · Novel · Fantasy · #1263321
The Devil has come to bathe the Light into endless Darkness. Part of Chapter 1.
Endless Tears
A fantasy epic by AJ Peaslee

In the beginning of all creation, the land was divided into two major sections. The white side inhabited all the creatures and beings of Light, and the black side housed all the beasts and demons that bathed in Darkness.
There was the Neutral side as well, and they were the humans. Two other sides existed, but knowone knows if they still linger. The Void, which held the Damned, and the Core, which held the Forgotten. Light and Dark fought for many years over superiority, but neither succeeded. When the greatest part of the war broke out, an unlikely being appeared. It wasa great human sage, he stood in the middle of the two great forces and halted them. He created an idea, one that would stop the war and chaos. He told them to split the days into halves. Half day and half night, both sides would have equal time. They agreed and the land became peacefull once again. Everyone forgot about the war, and prosperity ruled the world.
Many moons passed, and it seemed a new golden age was neigh. But, one fatefull day happened. The Darkness came and obliterated the side of Light with one swift stroke. The truce has been broken by the new lord of the Darkness. His power was unmatchable, and his pure terror and bloodlust were unworldly. Knowone knew what to call him to describe how evil he was, so they named him after closest thing, The Devil. The last of the Light side stood for the final resistance, the Angeli. The Angeli looked like humans, but had wings and a unicorn horn on top of their head. They were said to possess the power to communicate with Heaven. But even they posed no threat to him.
When all seemed lost and faded, a single hope stood against him. A mighty champion came from the land of man, and had the four gifts of Light with him. The Champion’s Sword was powerfull to the point where if used, Darkness would be cut. The Champion’s Shield reflected the pure heart of the warrior, piercing the eyes of evil. The Champion’s Armor to block out the horrible intentions of the Darkness, and the Champion’s Light, a mysterious orb of light that throbbed with pure energy. The Devil payed no heed to the young warrior, boasting that a mere mortal would never touch him. The two fought for what seemed like days, every creature seemed to watch the climatic battle taking place. Suddenly, the fighting stopped. The two combatants disappeared and the Darkness fled back to its land of shadows. Peace was once again restored, and it seemed that a new Golden Era was niegh……that is, until now, several years later.

CHAPTER I- The Innocent Mistake

In the Forest of Magic, many beings of Light make home here. The Floaks, ancient talking trees, Fairies of Love, and Gnomes of Might. But, another being resides here, a human by the name of Aubrey. Aubrey has lived In the forest since he was a young boy, and has lived in peace with the dwelling creatures for nearly twenty years. They have watched him grow into a fine young man, and whisper amongst themselves of how great a man he will be.

The Axe hit’s the stump with tremendous force, spraying wood chips and dust everywhere. A few droplets of sweat hit the jagged wood, and instantly dissolve into it. Aubrey brings his small looking yet powerfull arm up to whipe the sticky residue of his forehead. He tossles his long and fine brown hair even more than it was, and his smokey blue eyes gaze toward the forest. The small patch of hair from his chin is coated in the water of man, and he slats it off with his hand. His dark red tunic is covered in sawdust, and his black strap boots are lightly dusted. He sweeps them off and moves forward.
Aubrey walks over to his cottage, a small home of stone and straw, and grabs the white headband that hangs off a wodden post. He wraps it around his forehead and proceeds inward. Inside his home is comfy and quaint, and instantly makes him feel tired and relaxed. The right corner has a small bed of wood and straw, and a small stump has been turned into a table of sorts. A small well with a bucket rests in the left corner of the home. He strolls over to it and washes his hands clean, and tosses some on his seemingly burning face. He looks up to see his old wooden swords still hanging with cobwebs above the well, and decides to practice when he returns from his typical afternoon trip. This time is going to be different, Aubrey has something ver delightfull planned.
He walks back outside and into the forest. The colors and shapes are incredible, and the odd tress that grow such as Black Birch and Red Pine always catch Aubrey’s eye. There is an ever constant haze of light that seems to be a sheet for the woods, and the chirp of birds make it seem heavenly. Aubrey keeps going forward, and into the endless lane of trees, with only one thought on his mind…..Kasadia.

On the other side of the forest is another small cottage. This home belongs to a dwarf by the name of Polor. Polor used to be the greatest blacksmith in all the land, but he made a vow to the Gods of Creation to never create tools of murder again, and will live his life in redemption to pay for his errors.
Polor sits in a very old rocking chair and stares at his old weaponry of axes, broadswords and battle hammers. Most of them look archaic, but they still hold much power in their steel. Polor’s attention is drawn away by a knock on his door. Just as he gets up on his worn knees, the door swings open. A young woman walks in with a smile of pure joy. Her big and brown compassionate eyes and rosey cheeks seem to glow on their own, and her posture is that of a true lady.

“My goodness….could that be Kasadia in my doorway? My, you have grown much since I saw you last.” Polor’s gruff yet gentle voice lets out.

“I know Polor, its been many years. I’am not the little girl I used to be. I came to ask you a question….have you seen Aubrey anywhere?” Kasadia’s angelic voice questioned.
“Ah ha….the young man. You seem infatuated with him you know. Well, he should be doing his daily stroll now, he usually stops in here before nightfall. I bet he is on his way to Ever Crying Rock. You should go there my dear.” Polor explains pleasantly.

“Thank you Polor. I’am sure I will see you again soon, and it was great to see you again.” Kasadia states in a lovely tone.

She heads back outdoors withour hesitation, and Polor watches her leave with a smile on his face. He always thought of her like his daughter, and is happy to see her falling in love with Aubrey, his young friend.

Aubrey climbs a large hill full of moss and thick grass, and sees a large rock at the top. He gets closer and examines it more. The large white rock looks very wet, almost like it was rained on, but there is a reason for this. It is Ever Crying Rock, and as its name implies, it constantly flows a strange type of water that forms into very bright crystal stones that are said to be the tears from the rock. Aubrey wants to give one to Kasadia to show how much he loves her, but it is a rule that the tears are never taken.
Legends say that the tears prevent the Darkness from coming back, but Aubrey doesn’t believe that the Darkness nor The Devil are around anymore. The great champion slew him several years ago. Aubrey can’t stop his hand, and quickly picks up one of the tears. He looks around in a small state of insecurity, and hopes nothing happens. He feels an arm wrap around his stomach, and he begins to shake. He doesn’t dare turn around, it could be a demon of the dark. A wet and sweet kiss hits his cheeck and he turns to look. Kasadia begins to laugh at Aubrey and he begins to laugh too, although he is still somewhat shaken.

“You scared me really bad! I didn’t even know you were there! Next time, say something before sneaking up on me!” Aubrey shouts in a deep but soft voice that gets broken by chuckles.

“Oh, you liked the kiss and you know it! You can’t fool me Aubrey.” Kasadia responds in her beautifull tone.
“I was hoping you would still show. I wanted to give you something, and its taken a lot for me to finally tell you. See this stone? Its one of the tears from the rock. I want you to have it, and know that……I love you.” Aubrey’s voice breaks several times due to his nervousness.

“Aubrey…you…Love me? You should have told me sooner….because I realize too that I love you back. I want to be at your side. Kiss me Aubrey…..” Kasadia’s voice goes slightly faint but holds its beauty.

Aubrey leans over to kiss the lovely girl that stole his heart. He closes his eyes, and await’s the touch of their lips, that sweet and tender feeling. He hears what sounds like a light muffle, but brushes it off as Kasadia stopping a chuckle. He keeps moving forward, but it seems like he isn’t catching anything.

“Kasadia! Stop messing around and kiss me already! Haha….” Aubrey states while holding back laughter.

He opens his eyes while holding a large grin of joy on his face. But that grin slowly turns into a wide mouthed state of shock. Aubrey cannot believe what his eyes see. Kasadia is most certainly in front of him, but she is not standing, she is floating due to the large black arm holding her up and muffling her sirenic voice. The being that holds her is enormous, much larger than any human.
He towers over Aubrey like a large shadow that frightens him. He cannot see its face for it is covered by a worn and weathered brown hood. Two large horns raise from his skull, a smaller one from his chin, and 3 smaller ones under his demoic pointy ears. The top ones reach out like roots, or hands to the sky. His body structure is not of this world, his arms alone could crush a tree like it were a paper doll, and his legs that resembled those of a large steed, could crush a man’s bones like it were nothing.

Aubrey whipes the expression off his face and quickly makes one of anger. He buckles his knees and prepares to dash toward Kasadia in an attempt to rescue his love. A large set of white, sharp and sinister looking pair of teeth appear from the black of his hood. Aubrey runs toward the creature, but then feels a powerfull shock of pain hit his chest, and he realizes that he is no longer touching the ground, he is resting on the fist of the beast. A look of sheer pain comes across his face, and he is sent flying down the hill in a tumbling and rolling whirlwind. Blood trickles from his mouth, and he lets out a sigh of exhaustion. His head throbs from the whiplash he just received.

Aubrey looks up to see the demonic being dissapear into the shadows of the forest with the beautifull girl that is his love intrest. Aubrey feels much anger and fury inside, but also a deep sadness and sense of failure. He begins to think about the tear he took and the legend behind it. He was wrong, he ignored what the creatures of Light told him many years ago, and now he has realeased the Darkness, and apparently The Devil.
© Copyright 2007 Jack Necron (thewriter882 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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