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by Drew
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Romance/Love · #1248803
work in progress
“ No! I don’t want to go!”
Laura shouted angrily at her sister, slamming the front door of their flat as she entered, going straight through to the kitchen.
“You have to. I told you about this last week already, and you agreed!” 
Lisa snapped in return, slamming the door closed behind them, following.
Growling with aggravation, Laura flung her twin an angry stare. Jerking the fridge open, she helped herself to a bottle of water.
The only reason she had agreed last week had been because she had known that she would call off the date at some stage in the week.
“I hate it when you do this to me! If I want to go out on a date I’m quite capable of getting one for myself!”
“Well, I feel it’s about time that you did, then. I know that after Jacob …”
Snorting with exasperation, Laura interrupted her sister mid sentence.
“He’s got nothing to do with this. You just need to set me up with someone now that you’re seeing him!”
Looking at Lisa, she took a long swallow.
“ That’s not true.”
Lisa answered her attack, also reaching for some water, drinking some before trying to reason with Laura
“I just want to know that your not … Damn it! I want you to be happy too”
‘Oh please. You just need to know that I’m not still attracted to him.
And as I’ve told you; it’s over between us.”
Laura reiterated. Forcing herself not to think about the two of them together, Laura smiled at her sister.
“Oh Laura! I’m sorry. I know, it’s just that he’s so great and I can’t believe that you can’t still be infatuated with him.”
Lisa said, putting down her bottle on the kitchen counter.
“ Well for the last time, I’m not infatuated with him. Now stop trying to set me up with any more guys, ok?”
Laura joked with her sister, smiling with an effort.
It was difficult to hide anything from Lisa, but she had to conceal her secret from her sister. It would never do for her to find about Jacobs and her deception. Not yet…
“Ok, but I still need you to come with tonight. I know what you said about blind dates, and I know your going to be angry with me, but I had Jacob invite his older brother with for the evening. I can’t call and cancel now… I haven’t met him, but from what Jacob say’s he sounds impressive.”
Her sister coaxed
“Damn it Lisa! Can’t you ever stop!”
Laura snapped, banging her bottle of water down on the table.
“Please Laura, if you come with tonight, I won’t pester you again. I give you my word.”
Lisa begged gravely.
Groaning loudly, Laura glared at her sister.
“You promise?”
“Yes, truly. But then I get to choose your outfit”
She insisted, sensing defeat. Smiling radiantly at Laura, she flounced out of the kitchen before Laura could change her mind.
Inwardly Laura winced. If that was what it would take to have her sister to back down, then she’ll struggle through one evening. How bad could it get?

By the time that Jacob arrived, Lisa had stubbornly tested their sisterly tie. Firstly in the outfit she had set aside for Laura. And then disagreeing about the way she did her hair, her make up, the shoes she was wearing, the handbag, and for goodness sake, even the perfume she had put on was not to her sisters liking.
The dress had been bad enough. A deep jade that by a hair's breadth reached her thighs and had no neckline to speak of. When she had left her hair unfastened, Lisa had insisted on a delicate knot behind her head. Her shoes and bag had been vetoed by her sister as the wrong shade, so as a result she had Lisa’s flimsy jade sandals on her size too small feet, and her sisters handbag. Admittedly she looked quite stunning, but never in her life has she felt more out of sorts. Whenever she turned on the unfamiliar high heels, she wobbled. It felt like she was playing dress up with her sisters clothes. Because she had insisted on supervising Laura’s dressing, she was late herself and shouted for Laura to get the door.
Moving slowly, she opened the door to Jacob.
With a wolf whistle he moved past her.
“Wow! Look at you. If I’d known you cleaned up this well, I would have considered dating you instead.”
He joked. Snorting she turned to close the door.
“ Waite, Jason is on his way up. He had a vital business call but won’t be long, and if he doesn’t hurry, I’ll keep you for myself”
He really was a rake, she thought disgustedly.
“You did, remember? Anyway, I thought you loved my sister? Is this the same guy who was too afraid to speak to my sister? The same guy who begged me for months to keep on “”dating”” him so that he could get to know my sister?”
She mocked playfully.
With his dark brown hair hanging over his eyebrows and curling over his shirt collar as his green eyes glittered roguishly at her, he was quite stunning. It was strange that she never fell for him as her sister had. Grabbing her, he hugged her happily. She really was very fond of him, she thought returning his hug.
“So, where is the woman of my life?”
He asked
“She’s was too busy getting me ready and as result she’s late herself.
You have a lot to pay for. Because of you, she is set on getting me hooked up with someone. Even the brother you yourself acknowledge is a dedicated bachelor.”
“I never said that! I simply said that he was too busy managing his company to ever have the time to get into a serious relationship. I just don’t think the right woman has come along for him. And for some reason I think the two of you would get along really well.”
He defended himself and his brother
“Oh really? I would hate to think what we might have in common! From what you’ve told me he sounds like a total rake. So I’m to be a light diversion for him?”
She joked him
Amused, he shook his head.
“You’ll never be light entertainment for any man.”
He declared
“You know me too well. That’s why you find me irresistible”
She laughingly agreed, as he kept one arm draped around her exposed shoulders.
They both had their backs to the open door way and didn’t see the dark figure approaching.
“Speaking of knowing someone too well. You have to tell Lisa the truth. She knows I’m hiding something from her, and I don’t want to lie to her any longer.”
She stated earnestly.
“Just wait a few more days. I promise I’ll tell her this weekend. I want you…”
A slight noise outside had them both swing around guiltily. When she almost lost her footing with Lisa’s infernal shoes, Jacob held her more securely. Shakily she looked up to see who it was and felt her heartbeat suspend and then start to take off at a wild rhythm. It was clearly Jacob’s brother, yet he was a great deal more stunning than Jacob.

The frozen grey gaze that greeted hers was chilling at best. Shivering involuntarily, she moved closer to Jacob and felt his arm tighten around her automatically. The gesture didn’t go unnoticed by the man that was looking at them.
“Jason, your call finished already?”
Even to her own ears Jacob sounded guilty, and if it was possible Jason’s eyes became more chilling as they swept with censure over them. Moving gracefully, he came into the room.
“Everything is in hand. I assume this is Laura? The blind date you hadn’t planned for me for the evening?”
His voice was deep and husky, his eyes dismissing her as they brushed over her.
“As you’ve guessed, this is Laura, your date for the evening. And it was Lisa’s idea in setting the two of you up. Laura, my brother Jason D’ Artagnan. Lisa’s just finishing up and will be with us in a few minutes. But I’m surprised that you could tell the difference between Lisa and Laura. Nearly everybody who knows them still cannot tell them apart.”
Jacob answered
“You obviously appear to have difficulty telling them apart. It’s rather noticeable that Laura here is a little eh… larger than her sibling.”
He derided in a husky tone of voice. 
Laura felt her face flame at the intentional insult.
Apart form a scar on her thigh she had, there was no physical difference between her and Laura. She may possibly even be a little thinner!
She didn’t know what possessed her as she reached up and kissed Jacob’s cheek lingeringly.
“Oh, Jacob knows us apart. In fact, he’s one of the few who can.”
She beamed up at Jacob before flashing his brother a haughty look.
Jacob’s face revealed his shock at her performance as he glanced down at her, his eyes questioning. Not able to meet his eyes, she moved away from Jacob. Faintly she heard Lisa slamming her closet door in her room, hopefully an indication that she was finished and about to join them.
“I’m thrilled to meet you, Braden. Jacob has told me a great deal about you. I’m actually amazed that you could spare the time.”
She scorned. For some bizarre reason Jason D’ Artagnan made her feel defensive, and as a result had her being sarcastic in defense. Although he was extremely gorgeous, she disliked him.
And for some reason he seemed to feel the same, his hostility apparent.
A slight gasp from Jacob had her regret her runaway mouth.
But only for a moment!
“Think nothing of it, Laura. I don’t mind a little charity work from time to time. It’s inclined to keep one modest.”
He came back, just as snide.
Thankfully Lisa chose that moment to join them in the hall giving Jacob a lingering kiss as greeting.
Embarrassed for some reason by their show of passion, Laura hurried them up.
“Come on you two, get a room or let’s go and get this evening over”
Laughing shyly, Lisa hugged Jason in a friendly way as greeting.
“Jason, thank you for joining us this evening.  I know it was difficult for you to make time, but we do appreciate your company” Lisa said
“Hallo Lisa. My pleasure, and Ive told you before, I’ll do anything to make you happy” Jason answered, hugging her back.
Laura for some reason felt her skin crawl at the words.

© Copyright 2007 Drew (louise at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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