Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1219986-Scene-from-To-Dream-Of-Murder
Rated: XGC · Novel · Mystery · #1219986
This is a chapter from a work which I am doing. It is very violent, sexual and graphic.
Tucker Ross cruised down Duval Street, like a hawk looking for his next meal.

Watching and searching for his food. He had done this every day since arriving to

Key West. Duval Street was the street that everyone had to visit when they came

to Key West, Florida. It was the main street here in Key West and full of

attractions. All of the best shops where there and ninety percent of Key West’s

bars and clubs where located right here on Duval Street. One of the most famous

bars is “SLOPPY JOES”; it seemed that everyone who visited had to stop in at

least one time before returning home from their island vacation making sure to have

a drink and buy a “Sloppy Joes” t-shirt. People would come from all over to visit the

small island. It was known for its amazing sunsets and the sunset celebration that

would be held at Mallory Square on Front Street every night. There were musicians,

and artists, people giving massages, vendors and even a contortionist or two, all on

the square. Here there was music, fun and in the Keys the temperature stayed in

the warm to hot rage all year around. There were also other interesting places on

the island; Ernest Hemmingway has a home on the island that was now a large

tourist attraction which gets visitors daily. One would wonder if it was to see the

house or the famous Hemmingway cats. There was also the Mel Fisher Museum,

where treasure hunter Mel Fisher displayed the different treasure that he found on

his expedition. One of his most famous finds was the treasure of the ATOCHA.

There was always something to see in the Key West. Several major cruise ships

would dock there so there were always tourist roaming the streets and spending

lots and lots of money and getting very, very drunk. Here people felt safe doing

things that they would never do at home and would behave in ways that they would

never dream of behaving. Here they could do what they fantasized about without

really worrying about ruining the reputation that they worked so hard maintaining in

their real life. They left there inhibitions behind and delved in to the hedonist spirit

that they knew hid deep down inside of them. What they didn’t realize was that as

they were partying and drinking and enjoying the island life, some of their behaviors

were actually turning them in to volunteer victims. The one time cozy tropical island

was now a mini-Miami. It was always busy and very expensive. Downtown Key

West was party central. And if one wanted to leave the colorful downtown area,

there were always the beaches. The beaches were Tucker’s favorite part of the

island. And on those beaches where usually lots of beautiful young, tan and toned

bodies baking in the sun. They lay on the warm sands of the beach wearing bathing

suits that left absolutely nothing for the imagination and drinking copious amounts

of alcohol. Then there were those who took it as little further and went topless and

with the tiny little thong bottoms may have just as well been laying there naked.

Yeah, Duval Street was nice, lots of pretty things with lots of money, but it was the

beach that was a virtual cafeteria line for Tucker Ross.

Today the cruise ship Vera Cruise would come in to port. Tucker Ross had

signed up with one of those “Work Today, Get Paid Today” services and was going

to help with the docking of the large ship. It wasn’t one of the biggest cruise ships

that came in to port, but for what the job entailed and the time it was going to take

to do, the money was excellent and this gave him the chance to check out what

kind of pretty’s where coming ashore. Tucker Ross was hungry today; it was if he

hadn’t had anything in weeks. That last bitch that he had gotten wasn’t as fun as

he had hoped. Oh Sure she tasted good, he loved to taste the fear on her skin as

he ran his tongue down her spine. This bitch was full and firm and she had big

titties, the big plastic titties that rich women bought after their old titties got saggy

and ugly. Tucker didn’t like them, the old titties. He loved big titties, he liked to

squeeze them and bite them hard while he fucked her and when it was feeling so

good to him that’s when he bit off the nipple and swallow it, the bitch would scream

harder then and when she screamed harder he got harder. His cock felt like it

would burst, but he wouldn’t let that happen.

Donna had been lying on the sand, all oily from tanning lotion. That morning she

had gotten up early and thought she would work on her tan and show off her new

breasts that she had paid nearly five thousand dollars for, though the surgeon had

done a fantastic job and she knew the amount she paid was well spent. They were

one of her gifts to herself after the divorce. She decided to rent a bike and ride down

to County beach and spend the day there. She never could have imagined that this

was going to be the last day of her life.

That morning Tucker had taken a walk to the beach, looking at all the beautiful

bodies out on the beach was like scanning over a huge menu that he was going to

order from, then he had seen her coming out of the big stone bathrooms.

Something about her, the way she moved, and the tiny bikini she wore. This was

going to be dinner he had thought. He knew he had to watch her, follow her so that

he would lose her. He had been watching her all that morning waiting for the perfect

moment. He sat down at one of the stone picnic benches to watch her and to wait

for the perfect time to make his move. He was keeping his eye on the woman and

all the while he was thinking, planning what he was going to do her and how he was

going to do it. The thoughts made him hard. Across the street from the beach there

was a large piece of land, it had to be about five or six acres, where they were

getting ready to start working on it to build some new building. Right now though it

was open and the grass had grown up pretty high, high enough that he wouldn’t be

seen. There was fencing around the whole area and they usually kept it locked, but

one day he had been looking around the area he had found a place in the fence

where someone had gotten in before. Probably been some bum looking for a safe

place to crash for the night, but the hole had not been repaired yet and Tucker knew

this and he knew that this was going to be his gateway. He watched her all day

long. Followed her though the day. She didn’t leave the beach, which was making it

so easy. He watched her as she drank her margarita’s one after another. He

wondered for a moment why she was alone, but then figured this was meant to be.

The Fates had smiled upon him today and delivered him a fine meal. So he sat, he

watched and waited, like a professional game hunter, he waited patiently for his

moment to arrive. He had been waiting all day long and soon he knew his moment

would come.

As evening began to fall and the light of the sky began to fade, the beach goers

started to leave, one by one. She was still there, on the beach alone. There wasn’t

anyone around now, and he knew that she must have been really drunk. He walked

over to her. There she was, lying on her beach chair. She looked as if she was

asleep. He cleared his throat, “Excuse me Miss” he said, and his voice was deep

and sexy. The woman opened her eyes. “Are you planning to sleep here on the

beach tonight?” She looked around realizing that the sun was setting and darkness

would come soon and she was still on the beach. “Wow, I must have fallen asleep

after that last margarita. The beach bartender sure makes a strong drink.” She

smiled embarrassed. She looked at Tucker, he was a handsome man. Tall with

black hair and strong features but her eyes were still a bit unfocused. “No, I’m not

planning on staying on the beach tonight. My motel is down on Simonton Street. I

rode a bike here this morning, but I’m guessing I should probably take a cab back

to the motel now. I don’t think I’m in the shape to be driving anything, even a

bicycle.” She laughed. Tucker knew that the time to strike was now so he took the

chance which was laid before him “If you’d like I could give you a ride, save your cab

fare for when you really need it.” Tucker could feel his heart start to beat faster. He

could almost feel the blood moving through his veins. The anticipation of the day

had turned to an adrenaline rush that was pushing him forward on the hunt. He

wanted to take this bitch. He was going to take this bitch. Like a hunter in his tree

stand seeing that big twelve point buck he had been watching all day and now was

getting ready to take the shot and claim his trophy. His cock was hard right now,

big and rock hard and wanting to fuck this bitch. She looked up, smiled and said

playfully, “I don’t know you. For all I know you may be some psycho.” He grinned

at her a boyish grin filled with mischief and yet very sexy and seductive. He was a

handsome man she thought. This would be nice change from David, her recently

X’d ex-husband. “My name is Tucker” and he reached out to shake her hand. She

took it and noticed his strong firm handshake. A real man she thought. “I’m

Donna, Donna Mitchell.” “It’s nice to meet you Ms. Mitchell” he said in the most

polite voice that he could muster up. “So shall I give you a lift back to your

motel?” “Sure, why not, I could use the company.” He helped her up and she got a

better look at him. He was definitely handsome. The black hair cut short and

stylish, though it was dark, she could see that his eyes were what appeared to be

grey. He had a scar on the right side of his face that went from his high strong

cheekbone to his chin, but she thought it was appealing, even sexy. It gave him a

special something but she wasn’t quite sure of what it was. He was very tan with a

body that looked as if he worked out. He was definitely a beach body she thought.

He was wearing a white t-shirt and knee length surfer style blue shorts and he was

barefoot. And over his shoulder he carried a green back pack. Donna looked at

him; she hadn’t been with anyone in over six months. Here she was in paradise

she thought to herself, with a nice looking man that she knew that she would never

see again. She wanted to do something crazy, something so out of the realm of

normal for her besides buying herself a new pair of boobs. And she wanted to get

laid. She wondered what this man would do if she offered herself to him. Would her

reject her? Or would he take her and give her what she wanted, to be taken and

made love to? She pondered these thoughts as she stood there with him and

decided what the hell. She looked at Tucker; she saw that he was watching her, as

if he was reading her body language. “Are you OK?” he asked. She looked at him;

she untied her bikini top and let it fall on the ground. She stood there for a moment

waiting as he looked at her beautiful 32-D breasts. They were firm and stood there,

as if waiting for him to reach out and touch them. She didn’t have to wait long. He

reached up and grabbed one gently in his hand, rubbing the nipple with his index

finger. Ahhh, he thought, this bitch is a whore. She is going to give it to me. Tucker

didn’t want it given to him, he wanted to take it and that is exactly what he was

going to do. He leaned down and took her nipple in his teeth and bit it. She said

something but the blood was in his ears now and he couldn’t hear anything. He

stood up and looked at her, “we can’t do it here, and security patrols the beach

regularly. We don’t want to get arrested.” She nodded and he took her hand. “Wait

a minute let me put my top back on.” She said. “NO, I want you to stay just like

that.” He took her by the hand and led her across the street to the field. They

walked around to the back of the fence where the opening was and they went

through it. They walked to what he figured was the center of the field before they

stopped. He opened his back pack and pulled out a blanket. She didn’t see the

red ball gag that he had pulled out with the blanket. That would be her surprise.

Donna felt excitement rushing through her. She was going to do it. She couldn’t

believe it. The mild spoken accountant from South Carolina who never dreamed of

coloring outside of the lines was about to have sex with a stranger in an empty field.

She would probably burn in hell for this one she thought to herself and smiled. This

was right out of one of those smut novels she sometimes read. She felt the

excitement between her legs. Always the church girl, ultra conservative would

certainly describe her; Donna Mitchell had lived a quiet, boring life. Her and her

husband of five years, David, never had children and really never even had a

marriage. Oh they had sex every now and then, but she new that it was a marriage

out of convenience to both. Share the bills and work for a common goal. The goal

turned out to be his goal and the marriage/partnership began to fall apart when she

found the phone number of a woman named Cassidy in his pockets when she was

doing laundry one day. When she asked him about it David had simply said that

she was just a friend and she had nothing to worry about. It turned out however that

Cassidy was more that a friend to David. She had suspicions about the whole

friend story and she was right. Cassidy was actually David’s little playmate on the

side. He had been with her on and off for years and refused to end it with her, so

finally Donna ended it with him. When the divorce was final Donna decided to

celebrate her new found freedom, first thing she did was find a good plastic surgeon

and had her breast enlarged and then she decided to take a two week vacation to

paradise. She hadn’t been in Key West a day when she had met Tucker Ross. Now

here she was, getting ready to have sex in a field with a very handsome stranger.

Little did she know this was going to be the last vacation she went on.

Tucker had spread out the blanket in a place where there was a little clearing in

the high grass. The spot was rocky and there were sticks and rocks and the ground

was hard. He wanted it to hurt and be uncomfortable when he did her, he took the

ball gag the back and hid it beneath the top left corner of the blanket where he

would be able to get to it quick and easy. He took Donna and laid her down hard

and pulled off the bikini bottom. Donna started to get nervous, something seemed

wrong. He spread her legs and looked at her. What a lovely pussy you have, it’s

all wet and pink and your button is so big and swollen. He was so ready. He leaned

down between her legs and licked her. OK she thought, maybe he just played a

little rough. This was feeling good. He spread her lips and sucked on her clit. This

tickled a bit and made her squirm. He suddenly stopped and rose up on his knees

and then he slapped her hard across the face. “Stay still bitch” he said. Donna was

shocked. What the hell was going on here? She had to get away now! “Look, this

is a bad idea. I wanna leave now.” Tucker laughed. “Leave? No, I don’t think so.” He

was expecting this part, the part where she would want to leave and with that he

leaned on top of her and grabbed the ball gag from under the blanket. He moved

quickly and before Donna had the chance to do anything he had straddled her chest

and pinned her arms to her side. He leaned forward put the strap over her head and

forced the red ball in her mouth. Donna’s eyes were wide with fear. He fished

through the back pack that was near her head and pulled out the hard plastic

restraints that looked like cable ties, he was so heavy and she couldn’t breathe. He

moved so he could release one arm at a time, she tried to fight but he slapped her

hard across the face again got her hands and tied her wrist together. There it was.

What he had been waiting for, the smell of fear. There is a scent that a person

releases when they are truly scared. It mixes with the sweat that comes out of the

pores on the skin. So faint, yet noticeable. Tucker loved that smell. He lived for

that smell. To him it was like the smell of very fine cologne. He leaned down and

inhaled the smell from her and then he ran his tongue down the length of her neck.

Donna began to scream but the sound was muffled by the gag. Donna knew that

she was going to die. She knew somehow that nothing she could do would get her

out of this alive but she wasn’t going to let him kill her with out a damn good fight.

She was ready to fight for her life and she was going to.

Tucker’s excitement was consuming him. His cock was ready to enter her, but he

couldn’t do it just yet, he wanted to play with her some more. He had waited all

damn day for this and he was going to make sure it was going to last all night.

Every time she screamed he would slap her hard, but not hard enough to knock her

out. He wanted her to feel what was happening to her. He wanted her to know

every sensation he wanted her to be able to feel him sucking the life out of her. He

ran his tongue down her chest in between her breast. “What nice titties you have

Donna, they look expensive, were they? Look how the nipple stands up for me when

I run my tongue over it.” He circled the right nipple with his tongue and then bit it

hard. She screamed again and tears began to stream down her cheek. His tongue

circled the left nipple sucking at the same time and his hand was squeezing the

right breast hard and he would pinch the nipple and while he did that he bit in to the

left nipple and he could taste the blood. She was crying hard now. His tongue

moved down now, down her hard, flat belly and found her belly ring. “You work out

don’t you Donna? You must, your body is so tight and flat. And this lovely little fairy

hanging on your belly, it’s so cute.” The belly ring was a silver fairy holding

diamond. His tongue went in to her belly button, Donna was crying and trying to

fight him off, and he rose again and punched her this time, the blow landed hard on

her cheek. “I love how you fight, I want you to fight Donna” and then went back to

the belly ring. He took it between his teeth and with one swift movement he yanked

it out. She screamed again as pain shot through her. He took out his cock now,

held it in his hand, squeezed it and showed it to her. “Look at this monster; it’s so

hard right now, hard for you Donna”. He moved forward and rubbed it on her face.

She saw that he had on a condom. If he came in her there wouldn’t be any semen

to help find him or identify him. She tried to turn away but it was impossible. She

wanted to throw up. He could see the fear in her eyes; smell it on her skin and it

made his excitement rise even more. The smell of it filled his senses. He went

down and licked the blood from the place where the belly ring had once been. He

didn’t know how much longer he was going to be able to wait. He moved between

her legs. She brought her tied hands down and hit him hard, the blows landed on

his head and shoulders and she squirmed trying to get away. Again he rose on his

knees and this time punched her several times before grabbing her by her hair

pulling it tight between his fingers. “Bitch, do that again and I will bite off your clit

and spit it at you.” Donna knew that this is something that he would so she

stopped. Her fight was gone. She was going to die, she knew it and there was

nothing that she could do but lay there and cry. He was between her legs now,

licking her and sucking her clit. He actually was being gentle at that moment. She

didn’t k now why, it scared her, she knew something horrible was going to happen.

He licked tenderly and ran his tongue along the inside of her vaginal lips gently

tickling and massaging her clit and then she realized what he was doing, he was

going to make her cum. And the horrifying thing about it was that she was about

to. She hated her body right now, couldn’t believe that with all that was happening

to her she was going to cum, this to her was its ultimate betrayal. She felt the

climax coming and as she began to cum he sucked her juice out of her and when

he finished if felt as if he rammed three fingers deep inside of her sending a blast of

pain in to her that felt as if someone had stuck her with a hot poker. He fucked her

for few more minutes and then showed her what had just penetrated her. To her

disgust what she thought was his fingers that had penetrated her, was actually a

large stick that had been lying on the ground next to him. “Didn’t that feel so good?

Then he did it again, licked her to orgasm and then penetrated her brutally repeating

the same pattern for what seem to be hours. He loved the humiliation of making her

cum like this. That was just a little preparation before I get in there.” Donna began to

vomit and gag. “Oh no bitch, I’m not going to let you have the pleasure to choke to

death on your own puke” He moved the ball a little, so the vomit could escape and

then replaced the red silencer. “Glad I didn’t plan on kissing you.” And he went

back between her legs. He looked up at her before going back to the meal that was

laid before him like a banquet and said “damn, you came so hard I thought I would

get washed away in all that juice.” Donna was in shock now, or so she hoped. She

silently prayed for this to be over. But it wouldn't be. It wouldn’t be over for a long


He parted her lips again and rubbed her button. He wanted to make her cum

again. Her insides hurt. She could feel sticky fluid as the stick penetrated her over

and over she knew that it tore the tissue of her insides and it felt as if he would rip

her cervix apart with the stick. Finally he took his swollen member and started

rubbing her clit with it, up and down, then teasing the vaginal opening. When she

thought she couldn’t feel any sicker any more disgusted, this final violation topped it

off. He plunged in to her; the force of him was like a train. He was hard and heavy

on her body and inside her. She lay there unable to move, no longer able to

cry. “Oh, you feel good bitch. Yeah, you were worth waiting for, even after all that

you are still so tight and so wet.” The drool dripped from his mouth in to her ear as

he whispered the words to her. She could smell his sweat on him. “Oh your pussy

is so good. I think I may fuck you here until the sun comes up and then I’ll kill you

and leave you for the birds to eat. Doesn’t that sound good?” His thrusts became

harder and went deeper. Maybe I’ll fuck your ass to, what do you think about that

Donna? Would you like that Donna?” he said her name mockingly. His hand moved

and slid under her, he forced his fingers between her buttocks and stuck his index

finger inside, and Donna squeezed her eyes shut. The pain she was feeling was

beyond anything that she could have ever imagined and now he was doing this,

penetrating her ass. “Oh God, where are you?” He kept his finger inside her and

then his mouth moved down to her breasts again. He started sucking the left

nipple, biting it, sucking some more and then she felt the fire fill her chest, he had

just bitten it off. She opened her eyes; the she couldn’t hear herself screaming

anymore, she couldn’t hear anything. All she could do now was feel. She was

feeling everything. Everything that was happening to her, she felt the rocks and

sticks that were beneath the blanket digging in to her back. She was feeling

everything. It was as every nerve was exposed. She never dreamed pain could be

this bad. This had been going on forever it seemed. She opened her eyes to see

him looking down at her with the sickest smile she had ever seen. She finally

decided he was a demon. He had to be. As he smiled he she saw that he was

chewing on something and then she realized what it was, he was chewing on the

nipple that he had bit off. The shock brought a wave of nausea over her and then

she noticed that he swallowed it. She vomited again. This time he didn’t remove

the ball gag. “Oh go ahead and puke if you want, choke on if for all I care, you’ll be

dead soon anyway.” He leaned down to the other breast and this time without

hesitation he bit off her other nipple and as she screamed again he came, spilling

his seed inside the condom that he had been wearing. The force of the orgasm that

he just had experienced made him collapse on top of her. A few minutes later he

got off of her. He pulled up his shorts and stood up. Donna lay there, she didn’t

move. He went in to the back pack and brought out a pair of scissors. He grabbed

a handful of her hair and with the dull scissors he started to cut chunks out of her

hair just because he could. She still didn’t’ move. It was time to throw the remains

of his meal away. He left red ball gag in place. He went back in to the pack and

this time pulled out a large black handled knife, the kind of knife that the fishermen

used to gut and filet large fish. He straddled her legs, he didn’t care if she tried to

fight him with her hands, he knew she didn’t have the strength left in her; the first

slice that he made started at bottom of the center of the rib cage and brought the

blade down to the pubic bone. She was laid open like a big fish which was about to

be gutted. He was right. She had lost her will to fight, the will to live had been

sucked out of her and now she didn’t move as he killed her. She just accepted his

gift of release. The incisions were jagged but once he got through the first layer the

blade appeared to cut a little better. He then pulled the flesh apart with his hands.

When he got to her intestines and internal organs he pulled them out and cut them

to pieces. It was still dark, it had only taken about seven hours to get his fill. Her

blood was all over him, it felt so good; warm and sticky. There was a pool of blood

beneath her. She lay there dying, bleeding to death with her mutilated intestines

lying next to her. Tucker got up, licked some of the blood off of his fingers, then he

pulled his blanket from beneath her and her body rolled of the blanket and on to the

ground. She was lying face down on what used to be her stomach. Her face turned

to the side. The last thing Donna Mitchell would see before she died was the steam

rising off of her intestines that lay next to her in a pile next to her face.

He thought about taking her across the street and dumping her in the ocean, the

barracudas and sharks would eat her. That would be a good way to get rid of the

remains. One problem that he faced with that was how would he get her across the

street? There was so much blood. The bitch was small but she sure bled a lot he

had mused to himself. He sat and thought about it for a minute. He knew that he

was going to leave bloody foot prints. He didn’t really care. For all it was worth,

there wouldn’t be a lot of his evidence to connect him. After all, he didn’t have a

record anywhere. He decided that he would just walk across the street and clean

up in the beach. Then as he started to leave he thought he heard something. Was

it footsteps? Impossible! No one had seen him bring the bitch here. But Tucker felt

like he was being watched, like he wasn’t alone. Something was wrong, he could

feel it. He had just left the body and was about to go back to the pier when he

thought that he had heard a scream. Was the bitch still alive? Was it her that he

heard? Then he heard something running. He had turned and started to run in the

direction of the steps but couldn’t see anything. He still heard the footsteps, running

faster, they reached the fence and then the noise had stopped. But he knew there

had been something out there with him. He just couldn’t figure out what it was, not

that he cared. He sat there a minute before going through the hole in the fence and

remembered what had happened when he was shopping for his last meal. He sat

there replaying his last victim in his mind. He wanted something young and tender

this time, so he had went Bayview Park and had picked out what would be a nice

little morsel of a boy. He had stood there watching the boy for a long time when he

finally had decided to try to call him to him. “Psst, hey kid come here a second,

you want to see something really cool?” he remembered coaxing the boy to him,

but he had looked up for some reason, he had heard something, like a far away

voice calling for the kid not to go to him, he wasn’t sure, but he had looked up and

didn’t see anyone, but he did think he had seen something, what, an apparition?

Maybe it's a trick of the sunlight, but when he looked up, about fifty feet from him he

thought he saw a shift, like the air moved or shifted in some strange way. Tucker

remembered how weird that was, but he chalked it up to being hungry and he had

soon forgot about the strange visual all that he was thinking about was his hunger

and now he was about to eat.
© Copyright 2007 La_Bruja (la_bruja at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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