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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Relationship · #1255976
Number four!
as I walked down the street with these people I suppose are my friends now, I decided to reflect on my highschool experience thus far.... there’s been sleeping, eating, a little home work, but nothing I can’t handle. Weird people, and hot guys... not so bad right?  But thats the ok stuff, bad stuff not so ok. Dads being a jackass. Yes I know, straight forward. Moms being even worse. And we still have no umbrella  Whats with that?  Hey, now that I think of it, no plastic wrap either.... I think my parents are out to get me....
“Earth to ronnieeeee” I heard someone calling as they waved there hand in front of my face.

“I’m reflecting Leave me alone    ” I snapped.

“Gesh... some one needs a nap...”

“Will you help me take down my parents?” I asked who I now new was Ash.

“Sure, why not.” he answered.

“Sweet. I totally thought you would say no ”

“Pshhh, I like the whole ‘rebel without a cause scene” he smiled.

Hes. Hot. Hes almost like looking at someone straight out of a magazine Its crazy....

“Its most defiantly one of the most fun scenes to be in.” I said and flashing a large smile and an over exaggerated wink.       

and right then, mid wink, it pours  AND I STILL DON’T HAVE PLASTIC WRAP  I just stood there. It was cold. But it was refreshing. And if you got the impression that I don’t like rain, your wrong. I love rain in fact, I just hate it right before school. I started spinning around as Quinn walked up to me, the rain soaked his shirt. And I realized that mine was probably see through. Ah what the hell, I don’t even care 

“You look really cute.” he stated

“Thanks, I try.” I said sarcastically.

“No problem. You know the others went into some store to get out of the rain...” he told me

“Gre-“ but I didn’t get the chance to finish, because Quinn kissed me. On the lips, in the rain. It was an amazing kiss. Mind shattering actually.

“Uh sorry...” he stuttered and backed away

“Um, don’t worry about it...” I trailed off and looked at my soaked converse.

“It just kinda seemed like good timing...” he explained.

“Yeah.... I know what you mean.”

We walked down the street. No talking. Not even glancing at each other. But the weird thing about it was, its wasn’t awkward. Not even in the least. It was actually kind of nice. Just to be able to be in the presence of someone, without having to worry about what to talk about, or how you look, or even what the other is thinking. It was just.... well perfect. We walked for about 3 blocks or so, not really knowing where we were going I got curious.

“Hey Quinn” I cleared my throat.”where are we going?”

“Umm I’m not really sure...” he answered.

“Oh... well.. What should we do. I mean, were wet. Whats there to do at night when your wet?” I asked.

A smile spread across his face. I looked at him. Then, he grabbed my hand and we were off, To who knows where.

END OF 6 ^^

And where did we end up running to? The zoo. Thats where. And yes, the zoo is closed at night, just in case you were wondering.

“Quinn, the zoo is closed, what are we doing here?” I asked curiously.

“Were not going to the zoo, were going to the park thats part of the zoo, thats always open ” he said smartly. “And it is Friday, right?” he asked.

“Umm yeah, why?” I asked back.

“Because were going to spend the night it the big shoe to wait for the zoo to open.” he told me, matter-o-factly.

“Oh are we? Well what if I said that I had to go home?” I asked.

“I would cry” he sniffled.

“Let me call my parents.” I sighed.

As I dialed the number of my father’s office, Quinn ran over to the swings.

“Hey Poppie”

“Hey kiddo, how was your day?” he asked, slightly out of breath.

“Umm, it was fine, are you ok?” I asked

“Yes, I’m fine I... I just had to run to get the phone.” he stammered. “So is there something you needed?” he asked me. 
“Uh yeah, can I stay over with... Quintette...?” I asked, not really thinking he would like it if I asked if I could stay in a park with a boy.

“Yeah sure hunny. Uh I have to go.” I heard someone call in the background and he hung up.

“What’d he say? ? ? ” Quinn screamed from his position on the swing.

“He said sure.” I told him and ran over.

For the rest of the night, we played on the swings, the slides, the monkey bars and any other piece of play equipment you could possibly think of. Then we curled up together in the large shoe that was really a slide, and went to sleep. The next morning was a bit chilly but nice enough. The zoo finally opened and we walked in, our hair a mess and looking quite sleepy. We walked around the zoo, seeing the monkeys, zebras, pandas and of course, visiting the petting zoo. As we fed the goats, Quinn was asking me questions.

“Favorite color?”


“Favorite flavor of ice cream?”


“Favorite song?”

“Hum....Cavanaugh Park”

“Something corporate hum?”


“Nice choice.”

I smiled at this. He likes something corporate. This boy, this boy that everyone told me to watch out for, that he was mean and cranky. He could possibly be the sweetest most fun boy I’ve ever met. He’s cute, and funny, and fun. Did I mention cute? He bent down to feed a little baby goat, his eyes sparkling. He looked at me, smiling as wide as he could. My heart melted. My fingertips tingled as he took my hand to dump some grain into it. I held it out slowly for the little goat to nibble on.

“You ready to go?” he asked.

“Yeah” I stood up and wiped my hands on my jeans. I patted the goat on the head one last time and walked out of the petting zoo area.

“Is there any where else you want to go?” he put his hand on the small of my back.

“I don’t really care, where ever you want to go.” I said blushing slightly.

“Why don’t I take you home so you can get washed up and then maybe we can go out with the guys latter? If you want of course....” he was looking at his sneakers now.

At the first part of his suggestion my heart sank. But as he continued my mood got considerably better.

“Sounds good, God knows I could use a shower.” I said.

He smiled. That smile, amazing is really the only word to describe it. I couldn’t wait until we hung out again. It was so much fun. I couldn’t stop myself from grinning as he walked me to my door and hugged me goodbye. I know it was just a hug, but it was the best hug I have ever received. After that he started to walk away.

“I’ll pick you up in like.... and hour and a half. Ok?”

“Yeah  That sounds perfect.”

with that I walked through the door of my enormous house and ran up the stairs to shower. By the time one and a half hours rolled around, I had made myself look as good as possible. The doorbell rang and I ran down the stairs, I threw the door open and there was a boy I had never seen in my life. He flung me over his shoulder (as I was kicking and screaming might I add.) To a van.


“No can do sugar plum. Quinn told me to come get you, so that is precisely what I’m doing.” the boy told me.

“Well if Quinn sent you, I’ll come without being carried. So... PUT ME DOWNNN ”

“Nope sorry doll face.”

and he continued to walk with ease to the van at the end of my long driveway, with me pouting over his shoulder.

“Are you going to put me down when we get in the van?” I asked him.

“I guess so, I haven’t really thought that far yet...” he said.     

© Copyright 2007 HerestoGoodbye (herestogoodbye at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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