Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1216871-Who-knew-god-could-be-so-crule
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Spiritual · #1216871
Barry stepped into a dark and cold room .
Barry stepped into a dark and cold room . His hands were shaking and beads of sweat were rolling off his forehead and on to his soft cheeks. h-hello  a wooden old door slammed closing him into the dark room. Three what looked to be demons came out from the shadows, lurching forward to Barry in a creepy manner .Barry stepped back against the door, pressing all his weight onto it. “Your supposed to be dead  . said one of the the demons, he was tall and lanky, and his voice sounded like something had almost ripped his voice box out. Barry recoiled at the sound.
Another demon spoke “ let it slip”, it said in English but with a Spanish accent. Barry pushed on the door harder with his back hoping it would open and he could escape.”w-what are you talking about? L-let what slip?”  Barry said as he was now pushing harder on the old door. Another the other demon spoke up his voice sounded icy”you were 13..don’t you remember?” “What do you want from me?” Barry was sweating harder than before now his legs felt like they were going to melt, his heart was racing. All three demons slid in front of Barry. Barry jumped and tried not to fall onto his knees in fear. “The blade Barry”. Spanish said.” what-what do you want me to do? ”
All the demons chimed in “ we want you to do it again” “uh..sorry I-I gave t-that up for lent..you see..” Barry reached back of him and banged on the door with his clammy fist. “This time we want you to do it with -feeling” icy said. With the demons minds they pulled Barry’s hands to the side of him facing outwards, like he was about to be crucified. Barrys nerves tightened and he screamed in pain. The three demons worked with what they call “memory murder” what they do is make you remember a painful time in your life, play it back into your head, like it was really going on and when you get to the point where you might have died they make you kill yourself in real life at that very moment. Example: if in your memory’s say your having a family get together with a bon fire and your standing in front of the fire, they make you move into it and you catch on fire when you walk into it. Barrys first 13 years flashed before his eyes. Until one night he was crying. Barry could see himself in his room holding that desperate blade like it was the last thing he would ever hold. Barry struggled from the demons clutches and thought about the door handle. He never thought about it at the time but the door handle if you touch it the slightest it could let you out. But the demons had a hold of him so tight he could not budge. The demons pumped more energy into Barry. Barry went back to that night, Barry screamed and saw himself taking the blade to his wrist. Barry screamed again to the demons but they didn’t budge.
He saw the blade touching his skin, the pressure built on his skin like pressing a button. The razor pulled across his skin harder. Blood started trickling down his arm and falling in front of the demons. Barry was not a very religious man but when he snapped out of it he said the only words he thought he would never say “ oh god no” Barry closed his eyes and felt the demons release there grip and he fell onto his feet. Barry opened his eyes. He founf himself standing in a white room. He felt relief when he was in that room. No stress ,no pain. His eyes focused on a little girl kneeling on the ground with her head down. Barry walked up to the little girl. The little girl rose her head. He never seen anything so beautiful. Her skin was tan and clear. Her hair was dark brown and encircled her face, but the most intriguing quality was her eyes. They were pale blue, as blue as the clearest skies. “ Barry” the little girl said softly. Her voice was two toned one high and one low, it was mystifying. The little girl stood up and stared at Barry. Barry was frozen solid, just looking at this little girl. “ do you know, why you were taken to that horrible place Barry?” a silence stood between them. “N-no” Barry said, still frozen.  The little girl started to walk around Barry in a slow but steady manner.”do you know why you were taken out of that horrible place?” the little girl stopped in front of Barry and looked into his eyes.”of course not” she said. “Let me ask you one more question Barry, do you know a etrnyty uralia ever heard the name? She said. “No -w” the little girl interrupted him.”she had a rough childhood not as easy as some other children. The three evils you saw in the caves..they were part of her childhood.. As is the saying “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” that was what they expressed. The one spoke first..how did you put it?? “an almost tore out voice box” he was the speaking, obviously. The Spanish speaking evil was seeing. And ice, was hearing. They were all part of her childhood.. The things she saw,”. Barrys mind flashed and saw things she saw horrible things. The little girl continued.”the things she heard.”. Barry heard horrible things as well, whispers and screaming. “ and she could not speak about these experiences.”. “but why me?” Barry exclaimed.
The little girl walked to Barrys side. “Ill show you” she grabbed his hand and they started going throught this sort of vortex, colors and shapes were everywhere then they came out into this room. A women was sitting in a country styled chair knitting a blanket. And on the couch that was pattered just like the chair sat etrnyty. Her legs curled up on the cushion and her head on a pillow watching t.v. “So..where are we?”Barry said as he was looking around at all the old lamps and figurines. “ we.. Are at etrnyty’s house, you see before this day she never knew exactly how important she was to the universe, heaven-and hell.”.” heaven and hell?” Barry said and looked at the girl.” yes Barry.. You see she knew she felt alone but she never knew how alone.” “What do you mean?” Barry said. “You’ll see.” the little girl didn’t move her eyes away from etrnyty. Barry looked over at etrnyty and saw she was thinking of something very intently. Etrnyty had long brown hair, black eyes and looks that could kill. Etrnyty looked over at her aunt jo.” aunt jo? “ ”yes?” her aunt said in a stern way.”if one was to ask the devil for something and then quickly say no would it not come true??” the room faded in in etrnyty, the walls turned black as ebony. The expression on etrnyty’s face turned to pure sorrow. She could see hell and all that implies. This was a curse this stayed with her for months..years even. She htought she was going crazy. Every time she would find relief, her curse would push harder on her soul. She thought that if she cut herself you know, give in a little it would stop. It didn’t stop. She was 13 when they started. When she was 14 she thought she was betrothed to the devil thinking when she died she would be his queen. But she still wouldn’t give in. She went into Satanism thinking again if she gave in a little they’d ease up. No, it didn’t stop..she could still hear the demon say things to her when she was 16.. By now she learned to speak with them, argue with them and sometime Satan himself..now she knew she was special so she thought up a good name for herself.” wait so etrnyty’s not her real name??” Barry said. “ she thought she was special so...wouldn’t you want a special name?.. she needed a new name for herself she thought of everything. Then she realized that she was like a goddess and lived for eternity. So she looked at her name it had 7 letters and she changed e-t-e-r-n-i-t-y to e-t-r-n-y-t-y. “ what was her real name?”. “colleen” the little girl said. “ okay what does this have to do with me now?”  Barry said. The girl looked at Barry.”cause believe it or not you helped her when she was at her most desperate time.” “How?” Barry said. “Before you were born you were a dragon, raised to help people in most grave need.”
“ that’s impossible” Barry exclaimed.” no  Its impossible for someone to go threw this and survive ..but you helped her though it, you have a week to prepare.” “ prepare for what??” “ the most unforgettable fight” the girl said as she looked at Barry with piercing eyes. The girl was disappearing into white feathers and drifting into the air. “ wait  What’s your name” “that’s not important Barry, prepare for it”. The girl started to say something but Barry couldn’t make out what it was at this point she had already left. Now he was standing in a white room all by himself. “Now what?” he said to himself.

Barrys alarm clock sounded. He awoke to sun beaming into his bedroom. His arm flew through the air and knocked his alarm clock off the night stand and stopped beeping. He rolled on his back and stretched. He noticed something on his arm. He looked and it was a scratch with dried blood on his arm. Barry panicked..” oh my god”

         -to be continued
© Copyright 2007 Colleen (etrnyty at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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