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Rated: E · Short Story · Other · #1212760
ghost who asks boy to repair the mistake that he made.

“Hey, let’s go explore the lake!” Rob yelled. His suggestion was met with roars of approval, and the whole gang thundered down the dirt path through the woods toward the big green-black lake. The boys splashed in the water, screeching excitedly as the hours slipped silently past. The sun rapidly traveled down and its long shadow glittered on the water. The gang had already gone home and mike sat there alone, his feet dangling in the dirty water. Little fishies nibbled at his toes and he relaxed with his back against a tall oak. Suddenly a strange whistling breeze swept his black curls against his forehead. The breeze persisted, pushing him back, he gasped with the sudden coldness that gripped him an seeped into his bones. All of a sudden, a cold clammy hand grabbed his ankle. “Leon,” mike said softly, bur firmly, “please let go”. A hazy shimmering figure arose from the water. It w2s a tall, regal boy with green eyes scattered with flecks of blue and sandy straight hair falling over his eyes. He looked faded, like an ancient photograph. Leon slowly floated over to mike his eyes twinkling mischievously. Mike chuckled and shook his head “why do you always do that, the first time we met, I almost fainted from fright!” Leon stared at him piercingly. “We must being, cease the aimless chatter. Mikes deep pleasant laughter echoed across the lake. “Okay, okay” but what exactly do you want me to do, I don’t understand.” They sat and talked for a long time until mike suddenly leapt up. “My mom’ going to worry and its way past dinner. So I better get gong. “Leon’s eyes filled with sadness, then he stated firmly, “will you undertake this sacred responsibility?! Mike grinned. “Ill try” he said simply. Then he strode home his smile never flickering. Leon watched him go. Then with a deep, heartbreaking sigh, he sank back into the black lake.
“Drip drop, drip, and drop”, mike forced open an eye. His straw mattress was soaked and had a musty odor. Steady pitter-potter of rain was leaking through the thin roof and the decrepit house rocked in the face of the merciless storm. Through the noise of the rain mikes ears caught the sound of a thin wailing. He was about to turn over, find a dry corner and go back to sleep, when Leon’s earnest words shot into his groggy mind brushing away all vestiges of sleep. “Open your heart to others” with a sudden burst of energy mike rocketed out of bed, toward the sound. He knew it was coming from outside because it sounded far away. He stepped outside into the steady downpour. In the middle of the dirt road lay a small shrieking bundle. Its desperate cries were growing fainter and weaker. Mike stared at it. All his life he’d been taught to ignore the helpless and the weak. In his community the handicapped were shunned and ridiculed. He had never given it much thought, because that was the way it always was. Suddenly the small bundle chocked back a cry and stopped. Mikes hear twisted in pity. Then he moved with sudden alacrity lifting the half frozen baby, dashing inside, lighting a fire, laying the baby down before the warmth, flying back outside and coming back with a warm bucket of sweet smelling milk. He held the now warm baby and fed him with filling milk. The baby had dark blue, inquisitive eyes and soft brown hair. He looked to be about eight months old. After an hour or so the little boy fell into a fitful sleep. Mike placed him gently in his sister’s old crib and crawled back into his mattress. Mike closed his burning eyes and dreamed.

He was in a gargantuan palace with high domed ceilings and laden with glistening chandeliers and lamps. The walls were decorated with rich oil paintings and detailed tapestries depicting battles in history. He was sitting at a long oak table with the king, a tall man with sharp, shrewd features and darting black eyes and the queen a hideous women, her eyes green and cold, her features set in a fierce scowl. They ate the feast get before them carelessly, calling servant to take different foods away and to bring more lavish dishes to the table. They talked about getting more gold. They were discussing the gold with strange gleams in their eyes. Like one possessed. Mike felt repulsed. Presently, a tall regal boy pranced into the room.
“Leon”! His father cried delightedly, how do you think we should get more gold out of the people? “Leon shrugged and smiled.
“You’re the king father”, he drawled and then attacked the food with gusto. Suddenly, the scene changed and mike was outside. The skies were an azure blue and the sun was shining bright, but no one was about. Then the earth lurched horribly and everything was in a hazy distortion. Water was everywhere.

Mike awoke with a start; drenched in cold sweat his heart beating like a drum.
“Leon’s story”, he whispered in shock. He said he’ll send it to me in a dream”
“mike!” his mom yelled. “Wake up already!” mike rolled out of his mattress and ran to his sister’s old crib. “You okay, little thing?” he whispered affectionately. The baby screamed and mike picked him up, holding him awkwardly, desperately trying to hush his loud cries.
“Mike!!” his mom screeched. “who is that?” come here right now!” mike ran to the kitchen, thrust the screaming baby in his mothers arms and collapsed into a hard wooden chair, breathing hard. Mike suddenly exploded in hysterical laughter. He laughed and laughed and laughed until his five year old sister Kara started giggling too. There laughter immediately halted as mikes dad walked into the kitchen.
“What’s going on here!?” he demanded furiously “and who is that! He spat. Mike coughed a few times and explained. A collective gasp was heard and then everyone started at the baby. On its left leg was a birthmark, stretching from his knee to his toes. Then the shocked silent was broke by Mrs. Myers. “You took in a damaged baby, “she said her voice strangely thick, and chocked. The meal finished in shocked silence, except for the babies cheerful babbling. Mike went outside and saw the gang playing a game of tag. When they caught sight of him they ran up to him slapping his back and exchanging greetings.
Cant play now” he said mysteriosly and walked away. “Where you gong, “they asked curiously, forgetting their game and following him. “Oh, you’ll see, he grinned. He walked to the big pile of wood, and grasped a plank. The boys helped him bring planks of wood to a big clearing, constantly shooting questions at him. “What are you building? “Why and for what are you building?” he simply grinned and said “you’ll see”. In a few weeks the entire house was complete. The gang anxiously awaited mikes arrival, since he had told them he would answer their questions the next morning after the house was completed. He finally came with about 15 or so people behind him. They wall were either too poor, or disabled or not perfect in someway. The boys stared, dumbly as realization struck.

From that day and onward the people in the town of Shiloh learnt to care. They brought food to the house and people from all over came to live in this wonderful caring and sharing town.
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