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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1245207
A common thief has been given the task of saving Tamriel from an unimaginable threat.
The following is something I wrote a couple months ago. Tell me what you think of it. Enjoy!

The Adventures of Roderick

Part one: The Beginning of the End

By: Jeff Ford

As I knelt behind a small bush, in the dark of the quiet night, Lady Elante Valamine was locking the door to her expensive luxurious house. I was behind the bush, waiting for my chance to break in once Lady Valamine left. Thankfully her husband, Sir Alaric Valamine was away on a business trip.

The Valamines were a very wealth pair of Altmers, and thankfully lived in the country, away from other cities. This would make my job much easier.

I could feel a storm coming, so I knew I had to act quick. My goal was to enter the house, and look for anything valuable, and then get out. I have been tracking her movements for the past week. Everyday Elante leaves her house at 9 o’clock at night to take walk through the garden, and then through the woods that surrounds their property. She is always gone no less than a half an hour, and no later than an hour and a half. I’ll have to work quick, but I shouldn’t have any problems. During the night I have looked into the house, and I have not seen any bodyguards or dogs, so this should be an easy job.

Finally, Elante left the house, and started down the dirt road toward the garden. I waited until she round a corner and was out of sight, and then I went to the door. I had already inspected the door and I knew it was a three-tumbler lock. I carefully unlocked the door, and entered the dark house. Just as I expected their house was absolutely magnificent! Everything looked as if it was custom made.

As I crept upstairs I looked at the photos on the walls incase I noticed anything of great value. I have been a thief for a long time, and I now only steal very expensive items. Unfortunately I usually spend the money I get for the items as soon as I get it. My employer is a Bosmer just like myself. His name is Thoronir. He has been my employer for about five months now. I searched all the cities throughout Cyrodiil, and finally I came to him in the Imperial City. He was the only merchant that would buy “hot” items. All the others were part of the Thieves Guild, and I didn’t want to join them anytime soon.

Thoronir told me that he once got into trouble with the other merchants in his city after he was caught dealing goods from people who had been killed by his contractor. Luckily he had weaseled his way out of it by claiming he had no clue what had happened. His partner, Agarmir, had been killed so Thoronir knew he could not be ratted out by his partner when he was already dead.

Thoronir was hesitated when hiring me, but finally decided that he could make a lot of money with the items that I was bringing in. To eliminate the chance getting caught again, he changed his store from a discounted goods store into a rare items store. This way he could make all the money he wants. He told the other merchants that his items were coming from all across Tamriel, and they believed him!

Thoronir has been issuing my missions since I was hired, and now he has me looking for some family relic the Valamines’ have. Before, I only stole goods that nobody would recognize after being stolen, but now he has me looking a statue made from glass. It was made somewhere here in Cyrodiil and it is supposedly worth a lot of money. However he says that he will not sell it to the public, but to another customer from another country. I think he said somewhere in High Rock.

The statue was somewhere upstairs. Once I got to the second level, I started searching the rooms. The first room I got to was the guest room. After a quick look knew that the statue wasn’t isn’t here, so I went to the next room. I looked out the window, and outside it was pouring down rain. I knew I didn’t have much time, but I didn’t panic. The room I was in now was the master bedroom. After glancing around I noticed a display case in the corner of the room. It was holding the item I was looking for. It was a five-tumbler lock, and it took me a few minutes until I finally got it unlocked. Just as I unlocked it, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I looked around and quickly rolled under the bed.

I took Lady Valamine a few minutes to get into the room. She must have changed in the restroom or something, because as soon as she came in the room, she immediately went to bed. I waited for what seemed like hours until she finally started to snore. I quietly got up and gently raised the display case in order to get the statue.

I then went downstairs and as I got to the door, it suddenly opened, and there stood Sir Alaric Valamine. He looked at me, and then at my hand that held the statue. He then gave me a menacing look and tried to hit me with a shock spell, but I dodged it only by inches. I got up, used a paralyze spell on Alaric, and ran outside before Lady Valamine had a chance to help her husband. I don’t know if he saw my face, but I have no doubt that he knows I am Bosmer.

Once I got to the Imperial City, I immediately went to Thoronir’s shop instead of my house in the Waterfront. It was midnight, and I knew that Thoronir would be asleep, but this was the first time I had ever gotten caught during a hit.

I quickly entered the shop through the back entrance using the key Thoronir gave to me. Like I expected, Thoronir was sleeping when I came into his room. I woke him up and he started cursing.

“Wake up Thoronir, wake up!”

“What is it Roderick, what on earth are you doing in my room at midnight!!”
“ Thoronir, I got the statue from the house, but on the way out I met Sir Valamine, and I barely escaped. I had to use a minor paralyze spell to get out.”

Thoronir was speechless for a few seconds, and then finally spoke. “But you have the statue right?”

I couldn’t believe it. “Yes, I have the statue. I barely escaped with my life, but yes, I have the stupid statue!!!”

Thoronir was puzzled by the panicking. “What are you worried about? They’re not going to catch you. Just calm down, go to your house, and go to sleep. I’m sure you’ll feel much better tomorrow.”

“Thoronir, he saw my face! He knows I am a Bosmer now. He’ll have the whole Imperial Legion after me tomorrow!” I said shouting.

“Roderick, there are thousands of Bosmer in Cyrodiil. There is no way that he’ll have the Imperial Army after you. He doesn’t know exactly what you look like, just that you are a Wood Elf. Everything will be just fine. It’s late and I want to try and go back to bed. Come by tomorrow and I’ll have your money. Don’t worry, everything will be ok, you’ll see.”

There wasn’t any point in arguing, and I could tell that Thoronir was getting agitated so I went back to my house at the Waterfront and tried to go to sleep, but I just couldn’t. I kept thinking that someone was going to bust through my door and kill me. Maybe Alaric wasn’t going to go to the Legion for help. He knows that the thief that stole his family heirloom must be a talented one. He might hire assassins to track me down.

I kept thinking about this, but I must have fallen asleep, because eventually I found myself in a dream. In it I was running away from Alaric, who was chasing me along with two other figures whom I didn’t recognize. I was running when I tripped on a rock and dropped the statue. When I went to pick it up I saw Alaric cast a fire ball at me. Just before it hit me I woke up drenched in sweat.

It was ten o’clock in the morning. I had slept in much later than I usual do. I normally wake up at around six so I can get a head start on my assignment. After stretching my aching bones I got out of bed and changed into some clean clothes. I had worn my clothes from last night to sleep. After I was dressed and had breakfast I walked over to Thoronir’s shop to collect my payment.

I arrived at Thoronir’s shop to find it locked. This was unusual because all the shops opened at eight in the morning. I knocked and waited for a few minutes. I knocked again but nobody answered. So I went around the back to find it locked as well, but I expected that, because we always leave the back door locked. I opened the door with my key and stepped inside. The shop seemed pretty normal. I called out for Thoronir but there was still no answer. I went up stairs to his bedroom. What I found was the whole room messed up like an explosion went off. On the bed was Thoronir. He was lying in a pool of blood. I checked his pulse. He was still alive. I started to pull him up from the pool of blood when he began to regain consciousness.

“Roderick….you have to get out of the city. They know you live here.’

“What….what are you talking about?” I was starting to panic.

“Someone else was in the house when you stole the statue. He…he was working for Valamine. Somehow…… they knew you were going to steal the statue. It was a setup. I’m sorry but I’m not going to make it. They came by last night to get the statue was from me. They…..saw you enter my house but did not see you leave. I wouldn’t tell them where you lived. They attacked me. I fended them off. There were only two of them. But they hit me as well.”

I looked in the corner to see two Dunmer dressed in dark robes. They were definitely dead.

“You…have to take the statue. There using it…..for something evil. It didn’t hit me until I killed the assassins. You have to find M’aiq. It turns out that doesn’t lie about everything. Talk to him. He will explain everything. He…he lives somewhere in the Jerall Mountains, north of Bruma. Ask around Bruma and see if anyone can give you directions. So about you payment, heh heh, I think the assassins took all of my money. The statue is under my bed. Take it to M’aiq. Good luck Roderick.”

He was dead! Thoronir was the only friend I had. He was like a father to me. Now he was gone! Whoever did this was going to pay dearly. I would travel to Valamine Manor right now, but that probably wouldn’t be a smart move. I guess I would have to travel to Bruma in search of this M’aiq fellow. I have heard stories about how crazy he is. I hope Thoronir was right. I wish he was still here to help me. I guess I’ll slip a note to the guard captain that something is wrong in Thoronir’s shop. I’m going to have to get out the city. I can’t let the captain know I was part of all this. The captain has a house in the Elven Gardens. I’ll drop note by his door before I leave. Now it’s time to get geared up and take the statue to M’aiq.

After I got dressed and geared up, I went to house of Captain Lex. Lex worked in the Imperial City a long time ago trying to catch The Gray Fox. The Gray Fox is the leader of a group called the Thieves Guild. The government tries to deny their existence, but they definitely real. One of their leader, Armand Christophe, lives in the Waterfront right next to my house. Around ten of their members live in the Imperial City as well. Thoronir told me that a couple of years ago Lex was transferred to another city. After an increase in theft in the Imperial City however, the captain was called back.

Before going I made sure that I had everything I would need on my journey. I would not be coming back for a long time, so I needed to make sure that I had everything. I would bring my twin silver short swords, my silver bow along with the arrows, and I also brought along a silver dagger. Every weapon I use is silver. Regular weapons like iron and steel do not affect ghosts and other undead creatures. Silver effects everything.

I also made sure to wear something comfortable. The journey will be long and tiring, so I wanted to wear something that will feel good. I’m wearing a simple dark leather green shirt and dark leather pants. Leather boots accompany by outfit.

After getting everything ready I proceeded towards Lex’s house in the Elven Gardens. The rich and famous lived in the Elven Gardens. Houses there were large and expensive. Also the hotels were very expensive as well. I got to Lex’s house. It appeared that nobody was home. I was about to drop the letter when I heard voices coming from around the corner, in the garden beside Lex’s house. I went to investigate the suspicious noises.

In the dark corner of the garden were three figures. One appeared to be Lex, and the others were dressed in black robes and were wearing what appeared to be dark red cloth masks. One of the robed figures was talking with Lex while the other was just listening. It was nighttime and they were not doing a good job of keeping their voices down.

“Will you please keep your voice down!? Do you want the whole Garden to hear us.?” Lex looked like he was getting angry.

“Don’t you smart off to me Lex! Just answer our question and we’ll let you go. Where is the list to all of the Bosmer living in the Imperial City. Our master needs the list, and we won’t stop until we get it!” The robed figure was getting upset as well.

“How dare you talk to an officer like that. I’ll have you arrested if you don’t show some respect!!”

“What are you going to do Lex, tell your precious Emperor? I hope I don’t let it slip out that you’ve been stealing government money to help fund your pathetic search for the Gray Fox. Give us the list now!!”

“I don’t have such a list. Ocato has all that information ever since he took over the Emperor position. Talk to him if you want that information.”

“Unfortunately we don’t have those connections. What do you think he would say if a couple of murderers from the Order showed at his doorstep. He wouldn’t be too happy. We’ll let you off the hook for now. You are lucky we use you for inside information. If you find out anything let us know.”

“Wait, there is one Wood Elf I know of. I know you guys killed Thoronir right? Well, there’s one elf who comes in all the time. I don’t know who he is but I’m pretty sure he lives in the Waterfront. You might want to check there.”

“Very good Lex. We’ll be seeing you very soon.”

“Why didn’t you guys get rid of Thoronir’s body? I know you had more men outside his house last night.”

“We knew he was going to die and we didn’t want to take a chance of getting any more members killed. Our numbers are thin at the moment, but that will all change soon.”

All of a sudden there was a poof of smoke, and the figures were gone. It seemed that there was no need to deliver the note. It seems that Lex is working for the robed figures. They said they were part a group called the Order. I have never heard of them. I needed to get out town fast.

I made my way out of the city and went on my way towards Bruma. It was north of the Imperial City, but it was a long way. I didn’t want to take a horse or even travel on the main road for fear of being caught by the robed figures. Who knows, maybe Lex has some men looking out for any Wood Elves. I planned on staying close to the road, but I wasn’t going to let anyone see me. That shouldn’t be too hard, being that I am a thief.

It was a cool night. The wind was blowing and it made it colder. I wish I had brought a coat or a robe. I traveled along the road for about five hours until I could not stand the cold any longer. I spotted a cave just a few paces off the main road. I investigated the cave to make sure there were not any bears or wolves. The cave was clear of any living thing. It was a small cave, barely enough room for myself. But investigating further with my torch I found that a hallway was blocked by debris, and that explained why the cave was so small. After looking around the cave, I made a fire and cooked some carrots over the fireplace. I used a pan that I always brought on my missions. After eating, I looked at my map and figured out where I needed to go in the morning. I wasn’t that far from my destination, but it was still far for walking. It would be another seven or eight hours until I reached Bruma. With the money I had left I hoped to rent a bed in the local tavern. However, if I found the location of M’aiq I would just head straight for him. No sense wasting money when I don’t have to. I only have two hundred septims and I need to make them last.

The next morning I awakened by voices outside the cave. It was still dark so it was probably early in the morning. I rose from the cold ground and went to investigate the voices.

“He isn’t on the main road and he hasn’t gotten to Bruma yet. Where could he be?” The two men talking where the same men talking with Lex.

“I don’t know but we better find him or Valamine will be furious. Are you sure we haven’t missed any caves? Wait, look, there’s a cave over there. Let’s go check. If he isn’t there then we’ll keep searching the woods. He’s got to be somewhere.”

Great, now they were coming in the cave. Without panicking I hid behind a big rock. I was trying not to make any noises when I realized I had left my back pack and all my food on by the fireplace. I quickly got the statue, but it was too late for the backpack. I also had my weapons near my bag, except for my dagger, which I keep with me at all times. I did not want to leave my swords and bow, but I had no choice.

The two figures crept in so quietly that I was startled when they past the rock I was hiding behind. As they went past me I tried to sneak out of the cave, but I accidentally kicked a small rock. They quickly turned around but before they had a chance to cast a spell on me I was running for my life. If it wasn’t for my speed they would have surely had me. As I was running away lightening bolts were going past me. They were trying to stop me but they were too far.

I kept running until I couldn’t run any more. I don’t know if the assassins were behind me, but all of a sudden I just collapsed and I guess I fainted. I don’t know how I happened, but when I woke up I was in someone’s house.

I got up very startled and I was looking around for a door. I thought I was being held captive by the assassins. Next, an old man came through the door, and I was about to attack the man, but he was accompanied by two guards. They were dressed in the yellow Bruma armor so I figured that’s where I was.

“It’s about time you woke up. You’ve been sleeping since we found you early this morning.”

I was so confused. “Where am I. Am I in Bruma? What happened to me and how did I get here?”

“Easy young man, we’re not here to hurt you. These two guards found you lying in the road and they brought you here to my inn. Yes, you are in Bruma. What were doing lying in the middle of the road?”

I thought about telling him about the assassins but I decided to keep my mouth shut for now. However I decided that this was a good time to ask about M’aiq. “I was on my way here trying to find a Khajiit named M’aiq. I guess I had too much to drink before setting off to Bruma. Thank you for taking care of me. By the way, do any of you three know of M’aiq’s location?”

The two soldiers looked at each other suspiciously and the old man looked at me rather mysteriously. “I’m sorry young man but I don’t know anyone of that name. You may want to ask the guards. No, you’ve never heard of the man either? I’m sorry but none of us can think of anyone of that name. Are you sure you have the right name?”

“Yes, I’m sure.”

One of the guards started to ask me questions. “What exactly are you here for kid?”

“Excuse me; I’m twenty-five years old. I’m not exactly a kid.” I was trying to avoid giving a reason for meeting with the Khajiit.

The two soldiers started whispering with each other, then they told me to take better care of myself, and then they left the inn.

After they left the old man immediately started asking some of his own questions.
“Young man, why are you looking for M’aiq?”

“Hold on a minute, I though you said you didn’t know who M’aiq is?”

“I did say that, but that was only because the two guards were standing right beside me. In fact, M’aiq and I are very good friends.”

I told the old man my story and after I was done the man looked me in the eye as if to find out if I was telling the truth. Then he told me a story of his own.

“Young man, let me tell you a story. M’aiq does exist. He lives in the Jerall Mountains, plotting against this Valamine you talk about. Valamine is in fact the leader of a group called the Order. This group supports the Prince of Oblivion, even though he was destroyed. They have been plotting to take over Cyrodiil for quite some time. M’aiq is the leader of a group that opposes the Order, although there are only two of us. , M’aiq and myself. Our other members have been killed by Order assassins. I am lucky to be alive. Thankfully they don’t know that I am part of M’aiq’s group. They also don’t know where M’aiq lives. In fact, I have not spoken to him in months. We are too afraid that our mail will be intercepted by the Order. But if what you say is true, then we must travel to his house to tell him of this news. The statue you speak of is of great importance to Valamine and his minions. We don’t know exactly what they need it for, but for whatever plan they have, the statue is vital for it to work. Come, we must travel now, for there is now time to rest. I’ll have my neighbor run the inn while we’re gone. I know you’re tired but we must get to M’aiq as quick as possible. Let us leave now.”

This was strange. I never thought in my life something like this would happen. While we marched towards the Jerall Mountains, the old man, whose name was Jak, told me that Thoronir had been part of M’aiq’s group, but left when members were being slain left and right. In fact, Thoronir was in the group for the first two months of when I stated working with him. We walked on for hours and hours. When we got to the edge of the mountains, the snow was coming down excessively and Jak finally decided to rest. It was getting dark and it was virtually impossible to see. We took shelter in a nearby cave. Jak was so tired that he almost immediately fell asleep. He was not young anymore, probably in his mid fifties. I was worried that maybe this weather would affect the old man, but he was so intent on finding M’aiq that I didn’t dare question him. All I could do was fall asleep and hope for good weather tomorrow.

The next morning the snow was pouring down just as hard as it was yesterday, but we went on anyway. With Jak leading the way I was confident that we would get through the snow unharmed. The mountains in the north were much bigger than I had imagined. I had not traveled past Bruma so I did not exactly know what to expect. The terrain was rough and we were constantly going up hill then down hill, and then up hill again. It was rough, but surprisingly I was having a tougher time hiking than Jak, who showed no sign of tiring. The old man was rather energetic for his age. I no longer worried about him, but I did fear for myself. This weather was a lot different than that of the Imperial City.

We traveled for about four or five hours when suddenly Jak was struck in the leg by an arrow. I turned around to see a hooded figure with a bow. It was someone from the Order! Finally they had found me. I quickly drug Jak behind a rock before he was shot again. All I had was my dagger so the fight would be one sided until I closed in on the assassin and forced him to use a melee weapon. Luckily the snow had died down a bit so maybe that would affect the accuracy of the archer.

I poked my head out from behind the rock and an arrow flew past my face. I immediately got up and charged the enemy. He tried to shoot me but he missed. Before He had a chance to hit me I threw my dagger at him. The dagger hit him right between the eyes, a perfect shot!

I ran over to make Jak was ok. He was and we both went over to take a look at the enemy. The Dunmer wasn’t carrying much expect for an iron short sword and an iron bow with arrows. I gave the short sword to Jak and kept the bow and arrows for myself. This would be the first time for a while that I had carried any weapon other than silver. I gave the sword to Jak because like me all he brought was a small dagger.

We went on our ways until we came to a fork in the road. Jak said that the passage to the right would lead is to our destination. It would be about another day until we reached M’aiq. We marched for another couple of hours until we decided to stop and rest. It was about noon and both Jak and I were very hungry. Since I did not have by cooking pan we had to tomatoes, carrots, celery and bread. We had water from a jug that Jak had brought along. Although I missed my cooked carrots the meal was very much satisfying, especially since I had not eaten since I ate in the cave before being tracked by the two assassins from the Imperial City.

That night it was very hard to sleep. It was air was extremely cold, and the hard rock floor of the cave did not help any. Luckily Jak had another jacket but failed to tell me until we got into the cave. I’m lucky I haven’t gotten sick from all this cold weather.

When I finally did fall asleep I had a terrible dream. I dreamt that I had been caught by the assassins and they had killed Jak. Lex and Valamine were there as well. They talked very loudly but I could not understand what they were saying. Stupid dreams! They kept talking, and then Lex and Alaric walked up to me. They both said a few sentences and then started to laugh at me. I looked around at my surroundings and I realized that there were hundreds of figures in dark robes. All the hoods were on so I could not see any of their faces. It appeared that we were in some type of shrine. There were green candles everywhere and although I was in a dream, I could almost feel the evil inside the shrine. I looked back at Lex and Alaric and then suddenly Alaric started to laugh and took out a knife from his robe. He brought the dagger up with both hands and then swiftly brought them down towards my head. Before it hit I woke up screaming.

“Shut up Roderick, I was having a wonderful dream! I hope you’re happy!”

The old man had started to become cranky. “Sorry Jak, I had a dream, no, a nightmare! You were killed by Valamine and he was about to kill me. There were hundreds of Order members circled around us!”

“Don’t worry about. I’m sure its’ nothing. But we’ll tell M’aiq when we see him. I think he can interpret dreams. I’m not sure, I can’t remember.”

After that we went back to sleep. The next morning we had some more bread and then set off. The snow had finally stopped and despite the bitter cold, the weather was nice. The sun was out and there wasn’t a cloud in sight. We did not encounter anyone that day. We also never stopped traveling until about ten o’clock at night. Jak decided to stop at ten o’clock. Once we started up the next morning it would be another five hours until we finally made it M’aiq’s house.

Jak woke me up in the middle of night. He told me that he heard voices outside. When he went to see he was two assassins. I asked him about any marks on their hoods, but he did not see any. He told me that he took care of them, but we needed to move out now before anymore came. So I gathered what strength I had left and we continued on towards the house of M’aiq. It was a little after six o’clock when finally reached M’aiq’s house. Jak knocked on the door five times. Then from the other side someone knocked three more times, and Jak responded with one knock. The door suddenly opened and a grinning Khajiit stood before us.

“Jak, what are you doing here? How are you? It’s been a long time since we last spoke, perhaps too long! Who is your companion here?”

M’aiq was obviously happy to see Jak, but he looked at me was a mysteriously looking stare, almost mesmerizing.

“M’aiq, this is Roderick. I’m afraid we have some bad news.”

Jak told the whole story, with a few additions by me, and M’aiq listened silently, absorbing everything we had to say. Once the story was finished M’aiq had something to say as well.

“Well, the time has finally come. Roderick, I’m glad you came to find me. I’m sorry about Thoronir. His mind wasn’t in the right place sometimes, but he will be missed. We could use him right now. But now we have to concentrate on the statue. Its name is the Statue of the Ages. It was once used by the Alyeids long ago. I’m glad you have it. If this would have fallen into the hands of Alaric, then the whole world is doomed. For a long time I tried to figure out the power of the statue. Finally, around two weeks ago, I was reading an old book and in it told of a power so strong that it was finally hidden by a wise mage who though that the statue would bring the downfall of the Alyeids. The power gave the user the invulnerability, but at a cost. The owner of this magnificent artifact was invulnerable to all attacks except for one thing. This one thing I have not been able to figure out but there is supposed to be a book that tells of the weakness. We must find this book in case the statue falls in the hands of Valamine. He needs this power if he wants to succeed in taking over Tamriel. The book also stated that long ago an evil sorcerer tried to take the power from the statue. Even I have not deciphered the location of the ancient book, but Valamine did long ago. For years he has tried to figure out how to gain the power, but so far he has been unsuccessful. It is remarkable that you alone took the statue.

Now what we have to do is destroy the statue once and for all. Reading up on an old book that was written long ago, a part of the book states that the statue must be taken back to its original place and maker. This obviously meant that the maker must perish and the statue should be placed in its originated home. Thankfully some of my sources have found out that this place is the Forbidden Cave. It is located northeast of Bruma, on a tall and snowy mountain. It used to be in use by the Empire, but it has been the home of Vampires for two hundred years. The place that I speak has no official name but many have called it the Forbidden Cave, due to its dangerous environment. Nobody has entered the cave and survived to tell the story. However that will have to change if we want to save the world. Now Roderick, I cannot force you to help us, but Jak and I are not getting any younger. We have to have someone of your youth. Will you aid us in the destruction of the Forbidden Statue?”

Before all this happened I was a simple thief trying to make a living. Now I was being asked to save the world. Things can sure change quick. “Of course I will help”.

All the way back to Bruma I kept thinking about what I should expect on entering the Forbidden Cave. Fighting the Order was difficult enough but vampires!? This was getting crazier by the minute. There was no way I would be able to defeat them. I might be talented with a blade but these vampires aren’t going to be anything like what I am used to. Their speed is unmatched by anyone and their sharp teeth are just waiting for someone to enter their home.

I have to admit for the first time I am actually scared. I don’t know why but for some reason I was not scared when facing members of the Order. Of course I haven’t faced the upper echelon of the Order but I still fought without fear nonetheless.

“M’aiq, how are we to defeat these vampires? They will surely be armed with nothing but the best armor and weapons. I am just a thief. I know you guys are ready for this kind of situation being because you have been trained to deal with these creatures, but how will I be able to hold my own against them?” I said.

“Young one, you must use more than a mere blade to deal with these foul creatures. Fighting skill will not be the only thing required to take out these vampires. You have to be smart. Quick decisions are critical against vampires because there are so fast. Flexibility and good awareness of the situation will help us in our quest. You have already shown these abilities by eliminating several members of the Order. It may not have been hard to you but that is because you possess something than most do not.”
“What are you talking about? I’m just a common thief, I am nobody special. It’s not like I’m a powerful sorcerer or anything. I can barely cast simple magic spells, and I don’t know one thing about destruction.”

“Ah, but that is where you are wrong. There is something deep down inside of you. I have felt it ever since I first met you. You do not know what I am talking about but someday you will.”

M’aiq was wise so whatever he was talking about had to be true. I was curious though. I want to know what is inside me. Perhaps it is something that I need to defeat the vampires. If so I certainly hope I find it soon.

The journey back to Bruma was quicker than I expected. Once we arrived at the city at noon M’aiq told Jak and me to rent three rooms at the local tavern. He wanted to make sure that we had some place to stay if we had to.

While M’aiq went to speak to the Countess Jak and I traveled the local tavern to rent a few rooms. When we walked inside the tavern we noticed that it was packed. There was hardly any room to walk, but the tavern was rather small. We rented our rooms and I went to take a nap. I was tired form the journey and I had not had much sleep for a long time. Jak decided to have a couple of drinks while he met with the owner of the tavern.

It felt like I had slept for only a short time but when Jak woke me it was already ten o’clock at night. Jak and M’aiq were both at my bedside.

“After talking to the Countess she has agreed that something strange is in the air. She said that a couple of Bruma guards saw two men in black robes walking into the forest outside of the city. They followed them but lost sight of them once they reached the edge of the wood. They continued their search and they stopped a cave surrounding by green candles. Green candles are a symbol of the Order. The guards knew this so they carefully entered the cave. Inside were green candles everywhere and the guards had sworn that they saw at least twenty dark robed figures. The guards reported back to the city and told Countess Narina Carvain of the situation. A platoon of guards were sent out to investigate but when the guards arrived at the cave all of the outside candles were gone. Inside the place was bare and it looked as if no one had been there in ages. This leads me to believe the Order knew the guards were coming. This means that they are somewhere near and are probably going after the statue.

The Countess agrees with me. The three of us will travel to this cave. We must kill all of the vampires that guard this statue. The battle will be tough but we have to do this. We need to keep our mission a secret. Carvain says the Council frowns upon the idea that the Order is still around. The Order will lay low for now because their numbers are too small. But if they get to that statue before were did then the world is doomed. We need to leave know. The Order was almost certainly on their way right now.

We set out towards the cave. The terrain was not easy but we kept on going. The higher we got more snow fell upon us. When we finally reached the cave there were three bodies on the floor. One was definitely a vampire but the other two were members of the Order. They had beaten us to the cave.

We crept inside to find that a huge battle was taking place. Swords and axes were clashing and spells were flying threw the air. There were vampires and Order members everywhere. We tried to bypass the battle and go straight for the statue but it was no use. We were spotted and suddenly we were now part of the horrific battle.

I took out my sword to defend myself against the vampire onslaught. They were as fierce as I had imagined. The attacks were so swift I barely had enough time to block their shots. Their ruby red eyes glared as we fought on. Somehow I managed to slay two but they kept. I wanted to find out if Jak and M’aiq were ok but I never had a chance.

As we fought on I was starting to get tired. I was now fighting Order members as well as vampires. After a while the fighting was starting to die down. It appeared that the vampires were defeated but there the Order was severely crippled.

I was able to gain pause for a second. I looked beyond the battle and I saw Valamine. He was running fast towards something. I looked past him and saw something gleaming in the back of the cave. It was the statue. I ran past everyone and headed for Valamine I had to stop him before he reached the statue. I was only several feet away from Valamine when he turned around and blasted me with a fireball. I immediate flew back into a wall but somehow I was not killed. I tried to get up but my left knee was throbbing. I looked on as Valamine climbed a set of steps and was right next to the statue. I watched as we laughed menacingly and picked up the statue. All of a sudden a bubble of bright red light surrounded him. The bubble totally engulfed Valamine. This lasted for about thirty seconds. Everything was silent and it was as if the world was frozen in time except for Valamine and me.

He then turned around and his face complexion had totally changed. He appeared darker and his eyes had turned to a dark red. He now had long teeth. That’s when I realized that besides his dark complexion he greatly resembled a vampire. His voice was much deeper and he started to walk slowly towards me.

I tried to get up and run but my knee wouldn’t let me. I looked down to see that my knee was covered I blood and a bone was sticking out of my leg. That’s when everything went black.


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