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Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1255693
A vampire tells the story of WWII

The Vampire Fantasy Writer 

by Shane W. Snyder

Part I: the Vampire

the vampire
will never surrender
he is and always will be
and when he dies, he will live on in legend
maybe to rise again
but he does not die under siege
he is not a leader in war
though, he has a castle
his refusal to surrender is different
he wont quit
doing what he was meant to do
even if it is the death of him
he has inner strength
til he collapses, he'll keep going
'a god lives in me' he thinks
the written word is magic
the vampire's magic is aesthetic
his castle gives you the creeps
and you get the creeps from what the vampire does
he writes
he writes because he knows writing is immortal
that writing will come out of his long existance
of deep wisdom
and he will not stop
people worship him
but only those who are educated
the vampire's greatest story is about the creation
it is stranger than all the folklore
he contracted vampirism
and he will never be more than a parasite
and he will never know love
no matter how bad he wants it
no matter how bad he would rather not exist
but he wont quit
he keeps on writing
building the next image
it's like magic
when the reader feels it
that's why he's oh-so-careful when he builds every phrase
the vampire is magical
ancient beyond ancient
for his castle is called magesty
but it is dark magesty
because he can't love
he is a parasite
he is alone
but strangely happy in his aloneness
he has a task
and it drains him
but in spite of it all, he is specacular
his bats fly joyously around his tower

piques up from under the foam
of work and tv and taxes and the mortgage
of caring for children
of health concerns
a whole life can be spent
tumbling around in this foam
as wave after wave strikes you
that's why to conjure fantasy
    you have to be a vampire
totally alone
in your dark and majestic castle
and free of children and work and health concerns
the vampire is the ultimate fantasy writer
because he has seen so much
because his mind is free to wander
because he is up at night
quiet night
because he is hungry
but there is nothing for him
his writing is different from the writing of the living
he has been to the halls of the dead
and consorted with shades
he has learned to write for those who don't have an eternity
he has learned to be concise
and by building concise phrases
  weave magic
  a text that flows
  that is hard to put down
  that is music-like, has mood

Part II: the Vampire begins his story

a galaxy is a swirling disk of suns innumerable
certainly, suns with planets
maybe: planets like this one
somewhere out there the world must have a twin
and all this is happening again
or has happened
or will happen
a people became united
under a ruler unlike any who had come before
one who had vowed to destroy the institutions of democracy
one who used the media, print and radio
to come from nowhere
a nobody, from a different land
who would unite a people under one nation
with one symbol
a symbol that would become a menace to an entire continent
to kings and princes
and especially to the chosen people
members of the most ancient religion
embroiled in a blood-feud
that would make the united people into vicious killers
intolerance and political wrangling, corruping the soul
murderers in black uniforms would parade as important men
soldiers would smoke cigarettes as they freeze to death
  thousands of miles from home
and the great leader would kill himself
  amid fire and rape and ruin unlike any that had come before
the ruin of a great people
who knows what other great stories
are out there in the cosmos
so ponders the vampire

Part III: the most evil book ever written

the vampire is an expert on books
ancient books
magical books
books from other worlds
even bad books from other worlds
there is one such book
so poorly written
yet so revered, so best-selling
then: banned and maligned
but strangely, still on the shelves of only the freest country
all this makes the bad book an amazing oddity
for it is truely the last banned book of the free world
its author: the most infamous world leader of all time
he is the killer of the chosen people
members of the most ancient religion
a proud people, whose texts have influenced all mankind
the book, like its author, so bad and revered and maligned
it says that the chosen people
were instrumental in the outcome of the greatest war ever
though, not on the battlefield, but behind the scenes
it was an outcome that was devastating to the author
a member of a people he revered
and dreamed of making into a master race
to rule the world
the book is a long monolog
to a typist who would one day be a very elderly prisoner
and would die a mysterious death
the book is a long monolog
dictated from a prison cell
yet, the author makes no mention of the course of events that landed him there
he makes no mention of his trial
it is an attempt at an autobiography
as well as an essay against the chosen people
it is famous as a supremely racist book
yet, other races are scarcely mentioned
the entire second half of the voluminous work
  is a bunch of scheming speculation about international politics
  that is hardly even worth looking at
  despite the fact that the author would one day command the entire continent
  and be the ruler of kings and princes and captains of industry
the publisher was disappointed at this content
the writing is close to terrible
and lacks all critical editing
and it omits an amazing course of events
a so-called beer-hall coup
involving the author's regional political party
and a certain old general from the great war
ending in a march and a shootout
between party members and the police
despite his jail time
and despite his bad book
the author would go on to be a great leader, warlord, and killer
merely posessing a copy of this bad book
makes one look like a shady character
as though some of its evil will rub off on you
the book is black-covered, paperback
with the simple title, in the language of the author and his people:
mein kampf
(the author had wanted to give it a long and ridiculous title
"my four year struggle against lies, cowardice, treason, and more lies"
or some such
but this is where the publisher put his foot down)
such is the story of the most infamous book ever written
the worst book
in more ways than one
the last banned book of the free world
but: it is a book with a story behind it
and the vampire is a lover of great stories

Part IV: help from a beautiful woman

the vampire, an author himself
enjoys writing about other authors
but can you really call the author of mein kampf a writer?
a man who didn't edit his work
a man who couldn't type
a man who had nothing original
(or terribly interesting) to say
and a man who published such a poorly written book
and thought it was good
an uneducated man
but, fortunately for him, there were other media
he would get help from a woman
a beautiful woman, of about thirty-two
an accomplished woman
award winning, for her film on mountaineering
together, they would make a film to define a revolution
calling it "triumph of the will"
for the author of mein kampf believed that willpower is the greatest force
and that if one has enough willpower, one can make miracles happen
"triumph of the will" would be like magic
the beautiful woman would portray the mein kampf author
and former prisoner
as a god
decended from the clouds
looked on from below
making a sweeping, stiff-armed salute
as columns of serious men march by
carrying roman-style banners, with eagles
bearing a symbol
which would one day be the most feared and hated symbol ever
the party faithful would assemble
and listen to the defining words of the revolution
coming from the great speaker
for the mein kampf author, so poor at writing
could make magic with the spoken word
and he cast his spell over those who believed in their country and their people
for the mein kampf author used the word "people" frequently
and dreamed of builiding a "people's nation"
instead: he became a conqueror and a murderer
he would use his tremendous army
to vanquish, in specacular fashion, ancient rivals
using masses of armored machines
metal creaking and rolling far beyond the frontiers of the people
great generals and heroes would rise up
and many crosses of iron would be given
the beautiful woman would go on to make another film
about this army
when her people were ultimately defeated
and her friend, the mein kampf author, finally gone forever
the beautiful woman would live in seclusion
unable to make further films, she would take-up photography
she would travel to africa
and live with primitive tribes
she would be single
and eventually lose her looks
and would always be infamous for her "triumph of the will"
she would live to be very, very old
and she would never apologize for her role
in helping the mein kampf author glorify himself
and thereby seed the destruction of two great peoples
so goes the story
an amazing story, from another world
known only to the vampire

Part V: the philosopher

the mein kampf author had a mustasche
a toothbrush mustache
the most famous and hated mustache ever
and his initials were A.H.
his favorite philosopher would also have a mustache
a tremendous genius
he would write about the fate and predicament of mankind
he would say that we are a tightrope walker
suspended between ape and ueberman
teetering oh-so-precariously
that we can become so much more
but we have to want to
we have to morally justify it
we have to be masters in morality
and will the ueberman to happen
in a world that has henceforth been dominated by slaves in morality
the prevalent religion of the crucifix
the executed god
would never produce the next evolution in mankind
instead, it would hold it back
and tear down anyone who might stand out
who might stand up and say "i believe in the greatness of this world and none other!"
who might be willing to fight the supreme fight
but it wasn't always like this
ruined statues from an ancient civilization
prove that the ueberman was once revered
spectacular human form
a ruling race, now declined, and gone forever
the morality of this ancient ruling race
by the morality of the slaves
championed and spearheaded by the chosen people
the most ancient of all peoples
for in them is the origin of the crucified god
and they burn with ressentiment agaist all who would become superior
all who would command and rule
or at least make the rules for themselves
A.H. would revere this philosopher
for it seemed to make the chosen people responsible
  for the more fundamental problem of the world:
that an ueberman, a superior race, has not yet risen
that humans are still weak and sickly and helpless
and humble and superstitious and fearful
and overly concerned with other-worldly fantasies
A.H. vowed to change all this
he would unite his people under the eagle and the bent-cross
he would give them back their roots
their ancient myths and legends
kueffhaeuser and valhalle to replace heaven and the crucified god
and make them blonde and specacular
though special breeding
but then: he became a conqueror, and killer of the innocent
the famous uniter of people, showed himself corrupt
attempting to murder all chosen people, everywhere
also: he attacked a gigantic country
calling its people untermen
his soldiers and their armored machines, froze in the snow
smoking cigarettes as they lay perishing
they would burn and ruin as they retreated
on A.H.'s insistance
and thereby A.H. brought rape and ruin to his own people
as the so-called untermen of the east wrought their revenge
so goes the story

the vampire is diseased
and so was the philosopher of the master race
diseased with something as bad as vampirism
something which means you can no longer love
at least not physically
you yearn and yearn, but cannot touch or be touched
hungry and alone, like the vampire
the philosopher, the philologist, the professor at Basle
lost his wits
as his brain was being eaten by little parasites
known as spirochetes
and he would be found in the street, sobbing
his arms around a horses' neck
the man who saw so deeply
and wrote so vividly
would live as a mindless invalid
for ten years
A.H. would take poison
while simultaneously shooting himself in the head
his girlfriend would take posion with him
seeing no future for herself without A.H.
but: she would die as mrs. A.H.
in a last-minute wedding
so goes the story
all stories about how great men meet their deaths
are interesting to the vampire

Part VI: the ancient philosopher and the S.S.

the vampire is ancient beyond ancient
he has seen many kingdoms come and go
safe in his castle, he remains aloof to current events
he has seen kingdoms war with one another
form alliances, break alliances
unite along ethnic lines, divide along ethnic lines
politicians and philosophers and rabble-rousers
vie with the king's and princes for influence
all of it goes on without end
most ancient writing is gone
for, as the vampire has seen, libraries get burned every so often
but on another world, an ancient dialog was preserved
this ancient philosopher
would predict that a new mankind must be born
in a state perfectly ordered
that as civilizations come and go
  the perfect one must one day arise
even if it takes a thousand millenia
for time is infinate
and each civilization is different
they would need the right gods
or no gods at all
reason and thinking
could replace their folklore
though dialectic and reason, the perfect order could be achieved
and new ranks of mankind come into being
for man must be divided as precious metals are divided
some meant for work, others for thinking, others for warfare
but power must be in the hands of the thinking
so the race of rulers would come from the race of soldiers
and all would be happy in their inequality
because each functions where he fits
the soldier-race would have special education
special breeding
special training
for an invincible army
so goes the story
a very ancient one, from another world
the story would continue
when the mein kampf author seized upon this idea
and began a process of selection among his people
taking applications to a black-uniformed organization
with the initials S.S.
headquartered in a specacular midieval castle
special training in ideology would be given at spring retreats
they would bear the symbol of the lightning bolts
and know they symbol of the black sun
thier ideology would be wholly different from that of the crucified god
the god that had hitherto ruled the continent
rejecting the crucified god and his compassion
the S.S. would teach hardness, inequality, the need to rule
feeling compassion only for their equals
they would become arrogant men
arrogant men in long black boots
in uniforms bearing unforgettable symbols
such as the skull and crossbones
the lightning bolts
and the eagle pearched on the bent-cross
these men would fancy themselves the vanguard of the master race
and they would play an instrumental role in the supreme fight
primarily against the so-called untermen of the east
on whose land they had no legitimate claim
these men in black would give specacular stiff-armed salutes to their supreme leader, A.H.
and line up for inspection by him
on A.H.'s orders, they would join the regular army in attacking the east
but, unlike the regular army, they would be responsible for murdering the chosen people
for the east was home to many of the chosen
leading mostly simple lives
but supremely feared by the S.S.
as a great and supremely ancient people
but a menace to the master race
the arrogant men in black thereby crossed a line
and became vicious, cowardly killers
killers and invaders
who would burn villages as they ultimately retreated
their act of trecherous aggression thwarted
the people from which they had come would have to pay a price
for the people now united
would be as one in their guilt
and they would flee in millions across snow and ice
to a west that was burning from fire from above
with stomachs empty, they would freeze in flight
women, children, the innocent
creaking metal machines from the east would fire on them
wreaking their revenge
and ancient lands would be forever lost to this people, now fled
so goes the story

the ancient philosopher
would, during his life, travel to a distant land
and try to establish the perfect state there
but, the kings were not willing enough
to listen to his wise words
and, under threat of murder, would return to his homeland
there, he would live to be very old
he would found a school, known as the academy
and, as a teacher, die a natural death
the ways all great men meet their deaths
are interesting to the vampire

Part VII: the composer

music and musicians are like magicians
they cast spells of magic
conjure feelings and moods
the vampire is very sensitive to feeling and mood
and therefore values music as the highest art form
though he produces no music himself
he invites musicians to his castle to play for him
he also writes about music and musicians
during his long hours alone
in the quiet night
candle trees burning
a musician from another world would have a special mission
to unite a divided people under art and aesthetic
an art form that would revive the people's ancient past
giving them back their mythological roots
in a magical specacle
where gods and heroes would be characters
in a drama driven by music
a combination of all the art forms
theater, music, and specacular visuals
this musician would have many followers
and he would build a special place
the festspielhaus, in the language of his people
a theater for the performance of his music dramas of ancient myth
it would be a shrine to unite a people under its magical past
this would be the same people whom A.H. would unite politically
and A.H. would be a big fan of this musician
and his festspielhaus
in it, he would find roots and a new religion
the philosopher of the master race would also know the festspielhaus
and live for a time under a spell
but the spell would be broken
and he would find the festspielhaus falling sort
for it was ultimately too influenced by the crucified god
and his followers among the upper bourgeois snobs
but A.H. would not be bothered
and he would attend the festival at the festspielhaus every year
as foreign armies closed in on him
A.H. would listen to this music on record
and lose himself in ancient mythological fantasy
fantasy without compassion, without mercy
for A.H. showed no compassion even for his own people
as they suffered and died in the east
he would refuse to step down
refuse to allow a surrender
even as collossal fire rained down in the west
and on his great capital city
no music could have touched his hard heart
and he would force his people into tremendous sacrifices
sacrifices and losses
ruinous sacrifices and losses
as though the future will never be
so goes the story

Part VIII: the origins of A.H.

A.H. was not always the leader of a great people
he had humble roots
his father: an civil servant
as a kid, he would know ethnic strife
for the empire of which he was a part
would be an empire of many ethnicities
on the playground, some of these he would despise
as an adult, some of these he would make allies
as a young man, he was a devoted patriot
of the nation of his ethnic roots
and his multi-ethnic empire, allied itself to this nation of A.H.'s ethnic origin
as a young man of twenty-four
he would join the army
and serve the people he would one day unite
but: it was not meant to be
in the greatest war ever fought
his people would be victorious in the east
but become bogged-down in the west
against this more cultured and technological people
it would become a stalemate
and then there would be insurrection from among the workers
of the nation of A.H.'s people
and A.H. would say that the chosen people were responsible
wreaking their havock from behind the scenes
making the deaths of his fellow men in vain
and A.H. would burn in hatred against them
so goes the story

the people of the west were a cultured people
and they had technology on par with A.H.'s own people
and when he was a soldier
A.H. would serve for four years, against this people of the west
being wounded many times
he would temporarily lose his eyesight due to a poison gas attack
and when the news of his people's loss in the war came
he would be an invalid, blind, in a hospital bed
he would receive the iron cross of both classes
and go on to become a respeced man in the army
but the loss to the peoples of the west
would be a thorn in his side
even though he was a nobody
even though he could have gone on to lead a private life
he threw himself into politics
and, in doing so, he made himself into one of the great speakers ever
he spoke to political parties, to which the army had sent him to observe
he spoke of unity
he spoke without fear
thunderous words
he had intended on forming his own political party
but he ended up joining a small party
of only fifty
when a watch-maker pressed into his hand a book of unity
and A.H. would soon lead this party
and rename it
for short: nazi
and this would eventually become the name of his people
and one of the most hated, feared, forbidden words ever
and he would give it a symbol: the bent-cross
a symbol which would be worn on the left arm of all of his followers
a symbol which would conquer unlike any other
which would vanquish and murder and rule, unlike any other
and A.H. would be the unquestioned leader of it
so goes the story

Part IX: the most victorious battles ever fought

A.H. would be a politician who would win many votes
in a time of economic crisis
his popularity would spike
and he would be handed power by an elderly man
an old hero
the commander of the east in the greatest war ever fought
A.H. was only forty-four when he achieved power
and, on a balcony, his arm came up in salute
while his eyes filled with tears
as men with torches marched by below
lighting up the cool night as their boots pounded the stones

A.H. broke a treaty
the treaty which had ended the great war
and he built his army far beyond the limits imposed
he then used this army to confront the people of the west
the cultured people, who now had soldiers on foreign land
who were taking wealth from A.H.'s people
as part of the agreement, forced
but the cultured people fled before the threat of violence
for A.H. was willing to risk everything
and his generals were on the verge of insurrection
for the risk was so great
and A.H. triumphed fully
as the men of the west fled in fear
and the generals learned to have full confidence in A.H.
so goes the story
the vampire appreciates the power of fear
for he is a fear-inspiring creature
but even he is not as feared as these men of the bent-cross

the people of the west felt themselves safe from A.H.
their army was great
and so was their industry and technology
but safe they were not
for A.H. was not yet finished
he made a deal with the men of the east
to prey upon a people
and A.H. attacked this people without mercy
this land was home to many of the chosen
and the S.S. would dominate here
the men-in-black would make this the proving ground
of their racial training
and they would kill without mercy
so goes the story
a very ugly one, known only to the vampire

the people of the west declared war on A.H.
for his act of aggression
they didn't want war
but they declared it
and, reluctantly, they lined up their armies
they outnumbered A.H., and had powerful allies
they built a tremendous fortificaion all along the front
so they felt themselves safe
but, it was not meant to be
A.H. would defeat them utterly
the armies under the bent cross
performed many heroic feats
they vanquished small but steadfast kingdoms
on their way to the west
and in the west they won
they won in a way that was far beyond anyone's expectations

the people of the west would have a great tower
and A.H. would go to the top of this tower
and look out over the kingdom he had conquered
a kingdom rich in history and tradition
a great people, with a beatiful language
a strong people
but A.H. and his people were stronger still
and their victory was absolute
A.H. had undone the greatest war ever fought
and turned the tables on the victors of that war
he thought he would truely be the origin of a master race of the future
to rule the world
he thought that he must be the greatest leader that there ever was
he went back to the battlefield on which he had fought as a young man
in the greatest war ever
and he ducked behind the same rock that he had ducked behind as a mere soldier
the rock is still there, in the west
the rock that saved A.H.'s life
a life that would go on to become the most successful, the most surprising,
the most renowned, the most hated, the most destructive life that was ever
  lived by a human being on this world
that's what makes A.H. so interesting to the vampire

Part X: the greatest battle ever fought

in the history of this world
and certainly of other worlds
many battles have been fought
or will be fought
to engage in battle seems to be in the nature of humans
and of all creatures very much like them
the vampire has seen many battles
brave battles
bloody battles
futile, desperate battles
tremendous battles
wars and warlords come and go
heroes arise and become enshrined in sacred halls
but, in the greatest single battle ever fought
the loser would have no monument to its heroes
for the losers of this battle were the people of A.H.
sent thousands of miles from home
to invade a strange land they could scarcely fathom
this greatest battle ever took place in a city
a great city, bearing the name of A.H.'s rival
the unquestioned leader of the vast east
a brutal man
whose heart was not at all softened by culture or education
how such men as he and A.H. could come to rule great peoples
confounds the vampire
but, it is so
A.H.'s tremendous army would pour into the city
grey uniformed columns
men and machines, well equipped
led by a general with a very old family lineage
this general would headquarter himself in the city
and command his army to take it block by block
for the people of the east were making their stand here
a great river offered them some protection
they could gather their men and equipment on its opposite bank
safe from the grey-clad army of A.H.
a steady stream of men, machines, and arms would come across the river
and into the city
for the desperate defense
A.H.'s army would use flames to burn the men of the east out
the men of the east would use grenade and gun
and guts
they were steadfast in their bravery
called untermen by the people of A.H.
they fought like they had nothing to lose
for the loss of this war would mean the enslavement and death of a people
preyed upon by A.H. and his treachery
thus the grey army became bogged down
and time was not on their side
winter came, and they were still fighting
and still very far from home
the people of the east counterattacked in the snow
around the city
and cut-off A.H.'s army from its routs of supply
thus was the fate of the grey army sealed
A.H. would send another army to liberate it
but it was too far and too late and too snowy
A.H. ordered his trapped army to fight and die
he ordered the general of the old lineage to kill himself
this is when bodies began piling very high
for the whole army was now fated to die
aircraft desperately flew the seriously wounded to safety
but soon, no more aircraft would come
ninety-thousand men of A.H.'s army
would go into captivity
and be paraded in the captial city of the east
only five thousand of them would ever return home
so ended the greatest battle ever fought

however, the war would continue to rage
A.H. had been a veteran of the greatest war ever fought
and now he would lead in a war greater still
more vast in its scope
more vicious, hateful
for the black-clad men of the S.S. were waiting
and they would fight the men of the east
in tremendous battles
with large numbers of menacing machines of all kinds

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