Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1254079-True-Love-FoundAgain
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1254079
Widower John Kiker moves to a new state where he meets the widow Liza Jane Sanford.
It was a beautiful Applalachian morning. The sun was brightly shining with just a hint of dew on the grass. Belinda McCarver could hear all the birds singing in beautiful harmony as she awoke from a restful slumber.

Then the peacefulness of the morning was broken by her mammy, Lucy, bringing in Belinda's toast and coffee. As Lucy opened the door, Belinda quipped, "I do declare, Lucy, you would think a herd of elephants were coming in here."

"I'm sorry, Miss Belinda, but its time to get ready for breakfast," ordered Lucy.

"Lucy, I won't be going doen to breakfast this morning. I'm not feeling well," stated Belinda.

"Ya don't have a fever do ya, Miss Belinda? How about the vapors," inquired Lucy.

"None of that, Lucy. I just fell peculiar. I know just a couple of more hours of sleep will do the trick," answered Belinda.

"Alright, Miss Belinda. I'll go get the castor oil." As soon as Lucy leaves the room, Belinda hurriedly pulls out her brother's old riding britches from the window box.

Thinking to herself, Belinda says, "This has to be a record something getting dressed this fast." Belinda hears Lucy coming back up the stairs. "Ooh, I've got to hurry." By the time Lucy enters the bedroom, Belinda has scaled down the trellis. Lucy seeing Belinda's bed empty looks into the ajoining sitting room, but doesn't find her. Then she catches a glimpse of someone running across the yard.

"Miss Belinda, you better be back in time for morning tea," called out Lucy.

Belinda turned and waved at Lucy. Lucy was always shidding her about behaving so much like a boy: going fishing, climbing trees, and riding horses astraddle. Belinda has wondered why Lucy doesn't get rid of the riding britches, because Lucy knows where she keeps them. Belinda has even forgotten to put the britches up, leaving where Lucy could find them. "Well, I'm not going to let it bother me anymore, because today is too beautiful, and I hear the bass calling me," avowed Belinda.

The McCarvers' property went up to Douglas Lake which is located in Sevier County, Tennessee. Belinda loved the lake. The mountain spring fed lake's water was always nice and cold with the best tasting fish. Belinda liked going fishing as the sun was just coming up, because no one would be there. Belinda sat listening to the bullfrogs and the whipperwills while she fished.

She remembered the time her father took the family to Nashville for the 50th anniversary celebration of Tennessee's statehood. She couldn't imagine why anyone would want to live in the city after living in God's green country. Belinda remembered in Nashville how she didn't hear any bullfrogs nor whipperwills. There wasn't even any coyote howls. When they left Nashville, Belinda vowed to never make her residence in a city.

A snapping twig broke the chorus of the morning animals sound. It startled Belinda so that she nearly dropped her pole into the water. Belinda looked around searching for a family of deer, hoping it wasn't a coyote or bear. Then she caught a glimpse of a man walking through the woods, so she ducked into the bushes. She quietly watched the stranger until he had his pole into the water.

"Sir, you're trespassing on McCarver land," stated Belinda with just a little tremor in her voice.

"You must be Belinda," remarked the stranger.

"Yes, I am. If you're any kind of a gentleman, you'd give me your name," commanded Belinda.

"Yes, ma'am," mocked the stranger. "Corporal James Bishop at your service," he said bowing elaborately like Belinda was a queen.

"Oh, you must be one of the schoolmates my brother wrote about bringing home," remembered Belinda. "How did you know it was me and not one of our three other sisters?"

"Let's see if I get this right. Jacqueline is blonde and always dressed in blue. Sarah is brunette and always prim and proper. The youngest is Tilithya who keeps a damp handkerchief at all times in case she touches something icky. Belinda, which is you through deduction, keeps an old pair of her brother Stephan's riding pants hidden so she can go traipsing around without her shirts being a hinderance."

Belinda was amazed," My goodness. Does nothing go on at West Point that you learn the quirks of each others' siblings?" inquired Belinda.

"Oh, there's a lot of stuff to do. We go on weekend hikes, attend church socials, and occassionally the headmaster's wife arranges a dance. Stephan just loves all of ya'll so much that all he talks about is ya'll."

"Stephan even talk about our favorite fishing spot, too?" Belinda asked.

"No, I just like to go fishing. I was up before anybody else, so I asked Henry to point me to the closest and best fishing hole. And here I am."

"Well, its time to be getting back to the house. Annie'll have breakfast set. If you'r late, she gives you cold leftovers for the next meal." James let out a hearty laugh. "It's true. Annie takes pride in her cooking, and the least we could do is be there on time to eat it," continued Belinda.

Finally catching his breath, James said, "Now I know why Stephan is never late for a meal. I always thought he never got enough food. Wait'll the guys hear this. Well, I don't want cold food unless it's on the trail, so lead the way."

Belinda leads the way back to the house. Neither of them said very much on the way back. Lucy sees the two coming out of the woods.

"Miss Belinda, yous better get in here before I's gets a switch aholt of you," shouted Lucy!

Belinda turned to James, "I'd better hurry along, because Lucy always does what she says." Belinda darts up the trellis to try to escape Lucy's wrath.

As Belinda crawls through the window, she hears "It's about time you got back," from her sister Sarah. "You know Stephan is suppose to be home today with some of his schoolmates."

"They're already here," states Belinda. Sarah has a look of shock. Belinda continues, "One of them snuck up on me while I was fishing."

"I'm surprised Lucy ain't up here giving you what for. Mother's going to be so angry, she may not let you go to the Mayor's ball."

"I'm not worried. Stephan's home. Mama won't do anything to make Stephan's visit unpleasant."

"Well, just the same. I wouldn't push Mother. C'mon let's go down to breakfast."

About halfway down the stairs, Sarah broke the silence by asking, "What's he like?"

"Who?" Belinda mockingly asked.

"Stephan's friend that caught you at the lake."

"Oh, him. He likes to fish and remembered everything Stephan told him about us."

"What color hair does he have? What color are his eyes?" prodded Sarah.

"Sarah, I don't remember. Why are you worrying about him? I thought you were sweet on Beau Reeves," commented Belinda.

"I am," Sarah said exasperated by her sister, "I'm just curious."

James thought Belinda was beautiful. Stephan hadn't done her justice in his description. Belinda was breathtaking in the morning light, even in her brother's britches. He had reluctantly came with his friends, but this break may turn out down right interesting.

Stephan and their other friends, Samuel Grant and Robert Ritter, were coming out of the study as James was coming through the front door. "Morning, Bishop. Maybe we need to move West Point down here," Samuel said jokingly.

"Why is that, Grant," quizzed James.

Stephan laughingly said, "Because it takes nearly a whole pitcher of cold water to wake you up in the morning."

"Well, its a lot better to wake up to the beautiful sounds of nature instead of Sherman's bugle." All four of them bursted into a chorus of laughter as Stephan's sisters approached the last landing.

"Gentlemen, allow me to introduce my sisters," began Stephan.

"McCarver, let's see if I can make them out from your descriptions," prodded James.

"Okay, Corporal. Let's test your detective skills," Stephan remarked.

"I'll bet you two bits he can't get one right," Samuel whispered to Robert. "You're on," was Robert's reply.

"Gentlemen, coming down the stairs now in her palest of blue dresses is the eldest sister, Jacqueline. Next we have the prim and proper dark beauty, Sarah. As you can tell with the distinguishing handerkerchief, Tilithya is gliding down the stairs. And last but not least is Stephan's little sidekick, Belinda." The other sisters begin clapping and praising James's praises.

"Well, McCarver, do I get an A?" asked James.

"Yes, Corporal, you get an A. Do I talk about them that much?"

"Yes!" the three visitors shouted in unison as Samuel gave Robert the two bits.

Jacqueline stated, "Let's move into the dining room." Samuel and Robert scrambled to take the arms of the two eldest sisters, so Belinda hurriedly took Stephan's arm so that man couldn't take hers. It would do Tilithya's self-esteem to be escorted by a guest.

Stephan and Belinda were the first to enter the dining room where their mother rushed Stephan. "Stephan! Oh, Stephan, you're home!" Their mother was very near to tears because she was so happy to see her son.

As the couples entered, Mrs. McCarver called each of the boys by name. "I feel like I've known you boys all of my life. Stephan writes about ya'll in each of his letters." Everyone bursts into laugther, except Belinda. "What?! is my petticoat showing?" asked Mrs. McCarver.

"No, Momma. Everyone's laughing because Corporal Bishop just did the same thing you did with the boys with us girls," commented Belinda.

"Well, now. Stephan, you've picked some good friends. Let's sit down and eat. Mr. McCarver took the younger boys out coon hunting over at the Seviers. They'll be home for lunch."

As they were sitting down Jacqueline asked, "Corporal Grant, where do you call home?"

"Corporal Ritter and I call Red Bay, Alabama home, ma'am."

"That's a far piece to travel away for school," remarked Sarah.

"No, ma'am. That's a short distance compared to Sargeant Rogers. He's all the way from California," replied Robert.

Sarah then asked James the same question. James responded with, "Over in Greenville, ma'am."

"I guess our home reminds you of your home, Corporal Bishop," prodded Tilithya.

"Yes, ma'am, it does. There is a rare beautiful bird flying around in your woods, though, that I wished I had back home," James commented turning his gaze toward Belinda.

"Bishop, my man Henry told you went fishing this morning. Did you land any fish," inquired Stephan.

With a straight face, James said, "No, I wasn't given time to fish because I caught a tongue-lashing for trespassing."

Belinda shot James a look that could kill a bear. "Now Momma's bound to give me a good tongue lashing," thought Belinda to herself. Belinda felt the air get still then Stephan spoke up, "Was she wearing a brown pair of men's riding britches?"

Playing along, James replied, "Why yes she did! Matter of facct Belinda kinda reminds me of her, but it couldn't of been her. Belinda was coming down the stairs as I was coming back for breakfast."

"Now, Corporal Bishop, you're telling one now," Lucy remarked as she refilled their coffee cups, "because Is seed ya'll coming out of de woods together." It was Mrs. McCarver's turn to shoot dirty looks across the table.

Tilithya was the next to speak, "Gentlemen, if ya'll are finished eating, let's retire to the sunroom and listen to Sarah read some poetry." Belinda was the first one out of the dining room, not wanting to tangle with her mother today.

Stephan stayed behind to speak to his mother, "Momma, you know Belinda loves the woods. Nothing improper occurred. Corporal Bishop is a good man. if I know my sister, she hid from him so she could have the upper hand."

"Stephan, you need to be state senator instead of the Jackson man," remarked Mrs. McCarver.

" Why, Momma? I thought you liked General Jackson," commented Stephan
"I do, but you could calm down a skunk ready to spray his perfume," stated Mrs. McCarver. They both laughed.

"Does this mean Belinda is spared punishment for now?" Stephan asked timidly.

"Yes," Mrs. McCarver said sheepishly.

They followed the rest of the party to the sunroom. Sarah had already begun reciting the "Highway Man." She did it with such emotion that eeryone was entranced by her voice. The trance was broken by the rebel yells of the younger McCarver boys, John and Jeremiah.

Mrs. McCarver calmly says, "Here comes my babies. They are so excited for Stephan to be home," just as they bust open the doors to the sunroom. John and Jeremiah caused all kinds of commotion as they welcomed their brother home.

"A'ten Hut!" called out Mr. McCarver as he entered the room. He wanted to see if his son was learning anything at that fancy military school. Just as soon as the words came out of his mouth, all four cadets snapped to attention. "Well, Mother, our money's being put to good use at that military school. Isn't it?"

"Yes, Father, it is. Doesn't Stephan and his friends look handsome standing there?" asked Mrs. McCarver. All the girls agreed with Belinda's eyes meeting James's.

Tilithya asked, "Father, are you going to make them stand like that all day long?"

"Oh! No! At ease, boys,: Father ordered, laughing. Stephan crossed the room to hug his father. "Welcome home, son."

"It's good to be home, Father. Let me introduce my friends. This is Robert Ritter and Samuel Grant from Alabama. Here's James Bishop from Greenville." the boys all heartily shook Mr. McCarver's hand.

"Girls, the boys and I are ging to retire to the library for about an hour. I expect each of ya'll to be ready to leave for a picnic on horseback." commanded Mr. McCarver.

"Yes, Father," the girls chorused in unison. After the men left the room, Jacqueline prompted the others to obey their father. As they wer leaving the sunroom, Lucy was bringing in the tea, "Lucy, we'll have our tea in our sitting room so we can change into our riding habits."

"Yes, Miss Jacqueline." Lucy noticed Belinda sitting on the window seat, "Come along now, Miss Belinda. Master Stephan can't smoooth your daddy over like he can your momma."

"Oh, alright, Lucy. I wished I'd known we were going riding."

"Why's that?"

"I'd left my britches on," exclaimed Belinda as she raced up the stairs.

While the girls were having their tea, Lucy began bringing in their riding habitss for them to change into. Sarah commented, "I wonder why Stephan didn't bring home four boys. He has four sisters."

Tilithya siad, "Well, if you weren't alwasys filling your letters to Stephan with all the details about Beau Reeves escorting you to every social event for the last six months he might have."

"Or maybe he doesn't think Belinda is mature enough to handle a beau," smirked Jacqueline.

Belinda's face turned as red as her riding habit, "Why because I like to go out fishing and riding astraddle in men's britches?"

"Yes!" the three sisters exclaimed.

"I'll bet my new wardrobe for Saratoga that I'll have Corporal James Bishop swooning over me by the time they leave for school," challenged Belinda.

"You've got a bet," Sarah agreed.

The girls had finally finished changing, so they went down stairs to meet the others for the ride. Sarah quickly took Stephan's arm, while Jacqueline took Samuel's and Tilithya took Robert's.

"Well, Miss Belinda, I finally have to honor of properly escorting you."

"Yes, Corporal Bishop, you do," Belinda said through gritted teeth. Belinda didn't know if she'll be able to hold up her end of the deal. James has been so trite with her, she wasn't sure if she could stand being around him.

The ride was pretty uneventful. The talk revolved around the upcoming Mayor's ball in honor of the founding of Sevier County. Belinda was as prim and proper as Sarah today. Stephan couldn't even atagonize her into chasing him like he usually does.

As they mounted their horses, Samuel enticed the other boys into racing. They selected a big oak tree as their stopping point. James was the first to reach the tree.

As they continued back to the house, Stephan commented, "Bishop, you sure have made an impression on my sister." james had a puzzled look on his face as Stephan continued, "Belinda has never sat still for more than ten seconds when she's outside."

James replied, "Well, McCarver, maybe your little sister is growing out of her impish ways and becoming a lady."

Stephan laughed, "Are you forgetting the tongue lashing you caught his morning?"

"Oh, yeah! Boy, her face was as red as her habit. I think it reflects the fieriness of her personality. I believe it would be worth trying to tame it."

"You and whose army. You've met Lucy haven't you? You heard when she caught Belinda in those britches? What makes you think you can undo sixteen years of avoiding being tamed?"

"Love. Love is a miracleous tool," James say with stars in his eyes.

The rest of the group laughed so hard, it startled the horses. when they had gotten the horses under control, Robert quipped, "The Winter King is in love. After dancing with al those girls Mrs. Lee brings to the Point, you fall in love with one in one day?"

"I never seen any of those girls fishing. I love fishing and riding. Belinda and I would have a lot to do in our old age, besides having parties to attend in order to get out children married off," finished James as Mr. McCarver rode up beside them.

"Corporal Bishop, you're not leading my daugther Belinda along while you have a girl back at the Point?" The other boys felt a ocnversation was about to occur tat they wanted no part of, so they retreated leaving James to fend for himself.

"No, sir, Mr. McCarver. Belinda was who I was discussing with the others." Mr. McCarver nodded gravely, motioning him to continue. "I startled her this morning at her fishing hole, and the way she stood her ground impresed me. She has the speed of a a gallant warhorse. By the time I reached the house for breakfast, she was coming down the stairs in a beautiful morning dress. The picnic today showed me she would be the perfect hostess. Everything a man would desire in a wife."

"So, Corporal Bishop, are you asking for my permission to marry my daugther?"

"If she'll have me, sir."

"Bishop, you're a good lad. Mother told me about the occurences at breakfast this morning. not too many young bucks impress Mrs. McCarver being from the Charleston elite.

"Thank you, sir. I'll be the best husband any woman would want," James said grinning from ear to ear. They rode in silence as tey approached the house.

"Stephan, you'll need to help Bishop here smooth things over with Belinda, and get those pesky Reeves boys to make up their minds. It's been six months already."

"I'll talk with them after church tomorrow," Stephan said winking at James.

The next three days were pretty routine. They ate breakfast and retire to the sunroom in the mornings. After lunch they would all go riding. After supper they would retire to the conservatory, where each of the girls would show off their musical talents. The only thing that wasn't routine would be the addtion of the Reeves boys, Beau and Thomas.

The Reeves brothers became instantly jealous when they saw three strangers accomanying the McCarvers to church. as soon as they found Stephan, they asked about his friends. He informed them that one of them had already asked for Belinda's hand in marriage and relayed his father's message, "Now, fellas, my friends and sisters are becoming pretty chummy. Father said ya'll need to get a move on, so none of his daugthers are disappointed."

The night before the Mayor's ball, the girls were camped out in their sitting room. "Sarah, your Beau sure has put a wrench in things," complained Tilithya.

"Whatever do you mean, baby sister," retorted Sarah.

Belinda jumped in, "She's just sore because she's having to entertain both Samuel and Robert."

Lovingly Jacqueline added, "I thought you would be enjoying yourseld. After al you've never had two boys trying to win your hand."

"I don't see how ya'll have done it for so long. Don't you ever get tired?" questioned Tilithya.

"No." Then they bursted out laughing. Just as they did, Lucy came in.

"Now, I know my chicks still aren't awake," commented Lucy. "I's knows ya'll are excited about tomorrow, but if you don't get your beauty sleep, ya'll lose those beaus." The girls didn't have to be coaxed to much, because they were tired.

The next morning as the girls were getting dressed, Belinda noticed the Reeves boys riding up, "Are those boys jealous or what?"

"They have a right to be jealous," began Tilithya, "after all you've already won the bet."

"What do you mean!" exclaimed Belinda.

"Those boys think Samuel and Robert are here to infringe on their territory, since James asked for your hand last Saturday."

Jacqueline, Sarah, and Belinda all shouted out with mixed feeings, "What?!"

Jacqueline quickly turned to Belinda, "You're not getting married until I do!!"

"What makes you so sure Tilithya's telling the truth?" asked Belinda.

"Because Stephan said it was so," mocked Tilithya.

Belinda was dumbstruck. She sat down on the couch in order to gain her bearings. "She just wanted to make him swoon, not propose marriage," Belinda thought to herself. "Oh, those brown eyes. That wavy brown hair. How could someone that handsome want to settle with plain jane her," Belinda continued in her mind, until Lucy broke the thought rushing her out of the house.

As they were riding along, Jacqueline whispered to Sarah, "do Beau and Thomas seem different to you?"

"They look like they're up to something. Oh! Maybe they came over early to talk to Father this morning," Sarah said giddily. They could only hope. They would die of embarassament if Belinda got engaged first as well as married first.

At the bar-b-cue, the boys all escorted their hopeful brides-to-be to different quiet cornerd of the yard. Beau and Thomas had no difficulty convincing their brides-to-be, but James did.

"I'm glad we can talk in private," began Belinda.

Taken aback, James said, "You are?!"

"Yes, because I want to know why in the devil you asked my father for permission to marry me after only eight hours of knowing me."

"Oh, Belinda. I feel like I've known you forever. you're all Stephan ever talks about. I couldn't believe a woman knew how to fish, must less ride a horse as good as a man. Those eight hours last Saturday showed me you could be my companion as well as the perfect hostess."

"Whatever do you mean?"

"Belinda, I can grow old with you and never be bored. I can depend on you to be the perfect officier's wife when its required. Now what do you say?"

"Yes, James. Yes," Belinda said smiling ear to ear as she hugged him.

Later that afternoon, the girls retired to the hotel for a nap before the evening festivies. Tilithya broke the silence, "Did they ask ya'll?"

The older three sisters looked at each other, then in simultaneous girlish squeals said, "Yessss!!!!"

With reality hitting Jacqueline, she asked, "Oh, what will Mother say?"

"I'll say nothing. Jacqueline, you and Sarah will have a double wedding in September, in order for Belinda to have hers at Christmas. Now let's get some rest for tonight," Mother said putting their worries at ease.

As they were going to the ball, Mrs. McCarver asked if the boys had relayed the girls' replies. Mr. McCarver nodded in agreement.

After everyone had entered the ballroom, the mayor welcomed everyone to the ball. The Mayor then asked the aldermen to get up and tell what Founders' Day means to them. Mr. McCarver waited to be the last one at the podium.

"This Founders' Day will always bring beck fond memories, because tonight I am pleased to announce three engagements. Beautiful words t a man with four daugthers," pausing until the laugther died down. "My daugther Jacqueline has graciously accepted Tomas Reeves's proposal as my daughter Sarah has accepted his brother, Beau's proposal. My daughter Belinda has accepted the proposal of Corporal James Bishop from Greenville, North Carolina. Now, Buck, let's get the dancing started." Everyone was happy for the three couples. They enjoyed the rest of the evening anticipating their wedding days.

The next morning the boys had to leave for the Point. "I'll write you everyday," promised James to Belinda.

"I will do the same. I'll keep you informed of the plans for the wedding," avowed Belinda.

As he mounted his horse, he said, "I love you, Belinda. I'm counting the days to Christmas day."

"183 days give or take," replied Belinda. "I love you, too."

As the boys left the plantation, Belinda watched until she couldn't see them any longer. Mr. McCarver joined her on the porch, "It's amazing what how Cupid works when he wants something to be together."

"Yes, sir. Is 183 days very long, Daddy?" inquired Belinda.

With tears in his eyes, he replied, "No, darling, its not." He hugged her and gave her a kiss on the top of her head. He would enjoy his daughter for the next 183 days.

© Copyright 2007 Hildegarde33 (hildegarde33 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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